
President Obama on the "fiscal cliff" agreement

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Published on Jan 2, 2013

President Obama on what's in the "fiscal cliff" agreement and what it means for you. Watch it and share it with friends and family.

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  • ignitoman

    ok... i'm hopping back to the wh channel


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  • ignitoman

    ... now im thinking Psyops


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    in reply to bobothecreepyclown (Show the comment)
  • ignitoman

    Are you a troll or did you forget what your issue with "these people" you label?


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    in reply to Fallschirmjaeger29 (Show the comment)
  • Fallschirmjaeger29

    Per my last post, the war was back by almost every democrap in Congress, not "every".. Furthermore. You all love obammie the clown.. The dude who cant give a damn speech without a teleprompter! LOL! The dude who damn near failed out of Occidental and was admitted to Columbia "under the fence" thru connections and never produced a thesis while everyone else did. Ever wonder why Trump wanted to see his transscripts? That's ONE reason. Figure out the others, dumbass


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  • Fallschirmjaeger29

    Blood, treasure and prestige? What the hell is that supposed to mean? LOL! Also, the "war" you mention that GW "got us into" as you put, was FULLY BACKED BY ALL THE CANDY ASSED LIBERALS in Congress, including nancy peloser and harry reid-iculous of all people! As far as "prestige"? Obama is a fcking CLOWN and an embarrassment! Furthermore, he' s the only prez in US history that almost failed outta college


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  • bobothecreepyclown

    You're a profoundly stupid, ignorant person. GWB got you into 2 wars, one of which was based on abject lies & yet you all had a hard on for that. Obama has extricated the US from Iraq, & will have done so in Afghanistan by 2014. He took a back seat in the 'Arab spring' (Libya) military operations too. You seem to want a President that kicks foreign ass on one hand, but not pay the price in blood, treasure & prestige on the other.


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    in reply to Fallschirmjaeger29 (Show the comment)
  • Sharon Younkin

    good stuff


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  • Fallschirmjaeger29


    your mother should have swallowed you instead. Do you actually "know" who your daddy is? How much is your unemployment check each month, my nigga?


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  • bobothecreepyclown

    Why do you always repeat the same word in the same sentence? Must be a cognitive dissonance thing, projecting yourself in your comments.


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    in reply to Fallschirmjaeger29 (Show the comment)
  • bobothecreepyclown

    WTF? Reason & civility aren't allowed here!


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    in reply to JaWi220 (Show the comment)
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