House Democrats

House Democrats


Official Site of the House Democratic Caucus of the United States Congress

Washington, D.C. ·

  1. ., Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, will nominate to serve as Speaker of the House for the 113th Congress.

  2. House Dems are committed to finding a balanced solution to the fiscal cliff. We urge our GOP colleagues to return to reality and compromise.

  3. The fiscal cliff fiasco is a microcosm of failed GOP leadership in the House. Obstruction over courage and action.

  4. : It provides an average tax cut of $50,000 for those making over $1 million – only 3 out of 1,000 American households.

  5. GOP Plan B raises taxes on working families, gives millionaires $50k tax cut, does too little about the deficit.

  6. The President’s plan fulfills his promise to the American people. Bold and balanced. 1:1 revenues to spending cuts. Time to act Mr. Speaker

  7. Horrified by the news coming out of Newtown. Praying for the safety of the innocents involved.

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