Graves: Congress’ work is ‘unfinished’
by Diane Wagner, Staff Writer
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Tom Graves
Tom Graves
U.S. Rep. Tom Graves, R-Ranger, said he expects the new two-year session just ramping up to be a continuation of the fights started under the 112th Congress.

“This isn’t a debate about political parties,” said Graves, who is beginning his second full term representing Northwest Georgia. “How do we

preserve and protect America for future generations — that’s what this quest is about.”

Congress’ overall approval rating is at 9 percent, according to a poll released this week by Public Policy Polling, and 85 percent of respondents view it unfavorably.

The poll conducted Jan. 3-6 put the federal governing body up against a series of disliked things to determine which was more popular. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

Percentagewise, Congress lost out to root canals, 32-56; lice, 19-67; France, 37-46; and the NFL replacement referees, 29-56. Respondents said they like Congress better than meth labs, 60-21; the Kardashians, 49-36; North Korea, 61-26; and the ebola virus, 53-25.

Graves said he views the work of the previous Congress as unfinished, and contends that a lot of positives came out of the session.

“We didn’t accomplish as much as I’d have liked, but we were able to ban earmarks,” he said. “And the normal expectation that government spending will continue, ... well, now there’s an expectation there will be a fight.”

With his constituents complaining that government has gotten too big and is taking too much, Graves said, “we have 16 trillion reasons” to fight for spending cuts to reduce the deficit.

‘New breed of ideas’

All pending legislation died Jan. 1, when the new session began, but Graves said he and other House Republicans will be refiling some important bills.

On Tuesday he signed on as co-sponsor of H.R. 25, the reintroduction of the FairTax. The measure would repeal the 16th Amendment, which created the federal income tax, and replaces it with a national sales tax.

“Rather than government taking a hunk of our paychecks before we even see them, taxpayers would choose when and how they are taxed, based on what they decide to purchase,” he said.

Graves also plans to resubmit his Transportation Empowerment Act when he finds a replacement for its Senate sponsor, Jim DeMint, who stepped down to run the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The Act would phase out federal highway and mass transit programs, letting states control their gas tax revenue and projects. The Georgia General Assembly has passed a resolution urging Congress to consider the legislation.

“We believe this is an amazing solution for the states,” Graves said. “It’s one of the new breed of ideas coming out of the new members of Congress.”

Committee assignments are expected to be handed out next week, and Graves said he expects to remain on Appropriations. The 2013 House calendar is set up to give representatives at least one week a month at home, and that suits him.

“Sometimes we get caught up in Washington-speak and the votes, but our No. 1 goal is to be accessible to our constituents,” Graves said. “Remember, I’m a neighbor. And Georgia comes first.”

Poll Methodology

Public Policy Polling surveyed 830 American voters from Jan. 3-6 through automated telephone interviews. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. The poll was not paid for or authorized by any political organization.

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January 12, 2013
Here's a theory. If he can avoid $2 million without paying a dime, maybe he can help the feds avoid $17 Trillion without paying a dime.

Who better to manage debt that can't be paid?
January 12, 2013
Why does the Floyd GOP let someone like Rep. Graves represent us?

Graves' bank fiasco is disgraceful, particularly in light of his failure to man up and concede any personal wrong-doing on his part. He stuck the taxpayer for $2 million when the FDIC had to bail out the bank he ruined -- how can he represent us on issues of fiscal responsibility?

C'mon -- isn't there anyone around that will take this guy on in the 2014 GOP primary?
January 11, 2013
Congress has a 9% approval rating and root canals are more popular than congressmen. Graves, who is the darling of the Tea Party and preaches fiscal responsibility, walked off from a $2 million loan and has never held a job other than as a grass cutter in his lawn maintenance business.

America deplores Congress, but they love their own congressman. 97% of the members of Congress get re-elected, despite being a member of the most hated group in America. And Graves may be the biggest hypocrit of them all. Yet, the local GOP leadership and the local Tea Party just can't wait to smooze with Tom and plan his next fund raiser. The GOP is self-destructing right before our eyes and it is because of the shenanigans just like this.
January 11, 2013
Way to go Rep Graves~! sign-on and co-sponsor (at bottom of a list of 100 or so others) and continue to be the "go along to get along" guy. A solid GOP checkmark vote. Just hanging out with the group the same as the record shows for your days in the Ga legislature. New ideas is baloney- you should be honest and say repackaged ideas of the same type as before. Here's a new idea- own up to helping bankrupt a local bank on the false pre-tenses of a loan that was signed for on a piece of ordinary paper without proper vetting as the rest of the bill-payin' world has to do in order to get a loan, but wait, that was the banks' fault for giving the loan out knowing full well it wouldn't be repaid as promised.
January 10, 2013
Good job, U.S. Rep. Tom Graves. Right now our tax code is more than a mess, it is a serious misuse of power. The Fair Tax may not change the horrible deficit but it will change the way we view taxes while no longer penalizing diligent and hard work.
January 10, 2013
Nine percent is way to high. This do nothing bunch has done everything to block progress to correct the great recession. They thought it would defeat Obama in 2012. In 2011 they work to keep the economy in the tank. They thought it would help them to elect more T-baggers. To take away from seniors and soldiers so that they can contribute to oil companies, banks and wall street. They need to gather their cups come 2014 they are out of there. Sweep the GOP clean out of congress 2014. Happy Trails to you.
January 10, 2013
Obama had TWO years of complete control and he chose to shove Healthcare down our throats..

He's not concerned about jobs, but just wants to tax everybody who has one..77% of Americans just got a new tax increase under his latest legislation..Did you notice your last check was a few dollars smaller..The average Americans taxes went up 1650 dollars..Happy trails.

More to come..First your money, then your guns.
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