[United States Statutes at Large, Volume 123, 111th Congress, 1st Session]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

123 STAT. 3573

PROCLAMATION 8335--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8335--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8335--JAN. 6, 2009

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123 STAT. 3575

Proclamation 8335--January 6, 2009
Establishment of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Over approximately 480 nautical miles, the Mariana Archipelago
encompasses the 14 islands of the United States Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands and the United States Territory of Guam that
sit atop the Mariana Ridge in an area known as the Mariana Volcanic Arc.
The Mariana Volcanic Arc is part of a subduction system in which the
Pacific Plate plunges beneath the Philippine Sea Plate and into the
Earth's mantle, creating the Mariana Trench. Six of the archipelago's
islands have been volcanically active in historic times, and numerous
seamounts along the Mariana Ridge are volcanically or hydrothermically
active. The Mariana Trench is approximately 940 nautical miles long and
38 nautical miles wide within the United States Exclusive Economic Zone
and contains the deepest known points in the global ocean.
The Mariana Volcanic Arc contains objects of scientific interest,
including the largest active mud volcanoes on Earth. The Champagne vent,
located at the Eifuku submarine volcano, produces almost pure liquid
carbon dioxide. This phenomenon has only been observed at one other site
in the world. The Sulfur Cauldron, a pool of liquid sulfur, is found at
the Daikoku submarine volcano. The only other known location of molten
sulfur is on Io, a moon of Jupiter. Unlike other reefs across the
Pacific, the northernmost Mariana reefs provide unique volcanic habitats
that support marine biological communities requiring basalt. Maug Crater
represents one of only a handful of places on Earth where photosynthetic
and chemosynthetic communities of life are known to come together.
The waters of the archipelago's northern islands are among the most
biologically diverse in the Western Pacific and include the greatest
diversity of seamount and hydrothermal vent life yet discovered. These
volcanic islands are ringed by coral ecosystems with very high numbers
of apex predators, including large numbers of sharks. They also contain
one of the most diverse collections of stony corals in the Western
Pacific. The northern islands and shoals in the archipelago have
substantially higher large fish biomass, including apex predators, than
the southern islands and Guam. The waters of Farallon de Pajaros (also
known as Uracas), Maug, and Asuncion support some of the largest biomass
of reef fishes in the Mariana Archipelago. These relatively pristine
coral reef ecosystems are objects of scientific interest and essential
to the long-term study of tropical marine ecosystems.
WHEREAS the submerged volcanic areas of the Mariana Ridge, the coral
reef ecosystems of the waters surrounding the islands of Farallon de
Pajaros, Maug, and Asuncion in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and the Mariana Trench contain objects of scientific interest
that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by the Government of
the United States;

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123 STAT. 3576

WHEREAS the United States continues to act in accordance with the
balance of interests relating to traditional uses of the oceans
recognizing freedom of navigation and overflight and other
internationally recognized lawful uses of the sea;
WHEREAS the islands, waters, and airspace of the Mariana Ridge are of
particular importance to the national security of the United States;
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C.
431) (the ``Antiquities Act'') authorizes the President, in his
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks,
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by
the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve the known volcanic
areas of the Mariana Ridge, the marine environment around the islands of
Farallon de Pajaros, Maug, and Asuncion in the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands, and the Mariana Trench for the care and
management of the scientific objects therein:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities
Act do proclaim that there are hereby set apart and reserved as the
Marianas Trench Marine National Monument (the ``monument'' or ``marine
national monument'') for the purpose of protecting the objects
identified above, all lands and interests in lands owned or controlled
by the Government of the United States within the boundaries described
below and depicted on the accompanying map entitled ``Marianas Trench
Marine National Monument'' attached to and forming a part of this
proclamation. The monument includes the waters and submerged lands of
the three northernmost Mariana Islands (the ``Islands Unit'') and only
the submerged lands of designated volcanic sites (the ``Volcanic Unit'')
and the Mariana Trench (the ``Trench Unit'') to the extent described as
follows: The seaward boundaries of the Islands Unit of the monument
extend to the lines of latitude and longitude depicted on the
accompanying map, which lie approximately 50 nautical miles from the
mean low water line of Farallon de Pajaros (Uracas), Maug, and Asuncion.
The inland boundary of the Islands Unit of the monument is the mean low
water line. The boundary of the Trench Unit of the monument extends from
the northern limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States
in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to the southern
limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States in Guam
approximately following the points of latitude and longitude identified
on the accompanying map. The boundaries of the Volcanic Unit of the
monument include a circle drawn with a 1 nautical mile radius centered
on each of the volcanic features identified on the accompanying map and
its legend. The Federal land and interests in land reserved consists of
approximately 95,216 square miles of submerged lands and waters of the
Mariana Archipelago, which is the smallest area compatible with the
proper care and management of the objects to be protected.
Submerged lands that by legislation are subsequently granted by the
United States to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

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but remain controlled by the United States under the Antiquities Act may
remain part of the monument, for coordination of management with the
Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Any
submerged lands and interests in submerged lands within the monument not
owned or controlled by the United States shall be reserved as a part of
the monument upon acquisition of title or control by the United States.
Management of the Marine National Monument
The Secretaries of Commerce, through the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, and the Interior, shall manage the monument
pursuant to applicable legal authorities and in consultation with the
Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Interior shall have
management responsibility for the monument, in consultation with the
Secretary of Commerce, except that the Secretary of Commerce shall have
the primary management responsibility, in consultation with the
Secretary of the Interior, with respect to fishery-related activities
regulated pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) and any other applicable
authorities. The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce shall not
allow or permit any appropriation, injury, destruction, or removal of
any feature of this monument except as provided for by this proclamation
or as otherwise provided for by law.
The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce shall take appropriate
action pursuant to their respective authorities under the Antiquities
Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act,
and such other authorities as may be available to implement this
proclamation, to regulate fisheries, and to ensure proper care and
management of the monument.
Regulation of Scientific Exploration and Research
Subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary deems necessary
for the care and management of the objects of this monument, the
Secretary of the Interior may permit scientific exploration and research
within the monument, including incidental appropriation, injury,
destruction, or removal of features of this monument for scientific
study, and the Secretary of Commerce may permit fishing within the
monument for scientific exploration and research purposes to the extent
authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not restrict
scientific exploration or research activities by or for the Secretaries,
and nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to require a permit
or other authorization from the other Secretary for their respective
scientific activities.
Regulation of Fishing and Management of Fishery Resources
Within the Islands Unit of the monument, the Secretary of Commerce shall
prohibit commercial fishing. Subject to such terms and conditions as the
Secretary of Commerce deems necessary for the care and management of the
objects of the Islands Unit, the Secretary, consistent with Executive
Order 12962 of June 7, 1995, as amended, shall ensure that sustenance,
recreational, and traditional indigenous fishing shall be managed as a
sustainable activity consistent with other applicable law and after due
consideration with respect to traditional indigenous

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123 STAT. 3578

fishing of any determination by the Government of the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands.
Monument Management Planning
The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce shall, within 2 years of
the date of this proclamation, prepare management plans within their
respective authorities and promulgate implementing regulations that
address any further specific actions necessary for the proper care and
management of the objects identified in this proclamation. In developing
and implementing any management plans and any management rules and
regulations, the Secretaries shall designate and involve as cooperating
agencies the agencies with jurisdiction or special expertise, including
the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and other agencies
through scoping in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act
(42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), its implementing regulations and with
Executive Order 13352 of August 26, 2004, Facilitation of Cooperative
Conservation, and shall treat as a cooperating agency the Government of
the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, consistent with these
authorities. The monument management plans shall ensure that the
monument will be administered in accordance with this proclamation, and
shall, as appropriate to their respective authorities, provide for:
1. management of the Islands Unit of the monument, in consultation with
the Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,
including designation of specific roles and responsibilities and the
means of consultation on management decisions as appropriate, without
affecting the respective authorities or jurisdictions of the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands or the Secretaries of the
Interior or of Commerce;
2. public education programs and public outreach regarding the coral
reef ecosystem and related marine resources and species of the monument
and efforts to conserve them;
3. traditional access by indigenous persons, as identified by the
Secretaries in consultation with the Government of the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands, for culturally significant subsistence,
cultural and religious uses within the monument;
4. a program to assess and promote monument-related scientific
exploration and research, tourism, and recreational and economic
activities and opportunities in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
5. a process to consider requests for recreational fishing permits in
certain areas of the Islands Unit, based on an analysis of the likely
effects of such fishing on the marine ecosystems of these areas, sound
professional judgment that such fishing will not materially interfere
with or detract from the fulfillment of the purposes of this
proclamation, and the extent to which such recreational fishing shall be
managed as a sustainable activity consistent with Executive Order 12962,
as amended, and other applicable law; and
6. programs for monitoring and enforcement necessary to ensure that
scientific exploration and research, tourism, and recreational and
commercial activities do not degrade the monument's coral reef ecosystem
or related marine resources or species or diminish the monument's
natural character.

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The management plans and their implementing regulations shall impose no
restrictions on innocent passage in the territorial sea or otherwise
restrict navigation, overflight, and other internationally recognized
lawful uses of the sea, and shall incorporate the provisions of this
proclamation regarding Armed Forces actions and compliance with
international law.
This proclamation shall be applied in accordance with international law.
No restrictions shall apply to or be enforced against a person who is
not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States
(including foreign flag vessels) unless in accordance with international
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to diminish or enlarge the
jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Advisory Council
The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce, within 3 months of the
date of this proclamation and after considering recommendations from the
Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the
Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall
establish the Mariana Monument Advisory Council to provide advice and
recommendations on the development of management plans and management of
the monument. The Advisory Council shall consist of three officials of
the Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and
one representative each from the Department of Defense and the United
States Coast Guard.
Members of the Advisory Council will be appointed for a term of 3 years
by the Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce after nomination by the
head of the pertinent executive branch agency or, with respect to the
officials of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, by the Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands. The Advisory Council will adopt such procedures as it deems
necessary to govern its activities. Each participating agency shall be
responsible for the expenses of its representative and the Departments
of the Interior and Commerce shall be equally responsible for the costs
of the Advisory Council.
Emergencies, National Security, and Law Enforcement Activities
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities necessary to respond to emergencies threatening life,
property, or the environment, or to activities necessary for national
security or law enforcement purposes.
2. Nothing in this proclamation shall limit agency actions to respond to
emergencies posing an unacceptable threat to human health or safety or
to the marine environment and admitting of no other feasible solution.
Armed Forces Actions
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities and exercises of the Armed Forces (including those carried
out by the United States Coast Guard).
2. The Armed Forces shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate
measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities, that its
vessels and aircraft act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable
and practicable, with this proclamation.

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3. In the event of threatened or actual destruction of, loss of, or
injury to a monument living marine resource resulting from an incident,
including but not limited to spills and groundings, caused by a
component of the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard,
the cognizant component shall promptly coordinate with the Secretary of
the Interior or Commerce, as appropriate, for the purpose of taking
appropriate actions to respond to and mitigate any actual harm and, if
possible, restore or replace the monument resource or quality.
4. Nothing in this proclamation or any regulation implementing it shall
limit or otherwise affect the Armed Forces' discretion to use, maintain,
improve, manage, or control any property under the administrative
control of a Military Department or otherwise limit the availability of
such property for military mission purposes.
This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by
any party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or
entities, its officers, employees, agents, or any other person.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this
monument are hereby withdrawn from all forms of entry, location,
selection, sale, or leasing or other disposition under the public land
laws, to the extent that those laws apply.
The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the national
monument shall be dominant over any other existing Federal withdrawal,
reservation, or appropriation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate,
excavate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and
not to locate or settle upon any lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

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PROCLAMATION 8335--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8335--JAN. 6, 2009

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Proclamation 8336 of January 6, 2009
Establishment--the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The Pacific Remote Islands area consists of Wake, Baker, Howland, and
Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll, which
lie to the south and west of Hawaii. With the exception of Wake Island,
these islands are administered as National Wildlife Refuges by the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the
Interior. These refuges are an important part of the most widespread
collection of marine- and terrestrial-life protected areas on the planet
under a single country's jurisdiction. They sustain many endemic species
including corals, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, seabirds, water
birds, land birds, insects, and vegetation not found elsewhere.
PROCLAMATION 8336--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8336--JAN. 6, 2009
Wake Island, to the west of Honolulu, Hawaii, is the northernmost atoll
in the Marshall Islands geological ridge and perhaps the oldest living
atoll in the world. Though it was substantially modified by the United
States to create a military base before and after World War II, its
major habitats are the three low coral islands consisting of shells,
coral skeletons, and sand, supporting atoll vegetation adapted to arid
climate. Wake Island supports 12 species of resident nesting seabirds
and 6 species of migratory shorebirds, including 2 species of
tropicbirds, 3 species of boobies, Great Frigatebird, Sooty Tern, Brown
Noddy, and Wedge-tailed Shearwater. Black-footed Albatross and Laysan
Albatross recently recolonized Wake Island, making it one of the few
northern albatross colonies outside the Hawaiian archipelago.
Shallow coral reefs thrive around the perimeter of Wake Island. Fish
populations are abundant and support at least 323 species, including
large populations of the Napoleon wrasse (Chelinus), sharks of several
species, and large schools of the Bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometapon),
all of which are globally depleted. Beyond the shallow reefs, the outer
reef slope descends sharply to great depths.
Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands were first formed as fringing reefs
around islands formed by Cretaceous-era volcanoes (approximately 120-75
million years ago). As the volcanoes subsided, the coral reefs grew
upward, maintaining proximity to the sea surface. These low coral
islands consist of coral rock, shells, and sand that support trees,
shrubs, and grasses adapted to the arid climate at the equator. All
three are surrounded by shallow coral reefs to depths of 100 meters,
below which the reef slope descends steeply to great depths. Deep coral
forests occur below photic zones of all three islands at depths below
200 meters, especially at Jarvis where surveys have revealed living
colonies of precious and ancient gold coral up to 5,000 years old.
The waters surrounding Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands have fish
biomass double that of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument,
and 16 times that of the main Hawaiian Islands, due to the Equatorial
Undercurrent that moves from west to east along the equator, creating
localized nutrient-rich upwellings in shallows next to the islands.
These are three of only six islands in the entire Pacific Ocean

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where this phenomenon is possible. These islands are high in coral cover
and biodiversity and are predator-dominated systems. Their biomass of
top predators exceeds that of the Great Barrier Reef or Kenyan Marine
Protected Areas. The islands now host about a dozen nesting bird species
including several nesting and migratory bird species that are of
conservation significance. Jarvis alone has nearly 3 million pairs of
Sooty Terns. There are about 300 fish species found off the islands.
Giant clams (Tridacna), Napoleon wrasses, and Bumphead parrotfish are
common, and sharks of many species are especially abundant at Jarvis and
commonly larger there than elsewhere. Endangered hawksbill turtle and
threatened green turtles forage in nearshore waters. All three islands
afford unique opportunities to conduct climate change research at the
equator, far from population centers. The coral skeletons there have
recorded the earth' climatic history for many millions of years.
Johnston Atoll, the northernmost island in the island chain, is an
ancient atoll and probably one of the oldest in the Pacific Ocean.
Unlike most atolls, it does not have a surrounding barrier reef but has
a semicircular emergent reef around the north and western margins of the
island. Four major habitats characterize Johnston: low-lying islets
consisting of the remains of corals and shells, shallow coral reefs to
depths of 150 meters, deeper reefs to depths of 1,000 meters or more,
and the slope of the ancient volcano on which the island rests.
Johnston is a genetic and larval stepping stone from the Remote Islands
to the Hawaiian Islands for invertebrates, other reef fauna, corals, and
dolphins. Despite its isolation, Johnston supports thriving communities
of Table corals (Acropora) and a total of 45 coral species, including a
dozen species confined to the Hawaiian and northern Line Islands. Some
300 species of reef fish are at Johnston, including the endemic
Nahacky's pygmy angelfish. Many threatened, endangered, and depleted
species thrive there, including the green turtle, hawksbill turtle,
pearl oyster, giant clams, reef sharks, groupers, humphead wrasse,
bumphead parrotfish, whales, and dolphins. Endangered Hawaiian Monk
Seals occasionally visit the atoll. Deep diving submersible surveys have
revealed that Johnston supports the deepest reef building corals
(Leptoseris) on record and large populations of hydrozoan corals
(Millepora, Distichopora, Staylaster). Land areas support large
populations of migratory shorebirds and resident seabird species,
including populations of regional, national, or international
significance: Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, Christmas Shearwaters, Red-
tailed Tropicbirds, Brown Boobies, Great Frigatebirds, Gray-backed
Terns, and White Terns. Approximately 200 threatened Green turtles
forage at Johnston. The surrounding waters are used by six depleted or
endangered listed cetacean species: Sperm, Blue, Sei, Humpback, and
North Pacific Right whales. Spinner dolphins are abundant, and
endangered Humpback whales may calve there.
Palmyra Atoll is a classic Darwinian atoll that formed atop a sinking
Cretaceous-era volcano. Kingman Reef formed in the same manner but is
considered an atoll reef because it lacks permanent fast land areas or
islands. Kingman Reef contains a sheltered lagoon that served as a way
station for flying boats on Hawaii-to-American Samoa flights during the
late 1930s. There are no terrestrial plants on the reef, which is
frequently awash, but it does support abundant and diverse marine fauna
and flora. Palmyra Atoll is managed by the United States Fish

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and Wildlife Service as a wildlife refuge. In 2001, the Secretary of the
Interior established National Wildlife Refuges at Palmyra Atoll and
Kingman Reef.
Palmyra Atoll and Kingman Reef are known to be among the most pristine
coral reefs in the world, with a fully structured inverted food web.
Kingman Reef is the most pristine of any reef under U.S. jurisdiction.
They are ideal laboratories for assessing effects of climate change
without the difficulty of filtering anthropogenic impacts. Both Palmyra
Atoll and Kingman Reef support higher levels of coral and other
cnidarian species diversity (180-190 species) than any other atoll or
reef island in the central Pacific, twice as many as are found in Hawaii
or Florida. Palmyra atoll has one of the best remaining examples of
Pisonia grandis forest found in the Pacific region. This forest type has
been lost or severely degraded over much of its range due to increased
human population and development. Fish species diversity at Palmyra (418
species) is higher than, while that of Kingman (297 species) is
comparable to, that of the other remote Pacific refuges. Many
threatened, endangered, and depleted species thrive there, including the
green and hawksbill turtle, pearl oyster, giant clams (the highest
concentration in the Pacific Remote Island Area), reef sharks, Coconut
crabs, groupers, humphead and Napoleon wrasse, bumphead parrotfish, and
dolphins. Significant numbers of threatened green turtles forage at both
atolls, especially at Palmyra; endangered Hawksbill sea turtles forage
at both atolls. Large schools of rare Melon-headed whales reside off
both atolls. A possibly new species of beaked whale was recently
described from 2 specimens stranded at Palmyra and 1 at Christmas
Island. Palmyra supports 11 nesting seabird species including the third-
largest Red-footed Booby colony in the world. Large numbers of Bristle-
thighed Curlews, a migratory shorebird of conservation significance,
winter at Palmyra.
WHEREAS Wake, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll,
Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll and their surrounding waters contain
objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon lands
owned or controlled by the Government of the United States;
WHEREAS the Department of Defense has historically maintained
facilities, defensive areas, and airspace reservations at Wake Island
and Johnston Atoll;
WHEREAS the United States continues to act in accordance with the
balance of interests relating to traditional uses of the oceans
recognizing freedom of navigation and overflight and other
internationally recognized lawful uses of the sea;
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C.
431) (the ``Antiquities Act'') authorizes the President, in his
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks,
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by
the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve the marine environment
around the islands of Wake, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands,

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Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll for the care and
management of the historic and scientific objects therein:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities
Act, do proclaim that there are hereby set apart and reserved as the
Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (the ``monument'' or
``marine national monument'') for the purpose of protecting the objects
identified above, all lands and interests in lands owned or controlled
by the Government of the United States within the boundaries described
below and depicted on the accompanying maps entitled ``Pacific Remote
Islands Marine National Monument'' attached to and forming a part of
this proclamation. The monument includes the waters and submerged and
emergent lands of the Pacific Remote Islands to the lines of latitude
and longitude depicted on the accompanying maps, which lie approximately
50 nautical miles from the mean low water lines of Wake, Baker, Howland,
and Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll. The
Federal land and interests in land reserved consists of approximately
86,888 square miles, which is the smallest area compatible with the
proper care and management of the objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this
monument are hereby withdrawn from all forms of entry, location,
selection, sale, leasing, or other disposition under the public land
laws to the extent that those laws apply. Lands and interests in lands
within the monument not owned or controlled by the United States shall
be reserved as a part of the monument upon acquisition of title or
control by the United States.
Management of the Marine National Monument
The Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Secretary of
Commerce, shall have responsibility for management of the monument,
including out to 12 nautical miles from the mean low water lines of
Wake, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef,
and Palmyra Atoll, pursuant to applicable legal authorities. However,
the Secretary of Defense shall continue to manage Wake Island, according
to the terms and conditions of an Agreement between the Secretary of the
Interior and Secretary of the Air Force, unless and until such Agreement
is terminated. The Secretary of Commerce, through the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, and in consultation with the Secretary
of the Interior, shall have primary responsibility for management of the
monument seaward of the area 12 nautical miles of the mean low water
lines of Wake, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands, Johnston Atoll,
Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll, with respect to fishery-related
activities regulated pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) and any other
applicable legal authorities. The Secretaries of Commerce and the
Interior shall not allow or permit any appropriation, injury,
destruction, or removal of any feature of this monument except as
provided for by this proclamation and shall prohibit commercial fishing
within boundaries of the monument.
The Secretaries of the Interior and of Commerce shall take appropriate
action pursuant to their respective authorities under the Antiquities
Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act,
and such other authorities as may be available to implement this

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123 STAT. 3586

proclamation, to regulate fisheries, and to ensure proper care and
management of the monument.
Regulation of Scientific Exploration and Research
Subject to such terms and conditions as the respective Secretary deems
necessary for the care and management of the objects of this monument,
the Secretary of the Interior may permit scientific exploration and
research within the monument, including incidental appropriation,
injury, destruction, or removal of features of this monument for
scientific study, and the Secretary of Commerce may permit fishing
within the monument for scientific exploration and research purposes to
the extent authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not
restrict scientific exploration or research activities by or for the
Secretaries, and nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to
require a permit or other authorization from the other Secretary for
their respective scientific activities.
Regulation of Fishing and Management of Fishery Resources
The respective Secretaries may permit noncommercial fishing upon
request, at specific locations in accordance with this proclamation.
Noncommercial fishing opportunities currently allowed by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service at Palmyra Atoll may continue unless the Secretary
of the Interior determines such fishing would not be compatible with the
purposes of the Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. The Secretary
shall provide a process to ensure that recreational fishing shall be
managed as a sustainable activity in certain areas of the monument,
consistent with Executive Order 12962 of June 7, 1995, as amended, and
other applicable law.
Monument Management Planning
The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce shall, within 2 years of
the date of this proclamation, prepare management plans within their
respective authorities and promulgate implementing regulations that
address any further specific actions necessary for the proper care and
management of the objects identified in this proclamation at Baker,
Howland, and Jarvis Islands, Kingman Reef, and Palmyra Atoll. The
Secretaries shall revise and update the management plans as necessary.
The Secretary of the Interior shall revise the management plan to
incorporate measures for the management of Johnston Atoll within 2 years
of the date that the Department of Defense terminates its use of
Johnston Atoll. If the Secretary of the Air Force terminates the
Agreement regarding its use of Wake Island, the Secretary of the
Interior shall revise the management plan to incorporate Wake Island
management within 2 years of the date that the Air Force terminates its
use of Wake Island. In developing and implementing any management plans
and any management rules and regulations, the Secretaries shall consult
and designate and involve as cooperating agencies the agencies with
jurisdiction or special expertise, including the Department of Defense,
in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321
et seq.,) its implementing regulations, and with Executive Order 13352,
of August 26, 2004, Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation.
The management plans and their implementing regulations shall impose no
restrictions on innocent passage in the territorial sea or otherwise
restrict navigation and overflight and other internationally recog-

[[Page 3587]]
123 STAT. 3587

nized lawful uses of the sea in the monument and shall incorporate the
provisions of this proclamation regarding Armed Forces actions and
compliance with international law.
This proclamation shall be applied in accordance with international law.
No restrictions shall apply to or be enforced against a person who is
not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States
(including foreign flag vessels) unless in accordance with international
Emergencies, National Security, and Law Enforcement Activities
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities necessary to respond to emergencies threatening life,
property, or the environment, or to activities necessary for national
security or law enforcement purposes.
2. Nothing in this proclamation shall limit agency actions to respond to
emergencies posing an unacceptable threat to human health or safety or
to the marine environment and admitting of no other feasible solution.
Armed Forces Actions
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities and exercises of the Armed Forces (including those carried
out by the United States Coast Guard).
2. The Armed Forces shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate
measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities, that its
vessels and aircraft act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable
and practicable, with this proclamation.
3. In the event of threatened or actual destruction of, loss of, or
injury to a monument resource or quality resulting from an incident,
including but not limited to spills and groundings, caused by a
component of the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard,
the cognizant component shall promptly coordinate with the Secretary of
the Interior or Commerce, as appropriate, for the purpose of taking
appropriate actions to respond to and mitigate any actual harm and, if
possible, restore or replace the monument resource or quality.
4. Nothing in this proclamation or any regulation implementing it shall
limit or otherwise affect the Armed Forces' discretion to use, maintain,
improve, manage, or control any property under the administrative
control of a Military Department or otherwise limit the availability of
such property for military mission purposes, including, but not limited
to, defensive areas and airspace reservations.
The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights.
This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by
any party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or
entities, its officers, employees, agents, or any other person.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the national
monument shall be dominant over any other existing federal withdrawal,
reservation, or appropriation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate,
excavate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and
not to locate or settle upon any lands thereof.

[[Page 3588]]
123 STAT. 3588

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 3589]]
123 STAT. 3589


[[Page 3590]]
123 STAT. 3590


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123 STAT. 3591


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123 STAT. 3592


[[Page 3593]]
123 STAT. 3593


PROCLAMATION 8336--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8336--JAN. 6, 2009

[[Page 3594]]
123 STAT. 3594

Proclamation 8337 of January 6, 2009
Establishment of the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In the Pacific Ocean approximately 130 nautical miles east-southeast of
Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa, lies Rose Atoll-the easternmost Samoan
island and the southernmost point of the United States. This small
atoll, which includes the Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge with about
20 acres of land and 1,600 acres of lagoon, remains one of the most
pristine atolls in the world. The lands, submerged lands, waters, and
marine environment around Rose Atoll support a dynamic reef ecosystem
that is home to a very diverse assemblage of terrestrial and marine
species, many of which are threatened or endangered.
PROCLAMATION 8337--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8337--JAN. 6, 2009
One of the most striking features of Rose Atoll is the pink hue of
fringing reef caused by the dominance of coralline algae, which is the
primary reef-building species. Though there are roughly 100 species of
stony corals, the shallow reefs are dominated by crustose coralline
algae, making them distinctive and quite different from those found at
other Samoan islands. The marine area provides isolated, unmolested
nesting grounds for green and hawksbill turtles and has the largest
number of nesting turtles in American Samoa. Its waters are frequented
by numerous large predators: whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef sharks,
gray reef sharks, snappers, jacks, groupers, and barracudas. Species
that have faced depletion elsewhere, some of which have declined
worldwide by as much as 98 percent, are found in abundance at Rose
Atoll, including giant clams, Maori wrasse, large parrotfishes, and
blacktip, whitetip, and gray reef sharks. Humpback whales, pilot whales,
and the porpoise genus Stenella have all been spotted at Rose Atoll.
There are 272 species of reef fish, with seven species first described
by scientists at Rose and dozens more new species discovered on the
first deep water dive to 200 meters. Recent submersible dives around
Rose Atoll have revealed abundant marine life, deep sea coral forests,
and several new fish and invertebrate species.
Rose Atoll supports most of the seabird population of American Samoa,
including 12 federally protected migratory seabirds, five species of
federally protected shorebirds, and a migrant forest bird, the long-
tailed cuckoo. Rare species of nesting petrels, shearwaters, and terns
are thriving at Rose Atoll and increasing in number. The atoll is known
to Samoans, who have periodically visited over the past millennium, as
``Nu'u O Manu'' (``Village of seabirds''). It is believed that
Polynesians have harvested at Rose Atoll for millennia and several
species, such as the giant clam, were used for cultural celebrations and
events. Few relatively undisturbed islands remain in the world and Rose
Atoll is one of the last remaining refuges for the seabird and turtle
species of the Central Pacific. Threatened Pisonia atoll forest trees
are also found at Rose Atoll.
WHEREAS the lands, submerged lands, and waters of and marine environment
around Rose Atoll contain objects of historic or scientific interest
that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by the Government of
the United States;

[[Page 3595]]
123 STAT. 3595

WHEREAS the United States continues to act in accordance with the
balance of interests relating to traditional uses of the oceans
recognizing freedom of navigation and overflight and other
internationally recognized lawful uses of the sea;
WHEREAS section 2 of the Act of June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225, 16 U.S.C.
431) (the ``Antiquities Act'') authorizes the President, in his
discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks,
historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest that are situated upon lands owned or controlled by
the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and to
reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all
cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper
care and management of the objects to be protected;
WHEREAS it is in the public interest to preserve the lands, submerged
lands and waters of, and marine environment around Rose Atoll as
necessary for the care and management of the historic and scientific
objects therein:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by the authority vested in me by section 2 of the Antiquities
Act, do proclaim that there are hereby set apart and reserved as the
Rose Atoll Marine National Monument (the ``monument'' or ``marine
national monument'') for the purpose of protecting the objects described
in the above preceding paragraphs, all lands and interests in lands
owned or controlled by the Government of the United States within the
boundaries that lie approximately 50 nautical miles from the mean low
water line of Rose Atoll as depicted on the accompanying map entitled
``Rose Atoll Marine National Monument'' attached to and forming a part
of this proclamation. The Federal land and interests in land reserved
consists of approximately 13,451 square miles of emergent and submerged
lands and waters of and around Rose Atoll in American Samoa, which is
the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the
objects to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the boundaries of this
monument are hereby withdrawn from all forms of entry, location,
selection, sale, or leasing or other disposition under the public land
laws to the extent that those laws apply.
Management of the Marine National Monument
The Secretary of the Interior shall have management responsibility for
the monument, including Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, in
consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, except that the Secretary
of Commerce, through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, shall have the primary management responsibility
regarding the management of the marine areas of the monument seaward of
mean low water, with respect to fishery-related activities regulated
pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
(16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), and any other applicable authorities. The
Secretary of Commerce shall initiate the process to add the marine areas
of the monument to the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in
accordance with the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431 et
seq.), including its provision for consultation with an advisory
council, to further the protection of the objects identified in this
proclamation. In developing and implementing any management plans and
any management rules and regulations, the Secretary of Commerce shall

[[Page 3596]]
123 STAT. 3596

with the Secretary of the Interior and shall designate and involve as
cooperating agencies the agencies with jurisdiction or special
expertise, including the Department of State, the Department of Defense,
and other agencies through scoping in accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), its implementing
regulations and with Executive Order 13352 of August 26, 2004,
Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation, and shall treat as a
cooperating agency the Government of American Samoa, consistent with
these authorities.
The Secretary of the Interior shall continue to manage the Rose Atoll
National Wildlife Refuge consistent with the protection of the objects
identified in this proclamation. The Secretary of the Interior shall, in
developing any management plans and any management rules and regulations
governing the Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, comply with the
National Environmental Policy Act and consult with the Secretary of
For the purposes of protecting the objects identified above, the
Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce, respectively, shall not allow
or permit any appropriation, injury, destruction, or removal of any
feature of this monument except as provided for by this proclamation or
as otherwise provided for by law.
Regulation of Scientific Exploration and Research
Subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretaries deem necessary
for the care and management of the objects of this monument, the
Secretary of the Interior may permit scientific exploration and research
within the monument, including incidental appropriation, injury,
destruction, or removal of features of this monument for scientific
study, and the Secretary of Commerce may permit fishing within the
monument for scientific exploration and research purposes to the extent
authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not restrict
scientific exploration or research activities by or for the Secretaries,
and nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to require a permit
or other authorization from the other Secretary for their respective
scientific activities.
Regulation of Fishing and Management of Fishery Resources
The Secretaries shall prohibit commercial fishing within the monument.
Subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretaries deem necessary
for the care and management of the objects of this monument, the
Secretaries may permit noncommercial and sustenance fishing or, after
consultation with the Government of American Samoa, traditional
indigenous fishing within the monument. The Secretaries of the Interior
and Commerce, respectively, in consultation with the Government of
American Samoa, shall provide for a process to ensure that recreational
fishing shall be managed as a sustainable activity consistent with
Executive Order 12962 of June 7, 1995, as amended, and other applicable
This proclamation shall be applied in accordance with international law.
No restrictions shall apply to or be enforced against a person who is
not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States
(including foreign flag vessels) unless in accordance with international
law. The management plan and implementing regulations shall impose no
restrictions on innocent passage in the territorial sea or otherwise re-

[[Page 3597]]
123 STAT. 3597

strict navigation and overflight and other internationally recognized
lawful uses of the sea in the monument and shall incorporate the
provisions of this proclamation regarding Armed Forces actions and
compliance with international law.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to diminish or enlarge the
jurisdiction of the Government of American Samoa. The Secretaries of the
Interior and Commerce shall, in developing any management plans and any
management rules and regulations governing the marine areas of the
monument, as described above, consult with the Government of American
Emergencies, National Security, and Law Enforcement Activities
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities necessary to respond to emergencies threatening life,
property, or the environment, or to activities necessary for national
security or law enforcement purposes.
2. Nothing in this proclamation shall limit agency actions to respond to
emergencies posing an unacceptable threat to human health or safety or
to the marine environment and admitting of no other feasible solution.
Armed Forces Actions
1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to
activities and exercises of the Armed Forces (including those carried
out by the United States Coast Guard).
2. The Armed Forces shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate
measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities, that its
vessels and aircraft act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable
and practicable, with this proclamation.
3. In the event of threatened or actual destruction of, loss of, or
injury to a monument living marine resource resulting from an incident,
including but not limited to spills and groundings, caused by a
component of the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard,
the cognizant component shall promptly coordinate with the Secretary of
the Interior or Commerce, as appropriate for the purpose of taking
appropriate actions to respond to and mitigate any actual harm and, if
possible, restore or replace the monument resource or quality.
4. Nothing in this proclamation or any regulation implementing it shall
limit or otherwise affect the Armed Forces'; discretion to use,
maintain, improve, manage, or control any property under the
administrative control of a Military Department or otherwise limit the
availability of such property for military mission purposes.
The establishment of this monument is subject to valid existing rights.
This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or
benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by
any party against the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities, or
entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing
withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the national
monument shall be dominant over any other existing Federal withdrawal,
reservation, or appropriation.

[[Page 3598]]
123 STAT. 3598

Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate,
excavate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and
not to locate or settle upon any lands thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

[[Page 3599]]
123 STAT. 3599


PROCLAMATION 8337--JAN. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8337--JAN. 6, 2009

[[Page 3600]]
123 STAT. 3600

Proclamation 8338 of January 13, 2009
Religious Freedom Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Religious freedom is the foundation of a healthy and hopeful society. On
Religious Freedom Day, we recognize the importance of the 1786 passage
of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. We also celebrate the
first liberties enshrined in our Constitution' Bill of Rights, which
guarantee the free exercise of religion for all Americans and prohibit
an establishment of religion.
PROCLAMATION 8338--JAN. 13, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8338--JAN. 13, 2009
Our Nation was founded by people seeking haven from religious
persecution, and the religious liberty they found here remains one of
this land's greatest blessings. As Americans, we believe that all people
have inherent dignity and worth. Though we may profess different creeds
and worship in different manners and places, we respect each other's
humanity and expression of faith. People with diverse views can practice
their faiths here while living together in peace and harmony, carrying
on our Nation's noble tradition of religious freedom.
The United States also stands with religious dissidents and believers
from around the globe who practice their faith peacefully. Freedom is
not a grant of government or a right for Americans alone; it is the
birthright of every man, woman, and child throughout the world. No human
freedom is more fundamental than the right to worship in accordance with
one's conscience.
Religious Freedom Day is an opportunity to celebrate our legacy of
religious liberty, foster a culture of tolerance and peace, and renew
commitments to ensure that every person on Earth can enjoy these basic
human rights.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 16, 2009, as
Religious Freedom Day. I call on all Americans to reflect on the great
blessing of religious liberty, endeavor to preserve this freedom for
future generations, and commemorate this day with appropriate events and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8339--JAN. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8339--JAN. 15, 2009

[[Page 3601]]
123 STAT. 3601

Proclamation 8339 of January 15, 2009
National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and
worthy of protection. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our
country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to
be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also
underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by
speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.
The most basic duty of government is to protect the life of the
innocent. My Administration has been committed to building a culture of
life by vigorously promoting adoption and parental notification laws,
opposing Federal funding for abortions overseas, encouraging teen
abstinence, and funding crisis pregnancy programs. In 2002, I was
honored to sign into law the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which
extends legal protection to children who survive an abortion attempt. I
signed legislation in 2003 to ban the cruel practice of partial-birth
abortion, and that law represents our commitment to building a culture
of life in America. Also, I was proud to sign the Unborn Victims of
Violence Act of 2004, which allows authorities to charge a person who
causes death or injury to a child in the womb with a separate offense in
addition to any charges relating to the mother.
America is a caring Nation, and our values should guide us as we harness
the gifts of science. In our zeal for new treatments and cures, we must
never abandon our fundamental morals. We can achieve the great
breakthroughs we all seek with reverence for the gift of life.
The sanctity of life is written in the hearts of all men and women. On
this day and throughout the year, we aspire to build a society in which
every child is welcome in life and protected in law. We also encourage
more of our fellow Americans to join our just and noble cause. History
tells us that with a cause rooted in our deepest principles and
appealing to the best instincts of our citizens, we will prevail.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 18, 2009, as
National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon all Americans to
recognize this day with appropriate ceremonies and to underscore our
commitment to respecting and protecting the life and dignity of every
human being.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8339--JAN. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8339--JAN. 15, 2009

[[Page 3602]]
123 STAT. 3602

Proclamation 8340 of January 15, 2009
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

On the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, we recognize one of
history' most consequential advocates for equality and civil rights, and
we celebrate his powerful message of justice and hope. Our Nation is
better because Dr. King was a man of courage and vision who understood
that love and compassion will always triumph over bitterness and hatred.
PROCLAMATION 8340--JAN. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8340--JAN. 15, 2009
As Americans, we believe it is self-evident that all men are created
equal and that freedom is not a grant of government but a gift from the
Author of Life. Dr. King trusted in these beliefs articulated in our
founding documents even when our country' practices did not live up to
its promises. He roused the conscience of a complacent Nation by drawing
attention to the ugliness of discrimination and segregation and by
calling on Americans to live up to our guarantee of equality.
Our Nation has seen tremendous progress in redeeming the ideals of
America and protecting every person's God-given rights. The historic
election of Barack Obama as President of the United States reflects the
real advances our Nation has made in the fight against the bigotry that
Dr. King opposed. More work remains, though, and we must heed Dr. King's
words that ``injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'' By
continuing to spread his message and demanding that the equal rights he
fought for are extended to all people, we can ensure that the dignity of
every person is respected and that the hope for a better tomorrow
reaches every community throughout the world.
As we observe Dr. King's birthday, we commemorate his leadership and
strength of character. We go forward with confidence that if we remain
true to our founding principles, our Nation will continue to advance the
cause of justice and remain a beacon of hope to people everywhere.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 19, 2009, as the
Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. I encourage all Americans to
observe this day with appropriate civic, community, and service programs
and activities in honor of Dr. King's life and legacy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8341--JAN. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8341--JAN. 16, 2009

[[Page 3603]]
123 STAT. 3603

Proclamation 8341 of January 16, 2009
To Implement the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement and for
Other Purposes
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. On April 12, 2006, the United States entered into the United States-
Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (the ``Agreement''), and on June 24 and
June 25, 2007, the Parties to the Agreement signed a protocol amending
the Agreement. Congress approved the Agreement as amended in section
101(a) of the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
Implementation Act (the``Implementation Act'') (Public Law 110-138, 121
Stat. 1455) (19 U.S.C. 3805 note).
PROCLAMATION 8341--JAN. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8341--JAN. 16, 2009
2. Section 105(a) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to
establish or designate within the Department of Commerce an office that
shall be responsible for providing administrative assistance to panels
established under chapter 21 of the Agreement.
3. Section 201 of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to
proclaim such modifications or continuation of any duty, such
continuation of duty-free or excise treatment, or such additional
duties, as the President determines to be necessary or appropriate to
carry out or apply Articles 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 3.3.13 and Annex 2.3 of the
4. Section 201(d) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to
take such action as may be necessary in implementing the tariff-rate
quotas set forth in Appendix I to the Schedule of the United States to
Annex 2.3 of the Agreement to ensure that imports of agricultural goods
do not disrupt the orderly marketing of commodities in the United
5. Consistent with section 201(a)(2) of the Implementation Act, Peru is
to be removed from the enumeration of designated beneficiary developing
countries eligible for the benefits of the Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) on the date the Agreement enters into force. Further,
consistent with section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the
``1974 Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2483), I have determined that other technical
and conforming changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
States (HTS) are necessary to reflect that Peru is no longer eligible to
receive the benefits of the GSP.
6. Section 203 of the Implementation Act sets forth certain rules for
determining whether a good is an originating good for the purpose of
implementing preferential tariff treatment provided for under the
Agreement. I have decided that it is necessary to include these rules of
origin, together with particular rules applicable to certain other
goods, in the HTS.
7. Section 203(o) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to
determine that a fabric, yarn, or fiber is or is not available in
commercial quantities in a timely manner in the United States and Peru;
to establish procedures governing the request for any such determination
and ensuring appropriate public participation in any such determination;
to add any fabric, yarn, or fiber determined to be not available in
commercial quantities in a timely manner in the United States

[[Page 3604]]
123 STAT. 3604

and Peru to the list in Annex 3-B of the Agreement in a restricted or
unrestricted quantity; to eliminate a restriction on the quantity of a
fabric, yarn, or fiber within 6 months after adding the fabric, yarn, or
fiber to the list in Annex 3-B of the Agreement in a restricted
quantity; and to restrict the quantity of, or remove from the list in
Annex 3-B of the Agreement, certain fabrics, yarns, or fibers.
8. Section 208 of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to
take certain enforcement actions relating to trade with Peru in textile
and apparel goods.
9. Subtitle B of title III of the Implementation Act authorizes the
President to take certain actions in response to a request by an
interested party for relief from serious damage or actual threat thereof
to a domestic industry producing certain textile or apparel articles.
10. Executive Order 11651 of March 3, 1972, as amended, established the
Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA),
consisting of representatives of the Departments of State, the Treasury,
Commerce, and Labor, and the Office of the United States Trade
Representative, with the representative of the Department of Commerce as
Chairman, to supervise the implementation of textile trade agreements.
Consistent with section 301 of title 3, United States Code, when
carrying out functions vested in the President by statute and assigned
by the President to CITA, the officials collectively exercising those
functions are all to be officers required to be appointed by the
President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
11. Presidential Proclamation 7971 of December 22, 2005, implemented the
United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (USMFTA). The proclamation
implemented, pursuant to section 201 of the United States-Morocco Free
Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the ``USMFTA Act'') (Public Law 108-
302, 118 Stat. 1103) (19 U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in
rates of duty that I determined to be necessary or appropriate to carry
out or apply certain provisions of the USMFTA, including Articles 2.5
and 2.6. The proclamation inadvertently omitted two modifications to the
HTS necessary to carry out the provisions of Articles 2.5 and 2.6 of the
USMFTA. I have determined that technical corrections to the HTS are
necessary to provide the intended tariff treatment under Articles 2.5
and 2.6 of the USMFTA.
12. Presidential Proclamation 8039 of July 27, 2006, implemented the
United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (USBFTA). The proclamation
implemented, pursuant to section 201 of the United State-Bahrain Free
Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the ``USBFTA Act'') (Public Law 109-
169, 119 Stat. 3581), the staged reductions in rates of duty that I
determined to be necessary or appropriate to carry out or apply certain
provisions of the USBFTA, including Articles 2.5 and 2.6. The
proclamation inadvertently omitted two modifications to the HTS
necessary to carry out the provisions of Articles 2.5 and 2.6 of the
USBFTA. I have determined that technical corrections to the HTS are
necessary to provide the intended tariff treatment under Articles 2.5
and 2.6 of the USBFTA.
13. Presidential Proclamation 8331 of December 23, 2008, implemented the
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA-DR) for trade with Costa Rica. The proclamation implemented,
pursuant to section 201 of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United
States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

[[Page 3605]]
123 STAT. 3605

(the ``CAFTA-DR Act'') (Public Law 109-53, 119 Stat. 467) (19 U.S.C.
4031), the duty treatment necessary to carry out or apply Articles 3.3
and 3.27, and Annexes 3.3 (including the schedule of United States duty
reductions with respect to originating goods) and 3.27, of the CAFTA-DR.
I have determined that technical corrections to the HTS are necessary to
provide the intended duty treatment under the CAFTA-DR.
14. Section 604 of the 1974 Act, as amended, authorizes the President to
embody in the HTS the substance of relevant provisions of that Act, or
other Acts affecting import treatment, and of actions taken thereunder,
including the removal, modification, continuance, or imposition of any
rate of duty or other import restriction.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
section 604 of the 1974 Act; sections 105(a), 201, 203, 208, and
subtitle B of title III of the Implementation Act; and section 301 of
title 3, United States Code, and having made the determination under
section 101(b) of the Implementation Act necessary for the exchange of
notes, do hereby proclaim: (1) In order to provide generally for the
preferential tariff treatment being accorded under the Agreement, to set
forth rules for determining whether goods imported into the customs
territory of the United States are eligible for preferential tariff
treatment under the Agreement, to provide certain other treatment to
originating goods of Peru for the purposes of the Agreement, to provide
tariff-rate quotas with respect to certain originating goods of Peru, to
reflect Peru's removal from the enumeration of designated beneficiary
developing countries for purposes of the GSP, and to make technical and
conforming changes in the general notes to the HTS, the HTS is modified
as set forth in Annex I of Publication 4058 of the United States
International Trade Commission, entitled, ``Modifications to the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement the United
States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement'', which is incorporated by
reference into this proclamation.
(2) In order to implement the initial stage of duty elimination provided
for in the Agreement and to provide for future staged reductions in
duties for originating goods of Peru for purposes of the Agreement, the
HTS is modified as provided in Annex II of Publication 4058, effective
on the dates specified in the relevant sections of such publication and
on any subsequent dates set forth for such duty reductions in that
(3) The amendments to the HTS made by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this
proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the relevant dates
indicated in Annex II to Publication 4058.
(4) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to exercise my authority
under section 105(a) of the Implementation Act to establish or designate
an office within the Department of Commerce to carry out the functions
set forth in that section.
(5) The United States Trade Representative (USTR) is authorized to
exercise my authority under section 201(d) of the Implementation Act to
take such action as may be necessary in implementing the tariff-rate
quotas set forth in Appendix I to the Schedule of the United States to

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123 STAT. 3606

Annex 2.3 of the Agreement to ensure that imports of agricultural goods
do not disrupt the orderly marketing of commodities in the United
States. This action is set forth in Annex I of Publication 4058.
(6) The CITA is authorized to exercise my authority under section 203(o)
of the Implementation Act to determine that a fabric, yarn, or fiber is
or is not available in commercial quantities in a timely manner in the
United States and Peru; to establish procedures governing the request
for any such determination and ensuring appropriate public participation
in any such determination; to add any fabric, yarn, or fiber determined
to be not available in commercial quantities in a timely manner in the
United States and Peru to the list in Annex 3-B of the Agreement in a
restricted or unrestricted quantity; to eliminate a restriction on the
quantity of a fabric, yarn, or fiber within 6 months after adding the
fabric, yarn, or fiber to the list in Annex 3-B of the Agreement in a
restricted quantity; and to restrict the quantity of, or remove from the
list in Annex 3-B of the Agreement, certain fabrics, yarns, or fibers.
(7) The CITA is authorized to exercise my authority under section 208 of
the Implementation Act to exclude certain textile and apparel goods from
the customs territory of the United States; to determine whether an
enterprise's production of, and capability to produce, goods are
consistent with statements by the enterprise; to find that an enterprise
has knowingly or willfully engaged in circumvention; and to deny
preferential tariff treatment to textile and apparel goods.
(8) The CITA is authorized to exercise the functions of the President
under subtitle B of title III of the Implementation Act to review
requests, and to determine whether to commence consideration of such
requests; to cause to be published in the Federal Register a notice of
commencement of consideration of a request and notice seeking public
comment; to determine whether imports of a Peruvian textile or apparel
article are causing serious damage, or actual threat thereof, to a
domestic industry producing an article that is like, or directly
competitive with, the imported article; and to provide relief from
imports of an article that is the subject of such a determination.
(9) The CITA, after consultation with the Commissioner of Customs (the
``Commissioner''), is authorized to consult with representatives of Peru
for the purpose of identifying particular textile or apparel goods of
Peru that are mutually agreed to be handloomed fabrics, handmade goods
made of such handloomed fabrics, folklore goods, or handmade goods that
substantially incorporate a historical or traditional regional design or
motif, as provided in Article 3.3.12 of the Agreement. The Commissioner
shall take actions as directed by the CITA to carry out any such
(10) The USTR is authorized to fulfill my obligations under section 104
of the Implementation Act to obtain advice from the appropriate advisory
committees and the United States International Trade Commission on the
proposed implementation of an action by presidential proclamation; to
submit a report on such proposed action to the appropriate congressional
committees; and to consult with those congressional committees regarding
the proposed action.
(11) The USTR is authorized to modify U.S. note 29 to subchapter XXII of
chapter 98 of the HTS in a notice published in the Federal Register to
reflect modifications pursuant to paragraph (6) of this proclamation

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123 STAT. 3607

by the CITA to the list of fabrics, yarns, or fibers in Annex 3-B of the
(12) In order to make technical corrections necessary to provide the
intended duty treatment under Articles 2.5 and 2.6 of the USMFTA,
Articles 2.5 and 2.6 of the USBFTA, and the CAFTA-DR, the HTS is
modified as set forth in Annex III of Publication 4058.
(13) All provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that
are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8342--JAN. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8342--JAN. 16, 2009
Proclamation 8342 of January 16, 2009
To Suspend Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Foreign Government
Officials Responsible for Failing To Combat Trafficking in Persons
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In order to foster greater resolve to address trafficking in persons
(TIP), specifically in punishing acts of trafficking and providing
protections to the victims of these crimes, consistent with the
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended (the ``Act'') (22
U.S.C. 7101 et seq.), it is in the interests of the United States to
restrict the international travel and to suspend entry into the United
States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of certain senior government
officials responsible for domestic law enforcement, justice, or labor
affairs who have impeded their governments' antitrafficking efforts,
have failed to implement their governments' antitrafficking laws and
policies, or who otherwise bear responsibility for their governments'
failures to take steps recognized internationally as appropriate to
combat trafficking in persons, and whose governments have been ranked
more than once as Tier 3 countries, which represent the worst anti-TIP
performers, in the Department of State's annual Trafficking in Persons
Report, and for which I have made a determination pursuant to section
110(d)(1)-(2) or (4) of the Act. The Act reflects international
antitrafficking standards that guide efforts to eradicate this modern-
day form of slavery around the world.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, including section 212(f) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 8 U.S.C. 1182(f), and section
301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find that the unrestricted
immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of persons
described in section 1 of this proclamation would, except as provided

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123 STAT. 3608

for in sections 2 and 3 of this proclamation, be detrimental to the
interests of the United States.
I therefore hereby proclaim that:
Section 1. The entry into the United States, as immigrants or
nonimmigrants, of the following aliens is hereby suspended:
(a) Senior government officials-defined as the heads of ministries or
agencies and officials occupying positions within the two bureaucratic
levels below those top positions-responsible for domestic law
enforcement, justice, or labor affairs who have impeded their
governments' antitrafficking efforts, have failed to implement their
governments' antitrafficking laws and policies, or who otherwise bear
responsibility for their governments' failures to take steps recognized
internationally as appropriate to combat trafficking in persons, and who
are members of governments for which I have made a determination
pursuant to section 110(d)(1)-(2) or (4) of the Act, in the current year
and at least once in the preceding 3 years;
PROCLAMATION 8342--JAN. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8342--JAN. 16, 2009
(b) The spouses of persons described in subsection (a) of this section.
Sec. 2. Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply with respect to
any person otherwise covered by section 1 where entry of such person
would not be contrary to the interest of the United States.
Sec. 3. Persons covered by sections 1 or 2 of this proclamation shall be
identified by the Secretary of State or the Secretary's designee, in his
or her sole discretion, pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary may
establish under section 5 of this proclamation.
Sec. 4. Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to derogate from
United States Government obligations under applicable international
Sec. 5. The Secretary of State shall implement this proclamation
pursuant to such procedures as the Secretary, in consultation with the
Secretary of Homeland Security, may establish.
Sec. 6. This proclamation is effective immediately. It shall remain in
effect until such time as the Secretary of State determines that it is
no longer necessary and should be terminated, either in whole or in
part. Any such determination by the Secretary of State shall be
published in the Federal Register.
Sec. 7. This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any
right, benefit, or privilege, substantive or procedural, enforceable at
law or in equity by any party against the United States, its
departments, agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers or
employees, or any other person.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8343--JAN. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8343--JAN. 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8343 of January 20, 2009
National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

As I take the sacred oath of the highest office in the land, I am
humbled by the responsibility placed upon my shoulders, renewed by the
courage and decency of the American people, and fortified by my faith in
an awesome God.
We are in the midst of a season of trial. Our Nation is being tested,
and our people know great uncertainty. Yet the story of America is one
of renewal in the face of adversity, reconciliation in a time of
discord, and we know that there is a purpose for everything under
On this Inauguration Day, we are reminded that we are heirs to over two
centuries of American democracy, and that this legacy is not simply a
birthright-it is a glorious burden. Now it falls to us to come together
as a people to carry it forward once more.
So in the words of President Abraham Lincoln, let us remember that:
``The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and
patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad
land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as
surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of
the United States, do hereby proclaim January 20, 2009, a National Day
of Renewal and Reconciliation, and call upon all of our citizens to
serve one another and the common purpose of remaking this Nation for our
new century.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8344--FEB. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8344--FEB. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8344 of February 2, 2009
American Heart Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Together, we can turn the tide on the number one killer of American
women and men. Heart disease claims more lives each year than all forms
of cancer combined. During American Heart Month, we renew our commitment
to promoting heart disease awareness. It is never too late to start
protecting heart health.
Certain risk factors can lead to heart disease. These include: high
blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking,

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123 STAT. 3610

diabetes. Practicing the following ``Big Four'' habits can help mitigate
these risks: eating a heart healthy diet, getting regular physical
activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding tobacco.
Unfortunately, only 3 percent of U.S. adults practice all of these
habits. As a Nation, we must work to increase that number.
Forming these healthy habits does not have to be difficult: Setting
realistic goals, making gradual improvements, and inviting family and
friends to join in this pursuit can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Above
all, we must remember that taking action can mean a longer, healthier,
and more enjoyable life.
PROCLAMATION 8344--FEB. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8344--FEB. 2, 2009
Michelle and I especially encourage women to take heart health
seriously. More women than men die of heart disease each year, and many
women fail to make the connection between risk factors and their
personal risk of developing heart disease. The Federal Government's The
Heart Truth campaign gives women a personal and urgent wake-up call
about their risk for heart disease. On the first Friday in February, The
Heart Truth will lead the Nation in celebrating National Wear Red Day to
promote heart disease awareness. All Americans are encouraged to wear
red or the Red Dress Pin-the national symbol for women and heart disease
awareness-to show support for adopting the Big Four heart health
lifestyle habits. This year on National Wear Red Day, we urge all
Americans to practice the ``Big Four'' healthy habits for reducing heart
disease risk.
During American Heart Month, we also honor the health professionals,
researchers, and other heart health ambassadors whose efforts help all
Americans lead longer and healthier lives.
In acknowledgement of the importance of the ongoing fight against
cardiovascular disease, the Congress, by Joint Resolution approved
December 30, 1963, as amended (77 Stat. 843; 36 U.S.C. 101), has
requested that the President issue an annual proclamation designating
February as ``American Heart Month.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim February 2009 as American Heart Month, and I
invite all Americans to participate in National Wear Red Day on February
6, 2009. I also invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, officials of other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the
United States, and the American people to join me in recognizing and
reaffirming our commitment to fighting cardiovascular disease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8345--FEB. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8345--FEB. 2, 2009

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Proclamation 8345 of February 2, 2009
National African American History Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The history of African Americans is unique and rich, and one that has
helped to define what it means to be an American. Arriving on ships on
the shores of North America more than 300 years ago, recognized more as
possessions than people, African Americans have come to know the
freedoms fought for in establishing the United States and gained through
the use of our founding principles of freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, the right to assembly, and due process of law. The ideals of the
Founders became more real and more true for every citizen as African
Americans pressed us to realize our full potential as a Nation and to
uphold those ideals for all who enter into our borders and embrace the
notion that we are all endowed with certain unalienable rights.
Since Carter G. Woodson first sought to illuminate the African American
experience, each February we pause to reflect on the contributions of
this community to our national identity. The history is one of struggle
for the recognition of each person's humanity as well as an influence on
the broader American culture. African Americans designed our beautiful
Capital City, gave us the melodic rhythms of New Orleans Jazz, issued
new discoveries in science and medicine, and forced us to examine
ourselves in the pages of classic literature. This legacy has only added
luster to the brand of the United States, which has drawn immigrants to
our shores for centuries.
This year's theme, ``The Quest for Black Citizenship in the Americas,''
is a chance to examine the evolution of our country and how African
Americans helped draw us ever closer to becoming a more perfect union.
The narrative of the African American pursuit of full citizenship with
all of the rights and privileges afforded others in this country is also
the story of a maturing young Nation. The voices and examples of the
African American people worked collectively to remove the boulders of
systemic racism and discrimination that pervaded our laws and our public
consciousness for decades. Through the work of Frederick Douglass and
Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver,
Martin Luther King and Thurgood Marshall, the African American community
has steadily made progress toward the dreams within its grasp and the
promise of our Nation. Meanwhile, the belief that those dreams might one
day be realized by all of our citizens gave African American men and
women the same sense of duty and love of country that led them to shed
blood in every war we have ever fought, to invest hard-earned resources
in their communities with the hope of self empowerment, and to pass the
ideals of this great land down to their children and grandchildren.
As we mark National African American History Month, we should take note
of this special moment in our Nation's history and the actors who worked
so diligently to deliver us to this place. One such organization is the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-

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123 STAT. 3612

the NAACP-which this year will witness 100 years of service to the
Nation on February 12. Because of their work, including the
contributions of those luminaries on the front lines and great advocates
behind the scenes, we as a Nation were able to take the dramatic steps
we have in recent history.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 2009 as
National African American History Month. I call upon public officials,
educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to
observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs
that raise awareness and appreciation of African American history.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8346--FEB. 27, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8346--FEB. 27, 2009
Proclamation 8346 of February 27, 2009
American Red Cross Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Sixty-two years after its founding, the Red Cross was instrumental in
what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called the ``greatest single
crusade of mercy in all of history.'' In 1943, at the height of World
War II, President Roosevelt called on the American people to support the
troops by supporting the Red Cross, which provided food, blood, and
supplies to American troops, allies, and civilians across the world.
President Roosevelt asked Americans to donate funds to the Red Cross,
setting a goal of $125 million for 6 weeks of fundraising. The American
people responded with characteristic generosity, opening their hearts
and wallets. The Red Cross met this goal in less than 6 weeks. During
that season of generosity and unity, President Roosevelt proclaimed
March 1943 as the first Red Cross Month.
The Red Cross has continued to serve those suffering from large- and
small-scale disasters. The organization is best known for its work
helping communities deal with major disasters such as hurricanes,
floods, and wildfires. These large-scale disasters represent a major
part of the work of the American Red Cross. Just as important are the
tens of thousands of small-scale disasters that occur every day in
communities nationwide, and the volunteers who respond to them. These
efforts include supporting our military and their families, collecting
and distributing blood, helping the needy, delivering health and safety
education, and providing aid abroad.
In every response, volunteers are the key to Red Cross efforts.
Volunteers represent 96 percent of the Red Cross workforce. Without
their giving spirit, disaster relief operations would fall short, blood

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123 STAT. 3613

tions would fail, and the mission of the Red Cross would go unfulfilled.
Whether helping military families stay connected with service members
around the world, teaching CPR and first aid, or supporting other
members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement,
volunteers are critical to the success of each and every Red Cross
endeavor. These individuals epitomize the generosity and community
spirit of the American people.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America and Honorary Chairman of the American Red Cross, by virtue of
the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United
States do hereby proclaim March 2009 as American Red Cross Month. I
encourage all Americans to support this organization's noble
humanitarian mission.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8347--FEB. 27, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8347--FEB. 27, 2009
Proclamation 8347 of February 27, 2009
National Consumer Protection Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Consumer education helps every American who enters the marketplace. When
making a purchase, consumers should know their rights and should learn
about goods and services before they buy. This knowledge allows
consumers to make sound decisions and protects families and individuals
from fraud and abuse. Consumer vigilance also prevents problems before
they arise. During National Consumer Protection Week, we highlight
consumer education efforts to help Americans make wise decisions.
Federal, State, and local agencies; private sector organizations; and
consumer advocacy groups band together to encourage Americans to learn
about the protections the law affords and to take full advantage of the
resources available for consumers of every age.
This year's theme for National Consumer Protection Week, ``Nuts & Bolts:
Tools for Today's Economy,'' focuses on the basic information consumers
need as they face the opportunities and pitfalls of the marketplace.
Every day, consumers make tough choices about saving, investing, and
spending their hard-earned money. Whether selecting a mortgage payment
plan, seeking a credit report, or buying a car, staying well-informed
and vigilant can help citizens make prudent choices. A few days, hours,
or even minutes of preparatory research can ultimately save time and
As part of National Consumer Protection Week, the Federal Trade
Commission has organized a coalition of public- and private-sector
organizations to provide practical tips on a wide range of topics. These
tips are available at www.consumer.gov/ncpw. The website also in-

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123 STAT. 3614

cludes information on home foreclosure, identity theft, and protecting
businesses. Working together, consumers, businesses, and Government can
strengthen our robust free market for the benefit of all Americans.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 1 through March 7,
2009, as National Consumer Protection Week. I call upon Government
officials, industry leaders, and advocates across the Nation to provide
our citizens with information about consumer rights, and I encourage all
Americans to take a proactive role in strengthening our economy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8348--FEB. 27, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8348--FEB. 27, 2009
Proclamation 8348 of February 27, 2009
Save Your Vision Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Blindness and visual impairment affect millions of Americans. Early
diagnosis and timely treatment are critical to minimize vision loss from
eye diseases as well as vision loss that is correctable with eye glasses
or contact lenses. During Save Your Vision Week, I encourage all
Americans to take action to protect their vision.
Unfortunately, most people have limited knowledge of blinding eye
disorders. In a 2005 study by the National Eye Institute, part of the
National Institutes of Health, only eight percent of respondents knew
that glaucoma, a condition that can damage the optic nerve and cause
vision loss and blindness, strikes without early warning. Similarly,
only 11 percent knew that diabetic eye disease also begins as a silent
vision threat.
Several demographic groups are at higher risk for visual impairment,
including teenagers, diabetics, Hispanics, African Americans, and the
economically disadvantaged. Older Americans are more susceptible to eye
conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic
retinopathy, and glaucoma. Children need regular vision screenings
because vision disorders left untreated during childhood can lead to
permanent visual impairment during adulthood.
Still, eye disease knows no bounds, and every American should take steps
to protect his or her eyesight. Doctors recommend seeking routine eye
examinations, maintaining a healthy diet, wearing sunglasses to protect
the eyes from damaging ultraviolet rays, and using protective eyewear in
hazardous environments. The National Eye Institute's website,
www.nei.nih.gov, provides resources for learning more about common
vision conditions and information on finding an eye health

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123 STAT. 3615

professional. By being proactive and seeking out information, Americans
can do their part to prevent or reduce vision loss.
To remind Americans about the importance of safeguarding their eyesight,
the Congress, by joint resolution approved December 30, 1963, as amended
(77 Stat. 629; 36 U.S.C. 138), has authorized and requested the
President to proclaim the first week in March of each year as ``Save
Your Vision Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim March 1 through March 7, 2009, as Save Your
Vision Week. During this time, I invite eye care professionals,
teachers, members of the media, and all organizations dedicated to
preserving eyesight to join in activities that will raise awareness of
vision diseases and disorders.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8349--FEB. 27, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8349--FEB. 27, 2009
Proclamation 8349 of February 27, 2009
Read Across America Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Read Across America Day provides an opportunity to support efforts to
excite children about reading and to educate families about the
importance of literacy. I encourage families and all citizens to
celebrate the joy and emphasize the importance of reading.
Every American child deserves the opportunity to solve the puzzles of
mystery novels, to discover the beauty of poetry, to imagine the
fantastical worlds of science fiction, and to explore their own world
through books about nature and foreign lands. Reading provides unending
enjoyment and helps unlock a child's creative potential. We must make
literacy the birthright of every American.
Every child also deserves the tools they will need for success. Students
must read well to meet high standards in the classroom. Understanding
science, mathematics, and the arts requires the ability to read
proficiently. Beyond the schoolyard, our youth must be prepared to meet
the demands of the global economy. New technologies and steep
competition abroad require our Nation to focus on children's reading
skills as a building block for future personal achievements.
Families must play an active role in this effort. On Read Across America
Day, parents are encouraged to read to their children for at least 30
minutes. I also encourage parents to recognize the critical importance
of literacy for their children's future and to develop habits at home
that encourage reading, such as reading to their children every night or
providing incentives for them to read on their own.

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123 STAT. 3616

On Read Across America Day, we partner with the National Education
Association and mark the birthday of Theodor Geisel, whose beloved Dr.
Seuss books still inspire children throughout the world to read.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2, 2009, as Read
Across America Day. I call upon children, families, educators,
librarians, public officials, and all the people of the United States to
observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day
of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8350--MAR. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8350--MAR. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8350 of March 2, 2009
Irish-American Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Even before the birth of our Nation, the sons and daughters of Erin
departed their homes in search of liberty and a more hopeful future. As
these early pioneers left familiar lands, they carried with them the
rich traditions of home. This March we honor their journey and their
lasting contributions to the history and culture of the United States.
Following the colonial migrations, the United States enjoyed the
greatest influx of Irish during the 1840s as Ireland suffered the Great
Famine. Hungry but hopeful, poor but perseverant, Irish-Americans seized
the opportunity to work hard, enjoy success, and pursue the American
Many took on the difficult work of constructing America's
infrastructure. Others assumed positions of leadership. Among those
leaders were signers of the Declaration of Independence and Presidents
of the United States. Still others enjoyed great success and influence
in the arts and literature. From social activists to business leaders,
athletes to clergy, and first responders to soldiers, distinguished
Irish-Americans have made indelible contributions to our national
Today, tens of millions of Irish-Americans can look back with pride on
the legacy of their forebears. Irish-Americans are integral to the rich
fabric of the United States, and we are grateful for their service and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2009 as Irish-
American Heritage Month. I encourage all Americans to observe this month
with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8351--MAR. 3, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8351--MAR. 3, 2009
Proclamation 8351 of March 3, 2009
Women's History Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

With passion and courage, women have taught us that when we band
together to advocate for our highest ideals, we can advance our common
well-being and strengthen the fabric of our Nation. Each year during
Women's History Month, we remember and celebrate women from all walks of
life who have shaped this great Nation. This year, in accordance with
the theme, ``Women Taking the Lead to Save our Planet,'' we pay
particular tribute to the efforts of women in preserving and protecting
the environment for present and future generations.
Ellen Swallow Richards is known to have been the first woman in the
United States to be accepted at a scientific school. She graduated from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1873 and went on to become
a prominent chemist. In 1887, she conducted a survey of water quality in
Massachusetts. This study, the first of its kind in America, led to the
Nation's first state water-quality standards.
Women have also taken the lead throughout our history in preserving our
natural environment. In 1900, Maria Sanford led the Minnesota Federation
of Women's Groups in their efforts to protect forestland near the
Mississippi River, which eventually became the Chippewa National Forest,
the first Congressionally mandated national forest. Marjory Stoneman
Douglas dedicated her life to protecting and restoring the Florida
Everglades. Her book, The Everglades: Rivers of Grass, published in
1947, led to the preservation of the Everglades as a National Park. She
was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1993.
Rachel Carson brought even greater attention to the environment by
exposing the dangers of certain pesticides to the environment and to
human health. Her landmark 1962 book, Silent Spring, was fiercely
criticized for its unconventional perspective. As early as 1963,
however, President Kennedy acknowledged its importance and appointed a
panel to investigate the book's findings. Silent Spring has emerged as a
seminal work in environmental studies. Carson was awarded the
Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1980.
Grace Thorpe, another leading environmental advocate, also connected
environmental protection with human well-being by emphasizing the
vulnerability of certain populations to environmental hazards. In 1992,
she launched a successful campaign to organize Native Americans to
oppose the storage of nuclear waste on their reservations, which she
said contradicted Native American principles of stewardship of the

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earth. She also proposed that America invest in alternative energy
sources such as hydroelectricity, solar power, and wind power.
These women helped protect our environment and our people while
challenging the status quo and breaking social barriers. Their
achievements inspired generations of American women and men not only to
save our planet, but also to overcome obstacles and pursue their
interests and talents. They join a long and proud history of American
women leaders, and this month we honor the contributions of all women to
our Nation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2009 as Women's
History Month. I call upon all our citizens to observe this month with
appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that honor the history,
accomplishments, and contributions of American women.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of March,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8352--MAR. 13, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8352--MAR. 13, 2009
Proclamation 8352 of March 13, 2009
National Poison Prevention Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Since 1962, National Poison Prevention Week has helped raise awareness
about the dangers of potentially poisonous substances and has provided
the opportunity to educate fellow Americans about preventing and
responding to poisonings. This education effort is critical to the well-
being of children and adults alike, as both remain susceptible to poison
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC),
more than two million potential poison exposures are reported to the
Nation's 61 poison control centers every year. More than half of those
exposures involve children aged five and under. The AAPCC also reports
that more than one thousand deaths due to poisoning take place in the
United States every year.
Poisoning most frequently involves medicines and typical household
chemicals, including cleaning supplies and personal care products. When
improperly stored, these substances can present threats to the health
and well-being of people subject to exposure. Taking simple steps can
protect family and friends from harm. For example, keeping poisonous
materials in their original containers, placing these materials out of
children's reach, following handling instructions and recommended
dosages, and installing carbon monoxide detectors can all help save
lives. More information can be found at www.aapcc.org. In the event of a
potential poisoning, experts at local poison control cen-

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123 STAT. 3619

ters can be reached at 1-800-222-1222. As children and adults suffer
from poison exposures, all Americans should take seriously this grave
health risk.
To encourage Americans to learn more about the dangers of accidental
poisonings and to take appropriate preventive measures, the Congress, by
joint resolution approved September 26, 1961, as amended (75 Stat. 681),
has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation
designating the third week of March each year as ``National Poison
Prevention Week.'' I encourage all Americans to familiarize themselves
with this issue and take steps to protect their families.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim March 15 through March 21, 2009, as National
Poison Prevention Week.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of
March, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8353--MAR. 24, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8353--MAR. 24, 2009
Proclamation 8353 of March 24, 2009
Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and
American Democracy, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The American people join Hellenes today in commemorating the 188th
anniversary of Greece's independence. As we celebrate the establishment
of the Hellenic Republic, we honor the historic contributions of Greeks
and Greek-Americans.
Americans celebrated the cause of Greek independence during the new
nation's earliest years. In 1824, summarizing support for the Greek
struggle among the American people, then-Representative Henry Clay
declared, ``That it is felt with the deepest intensity, expressed in
almost every possible form, and that it increases with every new day and
passing hour.'' His words are echoed today as Americans celebrate the
anniversary of this struggle for independence.
The relationship between Greece and the United States owes much to the
vision of democracy and liberty forged in Greece. In constructing a
modern democratic framework, our Nation's founders drew upon the
immutable principles of the ancient Greeks. All who cherish the ideal of
democratic governance are beneficiaries of the Greek legacy.
From the literary classics taught in our children's classrooms to the
gleaming monuments of our Nation's capital, Greek cultural traditions
have also found a home in the United States. In classrooms across the
country, many of our students still immerse themselves in the epics of
Homer, the dramas of Sophocles, and the philosophical innovations of
Plato and Aristotle. Among the Greek-influenced structures in Wash-

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ington, D.C., our Nation's Capitol Building draws upon the architectural
legacy of the ancient Greeks.
In recent history, Greece and the United States have stood together to
meet the challenges of our times. Greeks and Americans fought for common
causes over the course of the 20th century and continue to collaborate
in this century, including through membership in the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
The strength of the bond between Greece and the United States is
exemplified by the Greek-American community, which enriches our Nation
with its cultural heritage and helps maintain the living relationship
between our countries.
On the anniversary of Greece's independence, we celebrate this
friendship and look forward to realizing our common goals and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 25, 2009, as ``Greek
Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American
Democracy.'' I call upon the people of the United States to observe this
day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day
of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8354--APR. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8354--APR. 1, 2009
Proclamation 8354 of April 1, 2009
National Cancer Control Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

We have achieved remarkable progress in the fight against cancer.
Miracles in medical research have helped us understand how to prevent,
detect, and treat cancer more effectively, and Americans are now more
aware of how to protect themselves from this disease.
Despite this progress, cancer continues to kill more Americans than any
other malady but heart disease. Marking National Cancer Control Month,
we recommit to the battle against cancer and emphasize the promise of
medical research and the healthy steps Americans can take to protect
To gain new ground in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment, my
Administration will continue to press for increased support for research
at the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and academic and other
institutions. The Federal Government plays an indispensable role in
investing in this research, which will save and improve lives for
generations to come.
As researchers work daily to better understand this disease, Americans
can take steps to decrease their risk of developing cancer. Individuals

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of all ages should seek regular and appropriate check-ups. These check-
ups should include screening, such as mammograms, the Pap test, and
tests for colorectal cancer, all of which can help detect cancer during
its early stages.
Healthy personal habits can also reduce the risk of cancer. Smoking
accounts for thousands of cancer deaths every year, and quitting-even
after many years-can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Physical
inactivity and obesity may cause a substantial proportion of colon,
breast, endometrial, kidney, and esophageal cancers in the United
States, so maintaining physical activity and a healthy diet can help
prevent cancer, among other diseases. Finally, moderating alcohol intake
and sun exposure can help protect Americans.
Too many American families have been touched by cancer. As we observe
National Cancer Control Month, I call upon all courageous cancer
patients and survivors, health care providers, researchers, advocates,
and others involved in this struggle to work together in support of our
Nation's goal to control, and ultimately defeat, this devastating
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2009 as National
Cancer Control Month. I encourage citizens, medical institutions,
government and social service agencies, businesses, nonprofit
organizations, and other interested groups to join in activities that
help control cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of April,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8355--APR. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8355--APR. 1, 2009
Proclamation 8355 of April 1, 2009
National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

When the child next door is maltreated, we all suffer. Every American
has a stake in the well-being of our Nation's children. They are members
of our communities, and they are our future. National Child Abuse
Prevention Month provides the opportunity to underscore our commitment
to preventing and responding appropriately to child abuse. This month,
we emphasize the importance of understanding child abuse and the need
for all Americans to help families overcome this devastating problem.
The tragedy of child abuse may afflict American children in different
ways. Abuse may occur physically, sexually, and emotionally. Child
neglect, another form of child maltreatment, may occur physically and
emotionally. Understanding the forms of child abuse is critical to
preventing and responding to maltreatment.

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A well-informed and strong family is the surest defense against child
abuse. To help educate and strengthen families, community members can
offer their time and counsel to parents and children who may need
assistance. For example, parent support groups provide an organized
forum for assistance. More informally, community members may simply
offer a helping hand to families under stress. More information about
what families and communities can do is available at
Civic organizations and government also have an important role to play.
Civic groups offer essential support through education, assistance to
those at risk, and treatment for victims. Government at the local,
State, and Federal level must provide funding for services, conduct
public education projects, and enforce child abuse laws.
As we recognize that we all suffer when our children are abused, that we
all benefit from mutual concern and care, and that we all have a
responsibility to help, more American children will grow up healthy,
happy, and with unlimited potential for success.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2009, as National
Child Abuse Prevention Month. I encourage all citizens to help prevent
and respond to child abuse by strengthening families and contributing to
all children's physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of April,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8356--APR. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8356--APR. 1, 2009
Proclamation 8356 of April 1, 2009
National Donate Life Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Through organ, tissue, and marrow donation Americans can give the
extraordinary gift of life. National Donate Life Month provides an
opportunity to honor those who have given of themselves to save lives
and to call upon others to participate in this generous effort.
Every day in our Nation and across the world, Americans dedicate
themselves to helping those in need. During times of crisis and calm,
Americans have looked beyond themselves to aid friends and strangers
alike. This spirit of giving represents a hallmark of our national
Many Americans have followed this tradition of generosity through organ,
tissue, and marrow donation. These selfless individuals have saved lives
and strengthened families and communities, and they deserve respect and
admiration for their contributions.

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I urge all Americans to follow these examples by considering becoming an
organ, tissue, or marrow donor. The call for help from those in need of
transplants is clear. More donors are needed to meet the needs of those
on the national waiting list for life-saving transplants. When
considering organ donation, Americans should consult family members to
ensure that loved ones are fully aware of the donor's decisions.
Joining the ranks of organ donors is simple. I encourage Americans to
learn more about becoming a donor at www.organdonor.gov.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2009 as National
Donate Life Month. I call upon health care professionals, volunteers,
educators, government agencies, faith-based and community groups, and
private organizations to join forces to increase the number of organ and
tissue donors throughout our Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of April,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8357--APR. 3, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8357--APR. 3, 2009
Proclamation 8357 of April 3, 2009
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The education we provide our children must prepare them to succeed in a
global economy and to contribute to their communities. Commemorating
Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., we underscore our commitment to a
competitive and complete education.
The professional demands of today's workplace require a renewed
commitment to education. Our youngest children need a strong early
foundation. Standards must be raised, curricula must be enhanced, and
teachers must be supported. Families, communities, and educators must
collaborate to ensure that students are working hard and receiving the
best instruction possible.
Yet knowledge alone will not bring the future our children deserve. Our
schools and community institutions must also help each child develop a
moral compass. Education must blend basic American values such as
honesty, personal responsibility, and service. These indispensable
elements will not only help children succeed in challenging work
environments, they will also help our youth engage in and contribute to
their communities.
Few have better understood or more successfully promoted these ideas
than Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who
emphasized the importance of education and good character. Through the
establishment of educational and social service institutions across the
country and the world, Rabbi Schneerson sought to

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empower young people and inspire individuals of all ages. On this day,
we raise his call anew.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 5, 2009, as
``Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009.'' I call upon all the people
of the United States to look to the future with a renewed sense of civic
engagement and common purpose.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of April,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8358--APR. 8, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8358--APR. 8, 2009
Proclamation 8358 of April 8, 2009
National D.A.R.E. Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Drugs, gangs, and violence threaten our children and communities every
day. Today we commemorate Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), a
program that has worked to educate children and protect them from these
problems. National D.A.R.E. Day provides the opportunity to reflect upon
the dangers of drugs, gangs, and violence and to emphasize efforts to
combat these threats.
From inner cities to suburbs and rural communities, gangs and drug
dealers prey upon youth across the United States. Unaware of the dangers
of drug abuse and violence, many youth surrender the promise of a bright
future. Every child lost in this battle represents a tragedy for our
Nation, and we must do more to stop it.
Education efforts to help children avoid drugs and violence must begin
in the home. Parents must be positive role models and take the lead in
advising their children on the effects of drugs on their health and
The D.A.R.E. program has worked to educate students about drugs, gangs,
and violence for more than 25 years. Placing law-enforcement personnel
in the classroom, D.A.R.E. provides students with important lessons from
experts and seeks to prepare them for the difficult encounters and
choices they may face.
Today we honor D.A.R.E. for its important work. The efforts of
D.A.R.E.'s instructors and supporters benefit our Nation's children and
are deserving of praise and appreciation. D.A.R.E.'s renewed efforts to
implement science-based programs and to strengthen partnerships among
law enforcement, families, and their communities are particularly worthy
of commendation. Through effective teaching methods and broad
participation, D.A.R.E. can help ensure that every child in America
enjoys the opportunities he or she deserves.

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NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 8, 2009, as National
D.A.R.E. Day. I call upon our youth, parents, educators, law enforcement
personnel, and all the people of the United States to observe this day
with appropriate programs and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8359--APR. 8, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8359--APR. 8, 2009
Proclamation 8359 of April 8, 2009
National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Sexual assault scars the lives of millions in the United States. To
increase awareness about this issue, prevent future crimes, and aid
victims, this month we mark National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Sexual assault is pervasive in the United States. Study after study has
shown that this crime impacts people at all age levels and in every part
of this Nation. One recent study found that 18 percent of women in this
country have been raped in their lifetime. In addition, rates of sexual
assault remain startlingly high for students from high school to
college. A 2005 survey of high school students found that 10.8 percent
of girls and 4.2 percent of boys from grades nine to twelve were forced
to have sexual intercourse at some time in their lives. A study of
college women found that 13.7 percent of undergraduate women had been
victims of at least one completed sexual assault since entering college.
Unlike victims of sexual assault in the larger community, students
victimized by other students often face additional challenges in a
``closed'' campus environment. For example, a victim may continue to
live in danger if the perpetrator resides in the same dormitory or
attends the same classes. These statistics are all the more alarming
given that, according to recent research, a majority of victims do not
report their attacks to police.
Victims of all ages suffer from both the physical and emotional
consequences of the attack. Sexual assault can lead to long-term health
problems including chronic pain, stomach problems, and sexually
transmitted diseases. It can also cause severe emotional harm that may
be even more painful than the assault itself and resulting physical
injuries. The effects of sexual assault go well beyond the direct
victim: sexual assault also has a profound impact on a victim's family,
friends, neighbors, and workplace.
Victims need an array of services to heal from the trauma of sexual
assault, including crisis intervention, 24-hour sexual assault hotlines,
medical and criminal justice accompaniment, advocacy, and counseling.
Victim service providers are essential to this effort and work

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tirelessly to help victims cope with the trauma of sexual assault and
transition from ``victim'' to ``survivor.''
Landmark legislation has helped fund these critical services. The
Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA, Public Law 98-473) established the
Crime Victims Fund to fund services such as forensic sexual assault
examinations and compensation claims for both adult and child victims.
For example, since 1997, VOCA funding has supported the development of
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs and multi-disciplinary
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART). The Violence Against Women Act of
2005 (VAWA, Public Law 109-162) authorized the Sexual Assault Services
Program, the first Federal funding dedicated exclusively to sexual
assault services. The Program includes funding for culturally specific
programs that serve victims who face unique cultural and linguistic
In addition to helping victims, offenders must be held accountable for
their crimes. Sexual assault forensic examinations and trained examiners
can ensure that victims are treated with requisite sensitivity and that
critical evidence is collected to facilitate a successful prosecution.
To this end, VAWA mandates that all States that accept Federal grants to
combat violence against women ensure that sexual assault victims receive
forensic examinations free of charge, even if the victim chooses not to
report the crime to the police.
To make continued progress, my Administration supports efforts to help
Americans better understand this issue. Working together, we can reduce
the incidence of sexual assault and help all who have experienced this
heinous crime.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2009, as National
Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I urge all Americans to respond to
sexual assault by creating policies at work and school, by engaging in
discussions with family and friends, and by making the prevention of
sexual assault a priority in their communities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8360--APR. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8360--APR. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8360 of April 9, 2009
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

American prisoners of war exemplify the courage and sacrifice that
define our men and women in uniform. These brave warriors have paid a
massive share of the costs of freedom, and our Nation will be forever in
their debt. Today we honor all prisoners of war by recognizing the

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tremendous sacrifices made and the hardships endured by those who fight
for our freedom.
American prisoners of war have experienced extreme conditions across the
world and many have made the ultimate sacrifice. Sixty-seven years ago,
in the midst of World War II, nearly 12,000 Americans and 76,000
Filipinos were captured while defending positions on the Bataan
Peninsula in the Philippines. As prisoners of war, they endured the
Bataan Death March, suffering starvation, torture, and unspeakable
conditions. Thousands were randomly executed and many perished on this
journey. During the Korean War, more than 1,600 Americans died under
grave conditions at the Pyok Tong camp. In Vietnam's Hoa Lo Prison-the
infamous Hanoi Hilton-Americans endured torture and other forms of
inhumane treatment.
There are countless tales of the bravery of American prisoners of war-of
the burdens borne, of the acts of heroism. These individuals have made
great sacrifices and have demonstrated an enduring faith in themselves
and in the United States. Their commitment calls out to all Americans to
live up to our Nation's highest ideals and to serve our fellow citizens
with equal selflessness and honor. We will never forget their
sacrifices. Their spirit of service will inspire the American people for
generations to come.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of
the United States, do hereby proclaim April 9, 2009, as National Former
Prisoner of War Recognition Day, and I urge all Americans to observe
this day of remembrance with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of April,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8361--APR. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8361--APR. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8361 of April 9, 2009
Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

A common heritage, an interconnected world, and shared goals and values
unite the Pan American community. As a proud member of this group of
countries, the United States celebrates Pan American Day and Pan
American Week and commits to working with our partners in the
Organization of American States to advance a common future.
The Pan American community is highly interwoven, and the peoples of the
Americas must work together to build the future we seek. When one
country faces economic, security, or health challenges, its neighbors
share in this hardship. Together, the Pan American community can build
strong partnerships to surmount common concerns and further mutual

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The broad scope of shared goals includes economic growth and equality,
increased security, strong democratic governance, and clean energy.
Robust, bottom-up economic growth benefits all citizens and all nations,
and remains a central goal of the Pan American community. Together, the
countries of the Americas can prioritize and enact policies that ensure
a shared and equitable economic prosperity. This economic future is
possible only if we protect the safety of citizens and the security of
our countries. Whether reducing street crime and gang violence,
decreasing the narcotics trade, or preventing acts of terrorism, every
country has a stake in regional security.
The Pan American community also supports strong democracies and the
development of alternative energy sources. The promotion of transparent
and enduring democratic governance strengthens and defines relations in
the region and should emphasize the rule of law, a robust civil society,
respect for human rights, social equality, and effective delivery of
public services. Finally, every country benefits from a solution to our
shared energy and climate challenges. The region has already witnessed
great leadership in the development and deployment of alternative energy
sources, and the Pan American community must build upon these promising
As we celebrate Pan American Day and Pan American Week, and participate
in the Summit of the Americas, the United States recognizes the common
challenges and aspirations that unite the region and the boundless
promise of our continuing partnership.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 14, 2009, as Pan
American Day and April 12 through 18 as Pan American Week. I urge the
Governors of the 50 States, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, and the officials of other areas under the flag of the United
States of America to honor these observances with appropriate ceremonies
and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8362--APR. 17, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8362--APR. 17, 2009
Proclamation 8362 of April 17, 2009
National Park Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

America's National Parks are among our Nation's most precious treasures.
During National Park Week, we celebrate these spaces and commit to
protecting them for future generations of Americans.
National Parks bring together Americans of all backgrounds and help us
understand the story of America. From the Lincoln Memorial and Ellis
Island to the Great Smoky Mountains and Yellowstone, National

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Parks attract visitors from across the country and from all walks of
life. The grandeur and simplicity of these areas inspire visitors no
matter their personal stories. National Parks also help Americans learn
more about our shared history. From the Prehistoric Trackways National
Monument to the Civil War battlefield at Gettysburg, National Parks
allow Americans to explore our Nation's past and to understand events
that occurred over the long course of our history.
Our system of National Parks is entrusted to each generation of
Americans. We have an obligation to our children to keep these spaces
pristine. As citizen stewards, Americans can participate in efforts in
their communities to preserve National Parks, and support policies that
achieve this end. My Administration continues to advocate for
initiatives that protect and expand National Parks. The American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act promotes conservation and creates new job
opportunities in National Parks, and the Omnibus Public Land Management
Act designates thousands of miles of trails for the National Trails
System, protects more than 1,000 miles of rivers, and secures millions
of acres of wilderness.
This week we also honor the committed professionals and volunteers
working every day to support the National Parks. Laboring among towering
mountains and broad plains, in city centers, and along our rivers and
seashores, these Americans deserve thanks for their contributions to
current and future generations.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 18 through April
26, 2009, as National Park Week. I invite all my fellow citizens to join
me in commemorating the 2009 theme for National Park Week, ``National
and Community Service,'' and to visit these wonderful spaces, discover
all they have to offer, and become active participants in Park
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8363--APR. 21, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8363--APR. 21, 2009
Proclamation 8363 of April 21, 2009
National Volunteer Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation's story begins with a call to volunteer. Confronting the
injustices of tyranny and small odds of victory, patriots rallied one
another to serve a cause greater than themselves. As the beneficiaries
of this legacy, we possess an obligation to volunteer and serve our
fellow citizens with similar selflessness and optimism.
Americans keep this proud tradition alive every day across our country.
They are protecting us in uniform, feeding the hungry, tutoring

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children, comforting seniors, and reaching out to veterans. They are
providing critical support to schools, shelters, hospitals, and nursing
homes, through faith-based and community organizations, at home and
abroad. Volunteers change lives and strengthen our Nation and our world.
My Administration is committed to supporting and supplementing the
crucial efforts that Americans make to volunteer. The Edward M. Kennedy
Serve America Act, which I signed into law today, will help millions of
Americans of all ages to volunteer and to direct that service towards
meeting our most pressing challenges. It truly will usher in a new era
of service.
This landmark law recruits an army of 250,000 per year to engage in
intensive service, and it focuses that work on today's challenges,
including clean energy, education, health, veterans care, and economic
opportunity. It creates new service opportunities for seniors, baby
boomers, and young adults, and improves service learning in our schools.
The law also creates a Social Innovation Fund. This fund looks for new
ideas in communities and leverages private, nonprofit, and faith-based
support to invest in local innovation. The fund also allows us to test
the impact of new ideas and expand successful programs to scale.
Volunteering provides the opportunity to join and better a community.
Every American who volunteers can become an integral part of a school, a
hospital, or a neighborhood. Those who give of their time also join our
Nation's proud history of service and help preserve this tradition for
generations ahead. During National Volunteer Week, we express heartfelt
thanks to all who have worked hard in this effort, and we urge more
Americans to reach out and meet the manifold unmet needs of fellow
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 19-25, 2009 as
National Volunteer Week. I call upon all Americans to join ongoing
volunteer service efforts, and to create new ones.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8364--APR. 22, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8364--APR. 22, 2009
Proclamation 8364 of April 22, 2009
Earth Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The story of the United States is inextricably tied to our vital natural
resources. As we enter a new era filled with challenges and promise, we
must protect our land, wildlife, water and air-the resources that

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have fueled our growth and prosperity as a Nation and enriched our
lives. Doing this not only fulfills a sacred obligation to our children
and grandchildren, but also provides an opportunity to stimulate
economic growth.
To achieve these ends, no issue deserves more immediate attention than
global warming. Scientists have already observed alarming shifts in the
natural world, including thawing permafrost, melting glaciers, and
rising sea levels.
Climate change presents a serious test for humankind, but it also
provides an opportunity for great innovation and adaptation. The United
States has risen to such challenges before, and Earth Day inspires us to
transcend differences among nations so we may lead the world in
protecting our planet from this global threat.
Americans across the country are working hard to help limit the
pollutants that cause climate change and reduce their impact on the
environment, but we must do more. Individuals and organizations can
plant trees, use energy efficient lightbulbs, drive fuel efficient cars,
hold clean-up drives, and teach young people about environmental
preservation. Small changes in our daily lives can have a big impact on
our environment. Individuals can walk, bike, and use public
transportation; buy products with less packaging; and recycle and reuse
paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum more often. American families can
also save money by choosing energy efficient products, turning lights
off, unplugging appliances, and cutting back on heating and air
Government and business alike must also take serious and sustained
action to protect our valuable natural inheritance. Through investments
in scientific research and development, and the vigorous pursuit of
alternative and renewable energy, we can create millions of green jobs
that allow us to reduce greenhouse gases and excel in a competitive
global economy. My Administration is committed to increasing fuel
economy standards and putting more Plug-In Hybrid cars on the road,
weatherizing millions of homes, and catalyzing private efforts to build
a clean energy future. My Administration is also working to achieve a
comprehensive energy and climate policy, one that will lessen our
dependence on foreign oil, make the U.S. the global leader in clean
energy technology, and prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
President Theodore Roosevelt emphasized our obligation to future
Americans, saying, ``of all the questions which can come before this
nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great
war, there is none which compares in importance with the great central
task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it
is for us.'' Heeding President Roosevelt's call, and carrying forward
his spirit of determination, we must commit ourselves to protecting our
environment and ensuring the health of our planet so we may share the
magnificent blessings of our Earth with our grandchildren.
We do this not only to acknowledge the environment's central role in the
development of our Nation but also to recognize the strong ecological
interdependence among nations. History has shown that as we sow, so too
shall we reap. Let us rededicate ourselves to a world that provides
bountiful harvests for us all not just today, but for many generations
to come.

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NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2009, as Earth
Day. I encourage all citizens to help protect our environment and
contribute to a healthy, sustainable world.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day
of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8365--APR. 24, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8365--APR. 24, 2009
Proclamation 8365 of April 24, 2009
National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

From violence in our neighborhoods to credit card fraud on the Internet,
Americans fall victim to countless crimes every day. Our Nation has no
higher responsibility than protecting the safety of our families. During
National Crime Victims' Rights Week, we honor crime victims by pledging
to fight crime wherever it exists.
This commitment begins by supporting the men and women working every day
to reduce crime and assist crime victims. Often placing themselves in
harm's way and sacrificing personal interests, these individuals are the
backbone of the extensive efforts to protect Americans from crime. They
have demonstrated a commitment to serve others, and their dedication is
vital to implementing a successful strategy for crime reduction and
victim assistance.
Crime victims have benefited from the Victims of Crime Act of 1984
(Public Law 98-473), one of the most significant achievements in crime
victim assistance. This law created an innovative method for using fines
and penalties from Federal criminals to fund services for victims. This
Crime Victims Fund has already helped millions of victims across the
country access basic assistance and financial compensation. This year
marks the 25th anniversary of the bill's bipartisan passage.
An effective approach to fighting crime must include programs that make
sense and work. To that end, my Administration is building on past
achievements to address the range of crimes that Americans may
encounter. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which I signed in
February, helps State and local law enforcement personnel perform
critical work by providing $2 billion through the Edward Byrne Justice
Assistance Grant Program.
A smart crime reduction strategy must also incorporate outreach to those
who have paid their debt to society and have become responsible and
contributing members of their communities. Prisoner reentry programs
have been tested and proven effective. Through a number of supportive
services, including substance abuse and mental health counseling,
prison-to-work incentives, job training, and transitional assistance,
reentry programs help reduce crime recidivism and keep fam-

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ilies safer. By utilizing common-sense and proven methods, we can both
reduce crime and serve crime victims.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 26 through May
2, 2009, as National Crime Victims' Rights Week. I call upon all
Americans to observe this week by participating in events that raise
awareness of victims' rights and services and by volunteering to serve
victims in their time of need.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day
of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8366--APR. 28, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8366--APR. 28, 2009
Proclamation 8366 of April 28, 2009
National Equal Pay Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Harriet Beecher Stowe helped galvanize the abolitionist movement with
her groundbreaking literature. Frances Perkins advised President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and led the Department of Labor during one of
its most challenging periods in history. Barbara McClintock helped
unlock the mysteries of genetics and earned a Nobel Prize. These and
countless other women have broken barriers and changed the course of our
history, allowing women and men who followed them the opportunity to
reach greater heights.
Despite these achievements, 46 years since the passage of the Equal Pay
Act and 233 years since our Nation was established with the principle of
equal justice under law, women across America continue to experience
discrimination in the form of pay inequity every day. Women in the
United States earn only 78 cents for every dollar a man earns, and today
marks the inauspicious occasion when a woman's earnings finally catch up
with a man's from the previous year. On National Equal Pay Day, we
underscore the importance of this issue to all Americans.
If we wish to honor our Nation's highest ideals, we must end wage
discrimination. The Founders established a timeless framework of rights
for the American people. Generation after generation has worked and
sacrificed so that this framework might be applied equally to all
Americans. To honor these Americans and stay true to our founding
ideals, we must carry forward this tradition and breathe life into these
principles by supporting equal pay for men and women.
Wage discrimination has a tangible and negative impact on women and
families. When women receive less than their deserved compensation, they
take home less for themselves and their loved ones. Utilities and
groceries are more difficult to afford. Mortgages and rent bills are
harder to pay. Children's higher education is less financially feasible.

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later years of life, the retirement that many women have worked so hard
for-and have earned-is not possible. This problem is particularly dire
for women who are single and the sole supporters of their families.
Women should not and need not endure these consequences.
My Administration is working to advance pay equity in the United States.
The first bill I signed into law as President, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair
Pay Act of 2009, allows more women to challenge pay discrimination by
extending the timeline within which complaints can be filed. This law
advances the struggle for equal pay, but it is only an initial step. To
continue this progress, I issued an Executive Order establishing the
White House Council on Women and Girls. This high-level body, composed
of Cabinet members and heads of sub-Cabinet agencies, is charged with
advancing the rights and needs of women, including equal pay.
Still, Government can only advance this issue so far. The collective
action of businesses, community organizations, and individuals is
necessary to ensure that every woman receives just treatment and
compensation. We Americans must come together to ensure equal pay for
both women and men by reminding ourselves of the basic principles that
underlie our Nation's strength and unity, understanding the unnecessary
sacrifices that pay inequity causes, and recalling the countless women
leaders who have proven what women can achieve.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2009, as
National Equal Pay Day. I call upon American men and women, and all
employers, to acknowledge the injustice of wage discrimination and to
commit themselves to equal pay for equal work.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day
of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8367--APR. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8367--APR. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8367 of April 30, 2009
Law Day, U.S.A., 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In 1958, President Eisenhower established Law Day as ``a day of national
dedication to the principles of government under law.'' Each year on Law
Day, we celebrate our commitment to the rule of law. That great
commitment is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the
United States Constitution, and has been reaffirmed by the words and
deeds of great Americans throughout our Nation's history.
This year we celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of one such
American, President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln rose from humble beginnings
to guide our Nation through the most turbulent period in its history.
His dedication to the rule of law and to equality under the law,

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and his refusal to retreat from the greatest moral challenge ever to
confront us, gave us the Emancipation Proclamation and the preservation
of our Union. His dedication also gave us the Gettysburg Address, with
its resolution that ``government of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the earth.'' Indeed, Lincoln was one of
the greatest Presidents and one of the greatest lawyers, in our Nation's
Lincoln's lasting legacy is his vision of the ``more perfect Union''
promised in our Constitution's preamble. According to Lincoln, ``The
legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people
whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot do so
well for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities.'' This
vision of a true United States of America, bound together by a
recognition of the common good, guided our country through its darkest
hour and helped it re-emerge as a beacon of freedom and equality under
On this Law Day, I encourage Americans to reflect on this legacy. By
continuing a national conversation on the principles for which Lincoln
stood, and by highlighting the attributes of this great American, we can
help ensure that the legacy of our sixteenth President endures and that
the United States remains dedicated to the principles of government
under law.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, in accordance with Public Law 87-20, as amended, do hereby
proclaim May 1, 2009, as Law Day, U.S.A. I call upon the people of the
United States to acknowledge the importance of our Nation's legal and
judicial systems with appropriate ceremonies and activities, and to
display the flag of the United States in support of this national
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
April, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8368--MAY 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8368--MAY 1, 2009
Proclamation 8368 of May 1, 2009
Loyalty Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

More than two centuries ago, our Nation's Founders declared the birth of
a new Nation and began an experiment in self-governance. The young
Republic committed itself to protecting the rights of life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness for all citizens. These ideals inspired loyalty
to the young Nation and moved volunteers to fight for their
Generations later, these founding principles continue to unify and
command the loyalty of the American people. The United States has
expanded in size, increased in population, and grown in diversity, yet

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the promise of liberty and the pursuit of happiness arouse the
patriotism and loyalty of Americans anew. Just as early settlers pledged
to do their part to build the new Nation, now recent immigrants-loyal to
the very same values-are helping America fulfill its promise.
We enjoy these blessings of liberty only because brave patriots have
answered the call of duty. The men and women of the United States Armed
Forces exemplify loyalty to our highest ideals, as do those who have
fought valiantly for civil rights within our borders. These Americans
and many others have made enormous sacrifices, and our Nation is
grateful for their selflessness and unshakeable loyalty.
The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, as amended, has designated May 1 of
each year as ``Loyalty Day.'' On Loyalty Day, we honor our Nation and
remember with pride the courageous individuals who help keep it safe and
strong and who honor its legacy of freedom and equal opportunity.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2009, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all
the people of the United States to join in support of this national
observance and to display the flag of the United States on Loyalty Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8369--MAY 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8369--MAY 1, 2009
Proclamation 8369 of May 1, 2009
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The vast diversity of languages, religions, and cultural traditions of
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders continues to strengthen the fabric
of American society. From the arrival of the first Asian American and
Pacific Islander immigrants 150 years ago to those who arrive today, as
well as those native to the Hawaiian Islands and to our Pacific Island
territories, all possess the common purpose of the fulfilling the
American dream and leading a life bound by the American ideals of life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
During Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we remember
the challenges and celebrate the achievements that define our history.
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have endured and overcome hardship
and heartache. In the earliest years, tens of thousands of Gold Rush
pioneers, coal miners, transcontinental railroad builders, as well as
farm and orchard laborers, were subject to unjust working conditions,
prejudice, and discrimination-yet they excelled. Even in the

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darkness of the Exclusion Act and Japanese internment, Asian Americans
and Pacific Islanders have persevered, providing for their families and
creating opportunities for their children.
Amidst these struggles, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have
contributed in great and significant ways to all aspects of society.
They have created works of literature and art, thrived as American
athletes, and prospered in the world of academia. Asian Americans and
Pacific Islanders have played a vital role in our Nation's economic and
technological growth by establishing successful enterprises and pushing
the limits of science. They are serving in positions of leadership
within the government more now than ever before. And along with all of
our great service men and women, they have defended the United States
from threats at home and abroad, serving our Nation with valor.
From the beaches of the Pacific islands and the California coast, the
grasslands of Central Asia and the bluegrass of Kentucky, and from the
summits of the Himalayas and the Rocky Mountains, the Asian American and
Pacific Islander community hails from near and far. This is the story of
our more perfect union: that it is diversity itself that enriches, and
is fundamental to, the American story.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2009, as Asian
American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I call upon the people of
the United States to learn more about the history of Asian Americans and
Pacific Islanders and to observe this month with appropriate programs
and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8370--MAY 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8370--MAY 1, 2009
Proclamation 8370 of May 1, 2009
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

A morning walk in the neighborhood or Saturday game of catch with a
child can brighten the day. Simple activities like these also contribute
to our physical fitness. As the weather warms and invites us outside, I
encourage Americans to consider the many simple ways to add physical
fitness activities to our lives. Incorporating these habits can put a
smile on your face, and it can also improve your long-term health and
This issue deserves our attention because physical activity can help
curtail the rise in chronic diseases facing our Nation today. Among
children and adolescents, regular physical activity can improve bone
health and muscular fitness. Physical activity also helps prevent
childhood obesity, which is a serious threat to our Nation's health.

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adults young and old, physical activity has been shown to combat
obesity, while reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain
cancers. Even moderate amounts of physical activity can reduce the risk
of premature death. All Americans should understand the significant
benefits physical activity provides.
Individuals, employers, and communities can take steps to promote
physical fitness. Depending on his or her ability, every American can
try to be healthier by, for example, walking or biking to work if it is
nearby, being active during free time, and eating healthier meals.
Employers can raise awareness and incorporate physical activity in the
workplace, and communities can promote access to recreational activities
and parks.
PROCLAMATION 8370--MAY 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8370--MAY 1, 2009
The Department of Health and Human Services' Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans are designed to help Americans of various ages
and abilities engage in physical activity that can be incorporated
easily into their daily lives. More information about the Guidelines is
available at: www.health.gov/paguidelines.
To encourage attention to physical fitness, the President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports sponsors the National President's Challenge,
a six-week competition to determine America's most active State. The
Challenge extends from May 1 through July 24 this year. I encourage
Americans to register for the Challenge at www.presidentschallenge.org
and to begin recording activity to help their State win this year's
By learning about the benefits of physical fitness, staying motivated,
and being active and eating healthy, more Americans can live healthier,
longer, and happier lives.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2009, as National
Physical Fitness and Sports Month. I call upon the American people to
take control of their health and wellness by making physical activity,
fitness, and sports participation an important part of their daily
lives. I encourage individuals, businesses, and community organizations
to renew their commitment to personal fitness and health by celebrating
this month with appropriate events and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009

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Proclamation 8371 of May 4, 2009
Older Americans Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Older Americans have carried our Nation through great challenges and
triumphs. They have enriched our national character and strengthened the
Republic for those who have followed. During the month of May, we pay
tribute to the wisest among us.
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009
Throughout the land, older Americans are strengthening our communities
and the American way of life. Many senior citizens remain in the
workforce to support themselves and their families. Others are embarking
on second careers and exploring new interests and fields of knowledge.
Inspiring citizens of all ages, many serve as advocates and volunteers
in community service roles. In this important work, they make a real
difference in the daily lives of fellow citizens of all ages, while
promoting and strengthening the American spirit of civic participation.
My Administration is working to create opportunities for older Americans
to share their skills and wisdom with younger generations. One of the
bills I recently signed into law, the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America
Act, expands and improves service opportunities for older Americans. Our
Nation can benefit greatly from the experience and hard work of our
older Americans, and I am committed to providing service opportunities
to achieve this end.
We owe older Americans a debt of gratitude and must work to help them
age with dignity. Through home- and community-based services, including
health promotion and preventive care programs, many older Americans are
able to live more independent and healthier lives. This year's theme for
Older Americans Month, ``Living Today for a Better Tomorrow,'' captures
the importance of helping seniors today so they can enjoy the years
My Administration is committed to supporting older Americans and is
working to strengthen health care, retirement, community involvement,
and other programs vital to their interests and beneficial to all of us.
Older Americans have earned this support, and we owe them nothing less.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2009 as Older
Americans Month. I invite Americans of all ages; representatives of
government at all levels; businesses and communities; faith-based and
neighborhood organizations; and health, academic, and recreational
institutions to acknowledge the contributions of older Americans during
this month and throughout the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8371--MAY 4, 2009

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Proclamation 8372 of May 4, 2009
National Charter Schools Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Improving our schools is the collective responsibility of all Americans-
business owners and workers, educators and parents, students and their
communities. We must ensure that all students receive a high-quality
education that delivers the knowledge and skills needed to succeed, and
that young men and women stay on the path to graduation and a life-long
commitment to learning.
PROCLAMATION 8372--MAY 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8372--MAY 4, 2009
Many successful public charter schools across the Nation are working to
meet these goals. Founded by parents, teachers, and civic or community
organizations, our Nation's public charter schools enjoy broad leeway to
The best public charter schools and their students are thriving in
States that have adopted a rigorous selection and review process to
ensure that autonomy is coupled with greater accountability. The growth
of effective public charter schools benefits our children, and States
have an important role to play in their expansion.
During National Charter Schools Week, we recognize these public charter
schools for their dedication and commitment to achievement in education.
They are models of excellence and are promoting the interests of our
children, our economy, and our Nation as a whole.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 3 through May 9, 2009,
as National Charter Schools Week. I commend our Nation's successful
public charter schools, teachers, and administrators, and I call on
States and communities to support public charter schools and the
students they serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8373--MAY 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8373--MAY 6, 2009
Proclamation 8373 of May 6, 2009
World Trade Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

When the world's consumers fly in a U.S.-manufactured airplane, eat a
steak from America's heartland, watch a Hollywood movie, or visit the
Grand Canyon, they are helping to create and maintain good jobs for

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World Trade Week is an opportunity to reaffirm the benefits of trade and
to emphasize America's commitment to a global marketplace that creates
good jobs and lifts up American families. The United States and our
trading partners stand to gain when trade is open, transparent, rules-
based, and fair, showing respect for labor and environmental standards.
The United States is well-positioned to reap the benefits of trade.
America is a leader in the global marketplace and ranks at the top of
almost every measure of global competitiveness. Our businesses, workers,
and farmers remain the most innovative, productive, and adaptable in the
world. The United States is also the world's largest exporter.
Trade is a significant and increasingly important contributor to U.S.
economic growth. Exports accounted for 13 percent of U.S. economic
activity in 2008, and they support millions of jobs in the United
States. In difficult economic times, it is even more important for
American industry to take advantage of every opportunity for export-
driven growth. That is why I will work to open more markets to U.S.
exports, including in such important job growth industries as energy
efficiency, clean energy, and health information technology.
Imports can also benefit the United States by increasing consumer choice
while lowering prices for millions of working families. In addition,
imports can support employment for retailers, distributors, the
transportation sector, and domestic manufacturers which rely on global
supply chains to make products for both the U.S. and international
We must ensure that the benefits of trade are spread more widely. This
can be achieved by training and supporting Americans and ensuring that
trade agreements provide the economic opportunities that Americans
deserve. Workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own
deserve the chance to be retrained for a new economic environment. That
is one of the reasons I signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 (ARRA), which improves Trade Adjustment Assistance to help
families that are struggling now. For the long term, the ARRA also
invests in an education system that will prepare our children to compete
and succeed in the global economy.
We will negotiate future trade agreements to create opportunities for
all Americans. My Administration is committed to building on existing
trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties in an open and
transparent manner. In consultation with the American people, the
Congress, key stakeholders, and our trading partners, I am developing a
plan of action for pending free trade agreements. I will also work with
our trading partners to advance a strong market-opening agreement for
agriculture, industrial goods, and services through the Doha Development
Round and through other negotiations. Together, we can build a trading
regime that spreads its benefits among Americans and also benefits
workers in our partner countries.
Transparency and inclusiveness are central principles we must adhere to
as we seek to expand trade. When trade agreements are negotiated in
consultation with the American people, the benefits of trade can be
understood more broadly. Through open dialogue, the concerns of American
and foreign workers can be addressed and the environmental consequences
of trade agreements can be identified and mitigated.

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With a transparent, free, and fair framework, we can make trade a
powerful contributor to the revival of the U.S. and global economies.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 17 through May 23,
2009, as World Trade Week. I encourage all Americans to observe this
week with events, trade shows, and educational programs that celebrate
the benefits of trade to our Nation and the global economy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8374--MAY 7, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8374--MAY 7, 2009
Proclamation 8374 of May 7, 2009
National Day of Prayer, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments
of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In
1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new
Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and
prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned
from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked
the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the
It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again
designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let
us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for
the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around
the world.
On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and
sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We
celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we
recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a
Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according
to the dictates of their conscience.
Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and
goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can
bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make
peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on
hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law
that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call
to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with
dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this

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The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the
President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first
Thursday in May as a ``National Day of Prayer.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I
call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and
blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection
for this land that we love.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8375--MAY 8, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8375--MAY 8, 2009
Proclamation 8375 of May 8, 2009
Military Spouse Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Military spouses share the sacrifices of service with our Nation's men
and women in uniform. As members of the Armed Forces serve in the United
States and across the world, military spouses also serve our Nation.
When a servicemember goes to war, we know their spouse also shares in
that sacrifice. I am inspired by their commitment to family and our
Nation, and on Military Spouse Day, we honor these individuals for their
Wives and husbands of servicemembers display an uncommon courage and
strength as they steadfastly support their spouses during long and
arduous deployments. While they endure separations that are filled with
worry and anxiety, they face unique stresses. Foremost is the concern
about the safety and well-being of deployed loved ones, but there are
many other challenges. From managing household finances to comforting
children impacted by a military parent's absence, military spouses take
on the burdens of maintaining families largely on their own. This task
is complicated even more as spouses work to maintain careers and a sense
of community while moving to new duty stations around the country and
the world.
Despite these hardships, military spouses are an inexhaustible source of
strength for our military families and donate their time generously to
local communities. Military spouses offer the love and encouragement
that help servicemembers endure the challenges of serving our Nation.
Military spouses support one another as friends and mentors. They serve
in family readiness groups to keep fellow spouses informed and to
provide mutual support. They contribute as volunteers to improve
neighborhoods, military installations, and communities. These
contributions strengthen both our Nation's character and its security.
All Americans should express appreciation for military spouses and let
them know they are not alone. To help those who need it, friends, co-
workers, and neighbors can offer to help with the burden of daily tasks

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and thus give military spouses more time for themselves and their
families. To assist spouses who are coping with the absence of a loved
one, individuals can listen and offer their counsel. Americans can also
volunteer through the many organizations that provide assistance to
military families.
Our Nation maintains a sacred trust with every individual who serves. My
Administration is committed to showing our Nation's gratitude for them
by honoring our obligations to their families.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 8, 2009, as Military
Spouse Day. I call upon the people of the United States to honor
military spouses with appropriate ceremonies and activities today and in
the future.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8376--MAY 8, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8376--MAY 8, 2009
Proclamation 8376 of May 8, 2009
Mother's Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The time-honored tradition of recognizing mothers grew out of the
imagination of a few bold women. Julia Ward Howe, composer of The Battle
Hymn of the Republic, urged mothers to advocate for peace through a day
dedicated to them. After her own mother passed away, Anna Jarvis sought
to recognize the great influence mothers have on society. These efforts
led to the recognition of mothers through a Congressional Resolution and
President Woodrow Wilson's proclamation of the first Mother's Day in
1914. Today, we proudly carry forward this tradition in honor of
mothers, the special women whose love and lessons profoundly impact our
Mothers are the bedrock of the American family-vital to their children's
growth and happiness and to the success of our country. Children's lives
are shaped by their mothers, whose care provides the foundation for
their development. Mothers instill the values and confidence that help
define their children's character and self-esteem, and offer a guiding
clarity of spirit. Mothers are role models, teachers, and sources of
unconditional support. There is no substitute for the bond of love
between mother and child, and nothing is more worthy of reverence.
Across America, mothers raise children under an array of circumstances.
They may care for a child with the help of a spouse, family members, and
friends, or they may do this job alone as a single parent. They may be
biological mothers, adoptive mothers, or foster mothers, but all open
their hearts to their children and nurture them through their life
journey. Caring for children also means putting food

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on the table, ensuring their needs are met, and staying involved in
their daily lives. Women often work long hours at demanding jobs and
then return home to a household with myriad demands. Balancing work and
family is no easy task, but mothers across our Nation meet this
challenge each day, often without recognition for their hard work and
dedication. The strength and conviction of all mothers-including those
who work inside and outside the home-are inspiring. They deserve our
deepest respect, admiration, and appreciation.
A mother's love is a cherished blessing, for it is selfless,
unconditional, and true. This Mother's Day, let us honor our mothers who
continue to inspire us, and remember those whose loving spirits sustain
us still.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 770),
has designated the second Sunday in May each year as ``Mother's Day''
and requested the President to call for its appropriate observance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 10, 2009, as Mother's Day. I urge all
Americans to express their love, respect, and gratitude to mothers
everywhere, and I call upon all citizens to observe this day with
appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8377--MAY 11, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8377--MAY 11, 2009
Proclamation 8377 of May 11, 2009
National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week,
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, Americans rely on roads, rails, ports, and airports to get to
work and to transport goods and services. At the same time, the United
States Armed Forces rely on our transportation infrastructure to move
personnel and supplies. During National Transportation Week and on
National Defense Transportation Day, we underscore the importance of the
transportation system to our Nation's economy and security. We also
honor the dedicated professionals who build, maintain, and operate our
transportation infrastructure.
From rural roads to state-of-the-art intermodal facilities,
transportation infrastructure is crucial to economic growth. Goods and
services flow constantly across land, water, and sky, and our most
efficient modes of travel save businesses and consumers money, and can
reduce impacts on our environment. To compete in the 21st century global
economy, the United States must have an advanced transportation system.
Securing America's energy future and maintaining our national defense
also require a robust transportation system. Whether responding to
natural disasters at home or mobilizing resources to defend America

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abroad, transportation is vital to keeping Americans safe. Global
climate change and our reliance on foreign oil have also created
tremendous national security challenges. To solve these problems and
create new economic opportunities, we must make our transportation
system cleaner and more efficient.
My Administration has taken bold action to rebuild our Nation's
crumbling infrastructure. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
integrates the goals of job creation and economic growth with a renewed
commitment to transportation. This legislation will fund projects to
improve public transportation, repair highways and roads, modernize
airports and seaports, and invest in renewable energy, all while
creating or saving hundreds of thousands of jobs.
To make the most of every taxpayer dollar, my Administration is working
side-by-side with State and local governments and the private sector to
provide oversight and to closely monitor these transportation
The women and men who support this critical sector every day make this
plan possible. Renewing America's transportation system is an historic
task, and I am convinced they will rise to the challenge.
The Congress has requested, by joint resolution approved May 16, 1957,
as amended (36 U.S.C. 120), that the President designate the third
Friday in May of each year as ``National Defense Transportation Day,''
and, by joint resolution approved May 14, 1962, as amended (36 U.S.C.
133), that the week during which that Friday falls be designated as
``National Transportation Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim Friday, May 15, 2009, as National Defense
Transportation Day and May 10 through May 16, 2009, as National
Transportation Week. I call upon all Americans to recognize the
importance of our Nation's transportation infrastructure and to
acknowledge the contributions of those who build, operate, and maintain
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8378--MAY 11, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8378--MAY 11, 2009
Proclamation 8378 of May 11, 2009
Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, peace officers put on their uniforms and go to work to
safeguard America's communities and uphold the freedoms we hold dear.
This week we honor their contributions and sacrifice.
Law enforcement officers routinely place themselves in harm's way to
protect people they do not and will not know. They serve willingly

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and devotedly, and their commitment is essential for us to maintain a
healthy quality of life, a strong economy, the safety of our families,
and a robust national security system.
My Administration is working to keep Americans safe and to strengthen
the Federal partnership with America's peace officers. The American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which I recently signed, makes $4 billion
available for State and local law enforcement. This provision will save
or create thousands of law enforcement jobs across the country through
the revitalized Community Oriented Policing Services Hiring Recovery
Program. The Recovery Act also provides $2 billion through the Edward
Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. These measures will put
more officers on the street and help those already serving to perform
their jobs more effectively.
The benefits that peace officers provide come with great sacrifice.
Every year, many give their lives in the performance of their duties.
Their contributions live on in the communities they strengthened, and
their service will never be forgotten. This week, as we recognize their
commitment to duty, we renew our pledge to support their families and
The President has been requested to designate May 15 of each year as
Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of all Federal, State, and local
officers killed or disabled in the line of duty, and to designate that
week as Police Week in recognition of their service given to the United
States (36 U.S.C. 136-37).
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 15, 2009, as Peace Officers Memorial Day
and May 10 through May 16, 2009, as Police Week. I call upon all
Americans to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and
activities. I also call on Governors of the United States and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of the other territories subject
to the jurisdiction of the United States, and appropriate officials of
all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half staff
on Peace Officers Memorial Day. I further encourage all Americans to
display the flag at half staff from their homes and businesses on that
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8379--MAY 12, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8379--MAY 12, 2009
Proclamation 8379 of May 12, 2009
Jewish American Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The Jewish American tradition exemplifies the strength of the American
immigrant tradition. Since Jews arrived in New Amsterdam in 1654, Jewish
Americans have maintained a unique identity just as they

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have enmeshed themselves in the fabric of the United States. This month
we celebrate this inspiring and unifying narrative.
Jewish Americans across the United States practice the faith and
celebrate the culture of their ancestors. Across the Nation every day,
individuals emulate their forebears by seeking to perform mitzvot, the
hundreds of commandments set forth in the Torah. The term ``mitzvah''
has come to mean ``good deed,'' and many Jews have adopted these
practices to serve their communities. Other mitzvot include observing
holidays, such as Passover, which marks the exodus from Egypt; and Yom
Kippur, a time to contemplate and seek forgiveness for the sins of the
past year; and Shabbat, the weekly day of rest.
PROCLAMATION 8379--MAY 12, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8379--MAY 12, 2009
The focus on preserving traditions is a notable characteristic of Jewish
culture. Many Jewish religious and cultural practices have developed and
adapted over the millennia, yet the fundamental exhortation to ensure
that long-cherished ways of life are passed on to future generations
remains as strong as ever before. Many Jewish Americans carry on this
belief as they instill these traditions in their children.
Seeking to preserve their culture and start anew, Jewish immigrants have
departed familiar lands to pursue their own American dreams for more
than 300 years. During some periods, Jews sought refuge in the United
States from the horrors and tragedies of persecution, pogroms, and the
Holocaust. During other times, they came to seek better lives and
greater economic opportunities for themselves and their children.
Jewish Americans have immeasurably enriched our Nation. Unyielding in
the face of hardship and tenacious in following their dreams, Jewish
Americans have surmounted the challenges that every immigrant group
faces, and have made unparalleled contributions. Many have broken new
ground in the arts and sciences. Jewish American leaders have been
essential to all branches and levels of government. Still more Jewish
Americans have made selfless sacrifices in our Armed Forces. The United
States would not be the country we know without the achievements of
Jewish Americans.
Among the greatest contributions of the Jewish American community,
however, is the example they have set for all Americans. They have
demonstrated that Americans can choose to maintain cultural traditions
while honoring the principles and beliefs that bind them together as
Americans. Jewish American history demonstrates how America's diversity
enriches and strengthens us all.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2009 as Jewish
American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate the
proud heritage of Jewish Americans with appropriate ceremonies and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8380--MAY 14, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8380--MAY 14, 2009

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Proclamation 8380 of May 14, 2009
Armed Forces Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

On Armed Forces Day, 1961, President Kennedy connected civic engagement
and our Nation's security. He stated, ``the strength of our armed forces
rests not alone upon their active and reserve members, our industrial
productivity, and our human resources, but also upon the understanding
and support of an informed American people.'' Based on this perspective,
I call upon all Americans to learn more about, and express gratitude
for, the heroic efforts of our men and women in uniform.
Today, the United States military serves across the world to keep us
safe. They are working here at home to protect America from threats
foreign and domestic; they are risking their lives in the deserts of
Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan; and they are also serving bravely
in many other parts of the world to ensure our security and provide
humanitarian assistance. Members of the Armed Forces are forging a
better future for our Nation and the world.
As they carry out their missions, military families endure the sacrifice
of their absence. Worrying about their safety, moving to new duty
stations, and managing a home without a loved one, these families
shoulder great burdens as they help sustain our men and women in
uniform. I thank military families for their vital contributions.
The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coastguardsmen who have
answered the call to service deserve recognition and gratitude. They
have endured the most difficult of conditions to protect America and her
highest ideals. Today, I ask all Americans to know their sacrifice and
join me in humble thanks.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United
States, continuing the precedent of my predecessors in office, do hereby
proclaim the third Saturday of each May as Armed Forces Day.
I direct the Secretary of Defense on behalf of the Army, Navy, Air
Force, Marine Corps, and the Secretary of Homeland Security on behalf of
the Coast Guard, to plan for appropriate observances each year, with the
Secretary of Defense responsible for soliciting the participation and
cooperation of civil authorities and private citizens.
I invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
and other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, to
provide for the observance of Armed Forces Day within their jurisdiction
each year in an appropriate manner designed to increase public
understanding and appreciation of the Armed Forces of the United States.
I also invite national and local veterans, civic and other organizations
to join in the observance of Armed Forces Day each year.
Finally, I call upon all Americans to display the flag of the United
States at their homes on Armed Forces Day and urge citizens to learn

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123 STAT. 3650

more about military service by attending and participating in the local
observances of the day. I also encourage Americans to volunteer at
organizations that provide support to our troops.
Proclamation 7562 of May 16, 2002, is hereby superseded.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8381--MAY 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8381--MAY 15, 2009
Proclamation 8381 of May 15, 2009
National Safe Boating Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Each year, millions of Americans take to our Nation's waterways for
recreational boating. Whether paddling down a rushing river or cruising
on a serene lake, boaters are attracted to the incomparable feeling of
being out on the water. They also are drawn by opportunities to
exercise, appreciate nature, enjoy quiet solitude, or relax with family
and friends.
Unfortunately, accidents can occur as Americans participate in this
popular pastime. Many serious incidents are preventable, and during
National Safe Boating Week, I ask Americans to learn more about how to
enjoy our Nation's waters safely and responsibly.
Simple steps can greatly reduce the chances of an accident. In
preparation for the boating season, Americans can take boating safety
courses and get a free vessel safety check. These steps can help prevent
problems before they happen and prepare boaters for problems that may
occur while on the water. Boaters should also wear a Coast Guard-
approved life jacket and never boat under the influence of drugs or
alcohol. These critical precautions can save lives and help ensure a
fulfilling experience.
Each year during this week, the United States Coast Guard partners with
organizations to educate and inform the public about safe boating. I
join them in calling upon Americans to protect themselves and others
while boating.
Recognizing the importance of safe boating practices, the Congress, by
joint resolution approved June 4, 1958 (36 U.S.C. 131), as amended, has
authorized and requested the President to annually proclaim the 7-day
period prior to Memorial Day weekend as ``National Safe Boating Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 16 through May 22, 2009, as National
Safe Boating Week. I encourage all Americans to join in observing this
occasion by learning more about boating safety and committing themselves
to safe practices on the water.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8382--MAY 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8382--MAY 15, 2009
Proclamation 8382 of May 15, 2009
Small Business Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The entrepreneurial spirit lies at the core of our Nation's economy and
identity. If Americans with good ideas can work hard, put their plan to
the test, and succeed, the American economy will continue to create jobs
and lead the world in innovation and productivity. During National Small
Business Week, we honor the entrepreneurs and small business owners who
are the engine of our economy. Their ingenuity and hard work are
critical to our Nation's prosperity.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of cities and towns across the
country. Over the last decade, small businesses created 70 percent of
new jobs, and they are responsible for half of all jobs in the private
sector. They also help enhance the lives of our citizens by improving
our quality of life and creating personal wealth. Small businesses will
lead the way to prosperity, particularly in today's challenging economic
My Administration is committed to economic policies that encourage
enterprise and make America the best place in the world to do business.
To support the free flow of credit, I have worked to increase loan
guarantees, reduce borrowing fees, quicken loan processing, and unlock
the secondary markets that support small business lending, among other
measures. I also support tax policies that promote investment in small
businesses, as well as health care reform that will help these
businesses provide more workers with quality health care services.
Our Nation's success depends on America's small businesses and
entrepreneurs. Their contributions are necessary to rebuild our economy
so that it once again offers the opportunity to succeed to all who seek
it. This week we thank small business owners, entrepreneurs, and
employees for helping America achieve that promise.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 17 through May 23,
2009, as National Small Business Week. I call upon Government officials,
industry leaders, and advocates across the Nation to encourage our
citizens to celebrate the achievements of small business owners and
encourage the creation of new businesses.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the

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123 STAT. 3652

Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8383--MAY 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8383--MAY 20, 2009
Proclamation 8383 of May 20, 2009
Emergency Medical Services Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Emergency medical services providers rush into scenes of uncertainty and
fear, and they help establish order and calm-and save lives in the
process. They include educators, 911 dispatchers, first responders,
emergency medical technicians, paramedics, nurses, physicians, and many
others. These highly skilled teams respond to emergencies 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
When Americans find themselves in unexpected life-threatening
situations, emergency medical services (EMS) providers provide rapid
help. Quality emergency medical care dramatically improves the survival
and recovery prospects for those who experience sudden injury or
illness. These EMS teams play a vital role in our Nation's overall
health and safety, as well as our preparedness for pandemic disease and
disasters both natural and man-made.
Emergency medical services providers hail from a variety of backgrounds
and circumstances. They work in rural volunteer fire departments, urban
hospitals, along our coastal waterways, and among fire-prone western
forests. Many spend their off-duty time obtaining extra training and
enhancing their lifesaving skills. All share a common aspiration to help
those in need, and during Emergency Medical Services Week, we express
our appreciation for their critical work.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 17 through May 23,
2009, as Emergency Medical Services Week. I encourage all Americans to
observe this occasion by sharing their support with local EMS workers
and taking steps to improve their personal safety and preparedness.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8384 of May 20, 2009
National Maritime Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Americans have long looked to the sea as a source of security and
prosperity. Bounded by two oceans and the Gulf of Mexico, and criss-
crossed by a myriad of inland waterways, America's destiny as a maritime
nation was a story foretold.
The Merchant Marine took up arms alongside the Continental Navy to help
defeat the British Navy during the American Revolution. Since then, they
have served bravely as the United States has faced threats ranging from
war to piracy, and our seafaring fleet has proven instrumental in
protecting our safety. In times of conflict and crisis, the Armed Forces
rely on the Merchant Marine's sealift capability to transport critical
equipment and supplies. Time and again, mariners have demonstrated their
willingness and ability to meet daunting challenges.
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009
Waterways have also enabled much of the commerce that has expanded
America's economy. Domestic and international commerce occurred along
rivers and coasts even before our Nation's birth. Great cities have
sprouted near waterways, and maritime activity remains crucial to our
economy today.
The men and women of the U.S. Merchant Marine and the many other workers
who have supported the maritime industry have made significant
contributions to our leadership in the global marketplace, and to our
On this National Maritime Day, we also mark the opening of a permanent
exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution, ``On the Water.'' It
demonstrates the importance of the maritime industry and chronicles our
history as a maritime nation.
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 20, 1933, has
designated May 22 of each year as ``National Maritime Day'' and has
authorized and requested the President to issue annually a proclamation
calling for its appropriate observance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim May 22, 2009, as National Maritime Day. I
call upon the people of the United States to mark this observance by
honoring the service of merchant mariners and by displaying the flag of
the United States at their homes and in their communities. I also
request that all ships sailing under the American flag dress ship on
that day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8384--MAY 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8385 of May 22, 2009
Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

For over two centuries, Americans have defended our Nation's security
and protected our founding principles of democracy and equal justice
under law. On Memorial Day, we honor those who have paid the ultimate
price in defense of these freedoms.
Members of the United States Armed Forces have placed our Nation's
safety before their own for generations. From the first shots fired at
Lexington and Concord to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,
these brave patriots have taken on great risks to keep us safe, and they
have served with honor and distinction. All Americans who have enjoyed
the blessings of peace and liberty remain in their debt.
PROCLAMATION 8385--MAY 22, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8385--MAY 22, 2009
As we remember the selfless service of our fallen heroes, we pray for
God's grace upon them. We also pray for all of our military personnel
and veterans, their families, and all those who have lost loved ones in
the defense of our freedom and safety.
Today, as we commend their deeds, we also bear a heavy burden of
responsibility to ensure that their sacrifices will not have been in
vain. This means that, as we uphold the ideals for which many have given
their last full measure of devotion, the United States must never waver
in its determination to defend itself, to be faithful in protecting
liberty at home and abroad, and to pursue peace in the world.
In respect for their dedication and service to America, the Congress, by
a joint resolution approved on May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116),
has requested the President to issue a proclamation calling on the
people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of
prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the
people of the United States might unite in prayer. The Congress, by
Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day
as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National
Moment of Remembrance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim Memorial Day, May 25, 2009, as a day of
prayer for permanent peace, and I designate the hour beginning in each
locality at 11:00 a.m. of that day as a time to unite in prayer. I also
ask all Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance
beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day. I urge the press,
radio, television, websites, and all other media to participate in these
observances. I also request the Governors of the United States and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the appropriate officials of all units
of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff until noon
on this Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels
throughout the United States, and in all areas under its jurisdiction
and control. I also request the people of the United States to display
the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day
of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of

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the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and
PROCLAMATION 8386--MAY 26, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8386--MAY 26, 2009
Proclamation 8386 of May 26, 2009
National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Each year, hurricanes threaten the safety of American families in
coastal and inland communities. These powerful storms can cause heavy
rainfall, high winds, tornadoes, and storm surges, which can in turn
bring severe flooding, power outages, damage to homes and businesses,
and loss of life.
Awareness and preparation are critical to surviving and recovering from
hurricanes. During National Hurricane Preparedness Week, I call on all
Americans-including private citizens and those working in government,
business, and the nonprofit sector-to plan ahead and help secure the
safety and property of those who face advancing storms.
Americans can take basic steps before a hurricane arrives. The Federal
Emergency Management Agency and the National Hurricane Center recommend
developing a family disaster plan, creating and maintaining a disaster
supply kit, securing one's home, and designating a safe place to go
during a storm. Throughout a storm, individuals should always remain
aware of weather conditions. More information on precautionary measures
is available at www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/english/intro.shtml.
Organizations at the local, State, and national level play important
roles to protect Americans from the effects of hurricanes. Rescue and
relief organizations, the private sector, and the news media work to
meet demands that emerge before, during, and after a hurricane. Among
other services, they distribute safety information and help coordinate
relief activities. My Administration is committed to strengthening these
efforts and is working every day to prepare for hurricanes and their
potential impacts on everyone in the United States.
The threat hurricanes pose to lives and property cannot be eliminated,
but preparedness can reduce the dangers these storms pose for our
families and communities.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States do hereby proclaim May 24 through May 30,
2009, as National Hurricane Preparedness Week. I call upon government
agencies, private organizations, media, community groups, schools, and
residents of hurricane-prone areas to share information about hurricane
preparedness and response to help protect communities and save lives.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of
May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of

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123 STAT. 3656

the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and
Proclamation 8387 of June 1, 2009
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Forty years ago, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York
City resisted police harassment that had become all too common for
members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.
Out of this resistance, the LGBT rights movement in America was born.
During LGBT Pride Month, we commemorate the events of June 1969 and
commit to achieving equal justice under law for LGBT Americans.
LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting
contributions that continue to strengthen the fabric of American
society. There are many well-respected LGBT leaders in all professional
fields, including the arts and business communities. LGBT Americans also
mobilized the Nation to respond to the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic and
have played a vital role in broadening this country's response to the
HIV pandemic.
Due in no small part to the determination and dedication of the LGBT
rights movement, more LGBT Americans are living their lives openly today
than ever before. I am proud to be the first President to appoint openly
LGBT candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of
an Administration. These individuals embody the best qualities we seek
in public servants, and across my Administration-in both the White House
and the Federal agencies-openly LGBT employees are doing their jobs with
distinction and professionalism.
The LGBT rights movement has achieved great progress, but there is more
work to be done. LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear
of harassment, and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live
their lives with dignity and respect.
My Administration has partnered with the LGBT community to advance a
wide range of initiatives. At the international level, I have joined
efforts at the United Nations to decriminalize homosexuality around the
world. Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full
spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans. These measures include
enhancing hate crimes laws, supporting civil unions and Federal rights
for LGBT couples, outlawing discrimination in the workplace, ensuring
adoption rights, and ending the existing ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell''
policy in a way that strengthens our Armed Forces and our national
security. We must also commit ourselves to fighting the HIV/AIDS
epidemic by both reducing the number of HIV infections and providing
care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS across the
United States.

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These issues affect not only the LGBT community, but also our entire
Nation. As long as the promise of equality for all remains unfulfilled,
all Americans are affected. If we can work together to advance the
principles upon which our Nation was founded, every American will
benefit. During LGBT Pride Month, I call upon the LGBT community, the
Congress, and the American people to work together to promote equal
rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the
United States to turn back discrimination and prejudice everywhere it
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of June,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
Proclamation 8388 of June 1, 2009
Great Outdoors Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The United States is blessed with unparalleled natural beauty. From
remote forests to urban parks, these spaces have inspired visitors for
generations. Today, these areas continue to raise the human spirit in
those who experience them. During the month of June, I encourage
Americans to pay tribute to and preserve the great outdoors.
Americans of all ages can find calm and enjoyment in our Nation's vast
outdoors. Those desiring quiet or solitude can explore one of our many
National Parks, which offer tranquil and pristine surroundings. Those
seeking recreation can also explore public lands, or they can simply
run, bicycle, or fish in areas close to their homes. Whether near or
far, the outdoors offers unique experiences.
Exploring the great outdoors can also help improve one's health. These
spaces provide countless venues for walking, hiking, running, swimming,
and boating, among other activities. Americans can combine the enjoyment
of being outside with the exercise we all need to stay healthy.
My Administration is working to connect America's youth with our
treasured landscapes, which should be viewed as classrooms for
environmental education and gateways to careers in natural resources.
These efforts will include outreach to those who typically lack
representation in, and exposure to, these fields. The Department of the
Interior is launching a summer mentoring initiative as part of this
effort. This program invites families and friends to teach children
about the joys and wonders of the outdoors. My Administration is also
increasing the number of youth involved in national service on public

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123 STAT. 3658

Through AmeriCorps and other programs and partnerships, we can continue
our Nation's proud tradition of service and respect for the environment.
Americans are fortunate to have so many beautiful natural wonders and
open spaces. I encourage all in our Nation to enjoy these resources and
to help protect them for future generations. Together, we can carry
forward our Nation's proud tradition of admiration and preservation of
the great outdoors.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as Great
Outdoors Month. I encourage all Americans to spend more time outside and
to participate in the nationwide events marking this occasion.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of June,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
Proclamation 8389 of June 2, 2009
African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The legacy of African-American composers, singers, songwriters, and
musicians is an indelible piece of our Nation's culture. Generations of
African Americans have carried forward the musical traditions of their
forebears, blending old styles with innovative rhythms and sounds. They
have enriched American music and captured the diversity of our Nation.
During African-American Music Appreciation Month, we honor this rich
This legacy tells a story of ingenuity and faith. Amidst the injustice
of slavery, African Americans lifted their voices to the heavens through
spirituals. This religious music united African Americans and helped
sustain them through one of the darkest periods in our Nation's history.
Years later, spirituals contributed to the advent of a new form of
music: gospel. Both styles incorporated elements of African music and
were rooted in faith.
The African-American music tradition also reflects creativity and
individualism. Blues, jazz, soul, and rock and roll synthesize various
musical traditions to create altogether new sounds. Their novel chord
progressions, improvisation, and mood showcase individual musicians
while also creating a cohesive musical unit. In addition, African-
American composers have thrived in traditional genres such as musical
theater, opera, classical symphony, and choral music, providing their
unique imprint and creatively growing these forms of music. All of these
contributions are treasured across America and the world.

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123 STAT. 3659

During African-American Music Appreciation Month, we recall the known
and unknown musicians who helped create this musical history. Their
contributions help illuminate the human experience and spirit, and they
help us reflect on our Nation's ongoing narrative.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as African-
American Music Appreciation Month. I call upon public officials,
educators, and all the people of the United States to observe this month
with appropriate activities and programs that raise awareness and foster
appreciation of music which is composed, arranged, and performed by
African Americans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of June,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
Proclamation 8390 of June 2, 2009
National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Caribbean Americans have made lasting contributions to our Nation's
culture and history, and the month of June has been set aside to honor
their cultural, linguistic, ethnic, and social diversity.
Generations of immigrants have preserved the traditions of their
homelands, and these traditions have defined our Nation's identity.
Caribbean Americans bring a unique and vibrant culture. This
multilingual and multiethnic tradition has strengthened our social
fabric and enriched the diversity of our Nation.
Millions of individuals in the United States have Caribbean roots.
Unfortunately some Caribbean Americans were forced to our country as
slaves; others arrived of their own volition. All have sought the
promise of a brighter tomorrow for themselves and their children.
In their pursuit of success, Caribbean Americans exhibit the traits all
Americans prize: determination, a devotion to community, and patriotism.
They have made their mark in every facet of our society, from art to
athletics and science to service. Caribbean Americans have also
safeguarded our Nation in the United States Armed Forces.
This month we also recognize the critical relationship the United States
maintains with Caribbean nations. In a world of increasing communication
and connectivity, this friendship has become even more important. We are
neighbors, partners, and friends; we share the same aspirations for our
children; and we strive for the very same freedoms. Together, we can
meet the common challenges we face.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con-

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123 STAT. 3660

stitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June
2009 as National Caribbean-American Heritage Month. I urge all Americans
to commemorate this month by learning more about the history and culture
of Caribbean Americans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of June,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8391--JUNE 11, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8391--JUNE 11, 2009
Proclamation 8391 of June 11, 2009
Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In the midst of a war for our Nation's independence, on June 14, 1777,
the Second Continental Congress adopted a flag as a symbol of our
fledgling Union. The Congress resolved that the flag be ``thirteen
stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars,
white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.'' For
generations to come, this pattern would serve as a compass bearing
toward equality and justice for all.
Our flag's journey has been long. It has seen our Nation through war and
peace, triumph and tragedy. It flew above the walls of Fort Sumter,
South Carolina, at the outset of the Civil War. It stood on Mount
Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima during World War II. During the
Civil Rights Movement, determined protesters on the streets of Selma,
Alabama, proudly displayed its colors. Following the attacks of
September 11, 2001, Old Glory flew over the southwestern wall of the
Pentagon and the rubble of the World Trade Center. Today, the men and
women of the United States Armed Forces bear our flag as they serve
bravely around the world.
The flag is still more than a historical symbol: it is part of our
culture. In our schools children pledge allegiance to our flag and
recite the ideals upon which our Nation was founded. Families sit on
their front porches under a billowing Stars and Stripes. And each day as
the flag is raised above military installations and government
buildings, we are reminded of the great sacrifices that have been made
in defense of our Nation.
The Stars and Stripes tells our Nation's story and embodies its highest
ideals. Its display reminds us of America's promise and guides us toward
a brighter tomorrow.
To commemorate the adoption of our flag, the Congress, by joint
resolution approved August 3, 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 492),
designated June 14 of each year as ``Flag Day'' and requested the
President to issue an annual proclamation calling for a national
observance and for the display of the flag of the United States on all
Federal Government buildings. In a second joint resolution approved June
9, 1966, as amended (80 Stat. 194), the Congress requested the President
to issue

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123 STAT. 3661

annually a proclamation designating the week during which June 14 falls
as ``National Flag Week'' and called upon all citizens of the United
States to display the flag during that week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim June 14, 2009, as Flag Day and the week
beginning June 14, 2009, as National Flag Week. I direct the appropriate
officials to display the flag of the United States on all Federal
Government buildings during the week, and I urge all Americans to
observe Flag Day and National Flag Week by flying the Stars and Stripes
at their homes and other suitable places. I also call upon the people of
the United States to observe with pride and all due ceremony those days
from Flag Day through Independence Day, set aside by the Congress (89
Stat. 211) as a time to honor America, celebrate our heritage in public
gatherings and activities, and recite publicly the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag of the United States of America.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8392--JUNE 12, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8392--JUNE 12, 2009
Proclamation 8392 of June 12, 2009
National Oceans Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Oceans are the Earth's dominant feature. They cover more than 70 percent
of the planet's surface and affect our lives in a variety of ways. This
month we celebrate the wonder of the oceans, and we commit to protecting
and sustaining them for current and future generations.
The oceans are critical to supporting life. From the abyssal plains of
the Pacific to the shallow coral reefs and seagrass beds of the Florida
Keys, oceans support an incredible diversity of marine life and
ecosystems. The base of the oceanic ecosystem provides most of the
oxygen we breathe, so oceans are critical to our survival. These bodies
of water also drive weather patterns and affect climate.
Our Nation's economy relies heavily on the oceans. Goods and services
are transported across them constantly. They support countless jobs in
an array of industries, including fishing, tourism, and energy. The
economies of entire regions depend on the oceans.
The United States has been a leader in exploring and protecting this
critical resource. We have gained new insights into the ocean ecosystems
through research and monitoring. We have promoted innovative
conservation efforts, such as setting aside special areas as national
marine sanctuaries. We have also reduced overfishing, made great strides
in reducing coastal pollution, and helped restore endangered species and
degraded habitats.

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123 STAT. 3662

My Administration continues to build upon this progress, and we are
taking a more integrated and comprehensive approach to developing a
national ocean policy that will guide us well into the future. This
policy will incorporate ecosystem-based science and management and
emphasize our public stewardship responsibilities. My Administration
also is working to develop a systematic marine spatial planning
framework for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources. I
am committed to protecting these resources and ensuring accountability
for actions that affect them.
During National Oceans Month, we celebrate these vast spaces and the
myriad ways they sustain life. We also pledge to preserve them and
commend all those who are engaged in efforts to meet this end.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as National
Oceans Month. I call upon all Americans to learn more about the oceans
and what can be done to conserve them.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8393--JUNE 18, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8393--JUNE 18, 2009
Proclamation 8393 of June 18, 2009
Father's Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The journey of fatherhood provides unique and lasting joys. Cradling a
baby in his arms, a father experiences the miracle of life and an
unbreakable bond. Fathers imagine a world of possibilities awaiting
their children and contemplate the privilege of helping them reach that
expanse of opportunity. As kids grow and mature, they look to their dad
for a special kind of love and support. Providing these necessities can
bring great happiness.
Fatherhood also brings great responsibilities. Fathers have an
obligation to help rear the children they bring into the world. Children
deserve this care, and families need each father's active participation.
Fathers must help teach right from wrong and instill in their kids the
values that sustain them for a lifetime. As they encounter new and
challenging experiences, children need guidance and counsel. Fathers
need to talk with their kids to help them through difficult times.
Parents must also help their children make the right choices by serving
as strong role models. Honest and hard-working fathers are an
irreplaceable influence upon their children.
Communities must do more to counsel fathers. Family and friends, and
faith-based and community organizations, can speak directly with men
about the sacrifices and rewards of having a child. These groups can

[[Page 3663]]
123 STAT. 3663

support men as they take on the great challenges of child-rearing.
Through honest and open dialogue, more men can choose to become model
parents and know the wonders of fatherhood.
On Father's Day, we pay tribute to the loving and caring fathers who are
strengthening their families and country. We also honor those surrogate
fathers who raise, mentor, or care for someone else's child. Thousands
of young children benefit from the influence of great men, and we salute
their willingness to give and continue giving. We also express special
gratitude to fathers who serve in the United States Armed Forces for the
sacrifices they and their families make every day. All of these
individuals are making great contributions, and children across the
country are better off for their care.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, in accordance with a joint resolution of the Congress approved
April 24, 1972, as amended (36 U.S.C. 109), do hereby proclaim June 21,
2009, as Father's Day. I direct the appropriate officials of the
Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government
buildings on this day. I urge all Americans to express their love,
respect, and admiration to their fathers, and I call upon all citizens
to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
PROCLAMATION 8394--JUNE 29, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8394--JUNE 29, 2009
Proclamation 8394 of June 29, 2009
To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of
Preferences, and for Other Purposes
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. Pursuant to sections 501 and 503(a)(1)(A) of the Trade Act of 1974,
as amended (the ``1974 Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2461 and 2463(a)(1)(A)), the
President may designate articles as eligible for preferential tariff
treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).
2. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C.
2463(c)(2)(A)), beneficiary developing countries, except those
designated as least-developed beneficiary developing countries or
beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries as provided in section
503(c)(2)(D) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(D)), are subject to
competitive need limitations on the preferential treatment afforded
under the GSP to eligible articles.
3. Section 503(c)(2)(F)(i) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(F)(i))
provides that the President may disregard the competitive need
limitation provided in section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act (19
U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(A)(i)(II)) with respect to any eligible article from
any bene-

[[Page 3664]]
123 STAT. 3664

ficiary developing country if the aggregate appraised value of the
imports of such article into the United States during the preceding
calendar year does not exceed an amount set forth in section
503(c)(2)(F)(ii) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(c)(2)(F)(ii)).
4. Pursuant to section 503(d)(1) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(d)(1)),
the President may waive the application of the competitive need
limitations in section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act with respect to any
eligible article from any beneficiary developing country if certain
conditions are met.
5. Pursuant to section 503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2463(d)(5)),
any waiver granted under section 503(d) shall remain in effect until the
President determines that such waiver is no longer warranted due to
changed circumstances.
6. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(E) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C.
2463(c)(2)(E)), section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) shall not apply with respect
to any eligible article if a like or directly competitive article was
not produced in the United States on January 1, 1995.
7. Pursuant to sections 501 and 503(a)(1)(A) of the 1974 Act, and after
receiving advice from the United States International Trade Commission
(the ``Commission'') in accordance with section 503(e), I have
determined to designate certain articles as eligible articles when
imported from any beneficiary developing country.
8. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act, I have determined
that in 2008 certain beneficiary developing countries exported eligible
articles in quantities exceeding the applicable competitive need
limitations, and I therefore terminate the duty-free treatment for such
articles from such beneficiary developing countries.
9. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(F) of the 1974 Act, I have determined
that the competitive need limitation provided in section
503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act should be disregarded with respect
to certain eligible articles from certain beneficiary developing
10. Pursuant to section 503(d)(1) of the 1974 Act, I have received the
advice of the Commission on whether any industry in the United States is
likely to be adversely affected by a waiver of the competitive need
limitations provided in section 503(c)(2)(A), and I have determined,
based on that advice and on the considerations described in sections 501
and 502(c) (19 U.S.C. 2462(c)) of the 1974 Act, and after giving great
weight to the considerations in section 503(d)(2) of the 1974 Act (19
U.S.C. 2463(d)(2)), that such waivers are in the national economic
interest of the United States. Accordingly, I have determined that the
competitive need limitations of section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act
should be waived with respect to certain eligible articles from certain
beneficiary developing countries.
11. Pursuant to section 503(d)(5) of the 1974 Act, I have determined
that certain previously granted waivers of the competitive need
limitations of section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act are no longer
warranted due to changed circumstances.
12. Pursuant to section 503(c)(2)(E) of the 1974 Act, I have determined
that the limitation provided for in section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) shall
not apply with respect to subheading 7202.50.00 of the Harmonized Tariff

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Schedule of the United States (HTS) because no like or directly
competitive article was produced in the United States on January 1,
13. Section 2004(d)(8)(A) of the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical
Corrections Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-429, 118 Stat. 2434) amended
subheading 9804.00.70 of the HTS to provide the tariff treatment for
certain articles imported by or on the account of returning United
States residents. I have determined that it is appropriate to make
conforming changes to note 4 to subchapter IV of chapter 98 of the HTS
to reflect that amendment.
14. On June 6, 2003, the United States and Chile entered into the United
States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (USCFTA), which the Congress approved
in section 101(a) of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act (the ``USCFTA Act'') (19 U.S.C. 3805 note).
Proclamation 8334 of December 31, 2008, exercised authority under the
USCFTA Act by modifying the HTS to provide for an accelerated schedule
of duty elimination for specific originating goods of Chile.
Proclamation 8334 inadvertently omitted modifications to the HTS
necessary to implement the accelerated schedule. I have determined that
technical corrections to the HTS are necessary to provide for the
intended tariff treatment.
15. Presidential Proclamation 8332 of December 29, 2008, implemented the
tariff treatment called for under certain provisions of the United
States-Oman Free Trade Agreement (USOFTA). I have determined that a
technical correction to the HTS is necessary to provide for the intended
tariff treatment.
16. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) authorizes the
President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions
of that Act, and of other Acts affecting import treatment, and actions
thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or
imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
title V and section 604 of the 1974 Act, do proclaim that:
(1) In order to provide that one or more countries should no longer be
treated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to one or more
eligible articles for purposes of the GSP, general note 4(d) to the HTS
is modified as set forth in section A of Annex I to this proclamation.
(2) In order to provide that one or more countries should no longer be
treated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to certain
eligible articles for purposes of the GSP, the Rates of Duty 1-Special
subcolumn for the corresponding HTS subheadings is modified as set forth
in section B of Annex I to this proclamation.
(3) In order to designate certain articles as eligible articles for
purposes of the GSP, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the
corresponding HTS subheadings is modified as set forth in section C of
Annex I to this proclamation.
(4) The competitive need limitation provided in section
503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of the 1974 Act is disregarded with respect to the
eligible articles in the HTS subheadings and to the beneficiary
developing countries listed in Annex II to this proclamation.

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(5) A waiver of the application of section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974 Act
shall apply to the eligible articles in the HTS subheadings and to the
beneficiary developing countries set forth in Annex III to this
(6) The waiver of the application of section 503(c)(2)(A) of the 1974
Act to the articles in the HTS subheading and to the beneficiary
developing country listed in Annex IV to this proclamation is revoked.
(7) In order to make technical corrections necessary to provide the
intended tariff treatment under the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical
Corrections Act of 2004, the USCFTA, and the USOFTA, the HTS is modified
as set forth in Annex V to this proclamation.
(8) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annexes I, IV, and V to
this proclamation shall be effective with respect to articles entered,
or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the dates set
forth in the respective annex.
(9) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that
are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.

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PROCLAMATION 8394--JUNE 29, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8394--JUNE 29, 2009

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123 STAT. 3671

Proclamation 8395 of July 6, 2009
National Summer Learning Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Like an athlete out of practice, a child who takes long breaks from
learning can face academic setbacks. This problem is especially
prominent during the summer, when students may lose more than two months
of progress. Children must remain engaged to maintain and build upon
their current academic achievement.
Learning loss can be especially pronounced among low-income children.
Recent research suggests that unequal access to summer learning
opportunities helps explain the achievement gap between low-income and
affluent students. This gap ultimately means that low-income students
may be less likely to graduate from high school or enroll in college.
High-quality summer learning programs help children catch up, keep up,
and work ahead. These activities provide students with hours of focused
time for hands-on learning and creative projects. Participation can
result in gains in writing, reading, and math skills. Through the arts,
sports, and other extracurricular activities, summer learning
opportunities also promote innovation and physical fitness. These health
benefits are especially important because childhood obesity is at an
all-time high and children typically gain weight two to three times
faster during the summer.
Sustained public service can also dramatically impact summer learning
loss. Students can challenge themselves and others through mentoring,
environmental projects, and other meaningful volunteer work. Youth and
their communities both benefit from these activities. Local
opportunities for service can be found at: Serve.gov.
Families and community members play the most important role in the lives
of their children. Demands at work and home mean that many parents have
less time to spend with their children, but this time, care, and
instruction is critical to children's academic success. Especially
during the summer, parents should try to find time to read interactively
with children. When possible, families should visit public libraries,
tour museums and science centers, and explore the great outdoors.
Parents can also encourage youth to keep a journal and to practice math
skills through cooking and games.
Even though summer has arrived, student learning needs do not take a
vacation. On Summer Learning Day, we highlight the need for more young
people to be challenged during their time off from school. We also
express support for local programs, communities, and families that help
children grow through learning initiatives. Working together, we can
help students remain engaged and return to school with lithe and limber
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 9, 2009, as National
Summer Learning Day. I call upon all Americans to

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support students as they participate in summer learning. I encourage
students, parents, educators, and the non-profit community to engage in
summer learning activities so that youth return to school poised for
academic advancement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of July,
in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
PROCLAMATION 8396--JULY 17, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8396--JULY 17, 2009
Proclamation 8396 of July 17, 2009
Captive Nations Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Fifty years ago, President Eisenhower issued a call of solidarity to
peoples across the world living under communist rule. This first Captive
Nations Week Proclamation expressed concern that too many people lacked
fundamental freedoms, and it affirmed that the people of the United
States stood alongside those who yearned to be free. Since this
declaration, more nations have chosen the path of self-determination and
respect for basic human rights. Brave American men and women have
contributed to this story, making great sacrifices while serving in our
Armed Forces or working in Government, private industry, and other
The Cold War is now consigned to the history books, but the ideals that
President Eisenhower proclaimed remain vibrant and inspiring today. Just
as in years past, people still hope to have the freedom and opportunity
to pursue their dreams. People, young and old, still yearn to speak
their minds. Citizens still believe governments have an obligation to be
honest and transparent, uphold the rule of law, and allow civic
We regard these universal principles as guiding values, and we stand in
solidarity with those who aspire to live by them-not only because it is
right, but also because our Nation's fate is connected to that of other
nations. In an interdependent world, instability, disease, and hardship
abroad affect us here at home. Governments that are responsive to the
concerns of their citizens can better tackle these challenges and
contribute to a more secure, healthy, and prosperous world.
Nations must advance these values through example. At home and abroad,
the United States strives to honor the principles enshrined in our
Nation's founding documents.
The challenges of a new century require us to summon the full range of
human talents to move all nations forward. The United States stands with
all governments and peoples committed to unlocking the potential of
their people, and to peace, the rule of law, and respect for all

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The Congress, by Joint Resolution, approved July 17, 1959 (73 Stat.
212), has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation
designating the third week of July of each year as ``Captive Nations
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim July 19 through July 25, 2009, as Captive
Nations Week. I call upon the people of the United States to reaffirm
our commitment to all those seeking dignity, freedom, and justice.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
PROCLAMATION 8397--JULY 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8397--JULY 23, 2009
Proclamation 8397 of July 23, 2009
35th Anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) breathes life into the
timeless ideal, ``equal justice under law.'' It reaches those who cannot
afford the assistance they need and those who would otherwise go without
vital representation. Today we recognize the 35 years during which the
LSC has moved our Nation and our legal system towards greater equality.
The LSC brings legal counsel to every corner of the Nation. As the
largest provider of civil legal aid to the poor, it supports programs
that touch families in every State. Persons of all ethnic and racial
backgrounds know its great work, and women, who represent 75 percent of
LSC-supported clients, especially benefit from its expertise.
The Legal Services Corporation's work helps improve lives. It allows
more people to access the public benefits they deserve, more domestic
violence victims to secure the protections they desperately need, and
more workers to receive the compensation they have been promised and
During an economic crisis, the work of the LSC is especially important.
When families face foreclosure, eviction, or bankruptcy, or when
communities are targeted by predatory lenders, they need the help of
legal professionals. These scenarios are far too common today.
Fortunately, the LSC stands ready to meet these demands.
Because economically vulnerable communities continue to face an unmet
need for legal services, my Administration has supported increased
funding for the LSC. I have also recommended lifting several unnecessary
restrictions on funding so that more people can receive assistance.
These changes are critical to the organization's mission and work.

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We have made great progress in protecting the legal rights of our
citizens, and the Legal Services Corporation has played a vital role in
this story for more than 3 decades. With continued support, it will
serve those in need and help our Nation live out its highest ideals.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 25, 2009, as the
35th Anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation. I call upon legal
professionals and the people of the United States to honor the
contributions of this vital organization.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of
July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence
of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
PROCLAMATION 8398--JULY 24, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8398--JULY 24, 2009
Proclamation 8398 of July 24, 2009
Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Today we celebrate the 19th anniversary of the enactment of the historic
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Signed into law on July 26, 1990,
this landmark legislation established a clear mandate against
discrimination on the basis of disability so that people with
disabilities would have an equal opportunity to achieve the American
Our Nation is once again poised to make history for people with
disabilities. I am proud to announce that the United States will sign
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in New York
on December 13, 2006. The Convention is the first new human rights
convention of the 21st century adopted by the United Nations, and it
represents a paradigm shift in protecting the human rights of 650
million people with disabilities worldwide. We proudly join the
international community in further advancing the rights of people with
As we reflect upon the past and look toward a brighter future, we
recognize that our country has made great progress. More than ever
before, Americans with disabilities enjoy greater access to technology
and economic self-sufficiency. More communities are accessible, more
children with disabilities learn alongside their peers, and more
employers recognize the capabilities of people with disabilities.
Despite these achievements, much work remains to be done. People with
disabilities far too often lack the choice to live in communities of
their choosing; their unemployment rate is much higher than those
without disabilities; they are much likelier to live in poverty; health
care is out of reach for too many; and too many children with
disabilities are denied a world-class education.

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My Administration has met these challenges head-on. We have launched the
``Year of Community Living'' to help people with disabilities live
wherever they choose. We have nearly doubled the funding for the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. I was proud to sign the
groundbreaking Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act and the
Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health
insurance to millions of additional children. I also lifted the ban on
stem cell research. These measures demonstrate our commitment to
leveling the playing field for every person with a disability. My
Administration will not rest on these accomplishments, and we will
continue to focus on improving the lives of people with disabilities. I
encourage States, localities, and communities across the country to
cultivate an environment in which the 54 million Americans living with a
disability are valued and respected.
Americans have repeatedly affirmed the importance of protecting the
human rights and dignity of every member of this great country. Through
the steps we have taken, we will continue to build on the ADA and
demonstrate our ongoing commitment to promoting, protecting, and
ensuring the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms
by people with disabilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 26, 2009, as the
Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I call on Americans
across our country to celebrate the progress we have made in protecting
the civil rights of people with disabilities and to recognize the step
forward we make with the signing of the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Inspired by the advances of the
last 19 years, let us commit to greater achievements in the years ahead.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day
of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8399--JULY 24, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8399--JULY 24, 2009
Proclamation 8399 of July 24, 2009
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Fifty-six years after the signing of the Military Armistice Agreement at
Panmunjom, Americans remain grateful for the courage and sacrifice of
our Korean War veterans. More than 600,000 United States and allied
combatants lost their lives in Korea during the 3 years of bitter
warfare that ended on July 27, 1953. Many were also injured, taken as
prisoners of war, and missing in action. These dedicated servicemen and
women, under the banner of the United Nations, fought to secure the
blessings of freedom and democracy on the Korean Peninsula, and they
deserve our unending respect and gratitude.

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Every day we are reminded of the selfless service of these veterans. The
Korean War Veterans Memorial stands in our Nation's Capital as an
enduring tribute to them. Marching among juniper bushes and rows of
granite, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen
silently remind all who glimpse their faces of the great challenges that
so many Americans overcame. The strong partnership between the United
States and the Republic of Korea is also a proud testament to our men
and women in uniform.
Today we remember and honor the valor of Korean War veterans and the
extraordinary sacrifices that they and their families made in the cause
of peace.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 27, 2009, as
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. I call upon all Americans to
observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities that honor
and give thanks to our distinguished Korean War veterans. I also ask
Federal departments and agencies and interested groups, organizations,
and individuals to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff on
July 27, 2009, in memory of the Americans who died as a result of their
service in Korea.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day
of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8400--AUG. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8400--AUG. 20, 2009
Proclamation 8400 of August 20, 2009
Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation's strength rests on the ingenuity and creativity of the
American people. Across our country, almost 4 million minority-owned
firms exemplify this spirit as they create jobs, develop new products
and services, and promote community and economic development. The growth
and expansion of these businesses is an increasingly critical part of
our economic recovery and long-term prosperity.
At a time when too many Americans are facing extraordinary economic
challenges, supporting the development of minority-owned enterprises
will help accelerate the revitalization of our economy. Of the 630,000
minority-owned employer firms, these businesses are providing employment
and stability to 4.7 million workers while renewing urban neighborhoods
and rural communities. They represent a key component of future growth
for our economy.
Minority Enterprise Development Week is an opportunity to commemorate
the tremendous value minority entrepreneurs and their employees bring to
our economy and our Nation as a whole. They embody the timeless American
values of hard work, integrity, and opti-

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mism. They also serve as role models to countless children who want to
start their own business or reach their personal goals. Through their
accomplishments and example, these leaders affirm that, with
determination and commitment, every American can achieve his or her
potential and live out their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States do hereby proclaim August 23 through August
29, 2009, as Minority Enterprise Development Week. I call upon all
Americans to celebrate this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies,
and activities to recognize the many contributions of our Nation's
minority enterprises.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8401--AUG. 21, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8401--AUG. 21, 2009
Proclamation 8401 of August 21, 2009
Fiftieth Anniversary of Hawaii Statehood
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

It is with great pride that our Nation commemorates the fiftieth
anniversary of Statehood for Hawaii. On August 21, 1959, we welcomed
Hawaii into the United States ohana, or family. Unified under the rule
of King Kamehameha the Great, it was Queen Lili`uokalani who witnessed
the transition to a Provisional Government controlled by the United
States. As a Nation, we honor the extensive and rich contributions of
Native Hawaiian culture to our national character.
Borne out of volcanic activity in the Pacific Ocean, a chain of islands
emerged that would bear witness to some of the most extraordinary events
in world history. From Pu`ukohola Heiau and the royal residence at the
`Iolani Palace, to the USS ARIZONA Memorial and luaus that pay tribute
to Hawaiian traditions, Americans honor the islands' collective legacy
and admire their natural beauty. Home to unique and endangered species,
active volcanoes, and abundant reefs, the Hawaiian islands actively
conserve their distinctive ecosystems with responsible development and a
deep-rooted appreciation for the land and surrounding ocean.
The Aloha Spirit of Hawaii offers hope and opportunity for all
Americans. Growing up in Hawaii, I learned from its diversity how
different cultures blend together into one population-proud of their
personal heritage and made stronger by their shared sense of community.
Our youngest State, Hawaii faces many of the same challenges other
States face throughout our country, and it represents the opportunity we
all have to grow and learn from each other.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the

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Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August
21, 2009, as the Fiftieth Anniversary of Hawaii Statehood. I call upon
the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate
programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8402--AUG. 25, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8402--AUG. 25, 2009
Proclamation 8402 of August 25, 2009
Women's Equality Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Today, our country renews its commitment to freedom and justice for all
our citizens. As we prepare to celebrate this women's day of equality,
we reflect on the sacrifices once made to allow women and girls the
basic rights and choices we freely exercise today. The future we leave
to our daughters and granddaughters will be determined by our
willingness to build on the achievements of our past and move forward as
one people and one Nation. The fight for women's equality is not a
woman's agenda, but an American agenda.
We honor the resilience, accomplishments, and history of all women in
the United States. We celebrate the courageous women who fought to
uphold a fundamental principle within our Constitution-the right to
vote-and in so doing, protected the cornerstone of our vibrant
democracy. These visionaries of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848
sought to ensure that our country lived up to its founding ideals.
Although only one, Charlotte Woodward, at the age of 81, had the
opportunity to exercise her newfound right, the struggle reminds us that
no righteous cause is a lost one. We also commemorate women like Frances
Ellen Watkins Harper, a poet and lecturer who formed the National
Association of Colored Women; Antonia Pantoja, a tireless advocate of
education equality within the Latino community; Sarah Winnemucca, a
voice for peace within the Native American community; and Patsy Mink,
author of Title IX and the first woman of color and Asian American woman
elected to the United States Congress. These women's talents, and the
contributions of countless others, built upon the framework of 1848 and
forged paths for future generations.
Our Nation has come a long way since that ground-breaking convention in
New York. Women have occupied some of the most significant positions in
government. They have delivered justice from the bench of our highest
court, fought for our country in foreign lands, discovered cures to
diseases, and joined the ranks of the greatest business leaders of our
time. Female college graduates now outnumber their male counterparts.
Women have sought equality through government, demonstrated by the
signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, and the
establishment of the White House Council on Women and Girls. They have
sought equality through advocacy, exemplified by the

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123 STAT. 3679

efforts of thousands of women's organizations. America has made
significant progress toward becoming the fair and just society the
suffragists once envisioned.
Yet, today, our work remains unfinished. Far too many adult women remain
mired in poverty. Women are still subject to pervasive discrimination at
school and harassing conduct in the workplace. Women make, on average,
only 78 cents for every dollar paid to men. Underrepresented in many
facets of our economic and public life, from government to boardrooms to
the sciences, women have yet to eradicate all barriers to professional
We stand at a moment of unparalleled change and a time for reflection
and hope. We cannot allow the vibrant energy and passionate commitment
of our trailblazing women to fade, and we can never forget the
responsibility we bear to the ideals of liberty and equality for all.
Each generation of successful women serves as a catalyst to empower,
enlighten, and educate the next generation of girls and boys, and we
must devote ourselves to promoting this catalyst for change now and in
the future.
On this Women's Equality Day, we resolve to continue the important work
of our Nation's foremothers and their successors, and turn their vision
of a more equal America into our reality.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 26, 2009, as
Women's Equality Day. I call upon the people of the United States to
celebrate the achievements of women and recommit themselves to the goal
of true gender equality in this country.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8403--AUG. 26, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8403--AUG. 26, 2009
Proclamation 8403 of August 26, 2009
Death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Senator Edward M. Kennedy was not only one of the greatest senators of
our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our
democracy. Over the past half-century, nearly every major piece of
legislation that has advanced the civil rights, health, and economic
well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his
efforts. With his passing, an important chapter in our American story
has come to an end.
As a mark of respect for the memory of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, I
hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws
of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States

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shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public
buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on
all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia
and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions
until sunset on August 30, 2009. I also direct that the flag of the
United States shall be flown at half-staff until sunset on the day of
his interment. I further direct that the flag shall be flown at half-
staff for the same periods at all United States embassies, legations,
consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military
facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8404--AUG. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8404--AUG. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8404 of August 30, 2009
National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

For generations, education has opened doors to untold opportunities and
bright futures. Through quality instruction and a personal commitment to
hard work, young people in every part of our Nation have gone on to
achieve success. Established by men and women of great vision,
leadership, and clarity of purpose, Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs) have provided generations of Americans with
opportunity, a solid education, and hope.
For more than 140 years, HBCUs have released the power of knowledge to
countless Americans. Pivotal in the Civil Rights Movement, HBCUs offer
us a window into our Nation's past as well as a path forward. Graduates
of HBCUs have gone on to shape the course of American history-from
W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington, to Langston Hughes and Thurgood
Marshall. Today, in twenty States, the District of Columbia, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands, these colleges and universities are serving
hundreds of thousands of students from every background and have
contributed to the expansion of the African American middle class, to
the growth of local communities, and to our Nation's overall economy.
This week, we celebrate the accomplishments of HBCUs and look to the
future with conviction and optimism. These institutions will play a key
role in reaching our ambitious national education goals, including
having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020.
As our Nation strives toward this goal, we invite HBCUs to employ new,
innovative, and ambitious strategies to help the next generation of
Americans successfully complete college and prepare themselves for the
global economy. During National Historically Black Colleges and
Universities Week, we recommit ourselves to never resting

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123 STAT. 3681

until equality is real, opportunity is universal, and all citizens can
realize their dreams.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 30 through
September 5, 2009, as National Historically Black Colleges and
Universities Week. I call upon public officials, educators, and all the
people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate
programs, ceremonies, and activities that acknowledge the tremendous
contributions these institutions and their graduates have made to our
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8405--AUG. 31, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8405--AUG. 31, 2009
Proclamation 8405 of August 31, 2009
To Adjust the Rules of Origin Under the North American Free Trade
Agreement and for Other Purposes
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. In Presidential Proclamation 8097 of December 29, 2006, pursuant to
the authority provided in section 1206(a) of the Omnibus Trade and
Competitiveness Act of 1988 (19 U.S.C. 3006(a)) (the ``1988 Act''), the
President modified the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(HTS) to reflect amendments to the International Convention on the
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the ``Convention'').
2. Presidential Proclamation 6641 of December 15, 1993, implemented the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with respect to the United
States and, pursuant to the North American Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act (Public Law 103-182) (the ``NAFTA Implementation
Act''), incorporated in the HTS the schedule of duty reductions and
rules of origin necessary or appropriate to carry out the NAFTA.
3. In order to ensure the continuation of the staged reductions in rates
of duty under the NAFTA for originating goods of Mexico in HTS tariff
categories that were modified to reflect amendments to the Convention,
Presidential Proclamation 8097 made modifications to the HTS that the
President determined were necessary or appropriate to carry out the duty
reductions proclaimed in Proclamation 6641.
4. Canada and Mexico are parties to the Convention. Because the
substance of changes to the Convention are reflected in slightly
differing form in the national tariff schedules of the parties to the
NAFTA, the rules of origin set out in that Agreement must be changed to
ensure that the tariff and certain other treatment accorded under the

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123 STAT. 3682

to originating goods will continue to be provided under the tariff
categories that were modified in Proclamation 8097. The NAFTA parties,
the United States, Canada, and Mexico, have agreed to make these
5. Section 202 of the NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 3332) provides
rules for determining whether goods imported into the United States
originate in the territory of a NAFTA party and thus are eligible for
the tariff and other treatment contemplated under the NAFTA. Section
202(q) of the NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 3332(q)) authorizes
the President to proclaim, as part of the HTS, the rules of origin set
out in the NAFTA and to proclaim any modifications to such previously
proclaimed rules of origin, including those necessary to implement an
agreement with NAFTA countries under paragraph 2 of section 7 of Annex
300-B of the NAFTA, subject to the consultation and layover requirements
of section 103(a) of the NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 3313(a)).
6. The NAFTA parties have agreed to modify certain NAFTA rules of
origin. Modifications to the NAFTA rules of origin reflected in general
note 12 to the HTS are therefore necessary to ensure the continuation of
tariff and certain other treatment accorded under the NAFTA to
originating goods in tariff categories modified in Proclamation 8097 and
to carry out the duty reductions proclaimed in Proclamation 6641. The
consultation and layover requirements of section 103(a) of the NAFTA
Implementation Act were met December 10, 2007, with respect to the
proposed modifications.
7. I have determined that the modifications to the HTS proclaimed in
this proclamation pursuant to section 202 of the NAFTA Implementation
Act are necessary to implement an agreement with the NAFTA parties under
paragraph 2 of section 7 of Annex 300-B of the NAFTA. In addition, I
have determined that the modifications pursuant to section 1206(a) of
the 1988 Act are in conformity with the obligations of the United States
under the Convention and do not run counter to the national economic
interest of the United States.
8. Certain necessary modifications to the HTS to conform it to the
Convention were inadvertently omitted from Proclamation 8097. I have
determined that technical corrections to the HTS are necessary to
conform the HTS to the Convention.
9. On April 22, 1985, the United States and Israel entered into the
Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Israel
(USIFTA), which the Congress approved in the United States-Israel Free
Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985 (the ``USIFTA Implementation
Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2112 note).
10. Section 4(b) of the USIFTA Implementation Act provides that,
whenever the President determines that it is necessary to maintain the
general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with
respect to Israel provided for by the USIFTA, the President may proclaim
such withdrawal, suspension, modification, or continuance of any duty,
or such continuance of existing duty-free or excise treatment, or such
additional duties as the President determines to be required or
appropriate to carry out the Agreement.

[[Page 3683]]
123 STAT. 3683

11. In order to maintain the general level of reciprocal and mutually
advantageous concessions with respect to agricultural trade with Israel,
on July 27, 2004, the United States entered into an agreement with
Israel concerning certain aspects of trade in agricultural products
during the period January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2008 (the ``2004
Agreement''). On December 10, 2008, the United States entered into an
agreement with Israel to extend the 2004 Agreement through December 31,
2009, in order to allow for additional time to negotiate a successor
arrangement to the 2004 Agreement.
12. In Presidential Proclamation 7826 of October 4, 2004, consistent
with the 2004 Agreement, the President determined, pursuant to section
4(b) of the USIFTA Act, that it was necessary in order to maintain the
general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with
respect to Israel provided for by the USIFTA, to provide duty-free
access into the United States through December 31, 2008, for specified
quantities of certain agricultural products of Israel.
13. In Presidential Proclamation 8334 of December 31, 2008, the
President determined that it was necessary in order to maintain the
general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with
respect to Israel provided for by the USIFTA to extend such duty-free
treatment through December 31, 2009. I have determined that a
modification to the HTS is necessary to provide the intended tariff
14. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the ``1974 Act'')
(19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the President to embody in the HTS the
substance of the provisions of that Act, and of other Acts, affecting
import treatment, and actions thereunder, including the removal,
modification, continuance, or imposition of any rate of duty or other
import restriction. Section 1206(c) of the 1988 Act, as amended (19
U.S.C. 3006(c)), provides that any modifications proclaimed by the
President under section 1206(a) of that Act may not take effect before
the thirtieth day after the date on which the text of the proclamation
is published in the Federal Register.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
section 1206(a) of the 1988 Act, section 202 of the NAFTA Implementation
Act, section 4(b) of the USIFTA Implementation Act, and section 604 of
the 1974 Act, do proclaim that: (1) In order to reflect in the HTS the
modifications to the rules of origin under the NAFTA, general note 12 to
the HTS is modified as provided in Annexes I and II of Publication 4095
of the United States International Trade Commission entitled,
``Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
to Adjust Rules of Origin Under the North American Free Trade
Agreement,'' which is incorporated by reference into this proclamation.
(2) In order to make technical corrections to the HTS necessary to
conform it to the Convention, the HTS is modified as provided in Annex
III of Publication 4095.
(3) In order to provide the intended duty treatment under the 2004
Agreement as extended through December 31, 2009, the HTS is modified as
provided in Annex IV of Publication 4095.

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123 STAT. 3684

(4) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that
are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
(5) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annexes I and II of
Publication 4095 shall be effective with respect to goods entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the later of (i)
October 1, 2009, or (ii) the thirtieth day after the date of publication
of this proclamation in the Federal Register.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8406--AUG. 31, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8406--AUG. 31, 2009
Proclamation 8406 of August 31, 2009
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every year, Americans across the country overcome their struggles with
addiction. With personal determination and the support of family and
friends, community members, and health professionals, they have turned
the page on an illness and sought the promise of recovery. On this
occasion, we recognize these brave role models and express support for
those in treatment, applaud those in recovery, and encourage those in
need to seek help.
As a Nation, we must work together to provide access to effective
services that reduce substance abuse and promote healthy living. Without
effective treatment, abuse of alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription
medications can devastate the mind and body. With treatment, substance
use disorders can be managed, giving individuals the effective tools
necessary to address their addiction. This year's theme, ``Together We
Learn, Together We Heal,'' calls us to unite and encourage drug-free
living. Treatment programs, family members, and neighbors can all help
assist those who experience addiction.
During National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we also pay
special tribute to the dedicated professionals and everyday citizens
who, with skill and empathy, guide people through the treatment and
recovery process. Across America, they are offering a message of hope
and understanding. These compassionate individuals remind us that the
strength of our character derives not from the mistakes we make, but
from our ability to recognize and address them. When we extend a helping
hand to those in need, we reaffirm the American spirit and move our
Nation towards a brighter tomorrow.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by the virtue of the authority invested in me by the
Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Sep-

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123 STAT. 3685

tember 2009 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. I
call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with
appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8407--AUG. 31, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8407--AUG. 31, 2009
Proclamation 8407 of August 31, 2009
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Ovarian cancer remains the leading cause of death from gynecologic
cancer among women in the United States. Every year, thousands are
diagnosed and go on to fight the disease with grace and dignity.
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month honors all those affected by
this cancer and renews our commitment to fighting an illness that takes
the lives of too many in our Nation.
Women are often diagnosed with ovarian cancer when it is already at an
advanced stage. This problem can be attributed to a lack of effective
early detection technologies and minimal or no specific symptoms
associated with the disease. By learning more about risk factors and
maintaining regular physician consultations, women have their best
chance of early detection of ovarian cancer.
Science continues to expand our knowledge about this illness, promising
hope to those who, years ago, would be without it. Through dedicated
research, treatment outcomes have improved for many, and we are building
a foundation for the development of evidence-based screening, which can
help diagnose the disease at the earliest possible stage when the
likelihood of cure is high.
This month we recommit to supporting the women who continue to battle
valiantly against this malady as well as all families who are affected.
National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month helps educate women and men
about the importance of knowing common signs and symptoms, scheduling
routine doctor visits, and continuing robust scientific research. As a
Nation, we are united in our resolve to reduce incidence and improve the
lives of all those affected.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2009 as National
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage citizens, Government
agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other
interested groups to join in activities that will increase awareness of
what Americans can do to prevent and control ovarian cancer.

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123 STAT. 3686

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8408--AUG. 31, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8408--AUG. 31, 2009
Proclamation 8408 of August 31, 2009
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

As a Nation, we have made significant progress in the fight against
prostate cancer. Over the last decade, prostate cancer mortality rates
have fallen substantially. Yet, despite this progress, among men in the
United States prostate cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer
and the second leading cause of cancer deaths. One in six men in this
country will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. National Prostate Cancer
Awareness Month is an opportunity to renew our commitment to find better
ways to prevent, detect, and control this disease.
Prostate cancer affects both those stricken with the disease and their
families, often occurring when they least expect it. The cancer does not
discriminate among husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons, and it does
not differentiate on race, age, or income. Americans of every background
know its dangers. Families share in the struggles of prostate cancer,
bearing the emotional and financial concerns along with the afflicted.
My Administration supports prevention efforts and research to develop
better screening tests, uncover more effective treatments, and ensure
quality care for all who are diagnosed with this illness. We must ensure
that more men are educated about all aspects of the disease including
prevention, early detection and possible treatment options. To expand
our knowledge of this cancer, the National Institutes of Health, the
Department of Defense, and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention are playing leading roles in research. Their work is helping
to reduce the burden of prostate cancer and save lives for generations
to come.
This month, we remember the lives we have lost, and we recommit
ourselves to supporting those currently battling against the disease.
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month also highlights the great
medical advancements we have made and reminds us there is still much
work to be done. As a Nation, we are united in our resolve to reduce
incidence of prostate cancer and improve the lives of all those
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2009 as National
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage citizens, Government
agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other
interested groups to join in activities that will increase

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123 STAT. 3687

awareness of what Americans can do to prevent and control prostate
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of
August, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8409--SEPT. 3, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8409--SEPT. 3, 2009
Proclamation 8409 of September 3, 2009
National Wilderness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The American wilderness has inspired wonder and imagination for
centuries and is an irreplaceable part of our Nation's heritage. Even
before the birth of the United States, visitors from near and far were
struck by its splendor and purity. The unaltered American landscape
stood apart from any other in the world. During the years of westward
expansion, the wilderness frontier became synonymous with pioneer values
of steadfastness and rugged independence. This month, we celebrate this
history and renew our commitment to preserving the American wilderness
for future generations.
Forty-five years ago, the United States achieved a landmark success in
protecting these magnificent wild spaces. The Congress passed and
President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Wilderness Act, which sought to
secure ``for the American people of present and future generations the
benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness.'' The Act has been
widely recognized as one of our Nation's most important conservation
laws. This law and the National Wilderness Preservation System it
established have served as a model for wilderness protection laws in
many of our States and in countries around the world.
The vision and structure established in the Wilderness Act continue to
receive broad support. This pioneering law created a framework for
bringing Federal public lands under additional protection. Over the past
45 years, the Congress has enacted numerous laws extending wilderness
protection to vast swaths of public lands. These laws have enjoyed
bipartisan support. Ranchers and anglers, small-business owners and
conservationists, and Americans of diverse backgrounds have come
together to preserve many of our Nation's most cherished public spaces.
My Administration has already demonstrated a commitment to protecting
our wilderness heritage. On March 30, 2009, I signed the Omnibus Public
Land Management Act of 2009, which established the most recent additions
to our Wilderness System. As my Administration continues to prioritize
wilderness protection, we will work closely with the Congress,
organizations, and private citizens to ensure that all stakeholders can
make their voices heard. United by a common purpose of preserving our
precious natural spaces and our wilderness her-

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123 STAT. 3688

itage, we will ensure that future generations inherit the unique gift of
knowing nature's peace.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2009 as
National Wilderness Month. I call upon all Americans to visit and enjoy
our wilderness areas, learn more about our wilderness heritage, and
explore what can be done to protect and preserve these precious national
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8410--SEPT. 3, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8410--SEPT. 3, 2009
Proclamation 8410 of September 3, 2009
National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

They were daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers,
spouses and partners, family and friends, colleagues and strangers. They
hailed from cities and towns across our Nation and world. On September
11, 2001, thousands of innocent women and men were taken from us, and
their loss leaves an emptiness in our hearts.
Hundreds perished as planes struck the skyline of New York City, the
structure of the Pentagon, and the grass of Pennsylvania. In the
immediate aftermath of these tragedies, many victims died as they sought
safety. Selflessly placing themselves in danger, first responders,
members of the Armed Forces, and private citizens made the ultimate
sacrifice working to assist others. During the National Days of Prayer
and Remembrance, Americans across the country cherish the memory of all
those who passed and honor and pray for their families and friends.
Americans also remember and pray for the safety and success of the
members of the United States Armed Forces, who work every day to keep
our Nation safe from terrorism and other threats to our security.
Military members assisted those in need on September 11, 2001, and serve
now in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world. They have left the
safety of home so that our Nation might be more secure. They have
endured great sacrifice so that we might enjoy the blessings of liberty.
Our servicemembers represent the best of America, and they deserve our
deepest respect and gratitude.
The threat of terrorism has denied too many men, women, and children
their right to live in peace and security. As the United States works to
defeat terrorists and build a more hopeful future for our children and
young people across the world, we seek humility and strength. We reflect
upon the lessons drawn from our national tragedy, seek God's guidance
and wisdom, and, never forgetting the lost, com-

[[Page 3689]]
123 STAT. 3689

mit to working in common cause with our friends and allies to create a
safer and brighter world for current and future generations.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 4,
through Sunday, September 6, as National Days of Prayer and Remembrance.
I ask that the people of the United States, each in their own way, honor
the victims of September 11, 2001, and their families through prayer,
memorial services, the ringing of bells, and evening candlelight
remembrance vigils. I invite the people of the world to share in this
solemn commemoration.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8411--SEPT. 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8411--SEPT. 4, 2009
Proclamation 8411 of September 4, 2009
Labor Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Since our Nation's founding, working Americans have carried us through
times of challenge and uncertainty and propelled America through eras of
peace and prosperity. They have long formed the backbone of our Nation's
economy, and they will continue to lead our Nation to new heights in the
years to come.
Working Americans helped lay the foundation for our Nation's progress
over the generations. Brick by brick, they built the infrastructure that
powered the engine of our economy. With firm resolve and commitment,
they constructed our cities and towns, and with unparalleled skill they
manufactured the goods and provided the services needed by Americans and
people around the world. They have prepared our children for the
challenges ahead and cared for the sick and the elderly. Today, we
commemorate the many contributions labor has made to our Nation.
Throughout its history, the labor movement has given voice to the
aspirations and concerns of millions of men and women. By fighting for
decent working conditions, as well as fair wages and benefits, organized
labor has stood for the rights of everyday Americans. With determination
and commitment, labor has advocated for all working families and all
have benefited from the fruits of their struggles.
Today, we find ourselves in an era of great challenges. The economic
crisis we face is vast and complex. Americans understand the
consequences: dwindling savings for young families, a daunting choice
between prescriptions and groceries for our seniors, and fading hopes
for a college education for our young people. Just as they have so many
times in our history, working Americans will help our Nation emerge from
this crisis and lead us into a new era of prosperity and progress.

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123 STAT. 3690

This Labor Day, as we honor our workers, and we renew our commitment to
uphold the American Dream and the founding promise of our Nation: in
America, we can make of our lives what we will, and all things are
possible for all people.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 7, 2009, as
Labor Day. I call upon public officials and all the people of the United
States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and
activities that acknowledge the tremendous contributions of working
Americans and their families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8412--SEPT. 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8412--SEPT. 4, 2009
Proclamation 8412 of September 4, 2009
National Preparedness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Preparedness is an essential element of a resilient and secure Nation.
My Administration has made preparedness a top priority, and we are
working every day to ensure our country stands ready to respond to any
disaster or emergency-from wildfires and hurricanes, to terrorist
attacks and pandemic disease. Our goal is to ensure a more resilient
Nation-one in which individuals, communities, and our economy can adapt
to changing conditions as well as withstand and rapidly recover from
disruption due to emergencies.
During National Preparedness Month, we underscore the responsibility of
individuals, families, and communities-including the private and
nonprofit sectors-to do their part before an emergency. I urge all
Americans to take time to prepare an emergency supply kit and a family
emergency plan, and to educate themselves about potential disasters. I
also ask Americans to work within their own communities to coordinate
emergency preparedness efforts. All Americans share this responsibility,
and we must all work together to safeguard the Nation from harm.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supports and promotes
citizen education and grassroots preparedness efforts. FEMA's Ready
Campaign provides simple and practical steps that all Americans can take
to protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors.
Additionally, the Citizen Corps educates, trains, and coordinates
volunteer activities that help make our communities safer and better
prepared for emergencies. I encourage all Americans to learn more at
www.ready.gov and www.citizencorps.gov.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con-

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123 STAT. 3691

stitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September
2009 as National Preparedness Month. I call upon the people of the
United States to recognize the importance of preparing for potential
emergencies beforehand and to observe this month with appropriate
preparedness activities, events, and training to enhance our national
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8413--SEPT. 10, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8413--SEPT. 10, 2009
Proclamation 8413 of September 10, 2009
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Through the twisted steel of the twin towers of the World Trade Center,
the scarred walls of the Pentagon, and the smoky wreckage in a field in
southwest Pennsylvania, the patriotism and resiliency of the American
people shone brightly on September 11, 2001. We stood as one people,
united in our common humanity and shared sorrow. We grieved for those
who perished and remembered what brought us together as Americans.
Today, we honor the lives we lost 8 years ago. On a bright September
day, innocent men, women, and children boarded planes and set off for
work as they had so many times before. Unthinkable acts of terrorism
brought tragedy, destruction, pain, and loss for people across our
Nation and the world.
As we pay tribute to loved ones, friends, fellow citizens, and all who
died, we reaffirm our commitment to the ideas and ideals that united
Americans in the aftermath of the attacks. We must apprehend all those
who perpetrated these heinous crimes, seek justice for those who were
killed, and defend against all threats to our national security. We must
also recommit ourselves to our founding principles. September 11 reminds
us that our fate as individuals is tied to that of our Nation. Our
democracy is strengthened when we uphold the freedoms upon which our
Nation was built: equality, justice, liberty, and democracy. These
values exemplify the patriotism and sacrifice we commemorate today.
In that same spirit of patriotism, I call upon all Americans to join in
service and honor the lives we lost, the heroes who responded in our
hour of need, and the brave men and women in uniform who continue to
protect our country at home and abroad. In April, I was proud to sign
the bipartisan Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, which recognizes
September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Originated by
the family members of those who lost loved ones on 9/11, the National
Day of Service and Remembrance is an opportunity

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123 STAT. 3692

to salute the heroes of 9/11, recapture the spirit of unity and
compassion that inspired our Nation following the attacks, and
rededicate ourselves to sustained service to our communities.
Throughout the summer, people of all ages and backgrounds came together
to lend a helping hand in their communities through United We Serve. As
this summer of service draws to an end, we renew the call to engage in
meaningful service activities and stay engaged with those projects
throughout the year. Working together, we can usher in a new era in
which volunteering and service is a way of life for all Americans.
Deriving strength from tragedy, we can write the next great chapter in
our Nation's history and ensure that future generations continue to
enjoy the promise of America.
By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89),
the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as Patriot Day,
and by Public Law 111-13, approved April 21, 2009, has requested the
observance of September 11 as an annually recognized National Day of
Service and Remembrance.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2009, as Patriot Day and
National Day of Service and Remembrance. I call upon all departments,
agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States to display the flag
of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and National Day of
Service and Remembrance in honor of the individuals who lost their lives
as a result of the terrorist attacks against the United States that
occurred on September 11, 2001. I invite the Governors of the United
States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and interested organizations
and individuals to join in this observance. I call upon the people of
the United States to participate in community service in honor of those
our Nation lost, to observe this day with other ceremonies and
activities, including remembrance services, and to observe a moment of
silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the
innocent victims who perished as a result of the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8414--SEPT. 11, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8414--SEPT. 11, 2009
Proclamation 8414 of September 11, 2009
To Address Market Disruption From Imports of Certain Passenger Vehicle
and Light Truck Tires From the People's Republic of China
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. On July 9, 2009, the United States International Trade Commission
(USITC) transmitted to me a report on its investigation under section
421 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the ``Trade Act'') (19 U.S.C.

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2451), with respect to imports of certain passenger vehicle and light
truck tires from the People's Republic of China (China). In its report,
the USITC stated that it had reached an affirmative determination under
section 421(b)(1) of the Trade Act that certain passenger vehicle and
light truck tires from China are being imported into the United States
in such increased quantities or under such conditions as to cause or
threaten to cause market disruption to the domestic producers of like or
directly competitive products.
2. For purposes of its investigation, the USITC defined certain
passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China as new pneumatic
tires, of rubber, from China, of a kind used on motor cars (except
racing cars) and on-the-highway light trucks, vans, and sport utility
vehicles, provided for in subheadings 4011.10.10, 4011.10.50,
4011.20.10, and 4011.20.50 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTS).
3. The USITC commissioners voting in the affirmative under section
421(b) of the Trade Act also transmitted to me their recommendations
made pursuant to section 421(f) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2451(f)) on
proposed remedies that, in their view, would be necessary to remedy the
market disruption and the basis for each recommendation.
4. Pursuant to section 421(a) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2451(a)), I
have determined to provide import relief with respect to new pneumatic
tires, of rubber, from China, of a kind used on motor cars (except
racing cars) and on-the-highway light trucks, vans, and sport utility
vehicles, provided for in subheadings 4011.10.10, 4011.10.50,
4011.20.10, and 4011.20.50 of the HTS.
5. Such import relief shall take the form of an additional duty on
imports of the products described in paragraph 4, imposed for a period
of 3 years. For the first year, the additional duty shall be in the
amount of 35 percent ad valorem above the column 1 general rate of duty.
For the second year, the additional duty shall be in the amount of 30
percent ad valorem above the column 1 general rate of duty, and in the
third year, the additional duty shall be in the amount of 25 percent ad
valorem above the column 1 general rate of duty.
6. Section 421(m) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2451(m)) provides that
import relief under this section shall take effect not later than 15
days after the President's determination to provide such relief.
7. Section 604 of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) authorizes the
President to embody in the HTS the substance of the provisions of that
Act, and of other acts affecting import treatment, and actions
thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or
imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
sections 421 and 604 of the Trade Act, do proclaim that:
(1) In order to apply additional duties on imports of the certain
passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China described in
paragraph 4, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTS is modified as
provided in the Annex to this proclamation.

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(2) The modifications to the HTS made by this proclamation, including
the Annex thereto, shall be effective with respect to goods entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. EDT on
September 26, 2009, and shall continue in effect as provided in this
proclamation and its Annex, unless such actions are earlier expressly
modified or terminated.
(3) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that
are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

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PROCLAMATION 8414--SEPT. 11, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8414--SEPT. 11, 2009

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Proclamation 8415 of September 14, 2009
National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Citizens willing to serve in uniform when duty calls have helped protect
our freedom and security since our Nation's founding more than 200 years
ago. During times of peace, they have worked in our cities and towns,
contributing their skill and energy to local businesses, schools, and
civic organizations. During times of strife at home and abroad, they
have served with distinction, protecting the United States from domestic
and foreign threats. In commemorating National Employer Support of the
Guard and Reserve Week, we honor the courageous members of our Guard and
Reserve and their employers, whose support strengthens our Armed Forces
and helps protect our country.
Our Guard and Reserve personnel are training arduously and serving
valiantly as they are called upon to meet new challenges. Active here at
home and in overseas operations, they are a key component in our
national defense. Members of our Guard and Reserve serve with honor at
home and in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other regions around the world, and
they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They
help respond to natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies, and
protect against threats to our national security. Our Nation owes a debt
of gratitude to these brave men and women who balance the demands of
civilian and military life.
PROCLAMATION 8415--SEPT. 14, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8415--SEPT. 14, 2009
Through their continued support and flexibility, employers across the
country bolster the efforts of members of the Guard and Reserve.
Employers often make financial and organizational sacrifices in the
interest of our national security. The commitment of these employers
helps ensure that our troops are mission-ready and provides a measure of
assurance, comfort, and pride to those who leave their jobs and families
behind as they are deployed. The United States is grateful to the many
businesses and organizations that enable Guard and Reserve personnel to
remain engaged in both their professional and their military careers.
The United States has always benefited from the contributions of those
willing to depart the comforts of home to answer the call of duty.
Today, the American people celebrate the service and sacrifice of
members of our Guard and Reserve as we pay special tribute to their
employers for their admirable dedication and support.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September
13 through September 19, 2009, as National Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve Week. I encourage all Americans to join me in expressing our
heartfelt thanks to the members of the National Guard and Reserve and
their civilian employers. I also call on State and local officials,
private organizations, and all military commanders, to observe this week
with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8416--SEPT. 14, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8416--SEPT. 14, 2009
Proclamation 8416 of September 14, 2009
Fifteenth Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Today, we commemorate a milestone in our Nation's struggle to end
violence against women. Authored by then United States Senator Joe Biden
and signed into law in September 1994, the Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA) was the first law to create a comprehensive response to this
problem at the national level. This landmark achievement has helped our
Nation make great strides towards addressing this global epidemic.
VAWA sought to improve our criminal justice system's response to
violence against women and to increase services available to victims. It
directed all 50 States to recognize and enforce protection orders issued
by other jurisdictions, and it created new Federal domestic violence
crimes. The law also authorized hundreds of millions of dollars to
communities and created a national domestic violence hotline.
This bipartisan accomplishment has ushered in a new era of
responsibility in the fight to end violence against women. In the 15
years since VAWA became law, our Nation's response to domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking has strengthened.
Communities recognize the special needs of victims and appreciate the
benefits of collaboration among professionals in the civil and criminal
justice system, victim advocates, and other service providers. With the
support of VAWA funds, dedicated units of law enforcement officers and
specialized prosecutors have grown more numerous than ever before. Most
importantly, victims are more likely to have a place to turn for help-
for emergency shelter and crisis services, and also for legal
assistance, transitional housing, and services for their children.
Despite this great progress, our Nation's work remains unfinished. More
families and communities must recognize that the safety of our children
relates directly to the safety of our mothers. Access to sexual assault
services, especially in rural America, must be increased. American
Indian and Alaska Native women experience the highest rates of violence,
and we must make it a priority to address this urgent problem. We must
also work with diverse communities to make sure the response to violence
is relevant and culturally appropriate. We must prevent the homicide of
women and girls who have suffered from domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Far too many women in our communities and neighborhoods, and across the
world, continue to suffer from violence. Inspired by the

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promise and achievement of the Violence Against Women Act, our Nation
stands united in its determination to end these crimes and help those in
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the Fifteenth Anniversary
of the Violence Against Women Act. I call upon men and women of all
ages, communities, organizations, and all levels of government, to work
in collaboration to end violence against women.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8417--SEPT. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8417--SEPT. 15, 2009
Proclamation 8417 of September 15, 2009
National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The story of Hispanics in America is the story of America itself. The
Hispanic community's values-love of family, a deep and abiding faith,
and a strong work ethic-are America's values. Hispanics bring together
the rich traditions of communities with centuries-old roots in America
and the energy and drive of recent immigrants. Many have taken great
risks to begin a new life in the hopes of achieving a better future for
themselves and their families.
Hispanics have played a vital role in the moments and movements that
have shaped our country. They have enriched our culture and brought
creativity and innovation to everything from sports to the sciences and
from the arts to our economy.
Hispanics have served with honor and distinction in every conflict since
the Revolutionary War, and they have made invaluable contributions
through their service to our country. They lead corporations and not-
for-profits, and social movements and places of learning. They serve in
government at every level from school boards to statehouses, and from
city councils to Congress. And for the first time in our Nation's
history, a Latina is seated among the nine Justices of the Supreme Court
of the United States.
As Hispanics continue to enrich our Nation's character and shape our
common future, they strengthen America's promise and affirm the
narrative of American unity and progress.
To honor the achievements of Hispanics in America, the Congress, by
Public Law 100-402, as amended, has authorized and requested the
President to issue annually a proclamation designating September 15
through October 15 as ``National Hispanic Heritage Month.''

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NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 2009, as
National Hispanic Heritage Month. I call upon public officials,
educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to
observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8418--SEPT. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8418--SEPT. 16, 2009
Proclamation 8418 of September 16, 2009
Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The United States Constitution has withstood the test of time for more
than two centuries as our Nation's charter of government and the
guarantor of our liberties. Signed in Philadelphia on September 17,
1787, this founding document reflects our core values and enshrines the
truths set forth in the Declaration of Independence, that we are each
endowed with certain unalienable rights. As the beneficiaries of these
rights, all Americans have a solemn obligation to participate in our
democracy so that it remains vibrant, strong, and responsive to the
needs of our citizens.
To succeed, the democracy established in our Constitution requires the
active participation of its citizenry. Each of us has a responsibility
to learn about our Constitution and teach younger generations about its
contents and history. By fulfilling civic duties, engaging government at
the local, State, and Federal level, and volunteering in our
communities, individual citizens can better our country and breathe life
into the freedoms established in the Constitution.
The right to participate in self-government, and the many other freedoms
guaranteed by our Constitution, inspire the dreams and ambitions of many
inside and outside our borders. These principles serve as a beacon of
hope for Americans and those who seek new lives in the United States.
Every day, we welcome new and diverse stories and heritages into the
great patchwork of our Nation. United by our devotion to the
Constitution and to the civic engagement it inspires, Americans remain
committed to the fundamental principles established over two hundred
years ago.
In remembrance of the signing of the Constitution and in recognition of
the Americans who strive to uphold the duties and responsibilities of
citizenship, the Congress, by joint resolution of February 29, 1952 (36
U.S.C. 106), designated September 17 as ``Constitution Day and
Citizenship Day,'' and by joint resolution of August 2, 1956 (36 U.S.C.
108), requested that the President proclaim the week beginning Sep-

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tember 17 and ending September 23 of each year as ``Constitution Week.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim September 17, 2009, as Constitution Day and
Citizenship Day, and September 17 through September 23, 2009, as
Constitution Week. I encourage Federal, State, and local officials, as
well as leaders of civic, social, and educational organizations, to
conduct ceremonies and programs that celebrate our Constitution and
reaffirm our rights and obligations as citizens of our great Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8419--SEPT. 17, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8419--SEPT. 17, 2009
Proclamation 8419 of September 17, 2009
National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation maintains a solemn commitment to leave no service member
behind. Our men and women in uniform uphold this pledge every day, and
our country further upholds it as we honor every man and woman who
serves, particularly those taken as prisoners of war or missing in
action. We will never cease in our mission to bring America's missing
service members home; we will never forget the sacrifices they made to
keep this Nation free; and we will forever honor their memory. On
National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we pay tribute to the American men and
women who have not returned from the battlefield, and we express
profound gratitude to those who returned only after facing unimaginable
hardship on our behalf. Today, we also remember the families of our
prisoners of war and those missing in action and honor the sacrifices
they have made.
Every day, Americans are working around the world to identify and
recover the remains of our fallen heroes. It is a promise made, and a
promise that will be kept. Although their location may be unknown, we
will not waver in our commitment to see they are reunited with the land
they so valiantly defended.
For those veterans who returned home after being declared Missing in
Action or having been imprisoned by the enemy, we honor their service,
their sacrifice, and their courage. In distant lands, and under wretched
and torturous conditions, these men and women endured. Faced with such
tremendous adversity, they embody the power of the human spirit-
sustaining themselves with hope and faith.
On September 18, 2009, the stark black and white banner symbolizing
America's Missing in Action and Prisoners of War will be flown over the
White House, the Capitol, the Departments of State, Defense, and
Veterans Affairs, the Selective Service System Headquarters, the World

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War II Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial, United States post offices, national cemeteries, and other
locations across our country. It is a powerful reminder that our Nation
will never cease in our commitment to honor those who have paid so high
a price in its service.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 18, 2009, as
National POW/MIA Recognition Day, and I urge all Americans to observe
this day of honor and remembrance with appropriate ceremonies and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8420--SEPT. 21, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8420--SEPT. 21, 2009
Proclamation 8420 of September 21, 2009
National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation's prosperity has been built on the skill and productivity of
our farmers and ranchers. Two centuries ago, many American families
toiled in fields and grasslands so that they might feed themselves.
Today, those in the agricultural sector provide food, fiber, biofuels,
and many other life necessities for millions across our Nation and
around the world. The hard work and talent of those in the agricultural
industry, and continued advances in technology and efficiency, have
provided great security to the United States.
As they offer great benefits to our Nation, farmers and ranchers also
face significant risks in the course of their everyday duties. They
often transport and operate heavy and hazardous equipment and work in
extreme weather conditions. Farmers may be exposed to pesticides,
fertilizers, chemicals, and dust that can be harmful to human health.
They also work in dangerous areas such as wells, silos, and grain
elevators. These individuals must take great precautions to protect
their health and safety, especially since rural residents may have to
travel long distances to receive trauma care for an accident-related
injury. They must also take particular care to avoid accidents involving
As the fall harvest season approaches, I encourage farm and ranch
families and workers to participate in farm safety and health programs.
I also encourage them to follow optimal farm safety and health
practices. Businesses and communities, and organizations and neighbors,
can encourage one another to understand the risks of this work so that
we can prevent accidents, prevent exposure to potential hazards, and
save lives.

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Working long hours at physically demanding and often dangerous tasks,
farmers and ranchers provide for our Nation and countless others across
the world. Even as they have faced risks, they have made our
agricultural sector more productive and practiced good stewardship of
our country's natural resources. This week, Americans express gratitude
for the untold benefits we enjoy from their labor, and we honor their
achievements by urging continued commitment to the highest standards of
safety and health.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 20 through
September 26, 2009, as National Farm Safety and Health Week. I call upon
the people of the United States to join me in celebrating the vital
contributions of farmers and ranchers to our Nation and in reflecting
upon the importance of farm safety and health in communities across
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8421--SEPT. 22, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8421--SEPT. 22, 2009
Proclamation 8421 of September 22, 2009
National Hunting and Fishing Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

From atop Pikes Peak to the shores of the James River, Americans
celebrate the great abundance and utility of our natural resources.
Since our Nation's founding, hunters and anglers have cherished these
unparalleled natural gifts and marveled at their untamed beauty.
National Hunting and Fishing Day recognizes the contributions of
millions of Americans who continue to engage in these ageless pursuits.
Following in the centuries-old footsteps of the pioneers who walked
before them, hunters and anglers have played a key role in the
conservation and restoration of numerous species and their natural
habitats. They not only understand their pivotal role as stewards of the
land, but also seek to pass on this honored tradition to future
As our citizens continue to enjoy our Nation's natural resources, we
must remember that this privilege brings great responsibility. Not long
ago, hunting threatened the extinction of the American Bison, an
enduring symbol of the American West. Today, their population has
recovered because of the cooperative efforts of conservationists and
hunters. Many species, however, still require our protection. We can no
longer look to our wilderness, as some once did, as land full of
unlimited bounty and surplus. Recognizing the need for conservation, our
hunters and anglers have worked hard to manage local ecosystems

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where wildlife remain, as well as to protect those areas where they are
slowly re-establishing viable populations.
Our national character, always evolving, finds its foundation in those
timeless American ideals of freedom, fairness, and self-sustainability.
Today's hunters and anglers bring this spirit to life in the forests and
streams they visit. If not for America's great hunters and anglers, like
President Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our Nation would not
enjoy sound game management; a system of ethical, science-based game
laws; and an extensive public lands estate on which to pursue the
sports. On National Hunting and Fishing Day, we celebrate their
contributions to our natural environment and our national heritage.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 26, 2009, as
National Hunting and Fishing Day. I call upon the people of the United
States to recognize this day with appropriate programs and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day
of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8422--SEPT. 25, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8422--SEPT. 25, 2009
Proclamation 8422 of September 25, 2009
Gold Star Mother's and Families' Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The sacrifices of our military servicemembers are etched in the walls of
our monuments and felt at empty dinner tables across America. To those
who have given their lives for our country, we honor them as guardians
of our liberty and pay tribute to their valiant service. As our Nation
remembers our fallen men and women in uniform, we also recognize the
profound loss and sorrow of the family members they leave behind.
Few know the honor of service and the costs of war more than Gold Star
Mothers and Families. They have given our Nation their most precious
treasure, and we remain forever in their debt. Honoring the memory of
their lost loved ones, these extraordinary individuals dedicate
themselves to helping heal the hearts of other military families who
bear the great burden of loss. Through their strength and service, they
emulate their loved one's selfless dedication to our country.
On this day, we express immense gratitude and profound respect for Gold
Star Mothers and Families. Our country's fallen heroes left the comfort
of home so that we might know a more peaceful world. They endured
extreme hardship so that we might enjoy freedom. They made the ultimate
sacrifice so that we might be safe. They represent the best of America.
In their memory, may we fulfill our solemn obligation to

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continue their work of securing a safer, freer world for generations to
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 115 of June 23, 1936 (49 Stat.
1895 as amended), has designated the last Sunday in September as ``Gold
Star Mother's Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Sunday, September 27,
2008, as Gold Star Mother's and Families' Day. I call upon all
Government officials to display the flag of the United States over
Government buildings on this special day. I also encourage the American
people to display the flag and hold appropriate ceremonies as a public
expression of our Nation's sympathy and respect for our Gold Star
Mothers and Families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8423--SEPT. 25, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8423--SEPT. 25, 2009
Proclamation 8423 of September 25, 2009
National Public Lands Recognition Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Borne out of a commitment to protect and preserve our natural treasures,
America's public lands are an indispensable component of American life.
As we work to protect their integrity for future generations, vast
expanses of land remain available for the use and enjoyment of all who
visit them. National Public Lands Day is an opportunity for all
Americans, young and old, to celebrate the majesty of our open spaces
and devote our collective efforts to conserving our Nation's unique
Today, from the largest National Parks and Forests to neighborhood
playgrounds and urban parks, 130,000 volunteers are working on over
2,000 public land improvement projects across the Nation. Committed
individuals, including participants from schools and universities,
private businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies,
are continuing the American tradition of stewardship through their
Dedicated to improving all aspects of our natural environment, this
year's Public Lands Day focuses on water. Across the country, volunteers
are highlighting the need to protect our Nation's water bodies by
monitoring water quality in rivers and lakes, restoring wetlands,
preventing stormwater runoff and erosion, cleaning up trash from
shorelines, and learning techniques to conserve water at home.
Public lands help preserve our Nation's quality of life, offering fresh
water, abundant natural resources, and educational and recreational

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opportunities. I was proud to sign the Omnibus Public Land Management
Act of 2009 to add to our Nation's treasured landscapes and build on our
rich history as guardians of our natural environment. Today, we affirm
our resolve to conserve these cherished spaces for our enjoyment and for
that of future generations.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 26, 2009, as
National Public Lands Day. I invite all my fellow citizens to join me in
a day of service for our public lands.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8424--SEPT. 28, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8424--SEPT. 28, 2009
Proclamation 8424 of September 28, 2009
Family Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our family provides one of the strongest influences on our lives.
American families from every walk of life have taught us time and again
that children raised in loving, caring homes have the ability to reject
negative behaviors and reach their highest potential. Whether children
are raised by two parents, a single parent, grandparents, a same-sex
couple, or a guardian, families encourage us to do our best and enable
us to accomplish great things. Today, our children are confronting
issues of drug and alcohol use with astonishing regularity. On Family
Day, we honor the dedication of parents, commend the achievements of
their children, and celebrate the contributions our Nation's families
have made to combat substance abuse among young people.
The 21st century presents families with unprecedented challenges.
Millions of women and men are struggling to balance the demands of their
jobs with the needs of their families. At the same time, our youngest
generation faces countless distractions in their social environment.
They are coming of age in a world where electronic devices have replaced
the playground, televisions have preempted conversation, and pressure to
use drug and alcohol is far too prevalent. Parents bear significant
stress and burdens to protect their children from harmful influences.
It is our responsibility to talk with adolescents about the risks of
abusing alcohol, tobacco, or prescription and illicit drugs, and other
harmful behaviors. These substances can destroy the mind, body, and
spirit of a child, jeopardizing their health and limiting their
potential. Active parents, voicing their disapproval of drug use, have
proven themselves to be the most effective preventative method for
keeping our children drug-free. A strong and engaged family can make all
the difference in helping young people make healthy decisions.

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By coming together as a family and discussing the events of the day,
parents can foster open communication, share joys and concerns, and help
guide their children toward healthy decisionmaking. A strong nation is
made up of strong families, and on this Family Day, we rededicate
ourselves to ensuring that every American family has the chance to build
a better, healthier future for themselves and their children.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 28, 2009, as
Family Day. I call upon the people of the United States to join together
in observing this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities to
honor and strengthen our Nation's families.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day
of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8425--SEPT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8425--SEPT. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8425 of September 30, 2009
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In 2009, more than 190,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with
breast cancer, and more than 40,000 women are expected to die from this
disease. It is the most common non-skin cancer and the second leading
cause of cancer-related death among women in the United States. As we
observe National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we salute the brave
Americans who are fighting this disease, including families and friends,
advocates, researchers, and health care providers. We also pause to
remember and pray for those we have lost to breast cancer.
Many Americans know someone who survived breast cancer due to early
detection or improved treatment, and we must continue to discover ways
to prevent, detect, and treat this disease. For us to better understand
how breast cancer develops, to prevent recurrence, and to enhance the
quality of life for survivors, we must support critical research
programs. The National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will invest over $1
billion in research this year. Strengthening our knowledge of breast
cancer development can lead to improvements in prevention and treatment.
Screening and early detection are essential to our Nation's fight
against breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute recommends that
women age 40 and older have mammograms every 1 to 2 years. Women who are
at greater risk should talk with their health care providers about
whether to have mammograms before age 40 and how often to have them. My
Administration is committed to requiring insurance companies to cover
mammograms with no extra charges, and prohibiting the

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123 STAT. 3707

denial of coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including breast
Breast cancer health disparities also present a serious challenge. White
women have the highest breast cancer incidence rates, and African
American women have higher mortality rates than other racial or ethnic
groups in the United States. There is also evidence lesbian women are at
a greater risk of developing breast cancer than heterosexual women.
Every day, we are improving programs that address the issues women
encounter in obtaining appropriate and timely treatment. As a Nation, we
will overcome the financial and physical restraints of underserved
populations and ensure access to quality health care.
Our Nation has made significant progress in the fight against breast
cancer, and we remain firm in our commitment to do more. This month, we
reaffirm our commitment to reduce the burden of breast cancer and our
support for those who are living with this devastating disease. By
raising awareness of this disease and supporting research, we can usher
in a new era in our struggle against breast cancer.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009, as
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I encourage citizens, Government
agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other
interested groups to join in activities that will help Americans
understand what they can do to prevent and control breast cancer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8426--SEPT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8426--SEPT. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8426 of September 30, 2009
National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Fair access to employment is a fundamental right of every American,
including the 54 million people in this country living with
disabilities. A job can provide financial stability, help maximize our
potential, and allow us to achieve our dreams. As Americans, we possess
a range of vocational opportunities to make the most of our talents and
succeed in a chosen career; those with disabilities are entitled to the
same opportunities. During National Disability Employment Awareness
Month, we recommit ourselves to implementing effective policies and
practices that increase employment opportunities for individuals with
In the past half-century, we have made great strides toward providing
equal employment opportunities in America, but much work remains to be
done. As part of that continuing effort, we must seek to provide
opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Only then can Ameri-

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123 STAT. 3708

cans with disabilities achieve full participation in the workforce and
reach the height of their ambition.
My Administration is committed to promoting positive change for every
American, including those with disabilities. The Federal Government and
its contractors can lead the way by implementing effective employment
policies and practices that increase opportunities and help workers
achieve their full potential. Across this country, millions of people
with disabilities are working or want to work. We must ensure they have
access to the support and services they need to succeed.
Recognizing the need for equal employment opportunities, we must also
strengthen and expand the educational opportunities for individuals with
disabilities. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act substantially
increased funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
and provided more than $500 million for vocational rehabilitation
services, including job training, education, and placement. If we are to
build a world free from unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and
discrimination, we must ensure that every American receives an education
that prepares him or her for future success.
Each day, Americans with disabilities play a critical role in forging
and shaping the identity of our Nation. Their contributions touch us all
through personal experience or through that of a family member,
neighbor, friend, or colleague. We grow stronger as a Nation when
Americans feel the dignity conferred by having the ability to support
themselves and their families through productive work. This month, we
rededicate ourselves to fostering an inclusive work culture that
welcomes the skills and talents of all qualified employees.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009, as
National Disability Employment Awareness Month. I call on all Americans
to celebrate the contributions of individuals with disabilities to our
workplaces and communities, and to promote the employment of individuals
with disabilities to create a better, more inclusive America, one in
which every person is rightly recognized for his or her abilities and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
September, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009
Proclamation 8427 of October 1, 2009
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Americans are constantly adopting new and innovative technologies. This
exposure has dramatically increased our thirst for computers,
smartphones, and other digital solutions at work and at home. Our Na-

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123 STAT. 3709

tion's growing dependence on cyber and information-related technologies,
coupled with an increasing threat of malicious cyber attacks and loss of
privacy, has given rise to the need for greater security of our digital
networks and infrastructures. In the Information Age, the very
technologies that empower us to create and build also empower those who
would disrupt and destroy. During National Cybersecurity Awareness
Month, we rededicate ourselves to promoting cybersecurity initiatives
that ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information, the integrity
of e-commerce, and the resilience of digital infrastructures.
Cyber attacks and their viral ability to infect networks, devices, and
software must be the concern of all Americans. This month, we highlight
the responsibility of individuals, businesses, and governments to work
together to improve their own cybersecurity and that of our Nation. We
all must practice safe computing to avoid attacks. A key measure of our
success will be the degree to which all Americans educate themselves
about the risks they face and the actions they can take to protect
themselves and our Nation's digital infrastructure.
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) support and promote cybersecurity education. Both the
DHS and the FTC have identified basic cybersecurity tips that every
computer user should adopt. To learn more about safe computing practices
that can help prevent cyber attacks, visit www.onguardonline.gov and
The 21st century offers our Nation unprecedented opportunities to
develop new solutions to the challenges we face. Today, technology
allows Americans to reach across the globe and communicate with family
and friends, customers and colleagues, in distant locations. With this
freedom, however, comes heightened responsibility. My Administration is
committed to treating our digital infrastructure as a strategic national
asset. Protecting this infrastructure is a national security priority,
and in the process, we will ensure that these networks are
comprehensive, trustworthy, and resilient. Together, we will create a
more secure America, where technology can evolve in a protected and
productive environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009 as
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. I call upon the people of the
United States to recognize the importance of cybersecurity and to
observe this month with appropriate activities, events, and trainings to
enhance our national security and resilience.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8427--OCT. 1, 2009

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Proclamation 8428 of October 1, 2009
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Domestic violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a
devastating impact on women, men, and children of every background and
circumstance. A family's home becomes a place of fear, hopelessness, and
desperation when a woman is battered by her partner, a child witnesses
the abuse of a loved one, or a senior is victimized by family members.
Since the 1994 passage of the landmark Violence Against Women Act,
championed by then Senator Joe Biden, our Nation has strengthened its
response to this crime and increased services for victims. Still, far
too many women and families in this country and around the world are
affected by domestic violence. During National Domestic Violence
Awareness Month, we recommit ourselves to ending violence within our
homes, our communities, and our country.
PROCLAMATION 8428--OCT. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8428--OCT. 1, 2009
To effectively respond to domestic violence, we must provide assistance
and support that meets the immediate needs of victims. Facing social
isolation, victims can find it difficult to protect themselves and their
children. They require safe shelter and housing, medical care, access to
justice, culturally specific services, and economic opportunity. The
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act supports emergency shelters,
crisis intervention programs, and community education about domestic
In the best of economic times, victims worry about finding a job and
housing, and providing for their children; these problems only intensify
during periods of financial stress. That is why the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act provides $325 million for the Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA) and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). This funding will
supplement the Federal VAWA and VOCA dollars that flow to communities
every year, and enable States, local governments, tribes, and victim
service providers to retain and hire personnel that can serve victims
and hold offenders accountable. These funds will also bring relief to
victims seeking a safe place to live for themselves and their children.
Victims of violence often suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn,
with little or no guidance and support. Sadly, this tragedy does not
just affect adults. Even when children are not directly injured by
violence, exposure to violence in the home can contribute to behavioral,
social, and emotional problems. High school students who report having
experienced physical violence in a dating relationship are more likely
to use drugs and alcohol, are at greater risk of suicide, and may carry
patterns of abuse into future relationships. Our efforts to address
domestic violence must include these young victims.
During this month, we rededicate ourselves to breaking the cycle of
violence. By providing young people with education about healthy
relationships, and by changing attitudes that support violence, we
recognize that domestic violence can be prevented. We must build the
capacity of our Nation's victim service providers to reach and serve
those in need. We urge community leaders to raise awareness and bring

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123 STAT. 3711

tention to this quiet crisis. And across America, we encourage victims
and their families to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-
800-799-SAFE. Together, we must ensure that, in America, no victim of
domestic violence ever struggles alone.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009, as
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I ask all Americans to do
their part to end domestic violence in this country by supporting their
communities' efforts to assist victims in finding the help and healing
they need.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8429--OCT. 1, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8429--OCT. 1, 2009
Proclamation 8429 of October 1, 2009
National Information Literacy Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, we are inundated with vast amounts of information. A 24-hour
news cycle and thousands of global television and radio networks,
coupled with an immense array of online resources, have challenged our
long-held perceptions of information management. Rather than merely
possessing data, we must also learn the skills necessary to acquire,
collate, and evaluate information for any situation. This new type of
literacy also requires competency with communication technologies,
including computers and mobile devices that can help in our day-to-day
decisionmaking. National Information Literacy Awareness Month highlights
the need for all Americans to be adept in the skills necessary to
effectively navigate the Information Age.
Though we may know how to find the information we need, we must also
know how to evaluate it. Over the past decade, we have seen a crisis of
authenticity emerge. We now live in a world where anyone can publish an
opinion or perspective, whether true or not, and have that opinion
amplified within the information marketplace. At the same time,
Americans have unprecedented access to the diverse and independent
sources of information, as well as institutions such as libraries and
universities, that can help separate truth from fiction and signal from
Our Nation's educators and institutions of learning must be aware of-and
adjust to-these new realities. In addition to the basic skills of
reading, writing, and arithmetic, it is equally important that our
students are given the tools required to take advantage of the
information available to them. The ability to seek, find, and decipher
information can be applied to countless life decisions, whether
financial, medical, educational, or technical.

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123 STAT. 3712

This month, we dedicate ourselves to increasing information literacy
awareness so that all citizens understand its vital importance. An
informed and educated citizenry is essential to the functioning of our
modern democratic society, and I encourage educational and community
institutions across the country to help Americans find and evaluate the
information they seek, in all its forms.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009 as
National Information Literacy Awareness Month. I call upon the people of
the United States to recognize the important role information plays in
our daily lives, and appreciate the need for a greater understanding of
its impact.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8430--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8430--OCT. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8430 of October 2, 2009
National Arts and Humanities Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Throughout our Nation's history, the power of the arts and humanities to
move people has built bridges and enriched lives, bringing individuals
and communities together through the resonance of creative expression.
It is the painter, the author, the musician, and the historian whose
work inspires us to action, drives us to contemplation, stirs joy in our
hearts, and calls upon us to consider our world anew. The arts and
humanities contribute to the vibrancy of our society and the strength of
our democracy, and during National Arts and Humanities Month, we
recommit ourselves to ensuring all Americans can access and enjoy them.
Our Nation's cultural assets tell the story of America's diversity and
reveal our common humanity. Countless American artists develop unique
styles by infusing their work with cultural elements from across the
country and the world, and in turn, have an impact on the global arts
community. Through history and philosophy, we learn the heritage of
fellow Americans and appreciate the arc of their narrative as an
integral part of our own. Cultural exchanges, collaborative projects,
and continuing education programs help us to share and preserve a mosaic
of rich traditions and provide future generations with opportunities for
artistic expression.
The arts and humanities also bring our economy untold benefits. Millions
of Americans take part in the non-profit and for-profit arts industries.
Cultural and arts activities not only contribute tens of billions of
dollars to our economy, but also inspire innovation. In neighborhoods
and communities across the Nation, the arts and humanities lie at the

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123 STAT. 3713

center of revitalization, inspiring creativity, ideas, and new hope in
areas that have gone too long without it.
Every American deserves an opportunity to study, understand, and
contribute to the arts and humanities. This must begin in our schools,
where children may have their first and most important exposure to these
disciplines. Working on their own masterpieces and finding inspiration
in the work of others, young people are opened to new means of
expression that sharpen their creative faculties. An education in music,
dance, drama, design, and fine art reinforces skills in fields like math
and science, and it can help students reach their full potential. In an
ever-changing world, we must prepare our students with the knowledge,
creative skills, and an ability to innovate so they can compete and
succeed on a global stage.
As a people, we have an unlimited capacity for self-expression and
personal interpretation. While we may not always agree with what we see
or hear, it is our open-mindedness that commends the artistic struggle
behind the creation and our curiosity that pursues its vision. This
month, we honor this artistic spirit that lives and breathes within
every American. Creativity and a thirst for understanding are the fuel
that has fed our Nation's success for centuries, and they will continue
to be well into our future.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009 as
National Arts and Humanities Month. I call upon the people of the United
States to join together in observing this month with appropriate
ceremonies, activities, and programs to celebrate the arts and
humanities in America.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8431--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8431--OCT. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8431 of October 2, 2009
National Energy Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

A more prosperous future for our Nation's economy means making
investments in energy efficiency and clean energy today. Well-funded
energy research and development will not only help protect our
environment and support our communities, but it will also address
concerns of global competitiveness and national security. Innovation in
energy technology will decrease our oil use, strengthen our economy, and
reduce the dangerous pollution that causes climate change.
As American scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs bring new and
improved energy technologies to homes and businesses in this country and
around the world, they will be showing American leadership and

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123 STAT. 3714

vision while also making clean energy the profitable kind of energy.
During National Energy Awareness Month, we recognize the contributions
of individuals, organizations, and companies that are committed to
advancing energy innovation and efficiency, and we promote the
importance of a clean energy economy to our Nation.
The Federal Government is the largest consumer of energy in the United
States, and my Administration is committed to leading by example in the
use of clean energy and increased energy efficiency. Not only will we
lead through our performance, we will also leverage our ability to be
the kind of customer that can help turn an idea into a great American
enterprise. Through State and local grants, increased funding for
weatherization programs, job training programs, and policies to support
clean energy businesses, we are ushering in a new era of green energy
that will benefit our economic recovery, our security, and our long-term
We face a turning point in our Nation's energy policy. We can either
remain the world's leading importer of oil, or we can become the world's
leading exporter of clean energy technology. We can allow climate change
to wreak unnatural havoc, or we can create jobs deploying low-carbon
technologies to prevent its worst effects.
Throughout our history, Americans have successfully confronted
challenges that have tested our determination and our capacity to
change. If we are to advance energy and climate security, we must focus
on energy efficiency, promote sustainable industries, accelerate job
training and job creation in these areas, and set effective and
achievable standards for the generation and use of clean energy. As a
Nation, we will lead by innovating, adapting to the global marketplace,
and investing in the kind of sustainable future we want for the
generations to come.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2009 as
National Energy Awareness Month. I call upon the people of the United
States to mark this month by making clean energy choices that can both
rebuild our economy and make it more sustainable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8432 of October 2, 2009
Fire Prevention Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

As powerful as any force in the natural world, fire deserves our utmost
attention. Unchecked, fire can destroy homes, devastate our environment,
and, at its worst, injure or fatally harm individuals. Fire Prevention
Week is a time to learn about important fire safety issues and em-

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123 STAT. 3715

power our communities to stay ``Fire Smart.'' It is also a time to honor
our Nation's brave firefighters and volunteers who risk their lives to
protect their fellow Americans.
Every year, thousands of Americans experience fires in their homes and
workplaces. We can greatly reduce these tragedies by taking a few, very
simple steps. For example, if each of us strives to remain attentive
while cooking, to properly dispose of all smoking materials, and to
regularly check and replace smoke alarm batteries, we can help keep our
families safe from harm and protect personal property. Additional
precautionary measures should also include the formation of an emergency
plan and the education of our children about the proper ways to handle
potentially dangerous situations with fire.
This week's theme, ``Stay Fire Smart! Don't Get Burned,'' focuses on
increasing burn awareness and prevention. We can each do more to avoid
severe burns by testing water temperature, remaining aware of open
flames, and ensuring that heating elements-such as those in electric
stoves, toasters, hair appliances, and space heaters-are secure and
operated properly. These easy, common sense practices can help Americans
avoid suffering painful burns.
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009
Fire can have a devastating impact on the life of an individual or
family, and it can have far-reaching financial and human consequences.
Wildfires can burn hundreds of acres and affect numerous communities,
while household fires can spread to neighboring buildings. These and
other emergency situations can endanger the lives of not only the
public, but also our rescue workers and firefighters. During Fire
Prevention Week, we are reminded of the dangers of fire, we honor the
brave men and women who protect us from it, and we recommit ourselves to
its responsible use.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 4 through
October 10, 2009, as Fire Prevention Week. On Sunday, October 4, 2009,
in accordance with Public Law 107-51, the flag of the United States will
be flown at half staff on all Federal office buildings in honor of the
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. I call on all Americans
to participate in this observance with appropriate programs and
activities and by renewing their efforts to prevent fires and their
tragic consequences.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8432--OCT. 2, 2009

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Proclamation 8433 of October 2, 2009
Child Health Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation has an obligation to provide access to affordable, high-
quality health care for all our children. No child should be forced to
go without medical attention because the cost of a doctor visit is too
high. Healthy children are better equipped to combat illness and to
perform well in school, impacting their development well into adulthood.
On Child Health Day, we recognize the fundamental importance of health
care for our Nation's children, and dedicate our collective energies to
support their needs and those of their families.
PROCLAMATION 8433--OCT. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8433--OCT. 2, 2009
The responsibility for our children's health rests with every American.
Parents and guardians should lead by example. We must teach our children
the importance of healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle. We
can support community programs across America that provide our young
people with healthy choices, and ensure that families have the resources
necessary to champion the health of their children. From outdoor
activities to community athletic teams, we can seize opportunities to
increase physical activity in the lives of our children, and promote
healthy habits at an early age.
When our children make smart, healthy decisions, they are set on the
path towards success. A balanced diet, coupled with proper exercise, has
proven effective in combating childhood obesity and other chronic
illnesses among our Nation's young people. More recently, the lure of
indoor distractions has drawn our children away from the athletic fields
and outdoor activities that can be part of a healthy lifestyle. We must
engage our Nation's children in behaviors that support their physical
fitness, ensure they have access to healthy, affordable food, and
empower their families with the information essential for healthy
As a Nation, we cannot allow our children to fail in reaching their full
potential because we fail to meet their basic needs. My Administration
has made children's health a priority, and I was proud to sign the
reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP),
extending health care to millions of young Americans who were previously
uninsured. Today, we celebrate the health of our children and rededicate
ourselves to providing a bright, healthy future for our Nation's youth.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Monday, October 5,
2009, as Child Health Day.
I call upon families, child health professionals, faith-based and
community organizations, and governments to help ensure that America's
children stay safe and healthy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Inde-

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pendence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8434--OCT. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8434--OCT. 6, 2009
Proclamation 8434 of October 6, 2009
German-American Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Comprising the Nation's largest ancestry group, German Americans have
contributed to our collective identity since the first settlements were
founded in the 17th century. Essential to the growth of America, these
farmers, soldiers, entrepreneurs, and patriots gave their strength,
determination, and in some circumstances, their lives, so we all may
experience a brighter tomorrow. It is in this spirit that German
Americans continue to enrich our national character, sharing their proud
heritage with new generations from every background. Today, we celebrate
German Americans for their remarkable role in our Nation's development.
Our citizens of German descent excel in every discipline and open our
minds to the expanses of human possibility. When we drive across a
suspension bridge, listen to music played on a Steinway piano, or send a
child to kindergarten, their unique traditions and customs surround us.
German Americans have influenced our Nation in myriad ways with their
industry, culture, and engagement in public life.
Germany and its people have also been active participants in our
Nation's history. This year, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the
Federal Republic of Germany, and the 20th anniversary of the fall of the
Berlin Wall. These milestones reinforce the German people's dedication
to democratic ideals, and we honor the bonds that tie our two nations
America is a stronger Nation because of those families who have
established longstanding roots in our country, as well as by those who
have recently emigrated from abroad. German immigrants, inhabiting every
major city, have given much of themselves throughout our history,
selflessly expanding the reach of the American Dream. On this day, we
celebrate and honor the past, present, and future contributions of
German Americans to the rich and textured story of America.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2009, as
German-American Day. I encourage all Americans to learn more about the
history of German Americans and to commemorate the many contributions
they have made to our Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Inde-

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pendence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8435--OCT. 7, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8435--OCT. 7, 2009
Proclamation 8435 of October 7, 2009
Leif Erikson Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

On this day in 1825, the ship Restauration landed in New York City after
sailing for 3 months from Stavanger, Norway. The 52 passengers aboard
represented the first organized emigration of Norwegians to America.
These brave individuals set to the seas, following in the grand
footsteps of the famous Scandinavian explorer Leif Erikson. Over a
millennium ago, Leif Erikson-son of Iceland and grandson of Norway-
arrived in North America and founded the settlement Vinland, located in
modern-day Canada. Today, we celebrate his historic voyage and remember
those who journeyed to America from far-away lands.
Our Nation's founding history is marked by millions of individuals who
faced great hardship and difficulty as they pursued a brighter future
abroad. As explorers, they did not know what they would find, but they
were determined not to turn back, in order to learn what lay beyond the
setting sun. This same spirit lived within Leif Erikson, and it has
inspired countless others who venture from their homes in search of
opportunity, uncertain of the possibilities and challenges that await
Today, our Nation continues to welcome those descendents of Leif Erikson
to our shores. Nordic Americans have contributed immeasurably to the
success of America. Their cultural accomplishments have enriched the
diversity of our country. And their pioneering spirit continues to
embody our Nation's unbounded enthusiasm for discovery and learning.
To honor Leif Erikson and celebrate our Nordic-American heritage, the
Congress, by joint resolution (Public Law 88-566) approved on September
2, 1964, has authorized the President to proclaim October 9 of each year
as ``Leif Erikson Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim October 9, 2009, as Leif Erikson Day, and I
call upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies,
activities, and programs to honor our country's rich Nordic-American
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8436--OCT. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8436--OCT. 9, 2009

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Proclamation 8436 of October 9, 2009
National School Lunch Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every young American deserves access to a wholesome, nutritious lunch.
These meals prevent hunger and give our children the energy and
nourishment they need to grow into healthy, productive adults. Since
1946, the National School Lunch Program has helped to protect the health
and well-being of our children by providing them with balanced, low-cost
or free lunches throughout the school year. This week, we renew our
commitment to serving healthy meals that will prepare our next
generation of leaders to learn and thrive.
The National School Lunch Program serves more than 31 million students
every school day at over 100,000 schools across our Nation. These meals
can be an important source of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy
products, containing essential nutrients to meet the demands of a
growing child. For many schoolchildren, it will be their most nutritious
meal-sometimes their only meal-of the day. This program can also teach
children about the importance of good eating habits, which is vital to
our Nation's fight against childhood obesity. In the coming months, my
Administration will continue our partnership with Federal, State, and
local leaders to strengthen the National School Lunch Program. We must
work together to remove barriers that prevent some eligible children
from receiving meals, and update nutrition standards to reflect the
latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Academic success requires hard work and concentration. Students
distracted by hunger cannot match the focus of their peers. Poorly
nourished students are also more likely to become ill, and miss class
more frequently. During National School Lunch Week, we honor all those
who make the National School Lunch Program possible, including
government and school officials, food service professionals, farmers,
and parents. By ensuring that every child, regardless of background or
family income, is properly fed at school, we secure a brighter future
for each of them and for America.
The Congress, by joint resolution of October 9, 1962 (Public Law 87-
780), as amended, has designated the week beginning on the second Sunday
in October each year as ``National School Lunch Week,'' and has
requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim the week of October 11 through October 17,
2009, as National School Lunch Week. I call upon all Americans to join
the dedicated individuals who administer the National School Lunch
Program in appropriate activities that support the health and well-being
of our Nation's children.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Inde-

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pendence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8437--OCT. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8437--OCT. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8437 of October 9, 2009
Columbus Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

More than 500 years have passed since Christopher Columbus set sail
across the Atlantic Ocean in a bold attempt to expand human
understanding of the known world. His voyage radically altered the
course of history and changed our world forever. Many generations later,
that same spirit of exploration inspires Americans to pursue brave new
frontiers in business, science, and technology. Today, we reflect on the
transformation of North America from a land of boundless opportunity to
the modern communities of the 21st century.
Born in Genoa, Italy, Christopher Columbus' journey aboard three Spanish
ships revealed a new land for many European nations whose people would
later flock to our shores in search of prosperity and freedom. These
immigrants joined many thriving indigenous communities who suffered
great hardships as a result of the changes to the land they inhabited.
Although their competing ways of life were initially at odds, over time,
the ``New World'' became a culturally and ethnically diverse place where
we now enjoy the free exchange of ideas and democratic self-governance.
Tribal communities continue to strengthen our Nation through their rich
heritage and unique identity.
Columbus inspired generations of men and women to search out the
farthest reaches of the world. From the coasts of Newfoundland to the
Gulf of Mexico, explorers of Italian descent have directly influenced
the growth of North America. Their dedication to our country has helped
lay the foundation on which America was built. Today, Italian Americans
continue to contribute immeasurably to the identity of our Nation, as
role models, leaders, innovators, and committed public servants. From
the boardroom to the classroom, they are prominent in every facet of
American life.
In commemoration of Christopher Columbus' historic exploration 517 years
ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934 (48 Stat. 657),
and an Act of June 28, 1968 (82 Stat. 250), has requested that the
President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as
``Columbus Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim October 12, 2009, as Columbus Day. I call
upon all the people of the United States to observe this day with
appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of
the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed
day in honor of Christopher Columbus.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Inde-

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pendence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8438--OCT. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8438--OCT. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8438 of October 9, 2009
General Pulaski Memorial Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Each year on this day, Americans pause to remember a patriot and
champion of liberty who fought valiantly for the freedom of our Nation.
During our struggle for independence, General Casimir Pulaski displayed
heroic leadership and ultimately sacrificed his life in service to our
country. His commitment to liberty remains an inspiration to us today,
230 years later, and it serves as a reflection of the many contributions
Polish Americans have made to our national identity.
Born in Poland in 1745, Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski witnessed the
occupation of Poland by foreign troops during his youth. He joined the
struggle for Polish independence in 1768, fighting alongside his father
with unwavering determination. Despite the tremendous courage of Pulaski
and his compatriots, the foreign forces prevailed and Poland was divided
among three of its neighbors. The young Casimir Pulaski was exiled, and,
while in Paris, met America's envoy to France, Benjamin Franklin, and
learned of our nascent quest for independence.
Arriving in America during the summer of 1777, General Pulaski quickly
earned a commission and led his troops with admirable skill in a number
of important campaigns. He would eventually become known as the ``Father
of the American Cavalry.'' In 1779, Pulaski was mortally wounded during
the siege of Savannah while trying to rally his troops under heavy enemy
fire. Before laying down his life for the United States, this Polish and
American hero had earned a reputation for his idealism and his
courageous spirit.
Pulaski's ideals live on today in the many Polish-American communities
across the country. These neighborhoods continue to celebrate Polish
culture, while adding immeasurably to our national identity. Their
contributions have expanded our collective knowledge, pushing the
boundaries of science, business, and the arts. With each passing year,
the cooperation between the United States and Poland grows, supported by
the dedication and commitment of Polish Americans to our shared history.
Today, as we remember General Pulaski, we celebrate our strong
friendship with Poland, and honor those Americans of Polish heritage.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Sunday, October 11,
2009, as General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encourage all Americans to
commemorate this occasion with appropriate programs and activities
paying tribute to Casimir Pulaski and honoring all those who defend the
freedom of our great Nation.

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123 STAT. 3722

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8439--OCT. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8439--OCT. 15, 2009
Proclamation 8439 of October 15, 2009
White Cane Safety Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

All Americans deserve the freedom to participate in every aspect of our
society and pursue their full measure of happiness. For blind Americans,
the white cane is a potent symbol of that freedom-affording them greater
independence and mobility. Today we renew our commitment to provide full
inclusion and equal opportunities for those among us who are blind or
have low vision. As Americans, we must nurture a society that values the
unique abilities and individual contributions of all its people.
Individuals who are blind or have low vision are less constrained and
better integrated in our country than ever before, but much work remains
to ensure they have the opportunity to reach their full potential. My
Administration is committed to securing full and equal access to
education and employment for blind Americans and all those with
disabilities. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act substantially
increased funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
as well as vocational rehabilitation services, including job training,
education, and placement.
For Americans who are blind or have low vision, a white cane is just one
of a wide range of tools that sustain independence and productivity. In
recent years, refreshable Braille displays and speech synthesis devices
have given these individuals access to the Internet, unlocking a new
frontier of limitless possibility. As we encourage the development of
new assistive technologies, we must also improve access to existing
tools. The Braille code has opened a doorway to literacy for countless
individuals, but far too many blind children in our country are not
learning to read it. By improving Braille literacy, we will secure a
brighter future for these young Americans.
In the 45 years since White Cane Safety Day was first proclaimed by
President Lyndon Johnson, Americans who are blind or have low vision
have achieved substantial progress. As leaders in government and
business, academics, and the arts, they have made remarkable
contributions to our Nation, proving that sight is no requisite for
success. We will continue to strive for a more just and equitable Nation
that celebrates diversity in all its forms and promotes the full
inclusion of all individuals in our communities.
By joint resolution approved on October 6, 1964 (Public Law 88-628, as
amended), the Congress designated October 15 of each year as White

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123 STAT. 3723

Cane Safety Day to recognize the contributions of Americans who are
blind or have low vision.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim October 15, 2009, as White Cane Safety Day.
I call upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate
ceremonies, activities, and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8440--OCT. 19, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8440--OCT. 19, 2009
Proclamation 8440 of October 19, 2009
National Character Counts Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In communities across America, people are working together to see our
country through challenging times-educating our children, caring for the
sick, and extending a hand to those in need. They remind us that the
true character of our Nation is revealed by the good we do when the
moment is challenging. During National Character Counts Week, we pay
tribute to the men and women who are selflessly serving others,
inspiring and encouraging younger generations to develop the compassion,
dedication, and strength of character that is the mark of our great
Instilling sound character and a sense of responsibility in our children
is critical to our country's future. When we teach young people about
time-honored values like integrity and humility, we promote good
citizenship and civic virtues that will guide them through life and
sustain our democracy. Parents play an integral role in cultivating the
character of their children, and they must help them understand the
consequences of poor choices and the rewards of healthy, sound
decisions. Teachers, clergy, local leaders, and countless other
volunteers can also be role models and mentors for America's youth as
they devote their time and energy to serving their communities. The
brave members of our Armed Forces who sacrifice every day for our Nation
are tremendous examples of strong character for us all to follow.
Throughout our history, the pursuit of our highest ideals-hard work,
curiosity, tolerance, and patriotism-has been the quiet force behind our
progress. As Americans, we must hold true to these fundamental values
that have propelled us forward time and again to adapt and lead in an
ever-changing world. National Character Counts week is an opportunity to
recognize the depth of America's character and to honor those who pass
on our values to future generations.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 18 through
October 24, 2009, as National Character Counts Week. I call

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upon public officials, educators, parents, students, and all Americans
to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8441--OCT. 19, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8441--OCT. 19, 2009
Proclamation 8441 of October 19, 2009
United Nations Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The United Nations was created 64 years ago by men and women from every
corner of the world. These architects of international cooperation acted
out of an idealism rooted in the hard-earned lessons of war. They had
the wisdom to understand that nations could do far more to advance their
interests by acting together than by letting themselves be split apart.
The original 51 member nations were united around a commitment to peace,
humanity, and justice.
Today, with 192 member states, the United Nations is the principle forum
for all nations, large and small, to work in concert to meet the global
challenges no nation can confront alone. The U.N. is vital to America's
efforts to create a better, safer world. Through peacekeeping missions
that have saved so many lives and averted so many wars; lifesaving
humanitarian work; critical development activities; and its unique
legitimacy, the U.N. can function as a forum that brings all nations
The U.N. sometimes struggles to live up to its founding ideals, as it
can only be effective if its member states choose to meet their own
responsibilities. At its best, this indispensible, if imperfect,
institution helps to resolve conflicts and rebuild shattered societies;
to lay the foundations of democracy, human rights, and development; and
to establish conditions in which people can live in dignity and mutual
respect. The member states of the U.N. have an obligation to demonstrate
the will and leadership to match the aspirations of all. Now is the time
for all of us to assume our share of responsibility to meet global
Committed in our resolve to create a world our people deserve, we look
to the future with confidence. As expressed in the founding values of
the United Nations, we share a common security and are unified by our
common humanity. This truth calls us to work cooperatively with nations
from around the globe in the pursuit of peace, economic prosperity, and
human opportunity.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 24, 2009, as
United Nations Day. I urge the Governors of the 50 States,

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and the officials of all other areas under the flag of the United States
to observe United Nations Day with appropriate ceremonies and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8442--OCT. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8442--OCT. 23, 2009
Proclamation 8442 of October 23, 2009
National Forest Products Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

America's forests have helped spur the growth and development that has
been indispensable to our Nation's success. They have provided timber
and water, as well as habitat for wildlife and opportunities for
recreational activities. As a repository for renewable natural
resources, forests have supplied the raw materials that have sustained
us throughout our history. During National Forest Products Week, we
recognize the value of our woodlands and commit ourselves to good
stewardship and conservation practices that help us to responsibly
manage our Nation's forests.
As a renewable and recyclable resource, wood is one of our Nation's most
environmentally friendly building materials. Wood fiber is used
throughout our daily lives, from the paper we write on to the offices
where we work. We value the beauty of wood in our furniture, in our
homes, and in artwork that surrounds us. Today, modern technology and
stewardship practices by Federal, State, tribal, and private landowners
have improved the way we manage our natural resources so that forests
can meet the needs of current and future generations.
Forests are one of the foundations on which our Nation was formed; they
are the backbone of our environment. This week, we recognize the value
of forest products and the importance of their sustainable use to our
To recognize the importance of products from our forests, the Congress,
by Public Law 86-753 (36 U.S.C. 123), as amended, has designated the
week beginning on the third Sunday in October of each year as National
Forest Products Week and has authorized and requested the President to
issue a proclamation in observance of this week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim the week beginning on the third Sunday in
October of each year as National Forest Products Week. I call on all
Americans to celebrate the varied uses and products of our forested
lands, as well as the people who carry on the tradition of careful
stewardship of these precious natural resources for generations to come.

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123 STAT. 3726

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8443--OCT. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8443--OCT. 23, 2009
Proclamation 8443 of October 23, 2009
Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to the 2009 H1N1
Influenza Pandemic
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

On April 26, 2009, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the
``Secretary'') first declared a public health emergency under section
319 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 247d, in response to the
2009 H1N1 influenza virus. The Secretary has renewed that declaration
twice, on July 24, 2009, and October 1, 2009. In addition, by rapidly
identifying the virus, implementing public health measures, providing
guidance for health professionals and the general public, and developing
an effective vaccine, we have taken proactive steps to reduce the impact
of the pandemic and protect the health of our citizens. As a Nation, we
have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and
communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging
pandemic. Nevertheless, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The
rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across
the Nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden
health care resources in some localities. Thus, in recognition of the
continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a
Nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, including sections 201 and 301 of the
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and consistent with
section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C.
1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that, given that the rapid
increase in illness across the Nation may overburden health care
resources and that the temporary waiver of certain standard Federal
requirements may be warranted in order to enable U.S. health care
facilities to implement emergency operations plans, the 2009 H1N1
influenza pandemic in the United States constitutes a national
emergency. Accordingly, I hereby declare that the Secretary may exercise
the authority under section 1135 of the SSA to temporarily waive or
modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State
Children's Health Insurance programs and of the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule throughout the duration
of the public health emergency declared in response to the 2009 H1N1
influenza pandemic. In exercising this authority, the Secretary shall
provide certification and advance written notice to the Congress as
required by section 1135(d) of the SSA (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(d)).

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123 STAT. 3727

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8444 of October 30, 2009
Military Family Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

No one pays a higher price for our freedom than members of our Nation's
military and their families. As sons and daughters, husbands and wives,
and mothers and fathers are deployed, military families endure with
exceptional resilience and courage. They provide our troops with
invaluable encouragement and love, and serve our Nation in their own
right. During Military Family Month, we honor the families of our Armed
Forces and thank them for their dedication to our country.
Though only a small percentage of our Nation's population, our troops
bear the great responsibility of protecting our people. They, along with
their families, serve us every day with courage and dignity. Ensuring
that military families receive the respect they deserve and the support
they have earned is a top priority for my Administration.
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009
The strength of our Nation is measured not just by our success on the
battlefield, but also by our ability to support those families who have
made so many sacrifices for us. Time and again, military families have
shown their heart in the face of adversity. We have a solemn obligation
to ensure that while our men and women in uniform discharge their
duties, we do all we can to promote and preserve the well-being of their
families. We must also support the families of our wounded warriors and
our fallen heroes who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we
This month, we celebrate the tremendous contributions of military
families, convey to them our deepest respect and appreciation, and
recommit ourselves to their support.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as
Military Family Month. I call on all Americans to honor military
families through private actions and public service for the tremendous
contributions they make in the support of our service members and our
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8444--OCT. 30, 2009

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123 STAT. 3728

Proclamation 8445 of October 30, 2009
National Adoption Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

All children deserve a safe, loving family to protect and care for them.
In America, thousands of young people are waiting for that opportunity.
During National Adoption Month, we honor those families that have
strengthened America through adoption, and we recommit to reducing the
number of children awaiting adoption into loving families.
America is a country rich in resources and filled with countless caring
men and women who hope to adopt. These individuals come from all walks
of life, united in their commitment to love a child who is in need of
the protective arms of a parent. We must do more to ensure that adoption
is a viable option for them. By continually opening up the doors to
adoption, and supporting full equality in adoption laws for all American
families, we allow more children to find the permanent homes they yearn
for and deserve.
PROCLAMATION 8445--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8445--OCT. 30, 2009
This month, we also focus on children in foster care. These children are
not in the system by their own choosing, but are forced into it by
unfortunate or tragic circumstances. These young people have specific
needs and require unique support. Federal, State, and local governments,
communities, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring that
foster children have the resources and encouragement they need to
realize their hopes and dreams.
The course of our future will depend on what we do to help the next
generation of Americans succeed. This month, we celebrate those families
brought together by adoption and renew our commitments to children in
the foster care system.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as
National Adoption Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month
by reaching out to support and honor adoptive families, as well as to
participate actively in efforts to find permanent homes for waiting
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8445--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8445--OCT. 30, 2009

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123 STAT. 3729

Proclamation 8446 of October 30, 2009
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, millions of American families experience the difficult
reality of Alzheimer's disease. The physical and emotional demands of
caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be overwhelming, but no one
should face this disease alone. During National Alzheimer's Disease
Awareness Month, we recognize all those living with Alzheimer's disease
and honor the caregivers, including families and friends, who support
them. We also renew our commitment to research that is improving
treatments for this illness and may one day prevent it entirely.
Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible and progressive brain disorder
that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. Symptoms usually appear
after age 60, but many scientists now believe damage to the brain may
begin decades earlier. Research conducted and supported by the National
Institutes of Health and the Veterans Health Administration has shed
light on these early effects and identified genetic risk factors for
Alzheimer's. Doctors are now able to start treatments earlier, slowing
the loss of brain cells and the progression of debilitating physical and
mental impairments.
PROCLAMATION 8446--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8446--OCT. 30, 2009
As we seek hope for families struggling with Alzheimer's disease, we
must leave no avenue unexplored. Embryonic stem cells may hold the key
for us to better understand, and possibly cure, some of our most
devastating diseases and conditions. That is why I signed an Executive
Order lifting the ban on Federal funding for embryonic stem cell
research, with proper guidelines and strict oversight to prohibit abuse.
We must continue the urgent work of giving substance to hope for all who
dream of a day when words like ``terminal'' and ``incurable'' are
finally retired from our vocabulary. Until then, we must strive to ease
the burden of every individual struggling to recall a spouse's name;
every parent unable to recognize a child's face; and every family member
or friend who brings them comfort and care.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month. I call upon the people of
the United States to observe this month with appropriate programs and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8446--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8446--OCT. 30, 2009

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123 STAT. 3730

Proclamation 8447 of October 30, 2009
National Diabetes Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Diabetes directly affects the lives of millions of Americans and their
families. While no cure exists, medical advancements are continually
producing new, more effective treatments to control the disease.
Individuals who manage their diabetes properly can lower their risk of
complications and live productive, normal lives. During National
Diabetes Month, we recommit to educating Americans about the warning
signs of diabetes, and help those with the condition to mitigate the
effects of this devastating disease.
The two common forms of diabetes are known as type 1 and type 2. Type 1
diabetes occurs when an individual's immune system destroys insulin-
producing cells. The outlook for those with type 1 diabetes has
dramatically improved in the past few decades due to a host of
innovations. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of diabetes, and
usually affects individuals age 40 and older, and those who are
overweight, inactive, or have a family history of the disease. Every
day, 10 children in this country are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes-a
staggering statistic that reflects the growing epidemic of obesity in
our country.
PROCLAMATION 8447--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8447--OCT. 30, 2009
Preventive care is the simplest way to avoid diabetes and its
complications. A healthy diet, combined with daily exercise, has been
shown to dramatically reduce incidence of this disease. African
Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, as well as the elderly, are at
greater risk of developing diabetes over their lifetimes. As a Nation,
we must ensure that all Americans know the warning signs of this
disease, and if diagnosed, have access to affordable, quality medical
care to help control it.
While diabetes is a complex and challenging disease, dedicated
researchers continue to make important discoveries. This month, we honor
those who have made these successes possible, support those who are
battling diabetes, and rededicate ourselves to sustaining Federal
investments in research and education programs that improve the
prevention and treatment of this disease.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as
National Diabetes Month. I encourage citizens, medical institutions,
Government and social service agencies, businesses, non-profit
organizations, and other interested groups to join in activities that
help prevent, treat, and manage diabetes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8447--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8447--OCT. 30, 2009

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Proclamation 8448 of October 30, 2009
National Family Caregivers Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The true strength of the American family finds its roots in an
unwavering commitment to care for one another. In difficult times,
Americans come together to ensure our loved ones are comfortable and
safe. Whether caring for a parent, relative, or child, our Nation's
caregivers selflessly devote their time and energy to the well-being of
those they look after. During National Family Caregivers Month, we honor
the individuals providing essential services to family members who could
not otherwise look after themselves.
Caregiver support is at the heart of my Administration's commitment to
assisting our Nation's families. Currently, a variety of programs and
services offer help and encouragement to family caregivers. The National
Family Caregiver Support Program and the Lifespan Respite Care Act
include important resources for caregivers of children and adults, with
opportunities to receive much-needed assistance and take part in support
programs with other families. These programs allow individuals to remain
with their families for as long as possible while helping to ensure the
wellness of participating care providers.
PROCLAMATION 8448--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8448--OCT. 30, 2009
My Administration's dedication to caregivers is also embodied in our
efforts to develop policies to support workers trying to manage their
responsibilities on the job and at home. Families are best able to care
for their loved ones when they can take time away from work without fear
of losing their job or their income. We all have roles to play,
including employers, by providing paid leave, flexible work
arrangements, and other programs when feasible, to help ensure that
caregivers are able to successfully meet their work and household
Every day, family caregivers assist loved ones with tasks ranging from
personal care and homemaking, to transportation and financial
assistance. As the foundation of America's long-term care system, these
individuals give millions of Americans the peace of mind and security
that only family can provide.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as
National Family Caregivers Month. I encourage all Americans to pay
tribute and support those who are caring for their family members,
friends, and neighbors in need of assistance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8448--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8448--OCT. 30, 2009

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Proclamation 8449 of October 30, 2009
National Native American Heritage Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

The indigenous peoples of North America-the First Americans-have woven
rich and diverse threads into the tapestry of our Nation's heritage.
Throughout their long history on this great land, they have faced
moments of profound triumph and tragedy alike. During National Native
American Heritage Month, we recognize their many accomplishments,
contributions, and sacrifices, and we pay tribute to their participation
in all aspects of American society.
This month, we celebrate the ancestry and time-honored traditions of
American Indians and Alaska Natives in North America. They have guided
our land stewardship policies, added immeasurably to our cultural
heritage, and demonstrated courage in the face of adversity. From the
American Revolution to combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, they
have fought valiantly in defense of our Nation as dedicated servicemen
and women. Their native languages have also played a pivotal role on the
battlefield. During World Wars I and II, Native American code talkers
developed unbreakable codes to communicate military messages that saved
countless lives. Native Americans have distinguished themselves as
inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars. Our debt to
our First Americans is immense, as is our responsibility to ensure their
fair, equal treatment and honor the commitments we made to their
PROCLAMATION 8449--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8449--OCT. 30, 2009
The Native American community today faces huge challenges that have been
ignored by our Government for too long. To help address this disparity,
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allocates more than $3
billion to help these communities deal with their most pressing needs.
In the Fiscal Year 2010 budget, my Administration has proposed over $17
billion for programs carried out by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian
Health Service, and other Federal agencies that have a critical role to
play in improving the lives of Native Americans. These programs will
increase educational opportunities, address the scourge of alcohol abuse
and domestic violence, promote economic development, and provide access
to comprehensive, accessible, and affordable health care. While funding
increases do not make up for past deficiencies, they do reflect our
determination to honor tribal sovereignty and ensure continued progress
on reservations across America.
As we seek to build on and strengthen our nation-to-nation relationship,
my Administration is committed to ensuring tribal communities have a
meaningful voice in our national policy debates as we confront the
challenges facing all Americans. We will continue this constructive
dialogue at the White House Tribal Nations Conference held in
Washington, D.C., this month. Native American voices have echoed through
the mountains, valleys, and plains of our country for thousands of
years, and it is now our time to listen.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con-

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123 STAT. 3733

stitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November
2009 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all
Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and
activities, and to celebrate November 27, 2009, as Native American
Heritage Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8450--OCT. 30, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8450--OCT. 30, 2009
Proclamation 8450 of October 30, 2009
Veterans Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

We have a sacred trust with those who wear the uniform of the United
States of America. From the Minutemen who stood watch over Lexington and
Concord to the service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan,
American veterans deserve our deepest appreciation and respect. Our
Nation's servicemen and women are our best and brightest, enlisting in
times of peace and war, serving with honor under the most difficult
circumstances, and making sacrifices that many of us cannot begin to
imagine. Today, we reflect upon the invaluable contributions of our
country's veterans and reaffirm our commitment to provide them and their
families with the essential support they were promised and have earned.
Caring for our veterans is more than a way of thanking them for their
service. It is an obligation to our fellow citizens who have risked
their lives to defend our freedom.
This selflessness binds our fates with theirs, and recognizing those who
were willing to give their last full measure of devotion for us is a
debt of honor for every American.
We also pay tribute to all who have worn the uniform and continue to
serve their country as civilians. Many veterans act as coaches,
teachers, and mentors in their communities, selflessly volunteering
their time and expertise. They visit schools to tell our Nation's
students of their experiences and help counsel our troops returning from
the theater of war. These men and women possess an unwavering belief in
the idea of America: no matter where you come from, what you look like,
or who your parents are, this is a place where anything is possible. Our
veterans continue to stand up for those timeless American ideals of
liberty, self-determination, and equal opportunity.
On Veterans Day, we honor the heroes we have lost, and we rededicate
ourselves to the next generation of veterans by supporting our Soldiers,
Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen as they return home from
duty. Our grateful Nation must keep our solemn promises to these brave
men and women and their families. They have given their un-

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123 STAT. 3734

wavering devotion to the American people, and we must keep our covenant
with them.
With respect for and in recognition of the contributions our servicemen
and women have made to the cause of peace and freedom around the world,
the Congress has provided (5 U.S.C. 6103(a)) that November 11 of each
year shall be set aside as a legal public holiday to honor our Nation's
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim November 11, 2009, as Veterans Day. I
encourage all Americans to recognize the valor and sacrifice of our
veterans through appropriate public ceremonies and private prayers. I
call upon Federal, State, and local officials to display the flag of the
United States and to participate in patriotic activities in their
communities. I call on all Americans, including civic and fraternal
organizations, places of worship, schools, and communities to support
this day with commemorative expressions and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of
October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8451--NOV. 6, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8451--NOV. 6, 2009
Proclamation 8451 of November 6, 2009
Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation's thoughts and prayers are with the service members,
civilians, and families affected by the tragic events at Fort Hood,
Texas. The brave victims, who risked their lives to protect their fellow
countrymen, serve as a constant source of strength and inspiration to
all Americans. We ask God to watch over the fallen, the wounded, and all
those who are suffering at this difficult hour.
As a mark of respect honoring the victims of the tragedy at Fort Hood,
Texas, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution
and the laws of the United States of America, that the flag of the
United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon
all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval
stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the
District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its
Territories and possessions until sunset, Tuesday, November 10, 2009. I
also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same
length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular
offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities
and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the

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Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8452 of November 9, 2009
World Freedom Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Twenty years ago today, the Wall came down in Berlin and both a country
and a continent came together. After thousands of East Berliners flooded
through checkpoints into West Berlin, border restrictions dissolved
across Eastern Bloc countries. The Iron Curtain that divided Europe for
decades finally fell, ushering in a new era of freedom and cooperation.
On this anniversary, we are reminded that no challenge is too great for
a world united in common purpose.
After the Berlin Wall fell, oppressive regimes across the globe gave
way. From Kiev to Cape Town, prison camps closed and democracy's doors
were unlocked for millions who had known only tyranny. Markets opened
too, spreading information and technology that empowered once-insolvent
nations to achieve prosperity. Twenty years later, our world is more
interconnected than at any time in human history, giving rise to new
opportunities for shared progress.
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009
Today, the barriers that challenge our world are not walls of cement and
iron, but ones of fear, irresponsibility, and indifference. History
reminds us that such walls can be torn down, but where they still exist
we must work with all nations to strengthen civil societies, support
democratic institutions and the rule of law, and promote free and fair
electoral processes. Upholding these principles into the 21st century
will require America's enduring commitment and steady leadership.
From our first days as a Nation, Americans have felt a sense of urgency
and determination to promote liberty and release the potential within
each individual to contribute to the common good. On World Freedom Day,
we celebrate the thriving democracies of Central and Eastern Europe, and
we honor their citizens' right to choose their own destinies and
contribute to their nations' future success.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2009, as
World Freedom Day. I call upon the people of the United States to
observe this day in fellowship with other nations and people of the
world with appropriate ceremonies and activities, reaffirming our
dedication to freedom and democracy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8452--NOV. 9, 2009

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Proclamation 8453 of November 13, 2009
America Recycles Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, Americans who recycle conserve valuable resources while
reducing our Nation's carbon footprint. The reprocessing of materials is
fundamental to our future prosperity, as recycling helps preserve our
natural environment and sustain our economy. Recycling in the United
States is a $236 billion industry, employing 1.1 million workers
nationwide in 56,000 businesses. On America Recycles Day, we celebrate
the individuals, communities, local governments, and businesses that
recycle their waste and continually think of innovative ways to use
materials that might otherwise be discarded.
Recycling improves our daily lives and helps to protect our planet for
the future. Through recycling, we conserve energy, consume less of our
precious natural resources, decrease the amount of waste deposited in
landfills, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Communities across
America also benefit by avoiding the pollution associated with the
extraction of raw materials and their processing into finished products.
PROCLAMATION 8453--NOV. 13, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8453--NOV. 13, 2009
If we are to manage materials and products on a life-cycle basis, we
must responsibly use and reuse our resources. Curbside recycling,
electronics collection drives, community composting programs, and other
similar methods contribute to the success of our efforts. Our Nation's
health and prosperity depends on the productive and sustainable use of
our environment. By recommitting ourselves to recycling, we have the
opportunity to secure our long-term success and ensure a bright future
for the next generation of Americans.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 15, 2009, as
America Recycles Day. I call upon the people of the United States to
observe this day with appropriate programs and activities, and I
encourage all Americans to continue their recycling efforts throughout
the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8453--NOV. 13, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8453--NOV. 13, 2009

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Proclamation 8454 of November 19, 2009
National Entrepreneurship Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Throughout our history, American entrepreneurs have been an effective
force for innovation at home and around the world. From the airplane to
the Internet search engine to new tractors, they have pioneered
technologies, products, and processes that have improved lives and
shaped the course of our future. Today, they are fueling our economy
with their creativity, tireless work ethic, and risk-taking spirit.
During National Entrepreneurship Week, we renew our commitment to
supporting American entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurs, who
are spreading opportunity and prosperity across our Nation.
Entrepreneurs are the engine of job creation in America, generating
millions of good jobs. Many begin with nothing more than a good idea,
and translate new products and services into vibrant businesses. To
secure our Nation's future prosperity, we must ensure that our
entrepreneurs have the tools they need to survive and thrive.
PROCLAMATION 8454--NOV. 19, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8454--NOV. 19, 2009
My Administration is working to provide opportunities and conditions for
entrepreneurs to succeed. We are supporting the flow of credit by
increasing loan guarantees and reducing borrowing fees to help more
Americans start businesses. We also made the Research and
Experimentation Tax Credit permanent to help burgeoning companies afford
the high costs of developing new products and technologies. The recently
formed Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Department of
Commerce is building on these efforts with new policies and initiatives
to unleash creativity and innovation, as well as turn inspired ideas
into new employment-generating businesses.
Our Nation led the world's economies in the 20th century because we led
the world in innovation. To strengthen our position in the 21st century,
we must rededicate ourselves to harnessing the creative spirit that has
made America great.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 16 through
November 22, 2009, as National Entrepreneurship Week. I call upon all
Americans to recognize the important contributions of entrepreneurs to
our economy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this nineteenth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8454--NOV. 19, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8454--NOV. 19, 2009

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Proclamation 8455 of November 20, 2009
National Farm-City Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation's farm and ranch families supply many of the basic
necessities of our daily life. They manage a large portion of our
country's fertile land base, and they are caretakers of our valuable
natural resources and diverse ecosystems. Their connections with urban
and suburban communities are critical to our economy and to the
nourishment of our people. During National Farm-City Week, we express
gratitude for the contributions of our Nation's farmers and ranchers,
and we rededicate ourselves to providing all Americans with access to
healthy food, and thus, a healthy future.
Pioneered by Native Americans, agriculture was our Nation's first
industry. For agriculture to thrive in the 21st century, we must
continue to cultivate the relationships between farmers and rural
businesses and their partners and customers in cities and towns.
American farmers and ranchers are proud to grow the food, feed, fuel,
and fiber that enhance our national security and prosperity, and remain
steadfast stewards of the land they love. We must ensure that farming is
maintained as an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable
way of life for future generations.
PROCLAMATION 8455--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8455--NOV. 20, 2009
This Thanksgiving season, we celebrate farms of every size that produce
fruits, vegetables, dairy, and livestock indispensable to the health of
our families. We also recognize the vital ties between our urban and
suburban communities and their local farmers through regional food
systems, farmers markets, and community gardens. During National Farm-
City Week, we celebrate the bounty of America, and we honor the
commitment of those who grow, harvest, and deliver agricultural goods to
feed our country and grow our economy.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the week ending on
Thanksgiving Day of each year as National Farm-City Week. I call on
Americans as they gather with their families and friends to reflect on
the accomplishments of all who dedicate their lives to promoting our
Nation's agricultural abundance and environmental stewardship.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8455--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8455--NOV. 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8456 of November 20, 2009
National Family Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

American families are the foundation on which our Nation is built. Their
expressions of unconditional love and dedication sustain family members
and support our Nation's communities. During National Family Week, we
celebrate the inclusive spirit of American families and applaud the
commitment of those family members who encourage us to reach new
My Administration is committed to helping American families meet the
demands of modern life, increase their self-sufficiency, and achieve
their full potential. Ten days after taking office, I established the
White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families, led by Vice
President Biden. This Task Force is focused on raising the living
standards of working families across the country. In addition, the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides a broad spectrum of
support to families experiencing difficult times. It boosts child care
and Head Start programs, essential not only to a child's future but also
a parent's peace of mind in the workplace. Health care reform will
provide security and stability for American families with insurance and
affordable options for uninsured Americans.
PROCLAMATION 8456--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8456--NOV. 20, 2009
As we continue to grow as a Nation, we must also be engaged members of
our larger family, composed of our neighbors, our colleagues, and the
community where we live. We must appreciate the diversity of other
families' traditions; we must reach out to help families in need; and we
must take more responsibility for the care and development of all
children, not just our own.
In this season of Thanksgiving, we are grateful that, at our best,
America is a collection of strong families, standing united to make our
Nation a place of hope and opportunity for future generations.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 22 through
November 28, 2009, as National Family Week. I invite States, local
communities, and individuals to join together in observing this week
with appropriate ceremonies and activities to honor our Nation's

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123 STAT. 3740

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8457--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8457--NOV. 20, 2009
Proclamation 8457 of November 20, 2009
National Child's Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

America's children deserve every opportunity to reach their fullest
potential, and it is our responsibility to ensure they have the tools
required to grow and flourish. This includes providing our young people
with access to affordable, high-quality health care and an education
that both informs and inspires. On National Child's Day, we celebrate
the promise living within every child.
Ensuring the health and well-being of our Nation's children is one of
our highest responsibilities. I was proud to sign the reauthorization of
the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), extending health care to
millions of young Americans who were previously uninsured. When given
proper nutrition and medical care, healthy children can become
productive, healthy adults.
My Administration is also committed to giving our children the
educational support necessary for their development and future success.
That is why we announced our Race to the Top award program, which
challenges States to compete for over $4 billion in grants designed to
spur systemic reform and embrace innovative approaches to teaching and
learning in America's schools. If we are willing to come together and
embrace a spirit of common purpose, our schools will perform better and
our students will reach farther.
Across America, countless individuals selflessly provide their time and
energy in our homes, schools, and community organizations to ensure our
sons and daughters may one day realize their dreams. Today, we recommit
ourselves to the vision of our founders to give all our children a fair
chance and an equal start in life.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 22, 2009, as
National Child's Day. I call upon all citizens to observe this day with
appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8458--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8458--NOV. 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8458 of November 20, 2009
Thanksgiving Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

What began as a harvest celebration between European settlers and
indigenous communities nearly four centuries ago has become our
cherished tradition of Thanksgiving. This day's roots are intertwined
with those of our Nation, and its history traces the American narrative.
Today, we recall President George Washington, who proclaimed our first
national day of public thanksgiving to be observed ``by acknowledging
with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God,'' and
President Abraham Lincoln, who established our annual Thanksgiving Day
to help mend a fractured Nation in the midst of civil war. We also
recognize the contributions of Native Americans, who helped the early
colonists survive their first harsh winter and continue to strengthen
our Nation. From our earliest days of independence, and in times of
tragedy and triumph, Americans have come together to celebrate
As Americans, we hail from every part of the world. While we observe
traditions from every culture, Thanksgiving Day is a unique national
tradition we all share. Its spirit binds us together as one people, each
of us thankful for our common blessings.
As we gather once again among loved ones, let us also reach out to our
neighbors and fellow citizens in need of a helping hand. This is a time
for us to renew our bonds with one another, and we can fulfill that
commitment by serving our communities and our Nation throughout the
year. In doing so, we pay tribute to our country's men and women in
uniform who set an example of service that inspires us all. Let us be
guided by the legacy of those who have fought for the freedoms for which
we give thanks, and be worthy heirs to the noble tradition of goodwill
shown on this day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 26,
2009, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage all the people of
the United States to come together, whether in our homes, places of
worship, community centers, or any place where family, friends and
neighbors may gather, with gratitude for all we have received in the
past year; to express appreciation to those whose lives enrich our own;
and to share our bounty with others.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8458--NOV. 20, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8458--NOV. 20, 2009

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Proclamation 8459 of November 25, 2009
World AIDS Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Our Nation joins the world in celebrating the extraordinary advancements
we have made in the battle against HIV and AIDS, and remembering those
we have lost. Over the past three decades, brave men and women have
fought devastating discrimination, stigma, doubt, and violence as they
stood in the face of this deadly disease. Many of them would not be here
today, but for the dedication of other persons living with HIV, their
loved ones and families, community advocates, and members of the medical
profession. On World AIDS Day, we rededicate ourselves to developing a
national AIDS strategy that will establish the priorities necessary to
combat this devastating epidemic at home, and to renewing our leadership
role and commitments abroad.
Though we have been witness to incredible progress, our struggle against
HIV/AIDS is far from over. With an infection occurring every nine-and-a-
half minutes in America, there are more than one million individuals
estimated to be living with the disease in our country. Of those
currently infected, one in five does not know they have the condition,
and the majority of new infections are spread by people who are unaware
of their own status. HIV/AIDS does not discriminate as it infiltrates
neighborhoods and communities. Americans of any gender, age, ethnicity,
income, or sexual orientation can and are contracting the disease.
PROCLAMATION 8459--NOV. 25, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8459--NOV. 25, 2009
Globally, there are over 33 million people living with HIV. While
millions have died from this disease, the death rate is slowly declining
due, in part, to our Nation's global effort through the President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program. However, HIV remains a
leading cause of death worldwide. Women and children around the world
are particularly vulnerable due to gender inequalities, gaps in access
to services, and increases in sexual violence. While the statistics are
distressing, new medications and scientific advancements give us reason
for hope.
Tackling this disease will take an aggressive, steadfast approach. My
Administration is developing a national HIV/AIDS strategy to bolster our
response to the domestic epidemic, and a global health initiative that
will build on PEPFAR's success. We will develop a strategy to reduce HIV
incidence, improve access to care, and help eliminate HIV-related health
disparities. We have already ensured that visitors to our shores living
with HIV are not marginalized and discriminated against because of their
HIV status. We have also secured the continuation of critical HIV/AIDS
care and treatment services. Today, we recommit ourselves to building on
the accomplishments of the past decades that have dramatically changed
the domestic and global HIV/AIDS landscape.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 1, 2009, as
World AIDS Day. I urge the Governors of the States and

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the territories subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and
the American people to join in appropriate activities to remember those
who have lost their lives to AIDS, and to provide support and comfort to
those living with this disease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of
November, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8460--DEC. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8460--DEC. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8460 of December 2, 2009
Critical Infrastructure Protection Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Critical infrastructure protection is an essential element of a
resilient and secure nation. Critical infrastructure are the assets,
systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the
United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a
debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public
health or safety. From water systems to computer networks, power grids
to cellular phone towers, risks to critical infrastructure can result
from a complex combination of threats and hazards, including terrorist
attacks, accidents, and natural disasters. During Critical
Infrastructure Protection Month, we pledge to work together to shelter
our communities from the harm of uncertain threats.
My Administration is committed to ensuring our country's essential
resources are safe and capable of recovering from disruptive incidents.
The Department of Homeland Security is leading a coordinated national
program to reduce risks and improve our national preparedness, timely
response, and rapid recovery in the event of an attack, natural
disaster, or other emergency. The Department, in collaboration with
other Federal stakeholders, State, local, and tribal governments, and
private sector partners, has developed the National Infrastructure
Protection Plan (NIPP) to establish a framework for securing our
resources and maintaining their resilience from all hazards during an
event or emergency.
During Critical Infrastructure Protection Month, we rededicate ourselves
to safeguarding and strengthening our Nation's infrastructure.
Additionally, members of the public and private sectors should work with
their appropriate State, regional, and local authorities to engage in
critical infrastructure protection activities being coordinated across
the country. Americans can learn more about the NIPP and its partnership
framework by visiting: www.dhs.gov/criticalinfrastructure.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 2009 as
Critical Infrastructure Protection Month. I call upon the people of the
United States to recognize the importance of partnering

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to protect our Nation's resources and to observe this month with
appropriate events and training to enhance our national security and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8461--DEC. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8461--DEC. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8461 of December 2, 2009
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Every day, people put themselves and their fellow Americans in danger on
our Nation's roadways when they drive after consuming alcohol or after
using legal and illegal drugs. During this holiday season, we must all
be especially vigilant in protecting our families, friends, and
neighbors from drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Although we have succeeded in decreasing the number of drunk drivers in
recent years, we have seen a disturbing increase in Americans driving
under the influence of drugs.
Operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs poses the same risks as
drunk driving, and we must do more to stop this growing epidemic.
Families, businesses, community organizations, and faith-based groups
can promote substance abuse prevention as well as alternative sources of
transportation for those under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Each
of us can save lives in our own communities by encouraging our fellow
citizens to drive responsibly.
My Administration is working hard to prevent impaired driving. The
Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration is again sponsoring the campaign known as ``Drunk
Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.'' This effort involves thousands
of law enforcement agencies across America. Police will expand their
efforts during the high-risk travel period between December 16, 2009,
and January 3, 2010 to ensure that impaired drivers are stopped and
During National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, we are reminded of
the importance of driving free from the influence of alcohol and drugs,
and we renew our commitment to preventing the senseless loss of life
that too often results from this irresponsible behavior. By working
together, we can make our Nation's roadways safer for all Americans.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 2009 as
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. I urge all

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Americans to make responsible decisions and take appropriate measures to
prevent impaired driving.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8462--DEC. 2, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8462--DEC. 2, 2009
Proclamation 8462 of December 2, 2009
International Day of Persons With Disabilities, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

This year, in an effort to renew our global commitment to human rights
and fundamental freedoms for persons with disabilities, the United
States became a proud signatory of the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This treaty represents a paradigm
shift, urging equal protection and benefits for all citizens, and
reaffirming the inherent dignity and independence of the 650 million
people living with disabilities worldwide. Today, as we commemorate the
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we celebrate the skills,
achievements, and contributions of persons with disabilities in America
and around the world. We recognize the progress we have made toward
equality for all, and we rededicate ourselves to ensuring individuals
with disabilities can reach their greatest potential.
Despite our increased efforts, persons with disabilities continue to
face barriers to their full participation in society. In the United
States, Americans with disabilities still experience discrimination in
the workplace and in their communities. In developing nations, 90
percent of children with disabilities do not attend school, and women
and girls with disabilities are all too often subjected to deep
discrimination. If we are to move forward as a people, both at home and
abroad, all individuals must be fully integrated into our human family.
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a time to renew
our commitment to the principles of empowerment, dignity, and equality.
The United States has co-sponsored and joined consensus on the United
Nations General Assembly Third Committee's resolution titled,
``Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for Persons with
Disabilities.'' We must continue to embrace diversity and reject
discrimination in all its forms, and insist on equality of opportunity
and accessibility for all. Let our efforts remind us that when we work
together, we can build a world free of unnecessary barriers and include
every member of our international community.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 3, 2009, as
International Day of Persons with Disabilities. I call on all Americans
to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8463--DEC. 4, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8463--DEC. 4, 2009
Proclamation 8463 of December 4, 2009
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared December 7, 1941, a ``date
which will live in infamy.'' With over 3,500 Americans killed or
wounded, the surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese on Pearl Harbor
was an attempt to break the American will and destroy our Pacific Fleet.
They succeeded in doing neither. On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Day, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate
sacrifice for our country, and we honor all those who selflessly served
our Nation at home and abroad during World War II.
On a tranquil Sunday morning, as war raged around the globe, the attack
on Pearl Harbor effectively ended American isolation-thrusting our
Nation into action. Japanese airplanes had launched an unprovoked
assault on our military with immense firepower, and our service members
valiantly answered the call. They defended their positions, fought back
against the attackers, and cared for the wounded. In that darkest hour,
men and women who had considered themselves ordinary found within
themselves the ability to do something extraordinary. And in the months
and years that followed, Americans all across the country would respond
to Pearl Harbor with firm resolve, many joining our Armed Forces to
defend our shores and our freedom.
This courage is not uncommon in the story of America-a story of heroes
whose sacrifice and valor speak to their love of comrades and country;
and whose goodness guides our quest for lasting peace. Today, and every
day, we draw strength from the moment when the best among us defended an
island and a Nation from the onslaught of tyranny, and forever altered
the course of our history.
The Congress, by Public Law 103-308, as amended, has designated December
7 of each year as ``National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.''
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim Monday, December 7, 2009, as National Pearl
Harbor Remembrance Day. I encourage all Americans to observe this solemn
day of remembrance with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I urge
all Federal agencies and interested organizations, groups, and
individuals to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff this
December 7 in honor of those American patriots who died as a result of
their service at Pearl Harbor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the

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Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8464--DEC. 9, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8464--DEC. 9, 2009
Proclamation 8464 of December 9, 2009
Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, And Human Rights Week, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

More than 60 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly approved the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declaring the ``inherent
dignity'' and ``equal and inalienable rights'' of all human beings as
the ``foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.'' This
self-evident truth guides us today. Although every country and culture
is unique, certain rights are universal: the freedom of people-including
women and ethnic and religious minorities-to live as they choose, speak
their minds, organize peacefully and have a say in how they are
governed, with confidence in the rule of law. History shows that
countries that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, secure,
and successful.
In the United States, these fundamental rights are the core of our
Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.
They are the values that define us as a people, the ideals that
challenge us to perfect our union, and the liberties that generations of
Americans have fought to preserve at home and abroad. Indeed, fidelity
to our fundamental values is one of America's greatest strengths and the
reason we stand in solidarity with those who seek these rights, wherever
they live.
Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week must be our
call to action. As Americans, we must keep striving to live up to our
founding ideals. As a Nation, the United States will always side with
the innocent whose rights are denied, the oppressed who yearn for
equality, and all those around the world who strive for freedom. As
members of what President Franklin Roosevelt called ``the human
community,'' we will never waver in our pursuit of the rights, dignity,
and security of every human being.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 10, 2009, as
Human Rights Day; December 15, 2009, as Bill of Rights Day; and the week
beginning December 10, 2009, as Human Rights Week. I call upon the
people of the United States to mark these observances with appropriate
ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the

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Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8465--DEC. 15, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8465--DEC. 15, 2009
Proclamation 8465 of December 15, 2009
65th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In December 1944, a brave band of American soldiers, stationed in the
Ardennes Forest region on the Western Front of Europe, who were
surrounded, poorly supplied and surviving in brutally cold conditions,
took the brunt of a furious German assault. Their valor defined not just
the beginning of the end of a World War, but also one of the greatest
generations of Americans. Like patriots before them, they stood
resolute, confident in their training, and determined to preserve those
enduring American ideals of freedom and justice. On the 65th Anniversary
of the Battle of the Bulge, a grateful Nation remembers the fallen who
gave their lives in that critical battle, and we pay tribute to the
heroes whose indomitable strength led to victory in World War II.
When asked about the Battle of the Bulge, British Prime Minister Sir
Winston Churchill remarked, ``This is undoubtedly the greatest American
battle of the war and will, I believe, be regarded as an ever-famous
American victory.'' Confronting not just the advancing German Army, but
the elements, American service members withstood the assault and
eventually repelled the Nazi forces, but at tremendous cost in lives and
wounded soldiers.
On this anniversary, we reflect on the enduring commitment of our Armed
Forces in defending our liberty, as inspiring today as it was in 1944.
The discipline and courage displayed in the Battle of the Bulge
continues in Iraq, Afghanistan, and wherever our men and women in
uniform are serving. They represent the best of our Nation and we are
eternally grateful for their service and sacrifice.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Wednesday, December
16, 2009, as the 65th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. I
encourage all Americans to observe this solemn day of remembrance with
appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8466--DEC. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8466--DEC. 16, 2009

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Proclamation 8466 of December 16, 2009
Wright Brothers Day, 2009
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

For 12 seconds on December 17, 1903, a wooden aircraft took to the skies
above Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, lifting two brothers from Dayton,
Ohio, to their place in history. Their singular triumph triggered a
revolution in transportation that would bridge the vast distances
between continents and forever alter our world. Today, we honor the
enduring American spirit of creativity and innovation that made the
Wright Brothers' maiden flight possible.
Self-taught and financed by the proceeds of their bicycle shop, the
Wright Brothers' success embodies our Nation's proud tradition of
entrepreneurship. In pursuit of the ageless dream of controlled flight,
they persevered through great challenges. Early design failures, a
skeptical public, and the sheer danger of their endeavors often tempted
the brothers to quit, but they forged ahead with firm resolve and bold
experimentation to complete their ascent to greatness.
In these challenging times, the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright
reminds us of what can be accomplished when imagination is joined with
tenacity. Their spirit lives on in every garage and basement workshop
where American innovators still tinker, invent, and discover. The next
Wright Brothers are among us today, working tirelessly toward a
breakthrough that will spark a new industry and improve countless lives.
We must do all we can to support our Nation's entrepreneurs. As we work
toward a bright future powered by cutting-edge ideas and new
technologies, we celebrate this day by looking back to the Wright
Brothers, whose achievements affirm the limitless potential of American
The Congress, by a joint resolution approved December 17, 1963, as
amended (77 Stat. 402; 36 U.S.C. 143), has designated December 17 of
each year as ``Wright Brothers Day'' and has authorized and requested
the President to issue annually a proclamation inviting the people of
the United States to observe that day with appropriate ceremonies and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim December 17, 2009, as Wright Brothers Day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8466--DEC. 16, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8466--DEC. 16, 2009

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Proclamation 8467 of December 23, 2009
To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of
Preferences, and for Other Purposes
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. Sections 501(1) and (4) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the
``1974 Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2461(1) and (4)), provide that, in affording
duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),
the President shall have due regard for, among other factors, the effect
such action will have on furthering the economic development of a
beneficiary developing country and the extent of the beneficiary
developing country's competitiveness with respect to eligible articles.
Section 502(c)(2) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(c)(2)) provides that,
in determining whether to designate any country as a beneficiary
developing country for purposes of the GSP, the President shall take
into account various factors, including the country's level of economic
development, the country's per capita gross national product, the living
standards of its inhabitants, and any other economic factors he deems
appropriate. Section 502(d) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(d))
authorizes the President to withdraw, suspend, or limit the application
of duty-free treatment under the GSP with respect to any country after
considering the factors set forth in sections 501 and 502(c) of the 1974
Act. Section 502(f)(2) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(f)(2)) requires
the President to notify the Congress and the affected country, at least
60 days before termination, of the President's intention to terminate
the affected country's designation as a beneficiary developing country
for purposes of the GSP.
PROCLAMATION 8467--DEC. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8467--DEC. 23, 2009
2. Section 502(e) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(e)) provides that the
President shall terminate the designation of a country as a beneficiary
developing country if the President determines that such country has
become a ``high income'' country as defined by the official statistics
of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Termination is effective on January 1 of the second year following the
year in which such determination is made.
3. Pursuant to section 502(e) of the 1974 Act, I have determined that
Croatia has become a ``high income'' country, and I am terminating the
designation of that country as a beneficiary developing country for
purposes of the GSP, effective January 1, 2011.
4. Pursuant to section 502(e) of the 1974 Act, I have determined that
Equatorial Guinea has become a ``high income'' country, and I am
terminating the designation of that country as a beneficiary developing
country for purposes of the GSP, effective January 1, 2011.
5. Section 502(a)(2) (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(2)) of the 1974 Act provides
that the President may designate any beneficiary developing country as a
least-developed beneficiary developing country for purposes of the GSP,
based on the considerations in sections 501 and 502(c) of the 1974 Act
(19 U.S.C. 2461 and 19 U.S.C. 2462(c)).
6. Pursuant to section 502(d)(1) of the 1974 Act, and having considered
the factors set forth in sections 501 and 502(c) of the 1974 Act, I have

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123 STAT. 3751

determined that Cape Verde should be removed from the list of least-
developed beneficiary countries.
7. In Proclamation 8272 of June 30, 2008, the President determined that
Trinidad and Tobago had become a ``high income'' country, and the
designation of Trinidad and Tobago as a beneficiary developing country
for purposes of the GSP shall be terminated, effective January 1, 2010.
I have determined that technical rectifications should be made to the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) to reflect that
8. Pursuant to sections 501 and 502(a)(1) of the 1974 Act, the President
is authorized to designate countries as beneficiary developing countries
for purposes of the GSP and to provide duty-free treatment for eligible
articles from beneficiary developing counties.
9. In Proclamation 6813 of July 28, 1995, the President suspended the
designation of the Republic of Maldives (Maldives) as a beneficiary
developing country under the GSP.
10. Pursuant to sections 501 and 502(a) of the 1974 Act, and taking into
account the factors set forth in sections 501 and 502(c), I have
determined that it is appropriate to terminate the suspension of
preferential treatment under the GSP for articles that are currently
eligible for such treatment and that are imported from Maldives and to
redesignate Maldives as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of
the GSP.
11. On April 22, 1985, the United States and Israel entered into the
Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the
Government of the United States of America and the Government of Israel
(the ``USIFTA''), which the Congress approved in the United States-
Israel Free Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985 (the ``USIFTA Act'')
(19 U.S.C. 2112 note).
12. Section 4(b) of the USIFTA Act provides that, whenever the President
determines that it is necessary to maintain the general level of
reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Israel
provided for by the USIFTA, the President may proclaim such withdrawal,
suspension, modification, or continuance of any duty, or such
continuance of existing duty-free or excise treatment, or such
additional duties as the President determines to be required or
appropriate to carry out the USIFTA.
13. In order to maintain the general level of reciprocal and mutually
advantageous concessions with respect to agricultural trade with Israel,
on July 27, 2004, the United States entered into an agreement with
Israel concerning certain aspects of trade in agricultural products
during the period January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2008 (the ``2004
14. In Presidential Proclamation 7826 of October 4, 2004, consistent
with the 2004 Agreement, the President determined, pursuant to section
4(b) of the USIFTA Act, that it was necessary in order to maintain the
general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with
respect to Israel provided for by the USIFTA, to provide duty-free
access into the United States through December 31, 2008, for specified
quantities of certain agricultural products of Israel.

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123 STAT. 3752

15. On December 10, 2008, the United States entered into an agreement
with Israel to extend the period that the 2004 Agreement is in force
through December 31, 2009, to allow additional time for the two
governments to conclude an agreement to replace the 2004 Agreement.
16. In Presidential Proclamation 8334 of December 31, 2008, the
President determined that it was necessary in order to maintain the
general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions with
respect to Israel provided for by the USIFTA to extend such duty-free
treatment through December 31, 2009. In Proclamation 8334, the President
modified the HTS to provide duty-free access into the United States
through December 31, 2009, for specified quantities of certain
agricultural products of Israel. In Proclamation 8405 of August 31,
2009, I further modified the HTS to provide the intended tariff
17. On December 6, 2009, the United States entered into a further
agreement with Israel to extend the period that the 2004 Agreement is in
force through December 31, 2010, to allow for further negotiations on an
agreement to replace the 2004 Agreement.
18. Pursuant to section 4(b) of the USIFTA Act, I have determined that
it is necessary, in order to maintain the general level of reciprocal
and mutually advantageous concessions with respect to Israel provided
for by the USIFTA, to provide duty-free access into the United States
through the close of December 31, 2010, for specified quantities of
certain agricultural products of Israel.
19. Presidential Proclamation 6641 of December 15, 1993, implemented the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with respect to the United
States and, pursuant to the North American Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act (the ``NAFTA Implementation Act'') (Public Law 103-
182), incorporated in the HTS the schedule of duty reductions and rules
of origin necessary or appropriate to carry out the NAFTA.
20. Section 202 of the NAFTA Implementation Act (19 U.S.C. 3332)
provides rules for determining whether goods imported into the United
States originate in the territory of a NAFTA party and thus are eligible
for the tariff and other treatment contemplated under the NAFTA.
21. Presidential Proclamation 8405 of August 31, 2009, modified the HTS
to provide for modifications to the rules of origin under the NAFTA. I
have determined that technical corrections to the HTS are necessary to
provide for the intended rules of origin.
22. Presidential Proclamation 7747 of December 30, 2003, implemented the
United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (USSFTA) with respect to
the United States, including certain rules for determining whether a
good is an originating good for the purposes of implementing tariff
treatment under the USSFTA. I have determined that certain rules of
origin under the USSFTA were inadvertently deleted in the HTS and that
technical rectifications to the HTS are necessary to restore the
intended rules of origin.
23. Presidential Proclamation 7746 of December 30, 2003, implemented the
United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (USCFTA) with respect to the
United States, including certain rules for determining whether a good is
an originating good for the purposes of implementing tariff treatment
under the USCFTA. I have determined that technical correc-

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123 STAT. 3753

tions to the HTS are necessary to provide for the intended rules of
24. Presidential Proclamations 7987 of February 28, 2006; 7991 of March
24, 2006; 7996 of March 31, 2006; 8034 of June 30, 2006; 8111 of
February 28, 2007; and 8331 of December 23, 2008, implemented the
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA-DR) with respect to the United States, including certain rules
for determining whether a good is an originating good for the purposes
of implementing tariff treatment under the CAFTA-DR. Section
203(f)(3)(A)(ii) of the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States
Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the ``CAFTA-DR Act'') (19
U.S.C. 4033) provides rules of origin for certain yarns described in
section 204(b)(3)(B)(vi)(IV) of the Andean Trade Preference Act (19
U.S.C. 3203(b)(3)(B)(vi)(IV)) (as in effect on the date of enactment of
the CAFTA-DR Act).
25. Presidential Proclamations 8097 of December 29, 2006, and 8240 of
April 17, 2008, modified the HTS pursuant to section 1206(a) of the
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (19 U.S.C. 3006(a)) to
conform it to amendments in the International Convention on the
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the ``Convention'').
They contained certain modifications that affected the rules of origin
under the Andean Trade Preference Act. Modifications to the HTS are
necessary to conform the rules of origin for certain yarns described in
section 204(b)(3)(B)(vi)(IV) of the Andean Trade Preference Act to the
Convention. I have determined that additional conforming changes to the
HTS are necessary to provide for the intended rules of origin under the
26. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483) authorizes the
President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions
of that Act, and of other Acts affecting import treatment, and actions
thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or
imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
title V and section 604 of the 1974 Act and section 4 of the USIFTA Act,
do proclaim that:
(1) The designation of Croatia as a beneficiary developing country for
purposes of the GSP is terminated, effective on January 1, 2011.
(2) In order to reflect this termination in the HTS, general note 4(a)
of the HTS is modified by deleting ``Croatia'' from the list of
independent countries, effective with respect to articles entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2011.
(3) The designation of Equatorial Guinea as a beneficiary developing
country for purposes of the GSP is terminated, effective on January 1,
(4) In order to reflect this termination in the HTS, general note 4(a)
of the HTS is modified by deleting ``Equatorial Guinea'' from the list
of independent countries, effective with respect to articles entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2011.
General note 4(b)(i) of the HTS is modified by deleting ``Equatorial
Guinea'' from the list of least-developed beneficiary developing

[[Page 3754]]
123 STAT. 3754

countries, effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from
warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2011.
(5) In order to reflect in the HTS the termination of the designation of
Cape Verde as a least-developed beneficiary developing country for
purposes of the GSP, general note 4(b)(i) of the HTS is modified by
deleting ``Cape Verde'' from the list of least-developed beneficiary
developing countries, effective with respect to articles entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2010.
(6) In order to reflect in the HTS the termination of the designation of
Trinidad and Tobago as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of
the GSP, general note 4(d) and general note 4(a) to the HTS, and the
Rate of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for HTS subheading 7411.21.50, are
modified as set forth in Annex I to this proclamation.
(7) In order to reflect in the HTS the redesignation of Maldives as a
beneficiary developing country under the GSP, general note 4(a) is
modified by adding in alphabetical order ``Maldives'' to the list of
``Independent Countries'' and by adding in alphabetical order
``Maldives'' to the list of ``Member Countries of the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).''
(8) In order to make technical corrections and rectifications necessary
to provide the intended rules of origin under the NAFTA, the USSFTA, and
the USCFTA, the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex II to this
(9) In order to reflect modifications to the HTS made to conform the
rules of origin for certain yarns described in section
204(b)(3)(B)(vi)(IV) of the Andean Trade Preference Act to the
Convention, general note 29 of the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex
II to this proclamation.
(10) The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annexes I and II to this
proclamation shall be effective with respect to articles entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the dates set
forth in the respective annex.
(11) In order to implement U.S. tariff commitments under the 2004
Agreement through December 31, 2010, the HTS is modified as provided in
Annex III to this proclamation.
(12)(a) The modifications to the HTS made by Annex III to this
proclamation shall be effective with respect to goods that are the
product of Israel and are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for
consumption, on or after January 1, 2010.
(b) The provisions of subchapter VIII of chapter 99 of the HTS, as
modified by Annex III to this proclamation, shall continue in effect
through December 31, 2010.
(13) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that
are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are
superseded to the extent of such inconsistency.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-

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PROCLAMATION 8467--DEC. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8467--DEC. 23, 2009

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Proclamation 8468 of December 23, 2009
To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

1. Section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the ``1974
Act'') (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(1)), as added by section 111(a) of the
African Growth and Opportunity Act (title I of Public Law 106-200)
(AGOA), authorizes the President to designate a country listed in
section 107 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. 3706) as a ``beneficiary sub-Saharan
African country'' if the President determines that the country meets the
eligibility requirements set forth in section 104 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C.
3703), as well as the eligibility criteria set forth in section 502 of
the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462).
PROCLAMATION 8468--DEC. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8468--DEC. 23, 2009
2. Section 104 of the AGOA authorizes the President to designate a
country listed in section 107 of the AGOA as an ``eligible sub-Saharan
African country'' if the President determines that the country meets
certain eligibility requirements.
3. Section 112(c) of the AGOA, as added in section 6002 of the Africa
Investment Incentive Act of 2006 (Division D, title VI of Public Law
109-432) (19 U.S.C. 3721(c)), provides special rules for certain apparel
articles imported from ``lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan
African countries.''
4. In Proclamation 7350 of October 2, 2000, President Clinton designated
the Republic of Guinea (Guinea), the Republic of Madagascar
(Madagascar), and the Republic of Niger (Niger) as beneficiary sub-
Saharan African countries pursuant to section 506A(a) of the 1974 Act
and provided that they would be considered lesser developed beneficiary
sub-Saharan African countries for purposes of section 112(b)(3)(B)
(subsequently redesignated as section 112(c)) of the AGOA.
5. Section 506A(a)(3) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(3)) authorizes
the President to terminate the designation of a country as a beneficiary
sub-Saharan African country for purposes of section 506A if he
determines that the country is not making continual progress in meeting
the requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974 Act.
6. Pursuant to section 104 of the AGOA and section 506A(a)(1) of the
1974 Act, I have determined that the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
(Mauritania) meets the eligibility requirements set forth or referenced
therein, and I have decided to designate Mauritania as an eligible sub-
Saharan African country and as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African
7. Mauritania satisfies the criterion for treatment as a ``lesser
developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country'' under section 112(c)
of the AGOA.
8. Pursuant to section 506A(a)(3) of the 1974 Act, I have determined
that Guinea, Madagascar, and Niger are not making continual progress in
meeting the requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974
Act. Accordingly, I have decided to terminate the designations of

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123 STAT. 3759

Guinea, Madagascar, and Niger as beneficiary sub-Saharan African
countries for purposes of section 506A of the 1974 Act, effective on
January 1, 2010.
9. Section 604 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2483), as amended, authorizes
the President to embody in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United
States (HTS) the substance of relevant provisions of that Act, or other
acts affecting import treatment, and actions taken thereunder.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to
section 104 of the AGOA (19 U.S.C. 3703), and title V and section 604 of
the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461-67, 2483), do proclaim that:
(1) Mauritania is designated as an eligible sub-Saharan African country
and as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country.
(2) In order to reflect this designation in the HTS, general note 16(a)
to the HTS is modified by inserting in alphabetical sequence in the list
of beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries ``Islamic Republic of
(3) For purposes of section 112(c) of the AGOA, Mauritania is a lesser
developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country.
(4) The designations of Guinea, Madagascar, and Niger as beneficiary
sub-Saharan African countries for purposes of section 506A of the 1974
Act are terminated, effective on January 1, 2010.
(5) In order to reflect in the HTS that beginning on January 1, 2010,
Guinea, Madagascar, and Niger shall no longer be designated as
beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, general note 16(a) to the HTS
is modified by deleting ``Republic of Guinea,'' ``Republic of
Madagascar,'' and ``Republic of Niger'' from the list of beneficiary
sub-Saharan African countries.
Further, note 2(d) to subchapter XIX of chapter 98 of the HTS is
modified by deleting ``Republic of Guinea,'' ``Republic of Madagascar,''
and ``Republic of Niger'' from the list of lesser developed beneficiary
sub-Saharan African countries.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of
December, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-
PROCLAMATION 8468--DEC. 23, 2009
PROCLAMATION 8468--DEC. 23, 2009