Ander Crenshaw

Ander Crenshaw


Member of Congress, FL-04

Washington, D.C. ·

  1. On at 3:10 p.m. EST to talk with about fiscal cliff, protecting defense from further cuts, and the road ahead.

  2. First day of 113th Congress and am honored to have the opportunity to serve the constituents of Florida's Fourth Congressional District.

  3. Looking forward to working with Chairman Rogers in my new post as Financial Services Approps. Subcommittee chair.

  4. Read what B. Globe is saying about how Congressional Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance can impact legislation.

  5. CCEFA: Global Partnerships Act lays foundation for progress in delivery of foreign aid. @RepHowardBerman@Rep_Adam_Smith

  6. Service Academies vital in preparing youth to become future military leaders. Take a look at 4th CD nominations.

  7. On 71st Anniverary of Pearl Harbor, we pay tribute to those died for our freedom and recognize military serving around the globe.

  8. Recognizing, remembering the sacrifices and bravery of our nation's veterans. Thanks for your service.

  9. On Vets Day, never forget: nation’s greatness drawn from blood, sacrifices of honorable, courageous men and women.

  10. Desert Shield/Desert Storm Vets in spotlight at my Vets Special Recognition Ceremony Thurs. Tune in to at 7:53 a.m. for more.

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