National oatmeal month
January 15th, 2013
09:00 AM ET
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While you're frying up some eggs and bacon, we're cooking up something else: a way to celebrate today's food holiday.

If, like most of us, you’re having a hard time sticking to those resolutions you made at the beginning of the year, might we suggest something to help keep you on track? It’s not some new fad diet or the latest exercise routine - it’s National Oatmeal Month.

Oatmeal can be made from rolled (old-fashioned), steel-cut or quick oats. Rolled oats are the whole oat seed steamed and flattened. Steel-cut oats are exactly that - steel-cut instead of rolled into flakes, yielding a longer cooking time and a heartier product. Quick cooking oats are made the same way as rolled oats, but are more finely ground so they cook faster.

Oatmeal is a great source of B vitamins and calcium, and it takes longer to digest so you feel fuller. Oatmeal also helps lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

A bowl of oatmeal doesn’t have to be all gloopy and unappealing. Oatmeal can be jazzed up with nuts and dried fruits, or for added sweetness, honey. It can be what you make it. It’s easy to take to work or eat on the go - who doesn’t like a warm breakfast on a cold winter's morning?

Another idea, make granola: try toasting the ingredients you’d put in your oatmeal (oats, honey, nuts and dried fruit) in a 250 degree F oven for an hour or so, tossing occasionally.

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Filed under: Breakfast Buffet • Food Holidays • News

soundoff (2 Responses)
  1. JT

    I've recently gotten back into oatmeal. I'm a lazy person so I just buy the instant oatmeal and chop up an apple, banana, cherries or other fruit for some flavor. I have to give McDonald's some credit for adding oatmeal to their menu, as it's something I usually get instead of a cheeseburger. Having tried steel cut oats I don't see how it's any better – sure it's different, but I woudn't really say it's better (to each his own). I also love instant grits – can't really stand it when people make them with cream and miilk – they're supposed to be GRITTY. If I wanted creamy I'd make cream of wheat!

    January 16, 2013 at 2:28 pm | Reply
  2. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    Okay, who remembers the oatmeal that had the dinosaur eggs in them, and when you put hot water into the mix, the egg would melt away and a dinosaur would appear! The BEST oatmeal ever! ha ha..

    January 15, 2013 at 8:16 pm | Reply

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