The Business Model Canvas

The Business
Model Canvas

Your business model
– on one page

The Business Model Canvas, is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model.

The Business Model Canvas in 2 minutes:

You're free to Share & Remix the Canvas

Just reference to after each use, and share your work!

Make a presentation, pitch a VC, consult with your clients, or whatever you dream up. The Canvas is licensed as creative commons so enjoy it free. Just be sure to link back to after each use, and share your work under a similar licence. Here's the legal info.


Use a sticky note for each and every one of the building blocks of your business model. Ideas need to be mobile.

Use words AND images to describe your business model building blocks to enhance big picture understanding.

Increase the clarity of your business model by color-coding all elements related to a specific client segment.

Don't fall in love with your first idea. Sketch out alternative business models for the same product, service, or technology.

Start from a blank Canvas when you explain your business model. Tell your business model story one sticky note at a time.

Map out every new and innovative business model you come across. Understand, learn and try to apply to your model.

Business Model Generation Book

Read the Book

The global best-seller that started a movement, now in 26 languages.


Take a Masterclass

Take your skills to the next level, hands-on with the creators.

Business Model Generation Summit

Attend the Summit

8 business thought leaders,
just 250 tickets.