Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University - Licensing and Trademarks
Licensing Information

Oklahoma State University benefits from public recognition of its name, symbols, logos, and other identifying marks. These marks give a unifying image, which is critical to establishing a visual presence within the world of university communities. This image becomes identified with the quality of OSU’s programs, products, and services and distinguishes its programs from other universities.

Oklahoma State University has registered the names, logos, and trademarks of the university with the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States as well as the Oklahoma Secretary of State. Products bearing those marks and distributed for resale or used for other promotional purposes are subject to the licensing policies of the University. The University has delegated the responsibility for administration of these policies to the Office of Trademarks and Licensing located in the Office of the Legal Counsel.

The University’s rights to its marks are governed by federal, state, and common laws. These laws place an obligation on the University to avoid consumer confusion and require that the use of any marks be monitored to avoid losing exclusive control.

The mission of the Office of Trademarks and Licensing is to insure (1) proper use of those trademarks, service marks, logos, and insignias that have come to be associated with Oklahoma State University; (2) generate income to support and enhance the scholastic missions of Oklahoma State University; and (3) protect the university’s reputation, good name and image by permitting only appropriate uses and assuring that only quality products bear the institution’s name, initials or marks.

OSU Licensee Listings
Current OSU Licensee List - Alphabetical List (as of 09/2012)
Current OSU Licensee List - By Product Category (as of 09/2012)
Internal Campus Supplier Licensee List (as of 09/2012)
Current local OSU Licensee List - By Product Category (as of 09/2012)

Rules for the use of OSU’s trademarks

Departments of the University ordering merchandise from outside vendors bearing a registered (or common law) trademark, trade name, service mark, or logo of Oklahoma State University must secure approval, in writing, by the Office of Trademarks and Licensing.

Recognized and registered student organizations may use the marks in connection with their mission as a student organization at Oklahoma State University for their own internal consumption. Items bearing the marks of the University that are to be used in fundraising projects will be assessed the appropriate royalty fees.

The Office of Trademarks and Licensing has established licensed agreements with a number of suppliers who provide a variety of products. A complete list of all current licensees may be obtained by contacting the University’s Licensing Director. Departments or student groups seeking a supplier should first review this list to determine if the required items may be obtained from one of the current licensees. Only officially licensed vendors will be approved to produce merchandise bearing the Oklahoma State University marks.

Merchandise produced without written authorization may be considered "counterfeit" and subject to all available legal remedies, including seizure of the merchandise, in accordance with the Trademark Anti-Counterfeiting Act, Title 21, Section 1990 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

The marks and name of Oklahoma State University (as well as variations and identifiers and expressions such as Cowboys, Go Pokes, etc.) will not be used in the promotion of alcohol, tobacco, illegal or "recreational" drug products, political campaigns or promotion of political causes, profanity, racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning language or sexual acts. Incorporation of trademarks or copyrights not owned by the University is not permitted, unless written permission for such use is obtained by the Director of Trademarks and Licensing from the mark or copyright owner.

The University marks are to be used only in the form registered, including the appropriate trademark designation, and may not be otherwise altered without the expressed authorization of the Office of Trademarks and Licensing.

University marks may not be used to endorse or promote commercial ventures, private promotions, political campaigns or promotion of political causes, or for organizations and programs not directly sponsored by the University. Special considerations for such use may be made by a formal request to the Office of Trademarks and Licensing for approval by the President of the University or his/her designee. See Oklahoma State University Policy and Procedure Letter 1-0103, Use of the University Name.

Permission to use the University’s marks to be incorporated into private websites must be granted by the Office of Trademarks and Licensing. No objectionable links will be allowed to be placed in the website that contains the University’s marks. A disclaimer must be inserted at the bottom of the opening page of any website containing the University’s marks that there is no official affiliation or endorsement granted by Oklahoma State University.



Contact Information

For more information regarding the use of OSU’s trademarks contact the Office of Trademarks and Licensing.


Kurtis Mason

Administrator of Trademarks and Licensing

Phone: 405-744-6238
