97.1 FM Talk is now in HD!

What is HD Radio?
Not your Grandma's Radio
Supported by leaders in the broadcasting, consumer electronics, retail and automotive industries, HD Radio Technology is powering the conversion of analog local AM & FM radio to digital.

Thousands of radio stations across the USA have committed to converting their stations to digital transmission and more than 1400 nationwide are already on the air. Of those, more than 800 are offering exciting new channels of additional content with CD-like sound quality to listeners with HD Radio receivers or tuners - ALL FOR FREE.

Tons of new programming and amazing high quality digital sound. One thing's for sure: this isn't your grandma's radio.

What exactly is it?
OK. So HD Radio Technology is the future of radio - you've heard that before. But what exactly is it? Well, to put it in a nutshell, HD Radio Technology brings all the benefits of digital technology to local AM & FM radio by allowing stations to transmit a digital signal along with the conventional analog signal.

experience crystal-clear audio
enjoy additional radio channels on the FM dial
watch text like song titles, artist information and weather reports tick across their radio display - all for free, with no monthly subscription.
And because the new digital signal shares the same spectrum as traditional analog signals, all of the benefits of digital radio are delivered over the same frequency - tuning in is as easy as it's always been.

Why is it Good?
So what are the benefits of HD Radio Technology? We'll get into this in more detail later on, but here are some of the things that really appeal to the customers:

More music. More sports. More everything: Multiple channels of new content can be streamed over a single FM frequency, vastly increasing the range of programming. These new channels, called HD1, HD2, and HD3 channels, are found "adjacent" to traditional FM stations on the dial.
Amazing sound: AM now sounds as good as traditional FM, and FM now offers crystal clear CD-like sound without the hiss, static and pops of traditional analog signals.
Free: No subscription fee. No monthly payments. All listeners need to experience the benefits of digital radio is an HD Radio receiver or tuner.

What it isn't
Customers sometimes confuse HD Radio broadcasting with satellite radio. So knowing what HD Radio broadcasting isn't is nearly as important as knowing what it is:

It's not a subscription service: Yes, we've mentioned this already, but it's worth hammering home. HD Radio broadcasting is free. You do not need a subscription to receive HD Radio signals. It's the same over-the-air broadcast radio we've always known - but way better.

It is not satellite radio: HD Radio Technology is a digital upgrade to local AM and FM radio, while satellite radio is an alternative to terrestrial broadcast radio itself. HD Radio broadcasting is desirable even for listeners who have satellite radio because - with the purchase of an HD Radio equipped radio receiver - it provides acces to local and regional programming not available on satellite radio.

The Gear to Make it go
To experience the benefits of HD Radio Technology, listeners need an HD Radio tuner. Currently, there is a range of options to choose from, including:

Car stereos with built-in HD Radio receiver or tuner.
HD Radio tuners and adapters for existing car stereos.
Table-top HD Radio receivers for the home.
External HD Radio tuners for home stereo systems.
We'll be looking at the HD Radio product universe in a little more detail later on.

iTunes™ Tagging
Some HD Radio products are enabled to facilitate iTunes Tagging. The "Tag" feature makes it easy for listeners to get new music they hear on the radio. Here's how it works: iPod-capable HD Radio receivers that include the iTunes Tagging feature have a TAG button. When a listener hears a song they like on their HD Radio receiver, they push the TAG button, and the information about the song is placed on their iPod. The next time the listener syncs their iPod with iTunes, they are presented with a list of their tagged songs and are given the option of buying them via iTunes.

HD Radio technology and iTunes: a partnership that is leading the way into the future of audio!