In Today's News...

Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Was Greatest On Record In December. No wonder Al Gore’s taking middle east oil money from Al Jazeera. Al evidently know’s his beach house in Santa Barbara will soon have an ice skating rink instead of a pool in the backyard and his heating bill will be going way up.

ScreenHunter_375 Jan. 04 05.52

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Egyptian Lawyers: Muslim Brotherhood Took BILLIONS From Obama. Looks like the Muslim-in-Chief doesn’t mind if Christians and Jews are wiped off the planet.

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Inmates using newspaper’s gun owner map to threaten guards, sheriff says. While we agree with the sheriff, we have to wonder why he didn’t take umbrage about this a few days ago. Evidently him and his deputies are special, the rest of us are peons and don’t count. Maybe feeling some heat will be good for them.

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CA tax revenues continue to drop despite tax hikes. “At the end of November, ‘taxes were 3% short in the fiscal year that started in July,’ which is ‘a gap of $936 million.’ The state was 0.7% short a month before.” Gee, what about those prestigious “studies” Moonbeam had done that showed people don’t care how high tax rates were? Hope he didn’t borrow money to pay for ‘em.

- by Bonfire of the Absurdities | 8 comments | Share Link

Lincolnton furniture company once praised by Obama closes. Obama picks another winner.

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Nancy Pelosi says unemployment rate is “going in the right direction” …even though it’s the same as last month. No change is good change, some animals are more equal than others, and that sound you hear is George Orwell cackling from the great beyond.

- by J.P. Travis | 10 comments | Share Link

‘I am not your peasant… I will NOT be disarmed:’ Marine’s scathing letter to U.S. senator over her proposed ban on assault weapons goes viral.

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime.

You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joshua Boston

Cpl, United States Marine Corps


You couldn’t say it any better than this.

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New Hampshire legislator wants to “restrict freedoms” of conservatives. Cynthia Chase feels conservatives are the “single biggest threat” her state faces, so she wants to pass laws that are so unfriendly conservatives won’t move to New Hampshire and those already living there will leave. As ugly as that idea is, it doesn’t hold a candle to the woman herself… who looks like the south end of a mule heading north.

- by J.P. Travis | 21 comments | Share Link

The moment drunken passenger is taped to his seat during flight to New York after ‘trying to choke one woman and ranting the plane was going to crash.’ Only 4 days into January and we appear to already have the loser of the month winner.


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Ex-Burglars Say Newspaper’s Gun Map Would’ve Made the Job Easier, Safer. To criminals this list is ‘pure gold.’ To liberals it was a touchy-feely thing to publish it with obviously no critical thinking about what the implications of what they were doing were. Perhaps they should change the paper’s name to the Urinal News because they’re obviously a piss-poor, third-rate publication.

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“What happened that my SS withholdings in my paycheck just went up?” A Democratic post: “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease will hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over $400,000.” The lord Obama giveth and the lord Obama taketh away: “Workers making $30,000 will take a bigger hit on their pay than those earning $500,000 under new fiscal deal.” Elections have consequences, but you don’t find out until January.

- by Bonfire of the Absurdities | 35 comments | Share Link

English textbook wipes Israel off the map. Ahmadinejad promised to do it but he’s too late. According to this textbook approved by the British Council, Israel is already gone. (And we wonder why we’re losing the culture war.)

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155,000 jobs added in December, unemployment rate 7.8% “The unemployment rate was 7.8%, vs the 7.7% expected: who else is surprised that the rate is now rising with Obama reelected and when a lower unemployment rate means an earlier end to QE4EVA? The labor force participation rate: 63.6%, same as November.” Our hunch is that the excuse the month will be the Mayan Calendar end-of-the-world scare.

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FBI: More people killed with hammers, clubs each year than rifles. Not to mention that hammers are responsible for breaking fingers and driving health care costs UP. (Wow, we’re starting to think like statists and it’s making our head hurt… sorta like somebody conked us with a hammer.)

schumer with hammer

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AGW Bombshell? A new paper shows statistical tests for global warming fails to find statistically significantly anthropogenic forcing. “…our rejection of AGW is not absolute; it might be a false positive, and we cannot rule out the possibility that recent global warming has an anthropogenic footprint. However, this possibility is very small, and is not statistically significant at conventional levels.” Hey, if they didn’t fudge data, ignore contradictory evidence and call anyone who disagreed vile names, then they’re not real climate scientists.

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Glenn Beck tried to buy Current TV, too, but his offer was rejected, as he didn’t share Al Gore’s worldview. “And you know who did? Why, Al Jazeera, of course.” Confirmation that Al Gore thinks conservative Americans are the only enemy. BTW, “Al Gore tried to hurry up the sale so he could avoid the increased taxes beginning January 1st.”

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Boehner re-elected speaker in midst of public defections. Waaaaaaahhhhh! Waaaaaaahhhh! Gee John, you don’t have to cry about it. (Again!)

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Six-year-old Suspended for Firing Assault Finger. We suppose if he’d merely told him “spread your legs you’re going to be searched” and then did a body cavity search with that finger we’d see Joe Biden riding AMTRAK to his rescue.

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Beloved Chicago muffler store owner city’s fifth homicide of new year. The third day of 2013 isn’t even over and Chi-town is already up to 5 homicides. Meanwhile the idiots in the Illinois state capitol are busy trying to ban just about anything that shoots, oblivious to the fact that their strict gun laws are useless in controlling criminals from obtaining illegal firearms. We can only assume they’re clueless that criminals are going to commit crimes. We give the Illinois government a big Homer Simpson “Doh!”

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JOE BIDEN TO NEWLY SWORN IN FEMALE SENATOR: ‘SPREAD YOUR LEGS, YOU’RE GOING TO BE FRISKED’ Funny how Mitt Romney mentioned “Binders full of women” and the left about had a heart-attack over it, but old Gaffin’ Joe says something like this and nary a word from the MSM or NOW. If Romey had said this to someone during the campaign they’d still be talking about it 24 x 7.

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50 reasons why it rocks to be a progressive in 2013. “Examples: –Whatever your heart desires, it’s a ‘right.’ –You can make other people pay for your stuff, and call them selfish and greedy if they refuse. –Stealing is no longer crime, but an act of redistributive justice. –All you have to do is agree with the mainstream media, and you’re automatically right.” Wait, is this a satire or an Obama campaign ad?

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“I felt like there were three angels in the room. And, interestingly, they had New York accents…” Sen. Mark Kirk returns to the Senate after his stroke and recounts an interesting story. Forget the fiscal cliff, there’s a real cliff we all have to face – but unlike in politics, the guiding higher power won’t be vacationing in Hawaii.

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Surprise: Obamacare-wary employers not hiring, cutting hours. “…instead of complying with the mandate and spending money they either (a) don’t have or (b) need for other purposes, cash-strapped small business owners are planning to shave hours and provide less work for their employees. That’s not greed; it’s business reality in a stagnant economy.” No, that’s just another form of raaaaacism!

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Calpers seeks to sue bankrupt San Bernardino over pension payments. “The issue is, do Calpers obligations supersede unsecured bondholders? There’s an awful lot of unsecured bondholders in California. If you put pension obligations to Calpers as secured and senior to unsecured debt, in effect those bonds have been downgraded.” Downgrading drives bond prices down. A lot of those bonds are held by retirees and other savers, either directly or thru funds. You do the math.

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Obama: We raised taxes, but the rich still aren’t paying their fair share. “And the president made clear that he’s trying to keep his campaign base mobilized.” Yeah, keep the cultists in a state of high dudgeon while he goes cliff diving in Hawaii. And he hands out tax breaks to Hollywood and Big Wind. Nuance.

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