3 Simple Winter Savings Tips

Updated Jan 16 2013 - 10:22am · Posted by · 0 comments

Winter Saving Tips

The weather outside is still frightful, and unfortunately, the calendar is no longer filled with homey holiday parties that keep you indoors and outside of stores. The simplest way to prioritize saving is to automate it, but there are plenty of other ways to maximize your saving potential rain or shine. Try these simple tips to keep your budget on track and bills manageable. Read more

The 11 Best Alternatives to Paying For Cable

Updated Jan 15 2013 - 12:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

Cable TV Alternatives

Save money by cutting down on one of life's biggest expenses — cable — with these tips from our friends at Business Insider.  Now that most American workers will see 2 percent more of their take-home income disappear this year, it's as good a time as any to find ways to trim household costs. By far, the simplest place to start is with your cable or satellite bill.  RELATED: Ever Wonder Read more

7 Ideas to Save on Your Morning Coffee

Updated Jan 14 2013 - 3:10am · Posted by · 2 comments

How to Save Money on Coffee

The Latte Factor is very real — the average American worker spends $1,092 on coffee. Although your cup of Joe may seem as essential as breathing, there are still plenty of alternatives to a $4 store-bought latte. So how do we start saving on this big budget drain? Here are some ideas: Try low-end. New York Magazine did a coffee taste test and food critic Adam Platt found that coffee from Read more

Host a Budget-Friendly Night In: Art Party

Updated Jan 16 2013 - 9:08am · Posted by · 1 comment

How to Host an Art Party

With so many potential projects filling up your Pinterest DIY boards, hosting an art party is both budget-friendly and productive. With a few simple steps, you can turn your living room into an artist's studio and knock some of those must-try projects off your (ever-growing) to-do list. Protect your space: Be sure that you stash anything you wouldn't want to get messy — vases, coffee-table Read more

A Simple Way to Save: the $5 Savings Jar

Updated Jan 11 2013 - 12:34pm · Posted by · 2 comments

Savings Jar Tips

This is a twist on the ol' change jar, but it works just as well. The concept behind a savings jar is simple but effective — you mindlessly drop cash into a jar and before you know it, you'll have a good amount of money that you can chuck into a savings account or retirement account. But if you replace loose change with $5 bills, you'll be able to accumulate money more quickly. All you need to Read more

6 Tips to Help You Save on Your Snowboard or Ski Trip

Updated Jan 9 2013 - 12:20am · Posted by · 0 comments

How to Save on a Ski Trip

Winter is in full swing, and you know what that means — time for a ski or snowboarding trip! Of course, if you don't live within driving distance of snowy mountains, then that's easier said than done. But for those of you who can make a road trip to a ski resort, here are some tips to keep in mind: Get discounted lift tickets. Lift tickets can get pricey; you can even see prices reach up to Read more

13 Money Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself by Age 30

Updated Jan 8 2013 - 9:44pm · Posted by · 1 comment

Money Lessons to Learn Before 30

When you hit the big 3-0, it's officially time to grow up. Business Insider suggests you do this by taking your blindfold off and stop lying to yourself about money. I'm not quite 30 yet, but I'm more than familiar with the notion that this age is the new benchmark for people to get their lives together. There are books, blogs, and Twitter accounts dedicated solely to helping people cross Read more

80 Small and Big Ways to Save Money This Year

Updated Jan 9 2013 - 7:28am · Posted by · 1 comment

How to Save Money Tips

Everyone's making plans for a fresh start this year, and if one of your goals is to save money, make a few changes here and there to save a little or a lot of money. Remember the little things do add up! Read this list below on suggestions for saving money and pick a few for a frugal 2013. Bring lunch to work Take public transportation Drop your landline and rely on your cell phone Reassess Read more

Fear Spills No More: Homemade Carpet Cleaner

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Homemade Carpet Cleaner

It's inevitable; stuff spills or you track in mud by mistake on a rainy afternoon. Just the other day, my husband left a dirty footprint on the carpet. When this happens at your house, don't get mad (well, maybe just a little bit) or run to the store for expensive cleaning concoctions. Simply become a carpet cleaner mixologist and open your pantry. Not only does this homemade carpet cleaner cost Read more

10 Frugal Tips You Haven't Already Heard

Updated Jan 3 2013 - 12:00pm · Posted by · 0 comments

Unique Tips to Save Money

We've all heard the tired "spend less, save more" advice, but Wise Bread has some fresh frugal advice for those looking to change it up a little. If you're a regular reader of my posts or Wise Bread in general, you already have a pretty good education on how to live a frugal lifestyle — the basics, if you will. Now it's time for the advanced course. That's why I've dug deep into my bank of Read more