Blake Farenthold

Blake Farenthold


Proudly serving Texas' twenty-seventh district in Congress.

Corpus Christi, TX ·

  1. I supported b/c it holds Congress accountable. America's problems will not be solved by preserving the status quo...

  2. Representing South Texas today at was an honor. Fitting to celebrate the Constitution & equal rights for all on

  3. American families set a budget so they can pay their bills. Washington MUST do the same. A balanced budget leads to

  4. Ok -funny: Given how the GOP base is feeling about Congress post-election, I might have picked a word other than 'retreat.'

  5. Pres Obama's proposal violates the , circumvents Congress & has been proven not to be effective in preventing gun violence!

  6. Tonight, the House will observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and their families.

  7. Hance is introducing Congressman Blake Farenthold from District 27, TX. His daughter will be graduating from Tech today.

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