Jan 14, 2013 11:52am

U.S. Constitution to Be Read Aloud in House Tuesday

gty us constitution nt 130114 wblog U.S. Constitution to Be Read Aloud in House Tuesday

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For the second time ever, the U.S. Constitution will be read aloud in the House chamber Tuesday morning.

The House Rules Package, H. Res. 5, which passed in the House Jan. 3, included a provision to permit the 10:00 a.m. reading Tuesday morning at the recommendation of the new House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

“One of the resounding themes I have heard from my constituents is that Congress should adhere to the Constitution and the finite list of powers it grants to the federal government. Our constitutional principles remain timeless and it is fitting that we start the 113th Congress by reading the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House of Representatives,” Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in a statement Monday.

“The Constitution is the written consent the American people gave to their government to protect individual liberty and maintain limited government. This reading of the Constitution demonstrates that House Republicans are committed to our Constitution and the enduring principles for which it stands.”

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor also touted the occasion, quoting the key author of the document, James Madison: “It is essential to liberty that the government in general should have a common interest with the people.”

“This is the people’s House and as Members of Congress we must never lose sight that we are committed to protecting the fundamental rights of the people we represent,” Cantor, R-Va., said. “Congress must live within its means, limit the growth of government and maximize individual liberty. Guided by these principles, I am confident the House will chart a course for the future that ensures liberty and prosperity for all Americans.”

Two years ago, when House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican majority rolled into control of the lower chamber, the Constitution was read aloud for the first time ever in the House chamber. On that occasion, which was also organized by Goodlatte, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle lined up on a first-come, first-serve basis to read the esteemed document.

Boehner began the reading by reciting the preamble, “We the People … ” before Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi picked up on Article I, section 1, deeming that “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.’”

But even that rare moment of bipartisanship was not without controversy. Moments earlier, as lawmakers prepared to begin, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., questioned whether original sections of the document that were later amended – largely pertaining to slavery – would be omitted from the reading.

“This is very emotional for me. This is very emotional, I know, for a number of Members, given the struggle … of African Americans, given the struggle of women, given the struggles of others to create a more perfect document, while not perfect, a more perfect document, to hear that those elements of the Constitution that have been redacted by amendment are no less serious, no less part of our ongoing struggle to improve the country and to make the country better, and our sense in our struggle,” Jackson, who resigned his seat in the 113th Congress shortly after winning re-election, said two years ago.

“When we were informed, for example, that the three-fifths clause would not be mentioned and that other elements of the Constitution which justify why some of us fight for programs in the Congress will not be written in the redacted version, it is of consequence to whom we are.”

This time, the text read on the floor will once again reflect changes made by the 27 amendments to it. Portions superseded by amendments will not be included.


User Comments

Well I am certainly happy they have finally decided to focus like a laser on those issues that will improve our country’s economic outlook.

Posted by: 40acres | January 14, 2013, 12:18 pm 12:18 pm

Great! But will members actually be sitting in their seats listening, or will the room be empty and the text be added to the minutes, like all other floor debate. We need real leadership. Our ship is sinking and no one is trying to right the boat!

Posted by: Dianne | January 14, 2013, 12:30 pm 12:30 pm

Let’s see if they skip over the language about slaves and native Americans. And during the time that it takes to read that venerable document, what substantive legislation could have been negotiated in that time. Just saying, we all know, or should know what the document states. It is time for Congress to do something. They are going to waste more time reading a document, instead of doing something constructive.

Posted by: mike electrician | January 14, 2013, 12:34 pm 12:34 pm

LOL….I knew that this piece of ‘theatrical crap’ had to come from a Republican….and sure enough…I was right. This is the 21st century folks. And what do you want to bet me that however number of Representatives who sit through this ‘theatrics’….that there won’t be the SAME NUMBER OF PERSONAL INTERPRETATIONS. of what that document represents….in direct and indirect relationship…. to today’s world? When is the GOP going to ‘grow up’…and quit pandering to the element of this country…that ‘can’t get past’….THE PAST? BECAUSE THAT ‘ELEMENT’…IS CURRENTLY DESTROYING THEM.

Posted by: CND FOX | January 14, 2013, 12:56 pm 12:56 pm

Congressmen can read?

Posted by: Tyrone | January 14, 2013, 12:58 pm 12:58 pm

So tell me CMD FOX – it sounds like you think the constituion is outdated – so then why not ammend it?

Posted by: jamescbuilder | January 14, 2013, 1:12 pm 1:12 pm

Toads on parade . Conservatives , elected and otherwise need to be rounded up and shipped out , anywhere but here . They are consistently useless , other than parading around with their faux lowbrow patriotism on display . It’s worth noting that this kind of c-span pandering to the dolt masses b/s was only started recently ( by hard-liner conservatives ) . Pure scum .

Posted by: davem | January 14, 2013, 1:16 pm 1:16 pm

Go read it to Harry Reid and to Obama since they seem to prefer to wipe their butts wth it.

Posted by: No Mas Obama | January 14, 2013, 1:21 pm 1:21 pm

I wonder what this would accomplish….. oh yeah Superstorm Sandy. Relief for their victims was SUPPOSED to be first. …. oh yeah if the Republicans don’t like a bill stall till you can get something you do want. How many YEARS has that worked now? …..

Posted by: D Mayeda | January 14, 2013, 1:23 pm 1:23 pm

Quit wasting posturing for the public and DO SOMETHING USEFUL AND PRAGMATIC ! Idiots , along with the mega-idiots who voted for them . ( * shakes head * ) , The day the conservatives are reduced to a minority who cannot obstruct and foot drag the rest of the nation will be the day the USA starts it’s true “recovery ” . They and their most staunch advocates ( like the NRA ) are like a nagging disease that is slowly eating away at the heart of this nation . The sooner they are gone , the sooner real noticeable ” health ” will return .

Posted by: davem | January 14, 2013, 1:27 pm 1:27 pm

if i commit a crime today can i get amnesty tomorrow?

Posted by: justme | January 14, 2013, 1:30 pm 1:30 pm

All show , no substance . Where’s the beef ? GET BUSY YOU LOSERS AND QUIT PANDERING TO MORONS !

Posted by: davem | January 14, 2013, 1:30 pm 1:30 pm

And when they’re done reading it, they’ll go on vacation for another two weeks.

Posted by: howdymo1 | January 14, 2013, 1:33 pm 1:33 pm

They skipped some parts that Republicans don’t like last time. Theywillprobably do that again this time.

Posted by: Greggw | January 14, 2013, 1:33 pm 1:33 pm

Yeah, the GOP pulled this stunt before and , as you recall, walked out and held a press conference during the reading.

Posted by: Fizz | January 14, 2013, 1:37 pm 1:37 pm

“This reading of the Constitution demonstrates that House Republicans are committed to our Constitution and the enduring principles for which it stands.” — What a load. No one on the Hill has a commitment to anything but their own greed.

Posted by: My_New_Name | January 14, 2013, 1:39 pm 1:39 pm

Will each member be wrapped in a flag at the same time? What an empty gesture. GOP posturing to convince everyone they are the “true” Americans.

Posted by: Jim | January 14, 2013, 1:41 pm 1:41 pm

I wonder if they will find anything in there about upholding pledges to special interest groups being more important than their oath to the Constitution and the American People? After all, that is what they have been doing for the past several years – and Grover Norquist etal are so happy with the results!

Posted by: pksk531 | January 14, 2013, 1:58 pm 1:58 pm

my classmate’s ex-wife makes $60/hour on the internet. She has been out of work for 9 months but last month her income was $16428 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more here =============bit90.com=============

Posted by: laurasarah153 | January 14, 2013, 2:00 pm 2:00 pm

Few things are what they were centuries ago. The constitution has many good parts but is also somewhat of a relic. Those who hold on to its every word and punctuation mark so tightly as to make their hands and heads lose all blood supply and ability to think need to reflect on that, as much as on their sacred document. Even most religions have evolved over time. Is it time?

Posted by: ArghONaught | January 14, 2013, 2:03 pm 2:03 pm

“This reading of the Constitution demonstrates that House Republicans are committed to our Constitution…” No it doesn’t. The reading demonstrates that the House will waste it’s time reading the Constitution in order to score points with anyone ignorant enough to think that having it read to you will explain the intricacies of the Constitution. For example, the Constitution says the President ALONE has the responsibility for dealing with foreign dignitaries. That won’t stop the GOP Congressmen from getting involved.

Posted by: The_Mick | January 14, 2013, 2:05 pm 2:05 pm

What a joke…all for show only…all to, once again, fool the American public…no representative will give up their campaign contributions or gifts from special interest groups…so until that is done, our death spiral continues and this reading will change NOTHING…

Posted by: RalphF3200 | January 14, 2013, 2:15 pm 2:15 pm

Why are the Republicans doing this?

To gin up support for the days ahead should their lack of action push the global economy into another serious downturn. They want Americans to believe their actions are supported by the Founding Fathers – patriotic, not destructive.

The Tea Party zealots are out of control by the GOP. Their blind and irresponsible purpose is to drown government in a bathtub. They are convicted that the ONLY way to fix the economy is to destroy government services and could care less if it causes an international financial downturn that will impact our economy for YEARS. Absolute lunacy.

Posted by: Luddite | January 14, 2013, 2:15 pm 2:15 pm

We pay these idiots $174,000 dollars a year for this? This is a stunt by people who obviously think they have nothing better to do. I want them to start respecting the people they represent and get to the work they are paid to do! Pandering and gesturing is not what the taxpayers are working their collective behinds off to pay for! Go to work! They are like children!

Posted by: Greg | January 14, 2013, 2:18 pm 2:18 pm

see the movie lincoln. republicans mad everyone equal.you would think the democrats ended slavery. boy how they reinvented history and the media buys it.

Posted by: catman | January 14, 2013, 2:24 pm 2:24 pm

All show , no substance . Where’s the beef ? GET BUSY YOU LOSERS AND QUIT PANDERING TO MORONS !
Posted by: davem | January 14, 2013, 1:30 pm 1:30 pm

I see you watched Obama’s press conference today. Exactly what I thought about it also.

Posted by: wheresmymoney | January 14, 2013, 2:31 pm 2:31 pm

Some one needs to read it to the Senate and the President!

The President thinks guns are bad and do not save people, but then he turns right around and gives himself secret service for the rest of his life. Guess their not going to carry guns.

Posted by: Freedom | January 14, 2013, 2:32 pm 2:32 pm

The question is – will they listen, understand and follow? Do they understand phrases like “shall not be infringed upon”?

Posted by: wryview | January 14, 2013, 2:38 pm 2:38 pm

CATMAN: “see the movie lincoln. republicans mad everyone equal.you would think the democrats ended slavery. boy how they reinvented history and the media buys it.” – - – Oh please, you understand nothing about the history of political science. According to the policy standards of Today’s Republicans the Republicans of the 1860s and 1870s look NOTHING like today’s GOP. They were RINOs – period. Ditto for the Democrats of that time who were DINOs by today’s standards. I imagine any decent college level intro to Political Science textbook does a side by side comparison of the big picture policy positions between the parties of the 19th Century with the parties we have today. The Dems of the 19th Century look like today’s GOP and the Repubs of the 19th Century look more like the Dems of today. In other words, in the last 150 years both parties have evolved to the point where they bear little resemblence to what they used to look like. That is just a basic historical fact.

Posted by: B-K KnightRider | January 14, 2013, 2:39 pm 2:39 pm

FREEDOM: “The President thinks guns are bad and do not save people, but then he turns right around and gives himself secret service for the rest of his life. Guess their not going to carry guns.” – - – Oh please, stop with the dishonest whining like toddlers throwing a tantrum over this. For decades it has been SOP for former Presidents’ to have a Secret Service detail after they leave office. There is NOTHING new here.

Posted by: B-K KnightRider | January 14, 2013, 2:42 pm 2:42 pm

“The President thinks guns are bad and do not save people…” – actually they have helped ‘kill’ ONE AND A QUARTER MILLION over the past 50 years – ..”but then turns right around and gives himself secret service foir the rest of his life”…. – JUST like any President would. I don’t think that I have ever heard such a ‘ridiculous, lame’ argument against common sense gun laws…in my life. And what ‘uneducated, ignorant element of society’…is it supposed to ‘fire up’? We have to get real….people!

Posted by: CND FOX | January 14, 2013, 2:43 pm 2:43 pm

You people are MAD! “Theatrics?” “Element of society?” “Pandering?” This is THE CONSTITUTION of the United States of America! It is the one and only document you should not ignore! Oh, ……. My, oh my! What have we become?

Posted by: CarsonCitySteve | January 14, 2013, 2:52 pm 2:52 pm

I hope they made an audio recording of it because if the schools do not teach childred to read and wright cursive, in a couple of generations, nobody will be able to read it.

Posted by: AndyT | January 14, 2013, 3:00 pm 3:00 pm

.you would think the democrats ended slavery—– ??? This is just about the most entertaining piece of self denial I have ever seen republicans feed themselves. It’s absolutely hysterical. It’s up there with Hitler thinking he was a kind person because he was good to his dog. Nobody, nobody, is so delusional as to imagine that the populations of the north and south all switched places. Political parties are simply names…just titles. The south, the ‘democrats’ not only were willing to go to war, they sacraficed their sons, their own blood, to keep slavery alive and if you read the speeches of EVERY senator from the south, particularly from south Carolina it is SPEELD OUT that the confederacy was about slavery. period. Over and out, I dont care what revisionist history anyone tried to pander, the vice President of the confederacy gave the “Cornerstone SPeech” saying that slavery would be THE cornerstone, the base, the FOUNDATION of the confederacy. Fact. Your people, your ancestors perhaps, were on the side equivalent with the SS in Germany. Germans have dealt with, owned, the evil of their ancestors FAR better than southerners have owned thiers. Everyone is always trying to make excuses for you people, to have you ‘not feel bad’ be politically correct. THat’s just all wrong. You need to suck it up, bite the bullet, deal. Suck it in, my relatives fought for an evil cause, accept it, and MOVE ON!!!!! You people are STUCK in the civil war because you can’t just own up to your own demons.

Posted by: live with it | January 14, 2013, 3:03 pm 3:03 pm

Nowhere in the reading of the Constitution will it say that the Founders wanted everyone armed so they could overthrow the government if it became too tyrannical.

If the Founders would have wanted that they’d have said so explicitly and said who would decide if the government was too tyrannical.

If the NRA and these gun advocates are so sure of themselves, why didn’t they defend Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma bombing? By their reasoning he was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights.

Posted by: tmferretti | January 14, 2013, 3:04 pm 3:04 pm

“What have we become”…CARSONCITYSTEVE? Well on the side of those who claim this is a ‘violation’ of the Constitution or the 2nd amendment – I would say a bunch of shallow, uneducated populists who are given to ‘emotion’…not ‘intellectualism’ or ‘reality’. Just because they are ‘ideologically blind’ to their own ‘subjective interpretations’….doesn’t make them right. That is for the ‘totality’ of society….to decide.

Posted by: CND FOX | January 14, 2013, 3:05 pm 3:05 pm

The President thinks guns are bad —-guns are fine in the hands of police and military personnel. Period. Guns have been a disaster, a social experiment that has proven to be absolutely a disaster, in the hands of common citizens. That experiment failed MISERABLY. Every year it just gets worse. Time to shut that amendment down, just like we turned around the protection of slavery in the constitution. I think we need to repeal the 2nd amendment for the populace in general. Every gun a criminal has was once bought legally. fact. Guns belong to police and military. period. no exceptions. when the constitution passed the founders imagined the populace with ONE musket!!!!!! how the 2nd amendment has been perversed by the wacko violent mental cases who dont own a pair and can’t imagine life without their metal manhood is just pathetic and obscene. the very weirdos that want guns are the absolute last people who should have them…….obviously.

Posted by: live with it | January 14, 2013, 3:08 pm 3:08 pm

like any of them care about the constitution unless it gives them some reason to argue against what the other side is doing. i’d bet that upwards of 90% of them have never read the thing in their lifetime and half of them probably don’t know there’s a difference between the constitution and the declaration of independence. it would not surprise me if we currently have the most uninformed congress ever in terms of american history.

Posted by: quid est veritas | January 14, 2013, 3:10 pm 3:10 pm

will it say that the Founders wanted everyone armed so they could overthrow the government if it became too tyrannical.—- colonists won the revolutionary war with cannons from france, and a navy from france. To say you want guns so that you can attack the government one day is really just saying “I need my gun so I can become a violent law breaker when I dont get my way”. Guns , even machine guns, aren’t going to overthrow this government. How foolish. SOme drone can wipe out your entire neighborhood without a bead of sweat being spent. This IS our government, work within the confines of how it works, and deal. The experiment with the populace being armed has failed. period. End it.

Posted by: live with it | January 14, 2013, 3:10 pm 3:10 pm

I’ts funny the fear over terrorism from arabs. I dropped my kid off at a move theater and drove away with my heart in my stomach. The biggest threat to my kids is not an arab or a muslim fundamentalist. It’s a NRA member on a rampage.

Posted by: live with it | January 14, 2013, 3:11 pm 3:11 pm

People with no regard for the Constitution really don’t like this at all.

Posted by: TexBork_2013 | January 14, 2013, 3:11 pm 3:11 pm

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A California judge found Monday that a boy was responsible for the second-degree murder of his white supremacist father when the defendant was just 10.

Prosecutors had argued at trial that the boy, now 12, knew what he was doing when he shot 32-year-old Jeff Hall — a regional leader of the National Socialist Movement — and the slaying was premeditated.

Defense attorney Matthew Hardy countered that his client grew up in an abusive and violent environment and learned it was acceptable to kill people who were a threat. Hardy contended the boy thought if he shot his dad, the violence would end.

Posted by: Steve | January 14, 2013, 3:13 pm 3:13 pm

livewithit, what about a non-NRA member on a shooting rampage? not so much of a concern i take it?

Posted by: quid est veritas | January 14, 2013, 3:16 pm 3:16 pm

IMO this is a publicity stunt and will be ignored after being in the headlines for 1 day. The U.S. is like the Titanic, sinking slowly while the band plays music to keep the people from panicking.

Posted by: Willow | January 14, 2013, 3:18 pm 3:18 pm

Like Obamacare, you have to read it to know what’s in it. The liberals should listen closely.

Posted by: electpatriots | January 14, 2013, 3:21 pm 3:21 pm

“It being necessary to overthrow a tyrannical government, an individual’s right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon”

There, I just wrote the 2nd amendment as the NRA interprets it and I’m not half as smart as the Founders.

If that was the intent why didn’t the Founders say what I said explicitly?

The obvious reason is that that was not their intent.

Posted by: tmferretti | January 14, 2013, 3:24 pm 3:24 pm

it really is a strange place we occupy in history where one is ridiculed for even mentioning the constitution. the left (for good purpose) used the constitution as the basis upon which to overturn centuries of legal discrimination during the civil rights era, but now when anyone mentions the constitution (outside the aclu that is…because you never hear democrats even talk about the constitution any more…at least not since obama decided to become Bush2 on civil liberties in the war on terror…what happened by the way to all the media types and hollywood blockheads pulling their hair out and doing the talk circuit and all the ivy-league law professors writing article after article about how we were living in a new mccarthy era under the patriot act nazi bush regime?) he is talked down as some kind of frothing at the mouth facist tea partier.

Posted by: quid est veritas | January 14, 2013, 3:29 pm 3:29 pm

If these republicans want to quote the Constutution they need to read it.

To them the 14th admendment doesn’t exist which forbids a debt limit.

Posted by: tmferretti | January 14, 2013, 3:39 pm 3:39 pm

What happens when the Republicons misquote the Constitution?

Posted by: FB | January 14, 2013, 3:44 pm 3:44 pm

Full reading this time or will it be the abridged Republican version?

Posted by: atilathehun101 | January 14, 2013, 3:45 pm 3:45 pm

The 14 th admendment clause 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Posted by: tmferretti | January 14, 2013, 3:47 pm 3:47 pm

If the Constitution says we don’t have to pay insurrectionists under the 14th amendment, why the hell to we have to arm them under the 2nd amendment.

Posted by: tmferretti | January 14, 2013, 3:51 pm 3:51 pm

“Constitutions should consist only of general provisions; the reason is that they must necessarily be permanent, and that they cannot calculate for the possible change of things. ”
- Alexander Hamilton (Note: “They must necessarily be permanent”)
Now I wash my hands of you with one final thought: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
- John Adams

Posted by: CarsonCitySteve | January 14, 2013, 3:59 pm 3:59 pm

Did they forget what it said and they needed a refresher? They could have all read it over their Christmas break. What a waste of time.

Posted by: Awesome | January 14, 2013, 4:01 pm 4:01 pm

I wonder how many of these ‘righteous Republicans’ actually stay to listen to the reading of the Constitution that they -say- they value so highly, or if it’s merely an empty symbolic act like they so often participate in….

Posted by: FormerMarineSgt | January 14, 2013, 4:06 pm 4:06 pm

tmferretti, a debt ceiling is essentially a limit on the amount of money the u.s. can borrow or the amount of bonds the u.s. can issue. its constitutionality has been questioned, and the 14th amendment says “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.” you skip over the “authorized by law” portion…which logically means debts that were incurred after properly being authorized. it does say that the debts lawfully incurred must be paid (which means that the debts congress has in the past authorized must be paid) but it does not mean that there is no limit on the amount of spending in which congress can engage. to be sure, we must pay our lawfully incurred debts per the 14th amendment, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that congress can’t set a limit on the amount of money that can be “lawfully authorized.” having a budget would help, but DC doesn’t like having one because that would mean they would actually know how much money they can spend from year to year. they’d rather spend it and later fight about how to pay it.

Posted by: quid est veritas | January 14, 2013, 4:08 pm 4:08 pm

Someone should stand outside the House on Tuesday and hand the Congressmen a quiz on what they heard. Like, “The Constitution says that dealings with foreign governments is restricted to: A) the President, B) the Congress, C) Both, etc. I bet few would pass. And the point is this is simply using taxpayer dollars for using the Halls of Congress for Political Grandstanding.

Posted by: The_Mick | January 14, 2013, 4:10 pm 4:10 pm

Perhaps they won’t screw up the reading this time like they did the last time.
Wait!!!! What am I saying???!!!!!!

I’d bet my bottom dollar that they’ll skip parts of it again, like the 14th ammendment.
Or 19th.

They’ll just ignore the parts they don’t like, just like they do with The Bible!

Posted by: KEEP LEFT | January 14, 2013, 4:12 pm 4:12 pm

LOL…and thank you CARSONCITYSTEVE for those antiquated quotes that were made over 200 some years ago and that you brought out – out of ‘the woodwork’ – just to ‘shore up’ your own personal subjective interpretations. It happens to be…the 21st CENTURY!

Posted by: CND FOX | January 14, 2013, 4:15 pm 4:15 pm

CND FOX and 40,000,000 murdered since Roe v. Wade. But that doesn’t outrage your liberal sensibilities, does it?

Posted by: electpatriots | January 14, 2013, 4:23 pm 4:23 pm

In case you didn’t ‘know’….ELECTPATRIOTS….the topic is ‘gun control’ concerning people all ready “born’….not about ‘choice’ that all civilized society’s recognize. And which many ‘uncivilized’ ones do too. You really DON’T have a point….on this topic with that type of ‘argument’.

Posted by: CND FOX | January 14, 2013, 4:44 pm 4:44 pm

It’s only a matter on time before the liberals bankrupt this country, I’ll bet they wish they had guns and ammo then! I know I will have some on hand!

Posted by: RIPUSA | January 14, 2013, 4:45 pm 4:45 pm

Are they going to leave a key piece out again or will the read the real deal??

Posted by: Paulet | January 14, 2013, 5:01 pm 5:01 pm

Live With It you posted, ” It’s funny the fear over terrorism from arabs. I drop my kid off at a movie theater and drove away with my heart in my stomach. The biggest threat to my kids is not an arab or a muslim fundamentalist. It’s a NRA member on a rampage.” To be perfectly honest I’m more afraid of a gang member with an illeagal gun doing a drive by shooting and missing their intended target than I am one mentally ill gun owner that went on a rampage. How many innocents die each day because of illeagal guns in the hands of criminals? Just saying.

Posted by: rightsideofmymind | January 14, 2013, 5:59 pm 5:59 pm

We the people, means all of us……..not just the Dem socialists!

Posted by: Rick McDaniel | January 14, 2013, 6:36 pm 6:36 pm

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