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Apartments & Condos

Do owners have a say in special assessments?

Do owners have a say in special assessments?

Q: I live in a condominium building. The management company posted a notice stating that the board would be voting on a special...

No-pets clause could come back to bite tenant

No-pets clause could come back to bite tenant

Q: My lease has a no-pets clause, but my landlord let me keep a dog I adopted from a shelter. He signed the form the shelter gives...

Election results are not privileged information

Election results are not privileged information

The outpouring of support, respect and admiration for Mark Pearlstein has been overwhelming. Mark's passing is a great loss to Levenfeld...

Condo living: The untold story

Matthew Gordon Lasner is the official biographer of the condominium. (Well, as official as these things get, anyway.)

Resolve to shorten board meetings, sharpen the focus

Resolve to shorten board meetings, sharpen the focus

A New Year's resolution for board members: I resolve to spend less time in meetings for my community association.

The Residences at the Grove builds sense of community

The Residences at the Grove builds sense of community

Getting to know the neighbors and making friends in a big apartment building can be tricky and often involves meeting at the elevator or...

Is landlord liable for tenant-repairman's injury?

Is landlord liable for tenant-repairman's injury?

Q: When I rented the house we live in from the landlord, I agreed to do certain repairs if needed. Recently, a windstorm broke a window, and...

Small rental buildings up 10% in value from a year ago

Small rental buildings up 10% in value from a year ago 

Many segments of the local housing market continue to bounce along the bottom or suffer small declines, but purchase demand for small rental...

Resident desperate for relief from elevator noise

Resident desperate for relief from elevator noise

Q: We live in a large condominium complex, and our unit happens to be close enough to the lobby that we hear the elevator constantly. The...

Looking ahead to 2013 community association agendas

New year's condo agenda

Owners who don't pick up after their dogs might be the least of the condo board's challenges.

Board has authority to challenge property taxes

Board has authority to challenge property taxes

Q: We are a condominium association of 14 units. Initially, with the consent of the association, we appealed our property taxes four years...

No reason to release board's phone numbers

No reason to release board's phone numbers

Q: I am on the board of directors of a 55-unit town home association. We have one prior board member who insists on having a copy of all the...

Is recording tenant meeting a sound plan?

Is recording tenant meeting a sound plan?

Q: One of my tenants wants to meet with me to go over some issues we're having with him. He has complained that we are...

Hot streak in downtown rental market continues

Hot streak in downtown rental market continues

If you're one of the growing number of apartment renters in downtown Chicago, take a minute to look down at your feet. Chances are, if you'...

Funding a big capital improvement project

Funding a big capital improvement project

Let's say your 120-unit community association next year is facing a huge capital expenditure that includes new roofs and siding. The bill is...

Satellite dishes interfere with status quo

Satellite dishes interfere with status quo

Q: I live in a gated community of single-family homes that is organized as a condominium association. We have two neighbors who I think...

When making a complaint, pen is mightier than the voice

When making a complaint, pen is mightier than the voice

Anyone running a community association or serving on a board can expect to receive plenty of complaints. Many are reasonable, and some are...

Unit owner puffs away as condo board fumes

Q: I own and occupy an office condominium in a professional building. One of the unit owners smokes in his unit. The smoke comes into the...

Startup aims to revolutionize rental process

Startup aims to revolutionize rental process

Like many Chicagoans, Ryan Coon is sick of not being able to pay his rent online.

Tenants' new apartment reeks of cigarette smoke

Tenants' new apartment reeks of cigarette smoke

The landlord refuses to clean up, and the apartment makes the tenants sick.

Is unit owner liable for outage's damage to unit?

Is unit owner liable for outage's damage to unit?

Q: Our condominium unit experienced a massive electrical outage when the outlet above our dishwasher shorted out. The main breaker in the...

Landlord keeps deposit without making repairs

Landlord keeps deposit without making repairs

Q: Is it against the law if a landlord keeps a renter's security deposit and then never fixes the "damage" the landlord claimed...

Lease restrictions limit condo owner's options

Lease restrictions limit condo owner's options

Q: I purchased a condominium in Chicago three years ago that I thought was at the bottom of the market. Although single at the time, I am...

Getting full value from a reserve study

Getting full value from a reserve study

Most community associations by now have gotten the message they need a reserve study. What they aren't so sure of is what to do after they...


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