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El-Nino / La Nina Meter at plus 0.1 signifying a sea surface temperature anomoly of plus 0.1 degrees C. - Click for Outlook
Updated Jan 4, 2013

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Weather Outlook for Sunday

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 07:41:00 EST
The main focus for this period is the strong cold front making its way through the eastern portion of the country. This system extends from the upper Great Lakes southward into the lower Mississippi River Valley and will continue to track eastward off the Mid-Atlantic coastline by Monday morning. The southern portion of this front however, will move much slower and eventually stall across the southeast. On Sunday, a band of moderate to heavy rain, with some thunderstorms, is expected anywhere from the lower Mississippi River Valley northward into the upper Great Lakes. Temperature wise, the East Coast has one more day to enjoy the early spring like conditions as temperatures should remain well above normal for this time of the year. Latest local weather forecasts, warnings, watches, and advisories...

Hydrometeorological Prediction Center Short Range Forecast Discussion

learn more about drought Drought monitor map

Half the Country Still in Moderate Drought Conditions

Thu, 01 Nov 2012 12:37:43 EDT
The remnant of Hurricane Sandy erased all moderate drought and abnormally dry conditions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, with the exception of areas of central Virginia and upstate New York. Statistics released with the U.S. Drought Monitor map showed that 50.35 percent of the country was in moderate drought or worse, down slightly from 51.71 percent the week before. The map showed 32.01 percent in severe drought or worse, down from 32.32 percent a week earlier 15.92 percent in extreme drought or worse, down from 16.32 percent the week before and 4.91 percent in exceptional drought, an increase from 4.88 the preceding week. As of Oct. 30, 4.97 percent of the Northeast was categorized as abnormally dry, and there was no drought in the area. Details...

Earthquake Information from the U.S. Geological Survey
Learn more about earthquakes from NOAAWatch U.S. Geological Service

M 3.4, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii

Sun, 13 Jan 2013 14:28:57 GMT
January 13, 2013 14:28:57 GMT Details...

Latest Earthquakes - Last 7 Days

NOAA NewsNews from NOAA
2012 was warmest and second most extreme year on record for the contiguous U.S.
Tue, 08 Jan 2013 13:08:00 -0500
2012 was a historic year for extreme weather that included drought, wildfires, hurricanes and storms; however, tornado activity was below average, according to an analysis released today by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. The average temperature for 2012 was 55.3°F, 3.2°F above the 20th century average, and 1.0°F above 1998, the previous warmest year. Details...

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