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David Gregory Will Not Be Prosecuted or Arrested for Illegal Magazine Possession

Top Senate Dems on Unilateral Debt Ceiling Hike: Go For It, Mr. President

BREAKING: Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) Won't Seek Re-election in 2014

Democrat Ed Rendell: Good Thing About Newtown is That it Was So Horrific

White House Takes NRA Advice, Looks at Funding for Armed Police in Schools

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin EBT Abuse: The Cash-for-Drunkards Program
Mark Davis Mark Davis You Can't Call a Pretty Girl Pretty; What Kind of Country Are We Becoming?
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell No Oxygen, Please, for This Show
John Ransom John Ransom 24 Million Martyrs
Jeff Jacoby Jeff Jacoby What is the Future of Conservatism?
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French forces take action against Mali Islamists
Top Dems urge Obama to weigh unilateral debt hike
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Venezuela VP heading to Cuba see Chavez, family
US-born Taliban fighter wins prison prayer lawsuit
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