National Geographic Daily News

Monday, January 7, 2013

  • Clostridium bacteria have been linked to gut ailments.

    What Lives in Your Gut?

    Diet and Lifestyle Affect the Microbes Inside Us

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  • Picture of Indochinese Tiger in zoo, Thailand

    2012 Photo Contest Winners

    See the winning images from the 2012 National Geographic Photo Contest.

  • A resident stands amidst rubble in Pisco, Peru.

    Earthquakes' Secret Signals

    For centuries people have tried to predict earthquakes—with no success. Magnetic signals from rocks deep inside the earth are the latest prospect.

  • Picture of Christopher Nicolson in Bristol Bay

    New Models for Fishing

    Future of Fish is helping fishermen improve their bottom line while better managing stocks for the future.

  • Clostridium bacteria have been linked to gut ailments.

    What Lives in Your Gut?

    A citizen science project explores how diet and lifestyle affect the microbes that dwell inside us.

  • Color Run picture -- for gallery of best news pictures of April 2012

    Pictures We Love: 2012

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  • Fisher picture - a man fixes his nets at the port of Barcelona, Spain

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  • deep-water-habitat-promo-vin.jpg

    Extreme Diving Gets a Boost

    A newly invented underwater habitat makes it easier for divers to come to the surface following deep dives. Video.

  • Shell’s Kulluk drilling rig grounded off Sitkalidak Island, Alaska

    Photos: Shell Rig Runs Aground

    Crews have been trying to secure the Arctic drilling rig, which broke free of its tow lines in a storm and is carrying 150,000 gallons of fuel.

  • Three exoplanets orbit a distant star.

    The Top 5 Exoplanets of 2012

    We pick the most interesting alien worlds discovered in the past year.

  • Star trail picture

    New Space Pictures

    Star trails streak over a salt lake, ice blooms into "broccoli," and the sun sets off sparks in this week's best space pictures.

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