WASHINGTON, DC – Continuing his fight for fiscal responsibility and a fairer, simpler tax code, Congressman Ander Crenshaw, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, endorsed The FairTax (H.R. 25) in his first legislative co-sponsorship of the 113th Congress.

Crenshaw, an original co-sponsor of the bill to replace the current federal tax code with a national sales tax on all new goods sold in the United States, issued the following statement:

“With 53 colleagues endorsing the bill on the first day of the 113th Congress, support for the bill is stronger than ever. Replacing 70,000 pages of costly and complex tax code with a simpler, 131-page bill makes common sense, and I’m encouraged by the bill’s chances.

“Americans are spending roughly $265 billion and 6.1 billion hours filling out tax forms every year. This amount of time and money can be better spent on growing the economy and creating jobs, and implementing a FairTax would help.

“The easy-to-understand FairTax would rid us of thousands of pages of regulations and loopholes. In its place would remain a transparent national sales tax on goods and services administered primarily by the states. Federal income taxes as well as the FICA payroll tax would be eliminated, and the IRS would no longer be needed.

“The FairTax protects the poor and treats everyone equally: no exemptions, no exclusions, no advantages. People would be allowed to keep their entire paycheck and spend hard-earned dollars on ways they best suit them. On the business side of the equation, labor costs are lowered by eliminating payroll taxes, allowing companies to hire more workers.

“Americans deserve to keep more of their paycheck in their wallets and bank accounts. They don’t need to be finding more dollars to send to Washington to fund big and costly government programs.”
