The Moral Liberal

Defending the Judeo-Christian heritage, limited government, & the American Constitution
Saturday January 12th 2013

Constitutionally Yours - Liberty News, Alerts & Essays

Albanian Muslim sentenced to federal prison for terrorism charges

Albanian Muslim sentenced to federal prison for terrorism charges

Radical Academy: Root Principles & Common Sense

The Divine Distance – Bridging the Divide Between the Mind and the Heart The Divine Distance – Bridging the Divide Between the Mind and the Heart »

Andre French BY ANDRÉ FRENCH It has always fascinated me that the grace of God does not [...]

Is Objectivism Merely a Disguised Materialism? Is Objectivism Merely a Disguised Materialism? »

Is Objectivism merely a disguised Materialism? And, if this is what Objectivism really is, then on what [...]

When Kids and Guns Mix When Kids and Guns Mix »

BY SELWYN DUKE We all know what can happen when kids and guns mix. And today I will tell you some [...]

Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom – Mortimer J. Adler Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom – Mortimer J. Adler »

BY MORTIMER J. ADLER, PH.D. Mortimer J. AdlerCredit: Britannica Online for Kids The outstanding [...]

Does God Exist? – Jonathan Dolhenty Does God Exist? – Jonathan Dolhenty »

The argument over the existence of God has raged for centuries. Theists and atheists have continually [...]

Column du Jour

Behreandt: Should We Ban Guns or Abortion? »

Behreandt: Should We Ban Guns or Abortion?

While the White House and Congressional Democrats work themselves into a lather over gun deaths, they have nothing to say about ending the genocide of [Read More]

Free Enterprise Zone

Chinese Investment in the U.S. Shatters Records Chinese Investment in the U.S. Shatters Records »


Economic Outlook 2013 Economic Outlook 2013 »

ZIRP, Zombies, and the [...]

Adam Smith—Of the Division of Labor Adam Smith—Of the Division of Labor »

An Inquiry Into the Nature and [...]

Wealth of Nations—Adam Smith—Introduction Wealth of Nations—Adam Smith—Introduction »

An Inquiry Into the Nature and [...]

Tyranny Unmasked

Yale’s Timothy Dwight Unveils Plot to Destroy Christianity Yale’s Timothy Dwight Unveils Plot to Destroy Christianity »

Yale President, Timothy Dwight AMERICAN MINUTE WITH BILL FEDERER Grandson of Princeton president [...]

Edmund Burke: Hijacking a Good Name Only to Abandon Its Good Cause Edmund Burke: Hijacking a Good Name Only to Abandon Its Good Cause »

Daily Dabble in the Classics, Edmund Burke Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish-born British Statesman, [...]

Tito: Collaboration with capitalism with the sole aim… Tito: Collaboration with capitalism with the sole aim… »

Marshal Josip Broz Tito, First President of Yugoslavia (in office 1953-1980) Tyranny Unmasked, Marshal [...]

Why of course the people don’t want war . . . Why of course the people don’t want war . . . »

Tyranny Unmasked, Herman Goering "Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor [...]

“High Priests of the Revolution?” No! In the end, slavery! “High Priests of the Revolution?” No! In the end, slavery! »

Peter ArshinovMurderer, Arms Smuggler, Anarchist, Revolutionary and Communist! Tyranny Unmasked, Peter [...]

Family, Culture, Education, Leadership

Behreandt: Should We Ban Guns or Abortion?

Behreandt: Should We Ban Guns or Abortion?

While the White House and Congressional Democrats work themselves into a lather over gun deaths, they have nothing to say about ending the genocide of abortion. BY DENNIS BEHREANDT Vice President Joe Biden has said that the Obama administration is going to take executive (read dictatorial) action to implement gun control. "The [...]

Zero Tolerance for Deaf Child’s Name

Zero Tolerance for Deaf Child’s Name

EDUCATION REPORTER, EAGLE FORUM Parents of a deaf child named Hunter were told by his Nebraska public preschool that they must change his name because he was in violation of the school district’s weapons policy. To sign his name, the three-year-old crosses his index and middle fingers then wags his hands. This sign apparently appeared to [...]

Russia Responds to U.S. by Punishing Orphans

Russia Responds to U.S. by Punishing Orphans

ARIEL COHEN, PH.D., HERITAGE FOUNDATION Ariel Cohen On January 2, the U.S. Senate unanimously condemned the "Dima Yakovlev Law," a measure hastily adopted around Christmas time, that victimizes Russian orphans—and Russian democracy. This piece of legislation bars the adoption of Russian children by U.S. citizens. It is named after Dima [...]

Big News! Men Like Sports!

Big News! Men Like Sports!

BY PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY Every now and then the Wall Street Journal indulges in a little humor, and I'd like to share one of these rare articles with you today. It's an article presented as big sensational news under the headline: "Males Play Sports Much More Than Females." This is truly a "man bites dog" type of story because what is being reported [...]

Alabama Supreme Court Rules “Child” Applies to Preborn

Alabama Supreme Court Rules “Child” Applies to Preborn

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, LIBERTY COUNSEL Montgomery, AL – Today the Alabama Supreme Court held that the word “child” in Alabama’s chemical endangerment statute applies to the born and unborn in Ankrom v. State. Liberty Counsel's amicus brief argued that the protection of the unborn is in keeping with the protections afforded the born in [...]

Seeking Forgiveness – Fr. Frank Pavone

Seeking Forgiveness – Fr. Frank Pavone

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This reflection is taken from my book Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, which is available for purchase at: “Give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace” (John Paul II, to those who have had [...]

Head Start Impact Evaluation Report Finally Released

Head Start Impact Evaluation Report Finally Released

Lindsey Burke HERITAGE FOUNDATION In 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) completed data collection for its third-grade follow-up study of Head Start, a federal preschool program designed to improve the kindergarten readiness of low-income children. Four years later, just before Christmas, the agency finally published the [...]

Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This month many of you will march for life, in Washington DC and in your own towns and cities. The day will come when Roe v Wade will be overturned. The Court could say that the people can decide whether abortion should be legal in their own state. But the Court could also rule that the unborn child must be protected as a [...]

“Safe & Legal” Project Highlights Abortion’s Danger to Women

“Safe & Legal” Project Highlights Abortion’s Danger to Women

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE Marla Cardamone and her Mom. In 1996, then-President Bill Clinton famously said he would like to see abortion “safe, legal and rare.” Seventeen years later, abortion remains legal. It kills more than a million unborn babies a year, so it is certainly not rare. And as a new project called “Safe & Legal” [...]

Let the Little Children Come Unto Me – Fr. Frank Pavone

Let the Little Children Come Unto Me – Fr. Frank Pavone

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This reflection is taken from my book Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, which is available for purchase at: “People brought children to him so that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not [...]

The Taxpayer Abortion Mill

The Taxpayer Abortion Mill

Nathanael Bennett, ACLJ As the United States faces historic budgetary problems, there is one industry that is not only thriving, but continues to be bolstered by hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.  Shockingly, that favored industry is none other than the abortion industry, and as always, the primary beneficiary of those taxpayer dollars [...]

WHAT is he writing about? (The S-word)

WHAT is he writing about? (The S-word)

THOMAS JEFFERSON LEADERSHIP The subject of your letter of April 20, is one on which I do not permit myself to express an opinion, but when time, place, and occasion may give it some favorable effect. A good cause is often injured more by ill-timed efforts of its friends than by the arguments of its enemies. Persuasion, perseverance, and patience [...]

Surrender the Secret: Christian Reality TV on Abortion & Healing

Surrender the Secret: Christian Reality TV on Abortion & Healing

LIFE NEWS, LIBERTY COUNSEL Orlando, FL – KnockTV, LLC and Liberty Counsel today announced a national partnership agreement to jointly promote and support KnockTV’s new, groundbreaking Christian reality TV series SURRENDER THE SECRET. Liberty Counsel has agreed to join KnockTV’s National Partners Program as the latest in the growing [...]

A Consistent Ethic of Life – Fr. Frank Pavone

A Consistent Ethic of Life – Fr. Frank Pavone

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This reflection is taken from my book Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, which is available for purchase at: “A consistent ethic of life…far from …equating all issues touching on the dignity of human life—recognizes instead the distinctive character of each issue while giving [...]

College teaches Fifty Shades

College teaches Fifty Shades

EDUCATION, EAGLE FORUM BLOG Ever wonder what you might learn if you take a course in American Studies at American University, currently ranked as our 77th best college? You get to read mommy fantasy porn. Here is their catalog description: AMST-330 005 AMERICAN STUDIES SPRING 2013 Course Level: Undergraduate Contemporary American Culture [...]

We did our part. Now, you do yours.

We did our part. Now, you do yours.

THOMAS JEFFERSON LEADERSHIP We have spent the prime of our lives in procuring them the precious blessing of liberty. Let them spend theirs in showing that it is the great parent of science and of virtue; and that a nation will be great in both, always in proportion as it is free. Source: To Doctor Willard, March 24, 1789   Patrick [...]

Priests for Life Secures Religious Freedom Exemption

Priests for Life Secures Religious Freedom Exemption

Father Frank Pavone LIBERTY ALERT, PRIESTS FOR LIFE Priests for Life has scored a victory in its challenge to the religious-freedom-busting HHS mandate. Lawyers for the Obama administration stipulated that the pro-life organization would not have to offer contraception, sterilization services and abortifacient drugs through its employee [...]

Dedicated Petition Link Plus Media and More Testimony

Dedicated Petition Link Plus Media and More Testimony

Karen R. Effrem, MD, Education Liberty Watch Thanks to you, we are well on our way to collecting hundreds of signatures to present to the judge calling for a halt to the horrific proposed social studies standards. However, we have also received reports that some people were having trouble finding the link to the petition in our last email. So, [...]

VAWA Expired

VAWA Expired

FEMINISM, EAGLE FORUM BLOG Laura Wood reports that in all the excitement about the fiscal cliff, a bad feminist law died: THE feminist domestic violence industry is now officially in jeopardy after the House failed to renew the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) at year’s end. This leaves a bill which is responsible for serious civil rights [...]

Charter Schools & Common Core—A Threat to Private Education

Charter Schools & Common Core—A Threat to Private Education

The growing Charter School movement and the pressure it receives to adopt Common Core Standards, is a threat to truely private schools, and inasmuch as private schools adopt Common Core Standard as well, they become a threat to themselves and all  they are supposed to represent. EDUCATION REPORTER, EAGLE FORUM The public education movements [...]

Ed. Briefs: Parental Rights, Involvement, & Ethnic Studies

Ed. Briefs: Parental Rights, Involvement, & Ethnic Studies

EDUCATION REPORTER, EAGLE FORUM Parental involvement in a child’s education is the most important aspect determining a student’s academic success, according to a study by researchers at three universities. North Carolina State University Professor Toby Parcel, a co-author of the study, stressed that “the effort that parents are putting in [...]

The Epiphany – Fr. Frank Pavone

The Epiphany – Fr. Frank Pavone

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This weekend the Church celebrates the Epiphany, a feast marking the manifestation of Christ as the Savior for all nations. In “The Gospel of Life” John Paul II stated that human life itself is “a manifestation of God in the world, a sign of his presence, a trace of his glory”. In Christ, God reveals us to ourselves, [...]

Social Studies Standards Petition Letter Now Available

Social Studies Standards Petition Letter Now Available

Please Sign and Share! Karen R. Effrem, MD, Education Liberty Watch The petition letter opposing the proposed Minnesota social studies standards to administrative law Judge Barbara Nielson is now ready to be signed. We will collect signatures and then forward them with the letter to the judge, who will accept this letter and signatures as [...]

Slouching From Gomorrah: Remembering Robert Bork

Slouching From Gomorrah: Remembering Robert Bork

PAUL G. KENGOR, CENTER FOR VISION & VALUES It has been a couple of weeks since the death of Robert Bork, which occurred shortly before Christmas and didn’t really get the news coverage that Bork merited. Bork died at age 85. In 1987, he became a national headline when President Ronald Reagan nominated him to the Supreme Court. He was [...]

Affirmative Action ‘Mismatch’

Affirmative Action ‘Mismatch’

EDUCATION REPORTER, EAGLE FORUM Since its beginnings, affirmative action has been touted as a system that aids black and Hispanic students with little or no drawbacks for its recipients. While some have argued that affirmative action unintentionally and unfairly discriminates against whites, it has been generally accepted that the system is [...]

Courage to Call Things By Their Proper Name – Fr. Frank Pavone

Courage to Call Things By Their Proper Name – Fr. Frank Pavone

BY FR. FRANK PAVONE This reflection is taken from my book Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day, which is available for purchase at: “We need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name, without yielding to convenient compromises or to the [...]

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Author, writer, newsman, soldier, patriot, New Orleans Saints fan, and contributing editor at The Moral Liberal.

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Vander Elst


We recommend Philip Vander Elst's "Power Against People: A Christian Critique of the State"

TML’s Video Picks

Pick 1: Jay Sekulow on Fox News: HHS Mandate Lawsuit & Hobby Lobby

Pick 2: Six Numbers You Need to Know About the Fiscal Cliff – ACLJ

Pick 3: Who is Chuck Hagel? – ACLJ

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Thomas Jefferson – A Leader’s Leader

Invite Thomas Jefferson to Speak!
(Thomas Jefferson as portrayed by Patrick Lee)

Sharpen Your Mind



A member of a religious order living in a monastic community. […]


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