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  USCapitol's photostream / Tags / allyncox


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The Library of Congress in the Capitol, 1800-1897 by USCapitol

The Declaration of Independence, 1776 by USCapitol

The Smithsonian Institution, 1855 by USCapitol

Theodore Roosevelt, circa 1904 by USCapitol

Artist Allyn Cox by USCapitol

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River by USCapitol

Covered Wagons by USCapitol

Land Grant College by USCapitol

Canal and Locks by USCapitol

Fur Trade by USCapitol

Golden Spike by USCapitol

Island Dance by USCapitol

Clearing Land by USCapitol

Drying Cod by USCapitol

Washington's Inauguration, 1789 by USCapitol

Iron Foundry, circa 1850 by USCapitol

Steam Powered Amphibious Boat, 1804 by USCapitol

Lewis and Clark by USCapitol

Stalking Deer by USCapitol

Gold Prospectors by USCapitol

Boone at Cumberland Gap by USCapitol

Timucuan Village by USCapitol

Explorers' Portage by USCapitol

The First Four Settlements in America by USCapitol

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