First Listen: Widowspeak, 'Almanac'

Widowspeak, 'Almanac'

41 min 10 sec

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Almanac "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013
Widowspeak's new album, Almanac, comes out Jan. 22.

Widowspeak's new album, Almanac, comes out Jan. 22.

Andrew Smith/Courtesy of the artist

Widowspeak is a fount of familiar sounds, from early-'90s shoegazer rock to twangily portentous Western soundtracks to the languidly soft pop of Mazzy Star's Hope Sandoval. But the Brooklyn-based duo of Molly Hamilton and Robert Earl Thomas fuses them all into a hazy swirl and gives them a kick of buzzy energy — and, in the process, gives the music a dreamy pop sound of its own.

The pair's second album — Almanac, out Jan. 22 — takes the spare, droning simplicity of Widowspeak's self-titled debut and fleshes it out, thickening it with added layers of guitars and organs. But Almanac isn't just a bundle of blearily impeccable atmospherics; the closer you listen, the more it snaps into a focus as a richly textured portrait of aching melancholy and momentous change.

Widowspeak, 'Almanac'

Cover for Almanac


  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Perennials "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Dyed In The Wool

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Dyed in the Wool "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

The Dark Age

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "The Dark Age "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Thick As Thieves

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Thick as Thieves "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013


  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Almanac "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Ballad Of The Golden Hour

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Ballad of the Golden Hour "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Devil Knows

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Devil Knows"
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Sore Eyes

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Sore Eyes "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013


  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Locusts"
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013


  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Minnewaska"
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Spirit Is Willing

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Spirit is Willing"
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013

Storm King

  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Album: Almanac

Purchase Featured Music

  • "Storm King "
  • Album: Almanac
  • Artist: Widowspeak
  • Label: Captured Tracks
  • Released: 2013



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