
Meet Explorers on All 7 Continents

Did you miss our Google+ Hangout? Watch it here!

Explore the January 2013 issue of National Geographic Magazine at ngm.com.

UPDATE 1/13/2013: Thanks everyone for coming together today to kick off National Geographic’s 125th Anniversary! This is just the beginning. Join the Society at nationalgeographic.com and be a part of exciting Google+ Hangouts with explorers every month. It’s a new age of exploration. Be a part of it!


[Begin original post.]

Join some of National Geographic’s biggest names in exploration and innovation January 13th for our most epic Google+ Hangout to date. Be part of the conversation with a diverse group of explorers, including such legends as Robert Ballard and Jane Goodall. We’ll also chat with cave diver Kenny Broad, Crittercam engineers Greg Marshall and Kyler Abernathy in Antarctica, wildlife conservationist Paula Kahumbu in Kenya, archaeologist Cecilia Mauricio in Peru, paleontologist Mike Archer in Australia, conflict resolution specialist Aziz Abu Sarah in Israel, biologist Krithi Karanth in India, research engineer Albert Lin in California, and NG Weekend host Boyd Matson (view map of the explorers and key locations from their adventures).

For 125 years, National Geographic has been at the leading edge of exploration, conservation, and scientific research. Now technology is allowing us to go places and make discoveries not possible before. This is a new age of exploration. We invite you to join us on the journey–and get closer to our explorers along the way.

Send in your question for the explorers and it may be asked on air. You may even be invited to join the Hangout and ask your question live. Submit your question by:

  • Uploading a video question to YouTube with #NatGeo125
  • Posting a question on Google+ or Twitter with #NatGeo125
  • Leaving a comment on this Facebook post, or
  • Commenting directly on this blog post

Since the 1970s, Robert Ballard has been traveling the world's oceans, making one earth-shattering discovery after another, from the scientifically revolutionary discovery of the first life to exist without using energy from the sun, to culturally significant expeditions to locate the wrecks of Titanic, Bismarck, and more. Today he orchestrates a global team of experts, ships, and robots continually pushing into realms that no one has visited before. Photo by Emory Kristof/NGS

Follow National Geographic on Google+ or tune in right here on this blog to watch the Google+ Hangout Sunday, January 13th at 1 p.m. ET (6 p.m. UTC).

Other Hangouts from National Geographic:
Hangout with Climbers on Mt. Everest
Hangout with a Guerrilla Geographer
Hangout With an Archaeologist in the Field

Learn More

“125 YEARS” Home Page

Interactive Map of the Hangout’s Explorers

Jane Goodall Institute

Bob Ballard’s Nautilus Live


[List of Participants Updated 1/13/2013]



  1. Peter Parkorr
    January 13, 3:00 pm

    Howdy NatGeo – would love to watch the hangout on youtube but the video is protected as ‘Private’ – any chance of a fix?


  2. tree
    Albuquerque, NM, USA
    January 13, 2:42 pm

    Please emphasize GREAT thanks to all of your guests of the NatGeo hangout LIVE 13 January, 2013.. I feel like an inspired child again, curious to learn more. (age 50) and I so look forward to 8th Feb. This was awe inspiring. xxxooo. Tree.

  3. Wren Howerton
    Kansas, USA
    January 13, 2:35 pm

    Any tips for youth aspiring to become explorers?

  4. phil
    United Kingdom
    January 13, 2:16 pm

    Is there anything a college has discovered that you wish you had ?

  5. Jo-Anne
    Ng branch, nj
    January 13, 1:47 pm

    Amazing thought about bringing back life from DNA. If that is done, how would one deal with where would they live. The planet has changed quite a bit.

  6. Taylere Bernett
    Columbus, OH
    January 13, 1:43 pm

    What is an experience you’ve had while working when you remember thinking to yourself that you knew this is what you were supposed to be doing with your life?

  7. Albert Reynaud
    January 13, 1:41 pm

    Do you think wild life will remain wild in the future?

  8. Anisa
    Ottawa, Canada
    January 13, 1:38 pm

    To James Cameron,

    How would you describe your experience of meeting the natives, in Brazil, who were dealing with a situation similar to the Omaticaya in Avatar ?

  9. Abhijit Biswas
    Kolkata, INDIA
    January 13, 1:37 pm

    Hi Team,
    My Questions are :
    1) How do you measure risk?
    2) What is “RISK” for you
    3) What takes for a man all to search something which he has desired for, lived for and dreamed for ?
    Please help with the above questions …
    I am not a explorer but I am also searching something….
    Good Luck team for all your work….
    You guys are great..”Teaching people through Pictures”
    My Best Wishes— Abhijit Biswas

  10. Jamil Martin
    London - UK
    January 13, 1:19 pm

    I have followed Jane Goodall’s work since I was a child – I am now 34 and a teacher (with a background in psychology). I was wondering how I can get involved in doing some voluntary work in Tanzania with the Gorillas/team who monitor them in the Gombe?

  11. James George
    Arlington VA
    January 13, 1:16 pm

    This is a spectacular example of the use of media and multimedia production for a live conversation. NGO remains pioneers in the digital age and beyond.

  12. Florin
    January 13, 1:15 pm

    What was the most important thing you’ve discovered and how has it changed the world?

  13. Thalia Susanna Harward
    beirut Lebanon Wellspring Learning Community Grade 4
    January 13, 1:12 pm

    HI Robert Ballard,
    My question is :D o you like going under the sea?
    Do you find treasures under the sea?
    Did you ever get hurt under the sea?
    Thank you

  14. Kevin Ford
    United States
    January 13, 1:08 pm

    Was there a defining moment in your lives before you started working with National Geographic, that made you want to explore and discover the earth, and then led to you working with National Geographic?

  15. The Silo
    January 13, 1:02 pm

    The second South Pole expedition by Admiral Byrd (in conjunction with the US military) was the last major expedition to that region. Is this due to sovereignty issues and if not, when can we expect another major expedition to one of the Earth’s poles?

  16. Aneta Tasheva
    Toronto, Canada
    January 13, 12:59 pm

    With all the political opposition towards many environmental projects, how do you stay positive?

  17. Audrey
    January 13, 12:55 pm

    I have a question for Jane Goodall, what was it like working with chimpanzees? Was there any fear that they would harm you?

  18. Vic
    January 13, 12:49 pm

    Hi everybody!
    All of you guys have made really great contributions to our knowledge of the world, and I just wanted to know, how do you do what you do?

  19. Wensdej
    January 13, 12:48 pm

    How does it feel travling around the world looking for an adventure or exploring a new place?
    What can we do to help the viriaty of enviorments that need our help right now?
    What will the out comes be if we don’t start helping our planet?
    What will the out comes be if we do start helping our planet?

  20. Tom B.
    January 13, 12:48 pm

    Also, since I am currently working on my thesis on Antarctic exploration for my senior seminar history class, I would also like to ask what impact you think Antarctic exploration in the 20th century had on modern exploration.


  21. Billy Heath III
    January 13, 12:41 pm

    Here is a link to my video question.


    I couldn’t pass up on the chance to interact with such an outstanding group of individuals. #NATGEO125

  22. Laurel
    January 13, 12:34 pm

    jane Goodall-

    I am in the process of learning sign language right now and was wondering how you learned that was the best way to communicate with the chimpanzees, and did you have to teach them>

  23. Laurie
    January 13, 12:30 pm

    I’d appreciate your answer to share with my elementary school students: What kinds of exploring did you do as a child?

  24. Serge Lokshin & Aneta Tasheva
    Toronto, Canada
    January 13, 12:22 pm

    Dear Explorers,

    Our questions are directed to all of you.

    1) All of you have had the privilege of having your voices heard internationally. If we want to help change the world for the better, like you, where do we begin?

    2) As you were getting into your careers and explorations, who were some of your main role models?

    Thank you very much for your time. Good luck on all your endeavours.

  25. Anshika Jain
    New Delhi , India
    January 13, 12:22 pm

    Hi Jane,

    may be i have the simplest question of all….but this is really important for me to know….when you started what exactly was your thought process , I mean what made you go through all adverse and do something out of the box and most important stay determined.

    You guys are actually celebrating Earth…bravo!!!!

  26. Melissa Bole
    Etters, Pa
    January 13, 12:17 pm

    This is for Dr. Jane Goodall,

    Since I was a little girl I admired you and have you as an inspiration. I am fascinated by primates, especially chimpanzees. I am getting married on June 21, 2014 and because of all the amazing things you and your institution I have chosen to donate to help these beautiful creatures in place of wedding favors. Its not much but I am happy I will be doing good for animals I have loved for most of my life and inform people at my wedding as well.

    Melissa Bole

  27. Mike Maxfield
    Leominster, MA
    January 13, 12:06 pm

    The name Geographic makes it sound like the earth is one, big, well- graphic. Where did you come up with the name?

  28. B. Bell
    January 13, 11:19 am

    While each of you could be considered a lead explorer (with many accomplishments), expeditions require a team. Could you speak to the role of teams in your exploration success? Have the dynamics or composition of the teams associated with your most successful expeditions differed from the teams associated with your less successful expeditions? And more basically: how do you put together a good expedition team?

    Thanks for considering this question, and I’ll look forward to discovering your reactions to it — hopefully as an invited participant in the live hangout!

  29. Bea Bell
    January 13, 11:06 am

    While each of you could be considered a lead explorer (with many accomplishments), expeditions require a team. Could you speak to the role of teams in your exploration success? Have the dynamics or composition of the teams associated with your most successful expeditions differed from the teams associated with your less successful expeditions? And more basically: how do you put together a good expedition team?

    Thanks for considering this question, and I’ll look forward to discovering your reactions to it — hopefully as an invited participant in the live hangout!

  30. Matthew Piscitelli
    Chicago, IL
    January 13, 10:50 am

    Thank you to all of the explorers for taking time to help create this fantastic interactive opportunity!

    My question is for Cecilia.

    As an explorer of both ancient history and a contemporary concern, climate change, what do you think that the ancient peoples of Peru have to offer us in planning for the future? From your research, what lessons can we learn from the past to help us deal with Earth’s future?


  31. Monica
    January 13, 10:41 am

    So excited for this!

    I am wondering what your tips are for students who want to pursue lives as explorers and careers at NatGeo.

    What were some places along your journey when you were challenged, when you wanted to give up but didn’t, and it paid off?

    Best/worst experience in the field?

    What is it like being in a new culture or place for the first time?


  32. Dan Martin
    Peterborough, England
    January 13, 9:58 am

    In the next 125years what will be more exciting for the future of exploration: exploration on earth or exploration on other planets?

  33. Pinar
    United States
    January 13, 9:56 am

    So, being explorers and all, you guys must know a lot about what you study. How do you think of your career as a job? Did you always want to be an explorer and had a set path, or did it just come to you in an epiphany? How did you think you were going to get employed? Or did you believe in freelance? Even after choosing to be an explorer, how did you know what you were going to do? Where you wanted work at? Or, was it pre-planned for you?

    Thanks, Pinar

  34. Judith Lane
    United States
    January 13, 9:26 am

    I am becoming of the mind that unless mankind can quickly and effectively address and reverse what it is contributing to the demise of this planet through ignorance, the hunger for profit, the unwillingness to work together as a global people, that everything else will not matter–that there will come a time when it will not matter what questions we have to ask. But for now, please talk about how, in your explorations, you are able to address your own concerns about these things to heads of nations, to people who may be in positions to help us turn things around.

    Thank you,


  35. Pranav Ghodgaonkar
    January 13, 8:41 am

    Remarkable journey through the universe that we live in. My question is,
    All the changes that we see in the world around us including the one due to human activity like warming, flooding, extinction of species, pollution , famine and so on. Are these changes not a the life cycle of a planet and there is little we can do to speed it up or stop.In my understanding it is a far greater phenomenon to be affected by humans. Comments:::::::::

  36. tejasvi rathee
    india/new delhi
    January 13, 8:31 am

    What are some sacrifices you have made for the success of your career?

  37. Albert van der Heijden
    The Netherlands
    January 13, 7:38 am

    If chimpanzees would evolve into religious beings, how would an outline of their religion look like?

  38. Youssef Khachab
    Beirut, Lebanon
    January 13, 7:30 am

    To Mr. James Cameroon,

    How many persons work with you usually on deep sea explorations ?

    How did you learn how to use your submarine?

    Last question, would the Mediterranean Sea be of interest to you to explore?

    Youssef Khachab, age 9.
    Wellspring Learning Community

  39. Vickie Weiss
    January 13, 7:19 am

    Will the session at 1:00 be archived so I can show it to my elementary students?

  40. Hatice Benan
    January 13, 7:18 am

    How did you end up being an explorer? Is that what you always dreamed of? What is the key of your success?

  41. Youssef
    January 13, 7:17 am

    I have 4 questions for Mr. James Cameron Please:

    1) Why did he choose to be an explorer?
    2) Which exploration was the most challenging?

    Youssef Khachab, Age 9, Wellspring Learning Community

  42. Maya Khachab
    Wellspring Learning Community, Beirut, Lebanon
    January 13, 7:09 am

    Which ocean will James Cameron explore next? and reasons?

  43. Maya and Youssef Khachab
    Beirut, Lebanon
    January 13, 6:58 am

    As a father of 9 year old twins, I thank National Geographic and the explorers for a great educational exercise.

    I am going to join them in the hangout and learn with them as well.

    They are a fan of all of you but they love James Cameron.

    The Khachabss

  44. Zolboo
    January 13, 6:03 am

    What is your next project?
    How you people choose your next project?
    What is the most scientific answer for Bermuda triangle?

  45. zeina sibai
    Lebanon(hadath) school :wellspring learning community grade 4
    January 13, 5:56 am

    i would like to ask is exploring fun and when your exploring do u face problems during your adventure?do you have to start exploring when your big or you can explore even if your small? how do u change the world

  46. Anthony
    January 13, 5:03 am

    The forests are not only havens for plants and animals.The trees produce oxygen through photosynthesis and they regulate rainfall by recycling water.They are also amazing places to visit.However in some native forests in Australia visitors are not welcome.Indeed the foresters who are cutting them down can be very unfriendly.They might tell you that they are acting lawfully and are supported by the state police.
    Some Australians like to think that we are a enviromentally responsible nation.The fact is that most of the forests in Australia have been cleared over the last 200 years and that the destruction continues,despite the forestry industry describing the logging as sustainable.It seems that instead of planting enough sustainable farm timber they rely on clear felling native growth forests,as it much more profitable to do so.Forestry is after all an industry that runs on money.
    The forestry industry as well as previous Tasmanian governments have argued that more logging means more jobs.However historically this is far from the truth.Advacements in forestry technology mean machines are more efficient and that in fact fewer workers are needed now than ever.
    In 2007 Robert Ballard in an article of The Monthly,an environmental magazine said
    “85% of Tasmania’s old-growth regnans forests are gone, and it is estimated that fewer than 13,000 hectares of these extraordinary trees remain in their old-growth form. Almost half of them are to be clearfelled. Most will end up as paper in Japan.”
    Since then due to the efforts of people such as former politician Bob Brown there has been a large increase in wilderness areas.(search wikipedia for Bob.)
    It is known here that in the process of clearfelling native trees native animals are deliberately poisoned and the remaining forest is burnt, leaving a scene of complete destruction,where before existed a vibrant ecosystem.Hopefully this practice will soon be ended forever.
    There have been agreements made where world heritage areas, which are apparently protected ,that conserve native flora and fauna,have been established.However clear felling sometimes proceeds right to the boundary of the world heritage area.Some years ago I met a biologist who was doing research into the Daintree.He said to me that it was obvious that the actions of humans at the boundary extended deep into the forest.I think that if we need more tree plantations they should not be on land where a magnificent native forest was recently standing.
    There are some environmental protesters that argue that vast tracts of forest that still need protection from destruction.
    From the site, http://observertree.org/ ,a letter is sent to the Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke.
    “…Tasmanian wilderness and tall wet Eucalypt forests bordering the World Heritage Area..Unique in the world, these forests are home to endangered species, such as the Tasmanian devil, they are the most carbon rich forests on the planet, helping to keep our climate cool and are exceptionally beautiful and irreplaceable.. I am shocked to see these forests remain unprotected, many clear felled and cable logged. From the air, these areas look devastated. Large tracts of burnt, cleared land bordering the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.”
    Speaking of activist Miranda Gibson.”.I believe Miranda is a true champion of democracy and standing up for what you believe in. For OVER ONE YEAR now she has remained at the top of a threatened old growth Eucalypt tree in the Tyenna Valley near the Styx valley in Tasmania’s Southern forests.”
    ..” She has vowed to stay up the tree until the forest receives the protection it deserves and is added into the World Heritage Area. If not for Miranda I believe the magnificent forest she lives in would have already been destroyed for short-term profits but at an unmeasureable cost to the environment. These forests are some of the most majestic, unique and tallest forests on the planet. I urge you to act immediately for their protection by adding them to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.”
    I just wanted to congratulate Miranda ,I hope someday your efforts wil be fully rewarded.

  47. Diksha Chhetri
    January 13, 3:26 am

    Jane Goodall… Do you like The Wild Thornberry’s? I loved the episode where you have voiced your own self. It was a true inspiration for me.

  48. Nicholas Rau
    January 13, 1:22 am

    I think what these explorers have done is amazing and incredible and help us to understand the world around us by going into dangerous remote places to help us “see” what is truly out there. My guestion is what did these experiences show you that you didn’t expect , that made you see something that you never thought possible, or made you change the way you think about things?

  49. Peter Kinchington
    Melbourne, Australia
    January 13, 1:06 am

    I started scuba diving in 1977. In the subsequent 35 years I have seen huge changes in my local marine environment particularly in Port Phillip and Westernport Bays. This has largely been brought about by introductions of exotic pests from the northern hemisphere such as the Northern Pacific Seastar and European Fan Worm. These pests have been introduced predominantly as larval stages present in ballast water. This could have been prevented by flushing the ballast tanks mid ocean to remove coastal organisms. If such a simple measure has not been taken in the past – What can we do in the future to reduce the impacts of more complex challenges such as global warming on our marine environment?

  50. Dav
    January 13, 1:03 am

    How is study in the field whilst exploring translated into science: ie Medical Cures, Theory, behavioral study comparisons ect, is it solely based upon your research diary?

  51. Tom B.
    January 12, 10:50 pm

    my question, for any of these admirable explorers, would be this: where do you see exploration going in the next century? We’ve been to Antarctica, the deep sea, and the moon, all as technology and motivation allows. Where would each of you go, if given the means that we may not have today?


  52. Dr. Mustafa Mubasher
    Riverside/ California
    January 12, 9:29 pm

    A history of a couple who are of different religions and races and celebrated their Golden anniversary with peace and love.

  53. Dr. Mustafa Mubasher
    Riverside/ California
    January 12, 9:25 pm

    i would like to explore to you and to the world a history of a couple who are of different religions and races and succeeded to complete their 50 years of marriage happily and without any problem. This couple wants to show that people of different religions can live safely. Are you interested?

  54. Andrew
    January 12, 8:46 pm

    Thank you National Geographic for hosting this event and thank you to all of the explorers who are participating.

    In situations where your goal for research/exploration was conservation, have you ever felt that national/international laws for conservation have been slow to adapt to your findings or otherwise inadequate? Where do you see gaps between your work and laws aimed at conservation? How could those gaps be filled? What opportunities might those gaps present for young explorers to contribute to conservation efforts?

    Have you ever encountered a situation where it was, or would have been, useful to have someone with a background in law on an expedition or in the field? What role did that person play or would they play?

    What process, or steps, do you go through to take an idea for research/exploration/conservation from conception to reality?

    What are the top factors that have helped you succeed in bringing your conceptions to reality? What are the most common challenges or risks that need to be overcome to bring your conceptions to reality and how have you overcome them?

  55. G. Patey
    January 12, 7:13 pm

    Explorers? Get ready for alot of Kraft dinner, Kaiser buns and water. Will not be recognized for your efforts but keep trying.

  56. Leonora Amkreutz
    January 12, 5:28 pm

    Hi There,

    How would you define an explorer?

  57. Jenny
    United States
    January 12, 5:23 pm

    As an aspiring young explorer, I just have a few questions that I think many people my age would like to ask if given the chance:

    1. What are some surprising aspects of being an explorer that you did not foresee when you first “signed up?”
    2. What are some challenges that the next generation of explorers will face that you did not face?
    3. What are some sacrifices you have made for the success of your career?
    4. What kinds of interactions do you typically have with the communities in close proximity to your sites of exploration, and what have you learned from these interactions?
    5. What is the most important piece of advice that you received when you were a young explorer?

  58. Jewell B.
    January 12, 1:48 pm

    Did you have to overcome any fear or doubt to get where you are today? If so, how did you handle it?

  59. Alannah Dawe
    January 12, 12:55 pm

    My question is directed to everyone:

    I would like to know what your driving force is to explore. Where your desire comes from to search for and learn new and amazing things, and to do things no one has done before.

    I would also like to know who, (if any) has inspired you to explore and pursue careers in your feilds.


  60. Tim Southernwood
    January 12, 12:46 pm

    This question is for all of you.

    In your travels around the globe have you witnessed evidence of global warming. In your minds as scientists do you agree with the science that global warming is changing our planet.
    Can you tell the people listening in.. what kind of effects on many of the sensitive environments will global warming have? How will many creatures (especially those closest to extinction) be affected by global warming?
    How will these extinctions affect us now and in the future?

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  61. Molly Frisch
    United States
    January 12, 12:33 pm

    What are some words of advice for all of us young people who are chasing the dream of becoming explorers?

  62. David G
    Rome GA
    January 12, 11:11 am

    Science teaches us that everything we are and everything we see and that time and space itself are nothing more than a collection of incredibly combined atoms of endess energy. How has your exploration altered, if at all, your view of whether a there exists some sort of Supreme Being or whether we are indeed ultimatlely bit role players in this terrific ongoing purely scientific experiment?

  63. Nancydiner
    Philadelphia, PA USA
    January 12, 8:40 am

    Jane Goodall, where you ever discouraged by something or someone to abandon your pursuits due to the fact you were a woman? Did any one thing or person almost almost succeed in stopping you?

  64. Marco Marsh
    United Kingdom
    January 12, 2:36 am

    Happy New Year to all the explorers and I wish you the best of luck on the intrepid adventures you have lined up for 2013. My two questions for them are:

    1) Here on Earth, where does the next frontier (or indeed frontiers) of exploration lie?

    2) Exploration can be an expensive endeavor. What advise would you give to those who do not have an abundance of wealth but desire to explore?

  65. Teja Appilla
    Auckland, New Zealand
    January 11, 9:44 pm

    Dear Explorers,

    I believe that everyone is an explorer-by-heart. We are all curious about things.
    However, only few take action. My inspiration is Robert Falcon Scott. In order to become an explorer we need to be effective in various things. Which is why I have recently taken up Hiking, Rowing, Kayaking, Boating and Photography as hobbies. I further want to be able to fly a plane, mountaineer and go diving.

    My question revolves around how you create an exploration programme and how the expenses are covered.
    For example, if I wanted to do a research about the 17 species of penguins (of which many are in Antarctica). What does the process of getting to Antarctica involve? Also, how would the project be funded?

  66. Patrick Glover
    San Francisco
    January 11, 7:38 pm

    What advice would you give to young explorers like myself who are interested in learning more about geography and turning their passion into a career?

  67. Jiewen Wu
    January 11, 7:06 pm


  68. Bosco
    January 11, 6:40 pm

    I always open Google Earth and dream about exploring random places on Earth. How do you choose the places you want to explore? What’s the process like?

  69. Laurel Chor
    Hong Kong
    January 11, 6:32 pm

    Thank you to the explorers for taking the time to do this!

    Question for Jane Goodall, Krithi Karanth and Paula Kahumbu: I work with western lowland gorillas in the Central African Republic, and one of the biggest obstacles to successful conservation is that local populations don’t see the point in saving animals and their habitat. How do you encourage people to take ownership and pride in their own country’s natural heritage?

    Questions for everyone:
    - How do you think technology will change the nature of exploration in the near future?
    - What have you done or what do you think should be done to encourage more girls and women to become scientists and explorers?
    - In the face of ever more dire predictions for the future of the planet, how do you stay hopeful and maintain the drive to do what you do?

    Thanks! I can’t wait. What an awesome event.

  70. Jiggar Patel
    Colonia, NJ. USA
    January 11, 5:40 pm

    Nat Geo has been the foremost institution in opening the eyes of people on mother natures ultimate beauty. Explorers such as Jane Godall has given their lives after conservation. Having been raised in Kenya , i still remember my science teacher (a former teacher in a Ugandan school who used to eat Bush Meat) Calling Jane Godall as the ” Mother nature’s daughter ” for her excellence in caring for the Chimpanzees.
    Conservation has become the top notch issue in the current century , though technology has made us discover the hidden Pandora of nature in the most spectacular way such as the Dive by Mr J. Cameron, the lagging of technology to invigorate conservation of nature hasn’t been striding along. Technology has take quantum leaps in the mobile sector but though still we rely on old technology for tracking, monitoring, protecting and studying animals. Keeping this in Mind, what would the panel of pundits of Nat Geo here do to promote the injection of technologies in the now second phase of discovery; that is conservation. How can we increase the awareness in bringing in the large Tech companies such as Google, IBM, Apple or Cisco to benefit the conservation efforts to bring a revolution in conservation and foster it as an avenue not only for protection but a business opportunity.

  71. Virtual explorer Alice
    January 11, 5:37 pm

    How do the explorers feel about the decline of geography being taught in school and the general decline of public knowledge of geography?

    What would the explorers’ advice be to young children who currently have a passion for geography but wonder “What can I do with geography?”

  72. Britt Sjöqvist
    Sweden, Gothenburg
    January 11, 5:15 pm

    First of all I would like to tell you how great it is to read about everything the National Geographic does. There are so many fascinating things out there!
    My question is: what would be the best way for a biology student at the university to become an National Geographic Explorer? (Scientist/Adventurer) You know, work for NG as a scientist and get to travel and study interesting biological things.
    Also, hopefully you’ll put a link up on FB to the Google+ Hangout, though I’m really guessing you will.

  73. Dawn Wells
    New York, NY
    January 11, 4:45 pm

    Looking forward to this exciting Google + event. There is another exciting event coming up to save the dates for!
    The 3rd Annual New York Wildlife Conservation Film Festival on January 30 – February 2, 2013
    More info here: http://wcff.org/

  74. Mike Nelson Pedde
    BC, Canada
    January 10, 9:33 pm

    Can’t think of any questions to ask, but it sounds amazing!


  75. Christina Blount Presnell
    Harrisonburg, VA USA
    January 10, 7:22 pm

    Would love to hear more about Robert Ballard’s recent findings regarding ancient catastrophic flooding and the plans to further investigate and the technology that may be used to excavate parts of it.

  76. Christopher Lett
    Kansas City, Missouri
    January 10, 1:39 pm

    I’ll be finishing my B.S. in environmental science in October 2013. I love most if not all outdoor activities. What does in take to become national geographic explorer? Or at least an intern with an explorer? Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  77. josephine Reynolds
    January 9, 8:14 am

    I have always been awed by the photographs of archeological sites like Machu Piccu — they are so serene. Yet now I realize that with all those workers, (and no cell phones) there must have been constant yelling, in addition to the noise of building materials. hammering, etc. for years. Are there articles about the noise?

  78. Chloé Maréchal
    January 8, 5:29 pm

    My questions for the explorer would be:
    What is the driving force behind your desire for exploration and do you think you could ever loose it?
    What is your next goal?
    Who inspire you today?
    What was the strongest moment of your life?
    Would you have advices for futur explorer?

    I can not wait to be sunday. :-)


  79. Chloé Maréchal
    January 8, 5:25 pm


    I would have a couple of quesions for the explorers:
    What is the driving force behind your desire for exploration and do you think you could ever loose it?
    Would you have advices for futur explorer?
    What was the strongest moment of your life?
    Who inspire you today?
    What is your next goal?

    I can not wait to be sunday. :-)


  80. Antonio Guedes
    Oporto - Portugal
    January 8, 4:04 pm

    I’d like to ask you a question why you never came explore …Portugal’s Douro Valley , created through a collaborative process with local organizations, will highlight the natural, historic, and cultural assets unique to the area. In this partnership, our region benefits from National Geographic’s considerable map-making expertise. But the project could not work without input from people like you who know what makes this place truly unique and noteworthy.


  81. Martina
    NC, USA
    January 8, 1:52 pm

    Are there any ornithologists? Like the two men who photographed all of the birds-of-paradise? Or maybe the woman who studied the club-winged mannikins? Well, for all of the biologists, any advice for an aspiring ornithologist (at the least.)? Thank you!

  82. Vlad Corduneanu
    Romania - Timisoara
    January 8, 8:50 am

    would have a question for Mrs. Goodal: If you would have another lifetime to explore whatever you want (other than primates – including humans), what else would be the subject of your study?

  83. Marcio Nogueira
    Rio Maior
    January 8, 5:42 am

    I’d like to ask you a question why you never came explore Portugal, we have plants that only exists here, caves that never been explored, we have a huge area of sea, we also have a rich story which was never rebuilt, we are very little but have not yet been discovered.Why not this time.

  84. Amarta qasmani
    January 7, 11:33 pm

    Hi i’d like to ask ‘which is the best place to feel the nature v.closely,to xperience the most mysterious things and to enjoy the challenging adventures of life”
    i’d be v.glad if i get chance to work with Nat Geo :)

  85. Annie
    January 7, 9:36 pm

    The natural world is such a pretty place, but yet so boundless and full of unexpected surprises. How do you have the courage to step beyond what you know and search for the unknown? Moreso, I’m almost beginning uni and feel kind of directionless with my life at the moment; how did you know this was what you wanted to do? And are there lots of jobs out there like this?

  86. Karen
    January 7, 8:32 pm

    What will it take to stop the poaching realistically? I read just recently there were so many rhinos slaughtered for their horns. It seems Asian are the worst offenders with so many species of animals, fish, etc. Is it man-power that is needed most, or money, or both?

  87. Katrin
    Norwich, UK
    January 7, 1:47 pm

    Hi Explorers,

    looking forward to Sunday and the chats. My question for the explorer would be:
    When was the moment you realized that dedicating your life to nature and research was the right thing to do?


  88. Berhanu Kebede
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    January 7, 1:23 pm

    I Like Most Of The adventures u go through to show the world the amazing beauty of God’s Hand In Addition It Is Also Entertaining ..i Wish U Could Give The Chance To Explore The Universe With U

  89. David Railsback
    January 7, 1:22 pm

    If I had to sum up what I’d like to say to theses explorers in one word It would be “Jealous” Now I am sure that not every day was a picture perfect day in the fields that you three have chosen to pursue as a career path? On the other hand You did not have to punch a time clock the majority of your lives as I have! It seems we humans are a funny breed aren’t we? On one hand we love to serve each other in any fashion of the sense, and on the other hand some days we are at each others throats in a manner of speaking or at least we seem to be at times. I am jealous yes of these Three Explorers because they have seen and been places that I will only ever see from the chair in my living room on my television set which also shows us all the negative news of this ugly world nowadays.More than any one person should have to put up with. So I say Bravo to you Three Wonderful People who brought a smile to my face most times while watching your programs in bewilderment and awe at times also. I would like to tell all Three of you Thank You most sincerely for being so genuine and good at what you have brought to us during your years of work for Nat.Geo. It has been a pleasure watching and I hope that Nat.Geo. Never stops bringing us the world into our homes.
    Thank You All
    David Railsback

  90. Lyana Snow
    Little Rock, AR, USA
    January 7, 12:59 pm

    My daughter is 8 and showing great interest in animals, even saying that she would like to be a zoologist or a marine biologist. She loves to go to our local zoo and, when we lived near one, Sea World.
    What can I do now, on a reasonable budget, for her at this time, not living in a very “interesting” area for animal study (no jungle, desert, ocean, etc.), to cultivate and support this desire?
    Thank you.

  91. shashi bhushan singh
    singhinia chowk, bhauara, madhubani, bihar, india
    January 7, 12:59 pm

    how u people are brave to go any part of the world without any fear?

  92. stijbob
    January 6, 11:17 am

    This picture of a little monkey is amazing, I am looking forward to this hangout please keep me posted. Excellent website too well done Lauren.

  93. Florin Poenariu
    January 3, 10:21 pm

    My question for these fine explorers is this :
    In all your travels, have you noticed global warming having a big impact on life and in what ways? What are the consequences you fear for the future?


  94. fargo chan
    January 3, 9:11 pm

    how do i get my foot in the Natgeo. i have always wanted to be a Natgeo photographer.