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Buck McKeon

Buck McKeon
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  1. Yesterday President Obama informed us that he will once again miss the legal deadline to submit a budget to Congress. The Democrat led Senate has also shown they are not serious about solving our fiscal crisis-- the last time they passed a ...budget was in 2009. It's time to get serious about our spending problem and the first fundamental step to responsibly controlling spending is creating a budget. How can we expect results and solutions in Washington if both parties don’t come to the table with concrete ideas? See More
  2. For the 2nd time in our history, we read the Constitution aloud in the US House of Representatives chamber this morning.

    Click "like" if you think that our government should stick to the constitutional principles and protect our fundamental rights as citizens of this great nation. Remember that you can always pick-up a pocket constitution in one of my district offices!
    Photo: For the 2nd time in our history, we read the Constitution aloud in the US House of Representatives chamber this morning. 

Click "like" if you think that our government should stick to the constitutional principles and protect our fundamental rights as citizens of this great nation. Remember that you can always pick-up a pocket constitution in one of my district offices!
  3. It is an honor and a privilege to represent the 25th District of California in the United States House of Representatives. I take my oath to support and defend the Constitution very seriously and will do everything I can for the betterment of the 25th District of California and the United States of America.
    Photo: It is an honor and a privilege to represent the 25th District of California in the United States House of Representatives.  I take my oath to support and defend the Constitution very seriously and will do everything I can for the betterment of the 25th District of California and the United States of America.
  4. Members and Members-elect just took the Oath of Office and the 113th Congress has been sworn in. Rep. John Boehner has been re-elected as Speaker of the House. Despite our great challenges, I remain optimistic that 113th Congress can be productive for the American people and can work together to do what is needed for our country, our troops, our businesses, our economy and our families.
  5. Tonight the House voted to pass the Senate agreement on the fiscal cliff. I supported this proposal with important reservations. Our troops have shouldered an unfairly large share of budget cuts to date, in addition to the strains of combat. Rather than shield a wartime military from further reductions, this deal leaves the force vulnerable to sequestration's devastating and arbitrary cuts and it ...leaves Congress and the President with much work to do to end the crisis. It is unfortunate that President Obama missed an opportunity to honor the promise he made to our military and veterans, when he assured us all that sequestration would not happen. Every day of uncertainty over further reductions limits our ability to fight the war in Afghanistan, keep Americans free from harm at home, and prevent potential conflict abroad. I urge both the President and Congress to act worthy of the military we have inherited and resolve the deep threat of sequestration immediately.
    As we continue down this uncertain road, we must keep in mind that cutting spending and raising taxes can only get us so far. We must allow our economy to grow if we are to resolve this debt crisis. We must also, finally, address the entitlement spending that is driving our debt.
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  6. This morning I will be on Fox News and CNN to talk about the Fiscal Cliff and the critical importance of solving sequestration. Tune into Fox at 10:40 am EST and CNN at 11:30 am EST.
  7. Wishing President George H.W. Bush our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. We are thinking of and praying for the Bush family. Get Well Soon Mr. President!
  8. Please visit The West Ranch Beacon to read my holiday message. Happy Holidays to all! http://westranchbeacon.com/2012/12/congressman-mckeon-holiday-message-for-the-scv-beacon-readers/

    Every year at this time, we all come together in many ...different ways to celebrate the holiday season. We fill our homes with lights and the warm comforts of family. No matter the holiday celebration, we surround ourselves with loved ones and friends, and bask in the abundance of love and joy the season offers. We take time to toast to our blessings, reflect on our journeys and pray for our challenges. It is a time when our communities draw close to provide for those less fortunate, and we all give thanks for what we have been blessed to have instead of wanting for what we don’t. While we reflect on the past, we also await the beginning of a new year. It is a time of observance, thankfulness and renewal. It is a time when our differences disappear and the hopeful idea of Peace on Earth seems possible.

    This year, we enter this time with heavy hearts. In the past week, we have witnessed a tragedy unfold unlike any we have ever seen. The innocent lives of children lost to an evil that is unconscionable and unimaginable, leaves us questioning whether or not our humanity can conquer evil’s depravity. Every act of violence is a tragedy, but the senseless horror of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary has left our country deeply saddened and looking at our families and our lives through a different lens. Few will be able to gather this holiday season without thinking of the victims and their families and all those who aren’t able to hug their children on Christmas morning.

    2012 has been a tough, yet extraordinary year. We experienced bitter partisanship in the national elections and brilliant patriotism as we cheered for the USA on the Olympic stage. We have seen triumphs and tragedies, successes and failures. Through the hard times that we have endured, one thing remains the same- we have always seen the resilience and resolve of the American people shine through every hardship. Whether it be through the recovery from a devastating natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy, or through the perseverance of businesses and families amidst a grueling economy, the spirit of the American people has always prevailed over circumstance.

    America’s resilience comes from the solid bedrock of principles on which this great country was founded. I believe that as a nation, our collective faiths are the fabric of our being that has kept our union strong, and I believe we should hold fast to our convictions. There is a sad trend that I see happening in America today- a trend of forcing faith out from public service in the name of political correctness. I was proud to hear Speaker Boehner speak with conviction at the Capitol Christmas Tree lighting this season. The Speaker spoke about the hope and faith that our holiday traditions embody, and the important role they play in our lives this time of year. As the Speaker so eloquently stated, a Christmas Tree is not just a Christian symbol of Christmas, but a larger symbol of the wonder of the human spirit and the blessings we rejoice in during the holiday season. I believe now, more than ever, we need to allow ourselves to publicly give thanks in our faith, publicly ask for guidance and grace, and publicly celebrate the joys of the season. In a world that seems bitter and dark, and somber hopelessness could so easily replace our hope in the good and decent, it is important that we allow ourselves the light and peace of faith.

    As this year draws to an end and we all gather among our friends and family, we take pause to remember the importance of each other, our faiths, our communities and the blessings that abound in our great country. Although we continue to face extraordinary obstacles, I am confident that we will move forward with the steadfast resolve and strength that has always defined the greatness of America.

    God bless you and your families, God bless our troops both here and abroad, and God bless America.
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  9. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. May you and your families have a safe and joyous holiday.