Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your player used to work, but now it doesn't anymore. It's possible that you need to upgrade your computer to the latest version of the Flash software.  It's free, and only takes a couple of minutes to upgrade. Click here and follow the directions.  After installing the upgrade you may need to close and re-open your browser, or re-boot your computer.  Then, come back to this page and the 'listen live' link likely should work.

  • How come I can listen at home but have trouble with the webcast when I listen to your Internet stream from work? Many businesses have a firewall that can affect how you listen to our on-line stream. If you think this may apply to you, please contact your network administrator or IT person for assistance.

  • Why do I hear the Internet stream a few seconds or minutes after it goes out over the air? The delay exists because of the distance it travels from our radio station out over the Internet and then into your machine. The audio also "buffers" - meaning that it stays in front of the actual signal to attempt to recover lost data.

  • My stream keeps cutting in and out... or stopping, what can I do? Due to the nature of the Internet, sometimes congestion or Internet traffic can cause what is most commonly referred to as "buffering." This is where the audio seems to cut in and out, or stop altogether. This can be caused by a multitude of reasons such as:

    - Your internet provider is overloaded with users. Like commuting on freeways, traffic on the Internet is subject to traffic jams. When things are busy on the Internet, part of the audio information can be lost. When too much information is lost, the tuner will have trouble playing our stream.

    - Bad connection to your Internet Service Provider. You may have a poor connection to the Internet. If you're using a dial-up connection with a modem, try disconnecting then reconnecting to the Internet. Sometimes this will give you a better connection.

    - There is an outage on the Internet in the path that you take to get to our servers. Just like electrical power failures, Internet failures can sometimes play havoc when attempting to connect to our stream.

    - You are running too many things on your computer at the same time. Close all unnecessary programs.

    - Surfing the web while listening to our Internet stream. If you try to view a web page with lots of graphics, you may not have enough capacity to simultaneously listen to our Internet stream (which requires a lot of processing power from your computer).

    - Our servers are having issues or your computer is just plain slow!

  • The audio player seems to be playing, but I cannot hear anything. Why?
    Speakers are turned on and that all the wires are plugged into the correct socket.
    - Sound card is working properly.
    - Volume (in the taskbar of Windows) is NOT MUTED.
    - There is a problem on our end. Email us.


Win Blues Opener Tickets!

Register below to win tickets to opening night for the St. Louis Blues by listening to the Dave Glover show today at 5:10pm. Blues hockey returns Saturday night at the Scottrade Center against the Detroit Red Wings and tickets are available through Ticketmaster. St. Louis Blues Opening NightSaturday, January 19th at 7PMBlues vs. Detroit Red Wings All fans receive a Blues rally towel courtesy of Enterprise. Doors open at 5:30PM with live music in the atrium and stay after the game for live music ...
Enter Contest 


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