Really Digging Deep Here
Posted 1/15/2013 9:09:00 AM

So yesterday our fearless leader decided to hold a news conference.  I loathe his news conferences because they NEVER start on time.  They are almost always a half hour later than the time we’re told.  As someone who works in media and has to stick around and make sure they go out live over the air, that’s a half hour of just hanging around.  (On a personal note, I believe that this constant behavior of starting late is a power play, but I digress.)  Yesterday was a special brand on news conference; I mean could this thing have been any longer?  Jamie was so right with his analysis today, this thing went on forever.  It’s like all of the people there had nothing better to do.   Then, if you like me, don’t want to watch the whole conference you can head 45 minutes in and find the gem Jamie picked ...

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Allman in the Morning
Jamie Allman hosts the morning drive 5-9am Monday-Friday. Along with news director Denys Schaefer, executive producer Carl "the Intern" Middleman, assistant producer Paige Quadro, and a wide array of guests: Pam Geller, Rodney Boyd, Sen. Jim Talent, Fox News'  Sandra Smith, Chris Wallace & Shibani Joshi.

Winner of 15 Emmys and multiple Edward R. Murrow Awards as a TV investigative and political reporter, Jamie Allman hit the radio airwaves 7 years ago as St. Louis' only local conservative talk show host. Voted best radio host by Missouri Broadcasters in 2006 and 2008, Allman has carried the Common Sense torch into the new century. Allman is also a writer for Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller and Op-Ed columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  Often imitated, copied and condemned, it's Allman In The Morning: Common Sense Radio!
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