Second Opinion
Petraeus resignation

Petraeus resignation

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After Romney defeat, GOP must face the numbers

After Romney defeat, GOP must face the numbers

It would be tempting to call the 2012 election the year of the woman — if only for the record number headed for the U.S. Senate and their instrumental role in re-electing President Barack Obama — but it was also the year of the Latino,...

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Maryland ballot referendums offer a GOP reality check

Maryland ballot referendums offer a GOP reality check

This was the year of the referendum in Maryland, and given how things went at the polls, we're not likely to see a repeat any time soon. The success of all the three laws that were petitioned to referendum exposes the fallacy of Maryland Republicans'...

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Sun endorsements

Sun endorsements

The Sun made endorsements in the races for president and U.S. Senate and for Maryland's state-wide ballot issues. This is a summary of our positions, with links to the full text of our endorsements.

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Is there no better way to pick a president?

Is there no better way to pick a president?

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Do you wish Maryland were a swing state?

Do you wish Maryland were a swing state?

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The missing issue: gun control

The missing issue: gun control

Every year, some 31,000 Americans are killed with guns; nearly 340,000 more are victimized in gun-related crimes, with more than 73,000 of those treated in hospital emergency rooms for nonfatal gunshot wounds. The rate of firearms-related homicide in...

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Obama and Romney: Are we missing something?

Obama and Romney: Are we missing something?

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Quiet master of the State House

Quiet master of the State House

This, according to Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, is how Joe Bryce made his name in state government:

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 KAL's 7 questions for Question 7

KAL's 7 questions for Question 7

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For Question 3

For Question 3

Call it the Sheila Dixon amendment.

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Sun endorsements

Sun endorsements

Read The Sun's endorsements for the November election, including Maryland's ballot referendums.

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Cardin for Senate

Cardin for Senate

U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin is not slick. You won't find him on the Sunday morning network talk shows very often. He isn't a partisan quote-machine. He doesn't give an especially stirring stump speech.

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Hurricane Sandy largely spares Maryland, but what about the next big one?

Hurricane Sandy largely spares Maryland, but what about the next big one?

One hundred miles as the crow flies. Or maybe it's the difference between a king and a queen in your poker hand. But most of Maryland is feeling pretty lucky this week, thanks to that small a break.

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For Question 6

For Question 6

The case for Question 6, which would affirm Maryland's law authorizing same-sex marriage, is simple. It upholds the principle that the law should treat everyone the same. Marriage is both a religious and a civil institution. Churches, synagogues...

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Who's attacking marriage?

Who's attacking marriage?

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Which election are you excited about?

Which election are you excited about?

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The 2012 elephant in the room: George W. Bush

The 2012 elephant in the room: George W. Bush

One of the most telling aspects of the 2012 presidential campaign now racing to its end is the matter of the vanishing former two-term Republican president. His name is so seldom mentioned by his party's nominee and other stalwarts as to take on...

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The difference 537 votes make

The difference 537 votes make

Even the most ardent fans of Mitt Romney ought to take the latest of President Barack Obama's reelection ads to heart. Here's its point: 537. That's the number of votes (along with a favorable Supreme Court ruling) that decided who won Florida...

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Hurricane Sandy preparations

Hurricane Sandy preparations

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Franchot on O'Malley: 'I don't think he has done his best'

Franchot on O'Malley: 'I don't think he has done his best'

In an interview with The Sun's editorial board this week, Comptroller Peter Franchot took aim at Gov. Martin O'Malley's performance in office, suggesting he has been focused on other things while Maryland's economy has lagged. The two Democrats...

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Contradictions from the anti-Question 6 campaign

Contradictions from the anti-Question 6 campaign

A central message of those leading the campaign against Maryland's same-sex marriage law is that they are not opposed to gays and lesbians or to ensuring their civil rights. But that contention is undermined by the video of a town hall meeting at...

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Harborplace changes hands

Harborplace changes hands

When Harborplace first opened, it was hailed as one of the crown jewels of Baltimore's renaissance, and millions of visitors from across Maryland and around the country beat a path to its door. On a typical Saturday afternoon, the Light and Pratt...

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Gambling debate comes down to this: Where does Jonathan Ogden live?

Gambling debate comes down to this: Where does Jonathan Ogden live?

Amid a $50 million media blitz to convince Marylanders to vote for or against a proposed gambling expansion, something unprecedented happened this week: One of the Question 7 TV ads was actually amusing.

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We need another debate

We need another debate

The third and final debate between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney included a few memorable lines — Mr. Romney's promise that in his administration, Russian President Vladimir Putin would be on the receiving end of "more...

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An icon smashed

An icon smashed

The International Cycling Union's announcement today that it was stripping superstar athlete Lance Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles over charges of illegal doping effectively ended one of the most celebrated sports careers in recent...

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Talks with Iran over nuclear program

Talks with Iran over nuclear program

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Tough times for the BSO

Tough times for the BSO

A report last week that the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is anticipating a deficit of $750,000 or more for the fiscal year that began in September is a reminder that the effects of the 2008 recession are still reverberating through the state's...

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Against Question 5

Against Question 5

Maryland's congressional maps are a product of the politicians, for the politicians, by the politicians. They were born of the two competing desires of the state's Democratic Party bosses: to give incumbent Democrats the precincts they want to make...

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Flying high, at last

Flying high, at last

"The Orioles will finish fifth in the American League East. Only because they can't finish sixth."

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About the editorial board

Andy Green, the opinion editor, has taken the "know a little bit about everything" approach in his time at The Sun. He was the city/state editor before coming to the editorial board, and prior to that he covered the State House and Baltimore County government.

Mike Cross-Barnet, who spends most of his time running The Baltimore Sun's Commentary page, has been known to opine on whatever strikes his fancy including international politics, immigration, religion and culture.

Peter Jensen, former State House reporter and features writer, takes the lead on state government, transportation issues and the environment; he is the board's resident funny man and capital schmooze.

Glenn McNatt, who returned to editorial writing after serving as the newspaper's art critic, keeps an eye on the arts, culture, politics and the law for the editorial board.

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