The Best Job Hunting Tips of the Year

Updated Dec 11 2012 - 10:45am · Posted by · 0 comments

Job Hunting Tips

Some of the best news to come out of 2012 was that the economy had improved and that more jobs were being created. More openings meant more job search tips — and within the year, a new LinkedIn format, new ways of looking at cover letters, and more all made it onto our list of things to keep on our radar. The job hunt may have its ups and downs, but with a positive attitude (see slide nine) and Read more

10 Essential Steps to Take Before a Job Interview

Updated Dec 6 2012 - 1:52pm · Posted by · 1 comment

Interview Preparation Tips Time Line

Once you've snagged a job interview, the inevitable nerves that follow can make it difficult to focus on preparation. With a little bit of planning, though, you can bring your best business-ready self to the table. Follow these tips leading up to your big moment. Several hours earlier: 1. It's important to have a healthy, substantial breakfast, of course, but it's just as important to eat well Read more

8 Gifts Job Hunters Would Love

Updated Dec 4 2012 - 12:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

Gifts For Job Hunters

There's probably someone in your life who's looking for a job right now, whether it be someone about to graduate, someone recently laid off, or somebody who quit her job as a step toward taking up her dream career. Looking for a job can be really stressful, so consider getting some of these gifts for the job hunter in your life to brighten things up a little. Read more

10 Easy-to-Fix Cover Letter Mistakes

Updated Dec 7 2012 - 5:50pm · Posted by · 5 comments

Common Cover Letter Mistakes

I have yet to meet a job hunter who doesn't dread writing cover letters. They're time-consuming and tedious, and unfortunately, they're unavoidable. It's easy to break cover letter etiquette if you're not careful. Those errors can cost you the job, so check out some common mistakes to be sure you're playing by the most important rules. Read more

What to Name Your Résumé and Cover Letter

Updated Nov 30 2012 - 12:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

What to Name Your Resume and Cover Letter

In this digital job-searcher's day and age, where everything is pretty much done online, there are a couple of etiquette steps we often forget about. One of the most important steps to take when turning in your résumé and cover letter via email or an online submission is to give it a proper name. Too often, people's résumés and cover letters are given the generic name "résumé.doc" or Read more

7 Job Hunting Sins to Avoid

Updated Nov 20 2012 - 10:06am · Posted by · 0 comments

7 Job Hunting Sins to Avoid

Luck has its place in a job search, but it's certainly not everything. Put your searching smarts into action and you'll be on your way to success; just be sure to save yourself from job hunting failure by avoiding these seven no-nos. Read more

10 Important Signs Your Job Might Be Worth Staying At

Updated Nov 8 2012 - 5:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

Reasons to Stay at Your Current Job

Before searching for a new job, it might be wise to take a long look at your current job. Wise Bread has drafted a list of 10 signs that might make you want to stay where you are. So you don't have your dream job, and you're pretty sure you never will in your current corporation, but you're also not sure where else to go? You'd love to work at home but you're not sure where to start or if it's Read more

5 Steps to Take After a Job Interview

Updated Oct 22 2012 - 12:30pm · Posted by · 7 comments

Steps to Take After a Job Interview

There's so much emphasis on preparing for a job interview, and rightfully so, but your actions afterward can make or break your chances of peaking employer interest. Get on top of your game by knowing the steps to take after you've answered the tough questions. Here's an action plan to follow once you walk out of those double doors. Read more

5 Tips to Make the Most of LinkedIn's New Makeover

Updated Oct 19 2012 - 1:20pm · Posted by · 0 comments

How to Use the New LinkedIn

If you haven't logged on to your LinkedIn account in a while, you're in for a treat. The social media network for working professionals has undergone an extreme makeover, and the latest version looks more sleek and visually appealing than ever before. Obviously, a new look means the playing field has changed for LinkedIn users. To find out how we can use the upgrade to our advantage, we talked Read more

The 10 Worst Interview Questions (and the 5 Best)

Updated Oct 10 2012 - 12:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

The 10 Worst Interview Questions (and the 5 Best)

Interviews can be stressful, but worry no more. LearnVest has shared a few questions to ask and a few questions to avoid in your next interview. “So, do you have any questions for me?” This common refrain toward the close of a job interview can make even the best of us stammer when the tables are turned. But with the national unemployment rate over 8%, sharp interview skills are more Read more