Pitfalls of an Aging China

Rising social costs, shrinking labor pools, nonperforming loans, a distorted economy and more—an in-depth look at the huge challenge facing...

Italy's Election and Europe's Fate

If the wrong parties win in February, default could spread across the continent.

Japanese nuclear workers.

Japan's Nuclear Muddle

The recent elections didn't address the island nation's energy crisis.

Chuck Hagel and China

How would the former senator approach Beijing?

The Law of the Sea, a Litigator's Dream

There is no reason to tie freedom of navigation to financial redistribution, environmental protection or the empowerment of judicial politicians...

The End of America's Grand Economic Bargain

The political economy of the United States enters a self-destructive phase.

Together with the other young Yemenis that swelled Al Qaeda’s ranks, al-Wuhayshi and his countrymen would form the nucleus of a new Al Qaeda a decade later.

Regional Headlines

Maliki's Private Army

Iraq's special forces are being turned into a sectarian force while the political situation deteriorates.

Nation Building Fails in the Balkans

Despite decades of Western intervention, the former Yugoslavia seems to stay the same.

China and the Awkward Embrace

Beijing is neither enemy nor friend. It is both an economic partner and a security rival.

Follow The National Interest

January 13, 2013