
7 Photos of Pelosi Lapdogs with their Favorite Democrat Leader

| January 2nd, 2013

We know House Democrats can’t get enough of Nancy Pelosi! That’s why today we released the Nancy Pelosi Obedience School Official Lapdog Kit! Being a Pelosi rubberstamp got even easier for House Democrats! John Barrow (GA-12) (Photo: GETTY) Tim Bishop (NY-01) (Photo: AP) Collin Peterson (MN-07) (Photo: ALLEN BRISSON-SMITH / SF)   Ron Barber (AZ-02) (Photo: NYT)…

DEMOCRAT DIRTY LAUNDRY: Gary Peters (MI-14) Welcomes Convicted Felon To Office Staff

| December 19th, 2012

Kandia Milton Pleaded Guilty To Accepting A $20,000 Bribe In Previous Government Role SPIN CYCLE: Then-Speaker Pelosi Promised that Democrats Would “Demand the Highest Ethics from Every Public Servant”: “Our goal is to restore accountability, honesty and openness at all levels of government. To do so, we will create and enforce rules that demand the…

The ObamaCare Cliff

| December 14th, 2012

The ObamaCare Cliff Millions of Americans Face an“ObamaCare” Cliff That Means Higher Healthcare Costs Americans are finally starting to find out “what’s in” Obamacare. A post-election flood of regulations are being released that include new taxes and fees that will force millions of middle class Americans to pay even more for healthcare. But this is…

Democrats Having Coronary Over Medical Device Tax They Created

| December 13th, 2012

Democrats Having Coronary Over Medical Device Tax They Created Group of Eighteen Senate Democrats Urges Delay on ObamaCare’s Latest Job-Destroying Tax Hike—Will House Democrats Keep Supporting It?  Eighteen Senate Democrats recently sent a letter to Harry Reid urging him to work to suspend implementation of ObamaCare’s medical device tax, set to go into effect on…

Democrats Use Video From Socialist French Countryside In Attempt to Show Why Not Cutting Spending is a Good Idea

| December 12th, 2012

Footage used in a YouTube video posted this morning by the DCCC called “Holiday Cliff” comes from iStockVideo video b-roll originally filmed in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, a region in southeastern France. The video attempts to attack Republicans on the Fiscal Cliff issue, a debate in which President Obama and his Democrats are currently refusing to cut…

Unemployment Remains Sky High As Democrats Threaten “Fiscal Cliff”

| December 7th, 2012

Unemployment Remains Sky High As Democrats Threaten “Fiscal Cliff” Democrats Cling to Job Destroying Tax Hikes Rather Than Proposing the Serious Solution Needed to Create Jobs While Democrats continue their relentless efforts to impose new job-destroying tax hikes, far too many Americans remain without jobs. The November jobs report released today shows unemployment remains unacceptably high as…

NRCC Incoming Chairman Walden’s Statement on November Jobs Numbers

| December 7th, 2012

WASHINGTON – National Republican Congressional Committee incoming Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) released the following statement in response to the 7.7 percent unemployment rate for the month of November: “The sad legacy of President Obama’s policies is very slow economic growth and too many middle class Americans working multiple jobs—if they can find any job at…

Tim Ryan’s Favorite Song:

| December 4th, 2012

DWS’s Top 5 “Greatest” Hits

| December 4th, 2012

Yesterday, President Obama asked her to stay on as head of the DNC. Debbie is known for telling some whoppers, but as Obama’s leading spokeswoman, it’s clear that she’ll say whatever it takes to smear Republicans. Here are five of her “greatest” moments: 1. May 26, 2011: Debbie says that Republicans are “anti-woman” 2. June…

NEW NRCC VIDEO: Leading the People’s House

| November 14th, 2012

“America has big challenges and we’re the ones that are going to have to lead.” – Speaker John Boehner