Jason Olson, Deseret News

Like souffles, omelets and other French dishes, crepes were once considered haute cuisine in American fine dining. Nearly every fancy restaurant had some form of these thin pancakes on the menu, with either a savory or sweet filling.

Meet next 'American Girl'

10-step for healthy living

Cowboy Church

HBO Home Entertainment/Associated Press

The "American Girl" of 2009 is a newbie at school, lives in an extended-family household and loves to swim and work on crafts. And she's learning to stand up to a bully.

10-step for healthy living

Cowboy Church


Lucas Allen

Several times a day I'm asked to describe the daily routine that permits me to do all I do ? maintaining a very busy schedule while still feeling good.

Cowboy Church


Meet next 'American Girl'

Matt Slocum, Associated Press

Moments after flying headfirst onto the arena floor dirt, the man gets up and brushes off his protective vest as rodeo clowns rush in to distract the still-bucking bull.


Meet next 'American Girl'

10-step for healthy living

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Like souffles, omelets and other French dishes, crepes were once considered haute cuisine in American fine dining. Nearly every fancy restaurant had some form of these thin pancakes on the menu, with either a savory or sweet filling.

Dreams start out as simple, sometimes silly things but on Thursday a NASA astronaut distilled their potential to the students of Wendover High School.


Several times a day I'm asked to describe the daily routine that permits me to do all I do ? maintaining a very busy schedule while still feeling good.

Jennifer Cohen wishes she had had the sense to think about the cents she was lavishing on decorations for her baby daughter's bedroom.

As he ran for the White House, John F. Kennedy assured skeptical Americans that he was "not the Catholic candidate for president" but rather a "candidate for president who happens also to be Catholic."

Dreams start out as simple, sometimes silly things but on Thursday a NASA astronaut distilled their potential to the students of Wendover High School.

The John W. Gallivan Utah Center is on track for a $6 million makeover.


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Gosh, where did the Mormons ever get the idea that homosexuality was wrong? Oh yeah…

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Please let the door hit you on the but on the way out. Good riddance!

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