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Sustaining the Transformation in U.S.-Indian Relations

Ashley J. Tellis writes that India and the United States must build a genuine strategic partnership to maintain a favorable balance of power in Asia.


What Fiscal Deal Means for the World

Uri Dadush says the U.S. fiscal deal is a step in the right direction. But Washington still needs to address the biggest cause of the chronic fiscal crisis—exploding healthcare costs.

Dadush and Naím | Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

The Iranian Nuclear Threat

Karim Sadjadpour and George Perkovich write that the potential ramifications of a military attack on Iran are so dire that President Obama must give engagement another chance.


Hibbs and Heinonen | IAEA’s Integral Role

Can Egypt’s Democratic Uprising Be Redeemed?

Nathan J. Brown writes that Egypt has a new constitution, but its once-promising democratic system remains in crisis. To salvage the transition, Egypt’s political actors must change their ways.


The End of the EU-Russia Relationship As You Know It

Dmitri Trenin says EU-Russia relations are changing fundamentally. By dissociating from the West, Putin may aim to reposition Russia to hold inescapable global influence.


The Carbon Contained in Global Oils

Deborah Gordon writes that given the varied carbon footprints of the world’s new oils, a balance must be struck between exploiting these resources and protecting the climate.


Obama’s Ten Challenges and Opportunities

Carnegie experts analyze the most pressing challenges and most promising opportunities awaiting President Obama in his second term.


Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad

Rachel Kleinfeld's book Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad has been named by Foreign Affairs as one of the three best books of 2012 on international politics and law.


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Dmitri Trenin / Moscow Center

Video q&a, December 27, 2012

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The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is the 2012 North American Think Tank of the Year for its important and influential work. Prospect Magazine
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The Carnegie Middle East Center is the top think tank in the Middle East and North Africa. University of Pennsylvania 2011 Global Think Tank Rankings

From Carnegie's Global Network

Can the National Coalition Lead Syria?

Yezid Sayigh
Monday, December 24, 2012

The Syrian opposition must recognize its need for an effective political strategy capable of splitting the regime from within, bringing the Syrian crisis to a definitive resolution, and building a stable post-Assad Syria.

The World in 2013—Admiral Mike Mullen and Jessica Mathews

Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Mike Mullen
Monday, December 17, 2012

Join us for an in-depth conversation between Admiral Mike Mullen and Carnegie’s Jessica T. Mathews as they discuss the foreign policy landscape confronting the president in 2013.

A Transformed Turkey: What is the Role for Ankara as a Regional Power?

Sinan Ülgen
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Over the course of a decade, Turkey has transformed itself from a status quo-oriented, peripheral member of NATO to an emerging power with an ambition to shape regional power dynamics.

The End of the EU-Russia Relationship As You Know It

Dmitri Trenin
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Relations between the EU and Russia are changing. By dissociating Russia from the West, Putin may aim to position Moscow to hold inescapable influence going forward.

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