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"When we frame the sleazebag-apologia interview as mainly a P.R. exercise in showing remorse and winning redemption, the sleazebag has already won."

The latest from TIME's TV critic James Poniewozik: Who cares if Lance Armstrong is sorry?


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Pauline Phillips, better known as advice columnist 'Dear Abby,' dies at 94.
‘Dear Abby’ Advice Columnist Dies at Age 94 | »
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Pauline Friedman Phillips, who under the name of Abigail Van Buren, wrote the long-running "Dear Abby" advice column that was followed by millions of newspaper readers throughout th...
Lois Xenakis
wow...long life, that's nice! Now time to rest!
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Is Manti Te’o's ‘fake’ girlfriend about to make a Twitter resurrection? The person behind it supposedly has some information to share with the world — in the next 90 minutes: #MantiTeo  
D Lemons
Will the one person who actually cares please stand up and leave the room. Thanks
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What happens to a Reddit thread when it becomes a Hollywood movie?

A movie idea from the social website is getting the full Hollywood treatment--and its creator has attempted to quell the fury from online fans:
Nicole Santa Maria
There's a Japanese movie with a similar concept. Ground units from the Self-Defense Forces experience a time warp and end up in the Warring States Period (16th century). I saw the preview for the 2005 version and it looked cheesy. Title was sengoku jietai.
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For elite athletes like Lance Armstrong, competition is like a drug.
Lance Armstrong's Confession and the Psychology of the Competitor »
The fine line between competition's drive for excellence and dangerous win-at-all-costs mentality
Meryl Akmejian
Why would he agree on being interviewed by Opera? I think he should have kept his mouth shut! What good did it do Tiger Woods when he went and admitted to all the affairs? He looked like a fool.
I wouldn't...!! Take that to the grave man!!!
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Children plead for gun control in letters to Obama: "I know that laws have to be passed by congress, but I beg you to try very hard to make guns not allowed."

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Mark Warren
+Meryl Akmejian Automatic handguns are illegal and always have been, please don't comment on things you know nothing about.
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Grow up dreaming of driving a Zamboni? That dream can now come true with today's Google Doodle. Climb aboard and use your keyboard's arrow key to resurface sections of the ice made stubbly by the hockey stops and pirouettes of countless tiny skaters.

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W Lepchuk
just think of all that stubbly with the NHL lockout over. . . . 
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TUNE IN: Obama unveils new gun control proposals.
WATCH LIVE: Obama Unveils New Gun Control Proposals | »
TIME's cover this week features "The Gunfighters," the trio of politicians on the front lines of a new gun-control plan in the wake of last month's Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that claimed t...
Brandt Hardin
As much of America holds a death grip on their guns, we should be asking why we are so dependent on the idea of protecting ourselves and from what?  We live in a post-9/11 society in which fear is bred 24 hours a day through television and media.  Other countries with similar social structures such as the UK don’t have this problem and don’t have guns in the hands of every man, woman and child.  Read more about Living in a Society of Fear and how we are at War with Ourselves at
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A history of violence: Gun control in the pages of TIME.
Todd Christensen
Wow, "if you've never heard your rights end where mine tells me you're not educated in law"

Thanks for the education, you're brilliant.  Well, I have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and coal pollution makes me sad, inhibiting my pursuit of said happiness.  Your use of G+ to educate us all in U.S. Law necessitates the cooling of Google servers which requires power which comes primarily from burning coal to turn turbines to produce said power.  You need to get off G+ right away, as your right to free speech ends where my right to pursuit of happiness begins and all this coal burning is infringing on that right.  Yeah, what you said is as stupid as what I just said, just to prove a point...

Free Speech is a Constitutional Right, but pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right.  Your free speech is making me unhappy.  As per your logic, my inalienable right trumps your constitutional right.  So, will you be shutting up now?  I somehow think, instead, you will now just try to explain off your logic or glaze over it and not answer for it altogether.  I'm not saying I agree with you on this logic, just showing you how ridiculous it is.

"It seems republicans want to trample them all to get there OWN WAY... Who's the crazy one?"  I would have to say you are, because this comment is made to argue against the use of singular absolute power yet it's in response to Obama using EXECUTIVE ORDER to force his will upon the people.  Really?  You want to think about it a little more and try again?

+Rob B., you're a lightweight and you're embarrassing yourself here.  I can appreciate that your heart is in the right place, but your brain hasn't caught up.  I'll wait.......
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Bill Saporito discusses why Lance Armstrong couldn't stop himself — and why he still can't:

(Photo: George Burns/Oprah Winfrey Network)
Kin Enriquez
Why, did Armstrong cured anyone? He just used the foundation to further his own brand 
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