Not For Profit - For Global Justice

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

  Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,257

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

"We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values…when machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered." - Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1967







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Video And Audio


"I Am An American Indian Patriot"

"We live in a prisoner of war camp, that's why they call it a reservation"

A Pantomime World

By Adam Curtis

A fake bubble of certainty that has imprisoned us in the west - and is now preventing us from understanding what is really going on in the world outside.

The Power of Nightmares

By Adam Curtis

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

“How we can solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem”,
  “I simply got tired of western mainstream media presenting the Palestinian-Israeli issue as being complex."

Miko Peled Debunks Jewish Myths

"If Anybody here, came hoping to hear a balanced presentation, then they are going to be sorely disappointed.

"Political Fraud"

Indoctrination By Propaganda Works

Lifting the Veil:
Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy

This film explores the historical role of the Democratic Party as the “graveyard of social movements”.

Surviving Progress

The film connects financial collapse, growing inequality and global oligarchy with the sustainability of mankind itself.

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine

A brief and crucial history of the United States

The Most Honest Three and a Half Minutes of Television. Ever......?

Scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom.

U.S. Helicopter Blasts Afghan Man to Pieces...
As The Pilot Sings 'Bye, Bye Miss American Pie'

It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

The Power Principle

Simply brilliant. - This is probably the best film ever made about American foreign policy.

Managing Public Perception - Psywar

The real battlefield is your mind.

The Century of the Self

How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.

Why We Fight

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism?

Norman Finkelstein: American Radical

Probing, definitive documentary about Jewish-American political scientist Norman Finkelstein

Stop the Machine!!!!!:
A brief and crucial history of the United States.

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government

Lives In The Balance : Jackson Browne

"You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that you've seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war "

American Drug War - The Last White Hope

How money, power and greed have corrupted not just drug pushers and dope fiends, but an entire government.

How American News Media Works In Favor Of Israel
The Fourth World War

Documentary of radical resistance to global capitalism

The Israel Lobby

Does the United States in fact keep Israel on its feet? And how long will it continue to do so?

John Pilger: 'The War on Democracy'

The story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".

Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldn't be a great idea.

Poison DUst

Poison DUst tells the story of young soldiers who thought they came home safely from the war, but didn't.

John Pilger: Truth Game

The worldwide propaganda surrounding the nuclear arms race is scrutinised.

The Road To Guantanamo

Three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there


"I Witnessed The Degradation And Murder Of Detainees":

A prisoner of the "war on terror" disturbing allegations of mistreatment and murder.

Global Dimming

It reveals that we may have grossly underestimated the speed at which our climate is changing. At its heart is a deadly new phenomenon.

 An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's Documentary on the dangers of climate change and global warming


America Freedom to Fascism

Startling facts about our laws, raising critical issues that Americans must consider if they are to be a free people.


Despotism & Democracy : Video

Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted.































































































































































































































































































































































U.S. Could Strike Iran to Block Nuclear Progress: Ehud Barak

By The Daily Beast

If sanctions fail to halt Tehran’s nuclear weapons development, the Pentagon has plans for a ‘surgical operation’ to end the threat, the Israeli defense minister said.

Paranoia Run Wild

By Paul Balles

Israel continues to insist on action to pre-empt Iran's capacity to develop nuclear weapons.

Preventative War Has Become The Rule
Belgian MP Laurent Louis stands against war in Mali and exposes the international neo-colonial plot


"Preventative war has become the rule. And today in then name of democracy and the fight against terrorism, our states grant themselves the right to violate the sovereignty of independent countries and to overthrow legitimate leaders"

The United States Promotes Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinians

By Francis A. Boyle

These Israeli “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention mandate universal prosecution for the perpetrators and their commanders, whether military or civilian, including and especially Israel’s political leaders.

Sheldon Adelson Invested in Fight Against Hagel

By Haaretz

Secretly-funded groups in the United States have been running advertisements against the appointment of Chuck Hagel to secretary of defense, with at least one of them describing him as "anti-Israel", "anti-gay" and "anti-women"

Talking to Reporters Is Not A Crime:
New Leak Investigation Threatens Press Freedom

By Trevor Timm

The FBI is using new, “sophisticated software to identify names, key words and phrases embedded in e-mails and other communications, including text messages, which could lead them to suspects.”

January 27, 2013

Jordan’s King Abdullah: “The New Taliban Are In Syria”

By Christopher Dickey

Speaking at the World Economic Forum summit in Davos, King Abdullah warned of Al Qaeda’s presence in Syria and said that it could take years for peace to return to the war-torn country.

US-Led Sanctions Contribute To The Destruction Of Syria’s Millenary History

By Franklin Lamb

What “civil war”? What “crisis”? One is tempted to ask himself even though there continues to be intermittent “thuds” and a jet streaking overhead now and then en route apparently to one of the suburbs where clashes erupt intermittently. Continue

Holocaust And Extermination
A Terrible Normality

By Michael Parenti

President Barack Obama is not spineless. He is hypocritical but not confused. He is (by his own description) an erstwhile “liberal Republican,” or as I would put it, a faithful servant of corporate America. Continue

The Nation defends John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for the CIA

By Joseph Kishore

The “left” publication speaks on behalf of a privileged layer of the upper middle class, deeply complacent, lacking political principles and more and more integrated into the military and political establishment. Continue

Noam Chomsky : Long Distance Revolutionary


There is no doubt in my mind, my heart, and my soul that Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent man. Continue

Nature’s Capital Is The Limiting Resource

By Paul Craig Roberts

Only in science fiction can humans escape the consequences of destroying their own habitat
. Continue

Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law

By Alex Newman

According to news reports, gun rights activists are urging everyone to defy far-left Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new registration mandate while daring authorities to “come and take it.” 

 Clash between Pakistani Taliban and militia said to kill 31: At least 31 people were killed when Pakistan Taliban attacked a pro-government militia, according to reports from the two sides on Saturday, but the Taliban were beaten back after hours of fierce fighting.

'10 police killed in Afghanistan suicide attack': At least ten policemen were killed and 18 others, mostly civilians, were wounded in a suicide attack on Saturday in a crowded area of the northeast Afghan city of Kunduz, provincial authorities said.

Saudi prince calls for Syrian rebels to be armed: A senior member of Saudi Arabia's monarchy called on Friday for Syrian rebels to be given anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to "level the playing field" in their battle against President Bashar al-Assad

Iran warns against attack on Syria: Iran would consider any attack on Syria an attack on itself, a senior government official was quoted as saying on Saturday, in one of Tehran's most assertive defences of its ally yet.

Two Iraqi soldiers killed as hundreds attend funeral for protesters: Two Iraqi soldiers were killed and three others were abducted in Fallujah today as hundreds of mourners gathered in the city for the funeral of protesters killed during a shooting by army troops a day earlier, according to officials.

Sheik wants Iraq to hand over soldiers involved in the killing of 7 protesters: A Sunni sheik called on the prime minister of Iraq to hand over soldiers involved in the killing of 7 protesters in Fallujah or face "losses among their ranks." "They need to go back to their barracks and be stopped, or there may be losses among their ranks or the ranks of the police. With all honesty, Fallujah is boiling," he said.

Iraqi lawmakers pass law to block Maliki from third term: Lawmakers from Sunni, Kurdish and Shi'ite parties voted for the law, but the legislation still needs the president's approval and will face challenges in federal court after Maliki's supporters rejected it as illegal.

Rand Paul: ‘any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States’: “Well absolutely we stand with Israel,” he said in an interview with Breitbart News, “but what I think we should do is announce to the world – and I think it is pretty well known — that any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States.”

Lib Dems condemn MP's criticism of Israel ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day: He accused "the Jews" in Israel of "inflicting atrocities on Palestinians... on a daily basis".

26 dead in Egypt clashes : The clashes erupted after a Cairo court handed down the sentences over the riot last February in which 74 people were killed, and came a day after violence swept Egypt on the second anniversary of its uprising.

9 killed in deadly clashes across Egypt, Army : On the second anniversary of the 25 January uprising, deep rifts were exposed in post-revolution Egypt after 9 people were shot dead in nation-wide protests against Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Mursi.

Mali: French-led soldiers in control of Gao airport: French-led troops in Mali have taken control of the airport in the northern town and Islamist stronghold of Gao, the French defence ministry has said.
Both Gao's airport and the strategic Wabary bridge have been secured, though fighting continues in the town.

Mali crisis: US admits mistakes in training local troop: Gen Carter Ham of United States Africa Command (Africom) said its forces had failed to train Malian troops on "values, ethics and a military ethos".

U.S. may give $32M to train African troops in Mali: The Obama administration is seeking an additional $32 million to train African troops to fight Islamic extremists in Mali. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters Friday the request had been made to Congress.

U.S., French leaders pledge expanded counter-terrorism in North Africa: The Obama administration sent some 100 military trainers last week to Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo and Ghana -- the nations that are poised to send their troops to Mali.

Fears grow that Libya is incubator of turmoil: Fears are growing that post-Moammar Gadhafi Libya is becoming an incubator of turmoil, with an overflow of weapons and Islamic jihadi militants operating freely, ready for battlefields at home or abroad.

Before he was overthrown and killed, Muammar Gaddafi warned jihadists would conquer northern Africa: The Islamists would pour in from Afghanistan, Algeria, and Egypt, he warned, saying, “These are beasts with turbans.”

What's the threat? North Korean rhetoric, reality: According to its official statements, North Korea is ready to go to the brink. But how serious are Pyongyang's threats?

Venezuela prison riot 'kills many': The riot was triggered when local media broadcast news that soldiers had been sent to Uribana prison in Barquisimeto to search for weapons, Prisons Minister Iris Varela said. The dead are thought to include inmates, guards and prison workers.

The First Prison Sentence Related To Gitmo Torture Goes To Someone Who Spoke Out Against It: Ex-CIA officer John C. Kiriakou became the first person to be sentenced to prison for issues related to torture at Guantanamo Bay on Friday– because he talked about, but did not participate in, “enhanced interrogation” techniques.

Total Surveillance : NYPD places full body scanners on the streets of New York - Video

US appeals panel agrees government can demand Twitter account info in WikiLeaks probe: A federal appeals court ruled Friday that prosecutors can demand Twitter account information of certain users in their criminal probe into the disclosure of classified documents on WikiLeaks.

Britain is experiencing 'worse slump than during Great Depression': Britain's recent economic performance is the worst since records began in the pre-Victorian era, experts said today, apart from the two immediate post-war slumps.

Businessweek: World 'Plunges Into Currency War': Governments from Germany, to Russia, to Brazil, to Thailand have expressed worry that the world is plunging into a currency war, Bloomberg Businessweek reports.

Jim Sinclair: This is the Big One!:" Legendary gold trader Jim Sinclair has sent another email alert to subscribers today, warning that the current reaction in gold is the big one, and the last play by the bullion banks to denude gold and silver investors of their positions

US banks shaken by biggest deposit withdrawals since 9/11: US Federal Reserve is reporting a major deposit withdrawal from the nation’s bank accounts. The financial system hasn’t seen such a massive fund outflow since 9/11 attacks.

More Americans delay retirement, keep working: Retirement is becoming a more distant dream for a rising number of older Americans, largely because they need the money but also because they are healthy enough to keep working.

Januaryn 26, 2013

France, Qatar, and the New World Disorder

By Gearóid Ó Colmáin

There are no words in any language to describe the atrocities NATO‘s contras are committing against the people of Syria.

France sends troops to secure Niger uranium mines

By Bill Van Auken

Barely two weeks after invading Mali with over 2,000 troops of the Foreign Legion, France has dispatched special forces troops to neighboring Niger to secure uranium mines run by the French state-owned nuclear power company Areva.

How Washington Helped Foster the Islamist Uprising in Mali

By Jeremy Keenan

How Washington’s Global War On Terror has come home to roost for the peoples of the Sahara.

Western Media Ratcheting Up Anti-Iran Propaganda?

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

The Los Angeles Times published an alarming piece of news entitled “ Cyber Corps program trains spies for the digital age ”.   The “cyber-warriors” who are headed for organizations such as the CIA, NSC, FBI, the Pentagon and so on, are trained to stalk, “ rifle through trash, sneak a tracking device on cars and plant false information on Facebook.

CIA Whistleblower Sentenced To 30 Months In Prison


John Kiriakou was the first to blow the whistle on Washington's torture program.

Why is Justice a One-eyed Blind Woman?
History Never Ends

By Eduardo Galeano

If international justice really exists, why are the powerful never judged?  The masterminds of the worst butcheries are never sent to prison.  Is it because it is these butchers themselves who hold the prison keys?

Exclusive: Billionaires Secretly Fund Attacks on Climate Science

By Steve Connor

Audit trail reveals that donors linked to fossil fuel industry are backing global warming sceptics.

The Great Dismal:
“What we speak becomes the house we live in.”

By Phil Rockstroh

How does one avoid being drowned in dumbness?

We're Screwed
Thoughts Following the Inauguration of Septimius Severus

By Fred Reed

The current donnybrook over guns is not a political question, like whether to raise or lower taxes. It is a clash of civilizations, a confrontation between two groups who seriously don’t like each other and hold irreconcilably different views of life.

Max Keiser's Unpleasant Facts on UK Economy


Max Keiser deliberes some unpleasant truthes on the state of the UK economy.

73 killed in Homs in five days: Activists say: Six rebels were killed by regime shelling and overnight fire fights in the Jobar district of Homs, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, adding that 31 soldiers, 16 rebels and 26 civilians had died in violence there since Sunday.

Syrian security forces step up offensive for Homs areas: The Syrian army has stepped up an offensive on opposition Sunni Muslim strongholds in the central city of Homs, bringing in ground forces and loyalist militia to try to secure a major road junction, opposition sources said today.

Car bomb explodes near Syrian-Israeli border, 8 killed: Eight members of Syria's military intelligence were killed by an Islamist militant car bomb on Thursday night near the southern frontier with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, opposition activists and a violence monitoring group said on Friday, Jan 25.

Syria's Bashar al-Assad won't fall soon, Jordan's king says: The embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is not close to falling despite nearly two years of fighting between government forces and rebels seeking to depose him, Jordan's King Abdullah II said Friday.

Army kills six as Iraqi protesters call for PM to quit: Six demonstrators were killed and 35 were wounded when soldiers opened fire west of Baghdad as tens of thousands rallied in Sunni-majority areas calling for Iraq's Shiite leader to quit today.

Iraqi army pulls out from Falluja after deadly clashes with protesters; The Iraqi army has withdrew from Falluja, a city in the Sunni province of Anbar, after deadly clashes with protesters that left five anti-Maliki demonstrators killed, Al Arabiya correspondent reported Friday.

IAEA stresses Iran nuclear "dialogue": In a meeting with Israel's president this week, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano underlined the need to resolve differences with Iran diplomatically, the U.N. agency said on Friday, rather than war as Israeli leaders have mooted.

Britain lists Israel as nation with human rights record 'of concern': The criticism will unsettle the Jewish State, which proudly boasts it is the only democracy in the Middle East, and considers the UK an ally amid an increasingly critical Europe.

Afghan bomber targets NATO convoy, kills 5 civilians: A suicide car bomber targeting a NATO convoy in the northeastern Afghan province of Kapisa killed five civilians and injured at least 15 Friday, Afghan officials said.

Woman killed, 2 kids hurt in raid: A woman was killed and two minors were injured when the Afghan and foreign combined force raided house of a local council chairman in Tagab district of Kapisa province in the wee hours of Thursday.

Aid cut to Pakistan will be unkind: Kerry: American Senator John Kerry, President Barack Obama’s nominee for secretary of state, said during his confirmation hearing on Friday that cutting US aid to Pakistan, would be a “dramatic, draconian and sledge-hammer” measure. Kerry also said that Pakistan’s role in leading the United States to Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad had not been sufficiently appreciated.

Britain sends spy plane to Mali amid fears of 'mission creep': "We have now decided to deploy Sentinel, a surveillance capability that has proved its worth in Libya and on an ongoing basis for counter-insurgency operations in Afghanistan," said Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary.

French-led Mali troops retake northern Islamist town: "At present, Malian and French soldiers are in Hombori. There are no longer any Islamists on the ground," a local teacher said. A Malian security source said the forces were proceeding towards Gao.

Mursi: French War on Mali May Lead to Humanitarian Tragedy: “We reject the international intervention in Mali which will lead to great consequences and disasters that will make the situation so much worse than before,” Mursi said in a televised speech on Thursday.

Caught in the crossfire of Mali’s war: Tuareg refugees fleeing Islamist rebels have taken cover with the Dogon, an ancient tribe in central Mali. Now both fear annihilation as al-Qa’ida and Malian troops close in

Algeria hostage crisis: the full story of the kidnapping in the desert: Using survivors' testimonies, photography and video - some filmed by the hostages themselves - we piece together the narrative of the four-day In Amenas gas plant siege

Russia's Vladimir Putin says West is fomenting jihadi 'blowback': "The Syrian conflict has been raging for almost two years now. Upheaval in Libya, accompanied by the uncontrolled spread of weapons, contributed to the deterioration of the situation in Mali," Mr. Putin said at a meeting with new ambassadors in the Kremlin Thursday.

Clashes as tens of thousands flood Tahrir Square to mark Egypt revolt (PHOTOS): Hundreds of demonstrators clashed with Egyptian police in Tahrir Square, Cairo, protesting against President Mohamed Morsi and his party. The violence comes on the second anniversary of the Egyptian uprising that saw Hosni Mubarak toppled.

Watch live: Tahrir Square Live Video Stream: Egypt Protest

N. Korea threatens military action against ‘southern puppets’: Pyongyang has warned of ‘physical countermeasures’ against South Korea if they participate in the UN sanctions against the North. Tensions are simmering on the peninsula after North Korea announced a third military test ‘targeting’ the US.

China media threatens North Korea aid cut over atomic test: North Korea's sole major ally China will decrease aid to Pyongyang if it goes ahead with a planned nuclear test, state-run media said in an unusually frank warning on Friday.

CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou given more than two years in prison: Judge says former intelligence officer who exposed aspects of use of torture should have been jailed for longer

Documentary: Secret CIA Prisons in Europe: After 9/11, the CIA began planting secret prisons in Poland and Lithuania. The Russian-based RT channel investigates two claims of the existence of these prisons and cam with a remarkable documentary

Webcam hackers can spy on you in secret: Could predators be spying on you and your kids through your computer's webcam? Authorities say criminals are now able to hack in and watch your every move -- without you ever knowing it.

Britain Could Be on Path to EU Exit: British Prime Minister David Cameron has begun a process that could lead to Britain's exit from the European Union - a result analysts say could devastate the country's economy.

Honduras 'no longer functioning' after plunging over fiscal cliff: Teachers have been demonstrating almost every day because they haven't been paid in six months, while doctors complain about the shortage of essential medicines, gauze, needles and latex gloves.

‘US should realize that world has changed’ – Venezuelan VP (RT Exclusive Video): The US has lots of troubles dealing with other nations as they haven’t come to grips with the new global reality, Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro told RT in an exclusive interview. He also spoke about the health of President Chavez.

Israel’s Man in Venezuela: At a rally in June 2010, much to the disdain of the American Jewish Committee which dismissed the accusations as ‘baseless’,(1) Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez publicly stated that Israel is funding the Venezuelan opposition:

Canada tribal chief ends hunger strike: A prominent tribal chief in Canada has ended her six-week-long hunger strike over aboriginal rights after indigenous groups and opposition parties signed a deal.

US battles record low temperatures: Lows of -46C recorded as area stretching from Midwest to New England turns parts of the country into an icebox.

Tina Turner 'to become Swiss, give up US passport': US pop legend Tina Turner, who has been living in Switzerland since 1995, will soon receive Swiss citizenship and will give up her US passport, Swiss media reported Friday.

January 25, 2013

Don’t Believe the (Liberal Zionist) Hype:
Israel’s Elections Ratified the Apartheid Status Quo

By Alex Kane

The liberal American Zionists are utterly delusional, grasping at any straw to try and convince the world that there is a possibility for a two-state solution and that Israel can make peace. Continue

Endgame Scenarios
Saudi Arabia v. Qatar on Syria

By Peter Lee

I am surprised that relatively little is written, in English anyway, about the divergence of aims between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Continue

Western Hypocrisy Exposed:
Syria: From Rebellion to Civil War:

By Nir Rosen - Audio:

Journalist Nir Rosen spent eight months in Syria during the current uprisings with unprecedented access to all parties to the conflict, from opposition leaders and activists on the ground, to insurgent leaders and fighters on the ground, to Syrian army, security and loyalist militias (leaders and fighters on the ground) Continue

Engineering consent for an attack on Iran:
The Viral Campaign to Set a “Red Line” for Iran

By Eli Clifton

A viral video calling on world leaders to a “set the red line” to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon has garnered over 1.3 million YouTube views thanks to a savvy social media campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Continue

War on Terror Forever

By Pepe Escobar

Exit "historical" al-Qaeda, holed up somewhere in the Waziristans, in the Pakistani tribal areas; enter al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). In Dempsey's words, AQIM "is a threat not only to the country of Mali, but the region, and if... left unaddressed, could in fact become a global threat." Continue

Russia To West:
We Told You Not To Overthrow Qaddafi!

By Michael Kelley

"Those whom the French and Africans are fighting now in Mali are the [same] people who ... our Western partners armed so that they would overthrow the Gaddafi regime," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference.

List of Children Killed by US (Drone Strikes) in Yemen and Pakistan

By Jadaliyya Reports

The following list was issued by Drones Watch on 20 January 2013. Continue

Obama's Legacy Of Murderer
Putting Our Bodies on the Line to Stop Drone Warfare

By Joy First

National, statewide, and local groups are all mobilizing and coming together to work to stop drone warfare.   They have formed a coalition called Network to Stop Drone Surveillance and Warfare (NSDSW). Continue

How the US Ignored International Law to Become World's Kidnapper and Torturer

By Ian Cobain

The CIA would decide who was to be killed and who was to be kept alive in a network of secret prisons, outside the US, where they would be systematically tormented until every one of their secrets had been delivered up. Continue

A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year
Hate Crimes in America (and Elsewhere)

By Rebecca Solnit

Here in the United States, there is a reported rape every 6.2 minutes, and one in five women will be raped in her lifetime. Continue


Afghanistan: Bomb kills 5 in Nangarhar blitz: The incident happened in Basolan area of Nawa district when a landmine exploded on dismounted police, said Muhammad Ismail Hotak, deputy head of Herlmand police coordination centre.

NATO Occupation Force Solider Killed In Afghanistan: One soldier with the NATO-led coalition forces were killed Wednesday in insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan, the coalition forces confirmed in a press release.

Pakistan: Three cops killed in twin blasts in Karachi: Three police personnel including DIP Kamal Khan Mangan have been killed and several others were injured in two bomb blasts at Sher Pao Colony, Landhi on Thursday.

Second Pak politician shot dead : A Pakistani politician was shot dead in Karachi in the second such killing in a week, police said Wednesday, fuelling fears that violence may overshadow general elections expected this year.

Desecrations alarm Pakistan's Ahmadi sect: Ahmadi community identifies itself as Muslims, but are considered as heretics by majority of Pakistanis.

US kills seven people in Yemen: Wednesday's strike targeted a vehicle near the town of Khawlan, around 30km (20 miles) from the capital, Sanaa.

Malian Army accused of executing 33 civilians: The Malian Army summarily executed several people for allegedly helping Islamist rebels and threw the bodies into nearby wells, according to eyewitnesses independently interviewed by the Associated Press (AP) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

Mali's Ansar Dine rebel group splits into two: In a statement published Thursday by RFI radio, former Ansar Dine leader Alghabass Ag Intalla says the new group will be called the Islamic Movement for the Azawad. Intalla said the group is looking for a "negotiated solution," adding his men are willing to fight Ansar Dine.

Russia's Putin says regional revolts led to Algeria hostage: Putin and other Russian officials have said the United States and its NATO allies have sacrificed stability to their political ambitions in the Middle East and North Africa, often playing into the hands of radical Islamists.

Russia says West to blame for arms used by Mali rebels: "Those whom the French and Africans are fighting now in Mali are the [same] people who ... our Western partners armed so that they would overthrow the Gaddafi regime," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference.

UK, Germans, Dutch warn of threat to Westerners in Benghazi, Libya; urge nationals to leave: Britain, Germany and the Netherlands urged their citizens to immediately leave the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on Thursday in response to what they called an imminent threat against Westerners.

In Libya, fears of oil field attack grow: While Libya has ratcheted up its protection of Benghazi and its nearby oil fields, its government downplayed the situation on Thursday. "The Ministry of Interior strongly denies existence of threats against the stabilities and security of the Western citizens and residents who live in Benghazi, and assure that the Benghazi security situation is stable,"

How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria: if the new Libyan government was sending seasoned Islamic fighters and 400 tons of heavy weapons to Syria through a port in southern Turkey—a deal brokered by Stevens' primary Libyan contact during the Libyan revolution—then the governments of Turkey and the U.S. surely knew about it.

France sees no sign Syria's Assad will be toppled soon: "Things are not moving. The solution that we had hoped for, and by that I mean the fall of Bashar and the arrival of the (opposition) coalition to power, has not happened," Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in his annual New Year's address to the press.

Western Hypocrisy: Syria: From Rebellion to Civil War: Audio: Journalist Nir Rosen spent eight months in Syria during the current uprisings with unprecedented access to all parties to the conflict, from opposition leaders and activists on the ground, to insurgent leaders and fighters on the ground, to Syrian army, security and loyalist militias (leaders and fighters on the ground).

Police fire tear gas at protesters on eve of Egypt revolution anniversary: Egyptian riot police fired tear gas and clashed Thursday with dozens of protesters as they tried to tear down a cement wall built to prevent demonstrators from reaching the parliament and the Cabinet building in central Cairo.

42 Shia Muslims Killed in a Suicide Bomb by Saudi-Backed Terrorists in Iraq: A suicide bomber made his way into a Shia mosque north of Baghdad and blew himself up in the middle of a packed funeral on Wednesday, killing 42 people and leaving corpses scattered across the floor.

Iraqi security forces arrest 250 Saudi-backed terrorists: According to the commander of the Iraqi forces, Saudi spy chief Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud had allocated 250 million US dollars for the terrorist operations in Iraq.

Sadr Movement Withdraw from Maliki’s Committee?: Sadr movement leader, Moqtada al-Sadr, struck a fatal blow to the seven-member committee tasked by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik to consider the demands of protesters, announcing the withdrawal of all Sadr movement trend ministers from this commission.

Witness: Israeli soldier killed woman 'in cold blood': This, says Suad Jaara, 28, is what she witnessed Wednesday afternoon when Israeli officers near al-Arrub refugee camp shot her and her friend Lubna al-Hanash. Lubna, 22, died hours later.

Abbas to invite Israeli politicians to talk peace: Abed Rabbo says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wants to sit down with Israeli lawmakers before Israel forms its next government. He said Thursday that all Israeli parties, "particularly the new ones," would be invited for dialogue on future accords.

After Israeli elections, Palestinians bracing for illusion of change: But to the Western diplomats who see the elections as a victory for Israel’s center-left, PLO representatives say that while Yesh Atid may be a centrist party in Israel, for the Palestinians it is a right-wing party in every way since it supports keeping the settlements in place and sees East Jerusalem as part of Israel’s capital.

US says Israel likely to boycott UN rights review: Israel is expected to boycott the UN Human Rights Council next week despite the United States urging its ally to show up for an examination of its record, the US ambassador said on Thursday.

Jordan's Islamists and other critics win quarter of the seats in new parliament: The surprise victory of 37 Islamist and other government critics despite an election boycott injects a degree of dissent into Jordan's newly empowered parliament.

Kerry: 'Do what we must' to stop Iran on nukes: Sen. John Kerry, President Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of state, said Thursday that the United States will "do what we must" to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon even as he signaled that diplomacy remains a viable option with Tehran.

Engineering consent for an attack on Iran: "Nuclear Iran" is "approaching": Kissinger: "The consequences of an Iranian nuclear program is that other countries in the area will also want nuclear weapons," and when nuclear weapons become "almost conventional," "we would face a nuclear war at some point, which would be a turning point in world history," he said.

Iran president warns against issues causing Shia-Sunni division:" “The Zionist regime [of Israel] has established its dominance over a group of Muslims through deceit and lies, and Muslims are not united enough to confront this occupying regime because of different and incomplete interpretations of Qur'an.”

17 million low-income Iranians to receive staple food coupons: report: The government and the Majlis (parliament) agreed to give out rice, sugar and cooking oil to poor people and allocate two billion U.S. dollars to support low-income families in light of shortages of basic commodities and high inflation rate, according to Mehr.

12 suspected militants including 2 warlords killed in mountains of Chechnya: Officials in Chechnya say 12 suspected militants were killed in a special operation in this Russian North Caucasus republic that was launched after two policemen were killed and seven injured in an attack on a police station.

DPRK threatens "all-out action" against U.S.: - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Thursday vowed to conduct more rocket launches and a higher-level nuclear test targeting its "sworn enemy" -- the United States.

Assange calls WikiLeaks film ‘propaganda attack’: Julian Assange has lashed out at a Hollywood film about WikiLeaks, calling it “a massive propaganda attack” against the whistle blowing website, also accusing it of fanning “flames of war” against Iran.

400 Christian Leaders to Lobby against Hagel Nomination: At least 400 Christian leaders will travel to Capitol Hill next week to lobby senators against the nomination of Chuck Hagel for secretary of defense, pro-Israel group Christians United for Israel (CUFI) announced Wednesday.

Rand Paul Brutalizes Hillary Clinton: 'I Would Have Fired You!': Video - Watch the Full Clinton-Paul Exchange from the Benghazi Hearing

Anti-War Protester Interrupts Kerry Hearing : A protester interrupts Kerry's statement. She says, "you're killing people in the Middle East for no reason... I'm tired of my friends in the Middle East dying."

Assault weapons ban introduced in the Senate: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Thursday introduced a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips, briefing members of Congress in front of a display featuring various deadly firearms that would be prohibited under the ban.

Andrew P. Napolitano: Guns and the President: Op-Ed : Who has killed more children, Adam Lanza or Barack Obama?

China, India to grow fastest in world: IMF: The IMF forecasts that the eurozone will stay in recession in 2013 with the currency area’s economy contracting by 0.2 per cent.

Obama Wants 100,000 American Students to Study in China: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday will celebrate the launch of a newly rebranded organization called the “100,000 Strong Foundation,” which aims to have 100,000 American students studying in China by 2014

Spain's unemployment rate reaches record high:Nearly 55 percent of Spanish youth under 25 years out of job as unemployment rate surges to 26 percent in final quarter.

January 24, 2013

Mali: the Fastest Blowback Yet in this Disastrous "War on Terror"

By Seumas Milne

The idea that jihadists in Mali, or Somalia for that matter, pose an existential threat to Britain, France, the US or the wider world is utter nonsense. Continue

Amb. Stephens Was Running Guns
Gen. Boykin’s Claims U.S. Gun-Running to Syrian Rebels Through Benghazi

By Billy Hallowell

“I believe there has been significant information that has come out recently calling into question whether the ambassador was either involved in or making preparations for supplying material to the Syrian resistance forces.” Continue

Murder Inc.
The Assassination Manual

By Paul Pillar

Writing this kind of manual represents the institutionalization of worldwide assassinations as a regular, ongoing business of the United States government. Continue

Prince's Harry: A Gun-horny Adolescent

By Joe Glenton

Captain Harry Wales; fighter, lover, occasional exhibitionist and warrior-prince of the House of Saxe-Gotha-Coburg. Continue

US Cooks Up Nuclear Fairy Tale on Iran

By Dr. Ismail Salami

US nuclear experts have called upon the Obama administration to impose tougher economic sanctions against Iran and resort to overt operations through using warplanes and missiles on Iranian nuclear sites. Continue

Hagel Apologizes, Reassures Jewish Leaders on Iran Position


Nominee for defense secretary says he's on board with Obama's posture on Iran, need to maintain Israel's military edge. Continue

The Untouchables
How the Obama Administration Protected Wall Street from Prosecutions

By Glenn Greenwald

A profound failure of justice that should be causing serious social unrest. Continue

Gospel of Intolerance:
American Evangelicals Finance Uganda's Antigay Movement

By Eric W. Dolan

Film exposes link between U.S. evangelicals and violent antigay Ugandan movement. Continue

Muslims Enforcing Sharia Law on the streets of London


The footage is likely to have come from East London, where 'Shariah zones' were set up last year. Continue

Five killed in Pakistan blast: At least five people were killed and three injured in a bomb blast in Pakistan’s northwest tribal region of Orakzai Agency, Xinhua reported.

Afghan ‘spy’ killed over US drone strikes: Militants on Wednesday dumped the mutilated body of a purported Afghan spy accused of collaborating on US drone strikes that killed a prominent warlord in Pakistan this month, officials said.

Polish soldier killed in Afghanistan: A soldier was killed in a rebel attack on Polish troops in the Ghazni province in Afghanistan, press spokesman of the Polish Armed Forces Operational Command Miroslaw Ochyra said on Wednesday.

42 killed by suicide bomb at Iraq Shiite mosque: The attack, which also left 75 people wounded, struck at the Sayid al-Shuhada mosque in Tuz Khurmatu, 175 kilometres (110 miles) north of Baghdad, and targeted the funeral of a relative of a politician who was killed a day earlier.

Obama regime kills another 7 People in Yemen: : The officials say the drone attack took place Wednesday near the town of Khawlan, some 35 kilometers (20 miles) southeast of the capital. Military officials and tribal witnesses say the car was destroyed, and burnt bodies could be seen inside the wreckage.

UN to whitewash US drone strikes: UN to examine UK and US drone strikes: Strikes will be studied to assess extent of any civilian casualties, identity of militants targeted and legality of actions

Russia Criticizes Syria Rebel 'Obsession' With Assad Exit: Russia's foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said on Wednesday that the main obstacle to peace in Syria is the opposition's "obsession with the idea of toppling the Bashar al-Assad regime."

Christians in Syria Fearful of FSA -Video - Patriarch Exposes FSA Tactics

Destroying mosques of Shia Muslim in Syria: Video

Syria: Attacks on Religious Sites Raise Tensions: Armed opposition groups appeared to have deliberately destroyed religious sites in mixed areas of Northern Syria, in November and December 2012, Human Rights Watch said

War criminal : Blair: Assad opposition 'increasingly led by extremists': "If we don't help the sensible people opposed to Assad, this opposition to Assad will increasingly be led by the extreme groups - and is increasingly being led by the extreme groups," he warned.

Turkish protesters, angry at NATO missiles, attack German troops: Members of the Turkish Youth Union (TGB), affiliated to the Turkey Workers’ Party, attacked the soldiers in the center of the city on Tuesday and tried to put sacks on their heads.

Russia warns Israel, West against attack on Iran: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted strongly at possible military action to stop Iran from developing an atomic bomb. In an election victory speech on Wednesday, he said preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons would be the main challenge for a new government.

Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian woman in West : Witnesses said Lubna Hanash and her companions were walking to al-Arroub College when men in Israeli military uniforms travelling in a civilian car shot at the group.

Abbas intimates that Israel wants to kill him: PA head, in interview, also suggests Israel killed Arafat, says Zionism had links to Nazism before WWII; Israeli source dismisses accusations
PA threatens to sue Israel at ICC for settlements: "If Israel would like to go further by implementing the E1 (settlement) plan and the other related plans around Jerusalem … we will be going to the ICC … We have no other choice. It depends on the Israeli decision," the Palestinian foreign minister stated.

Netanyahu in coalition talks after narrow win: Ahmed Assaf, a spokesman for the Fatah movement, described the Palestinians as "the main losers from this duel between the racist right-wing parties."

North Nigeria violence leaves 23 dead: At least 23 killed in two separate attacks believed to be carried out by armed group Boko Haram.

Mali conflict: Troops accused of 'summary executions': Mali's army has carried out a "series of summary executions" as it fights to recapture the Islamist-controlled north, a rights group has said.

Mali war declared ‘Islamic’: The government of Mali does not intend to leave religious affairs solely to Islamist militant groups; the Islamic Supreme Council publicly gave their blessing and support to France’s military activities in the country. To prevent any religious backlash, the council has cast its judgment that the war is permissible.

U.S. on Algeria: We knew ‘something big’ was coming: House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers said Sunday the United States received reports “something big” was going to target the West, but specifics were lacking and Algeria was a surprise.

Libya's security not better since Benghazi attack, expert says: "The problem with Libya is that there were no boots on the ground after the revolution, and the Libyan army and Libyan police basically evaporated," said Lawrence. "Basically in Libya, you've got 1,700 militias running the country still and not much of the police or army infrastructure."

Former Special Forces Commander: Was U.S. Running Guns to Syrian Rebels Via Benghazi? : Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, who worked with the CIA—told in a video interview last week that he believes it is a reasonable supposition that the U.S. was supporting or planning to support the Syrian rebels via Benghazi, Libya.

On the day of his death, US ambassador to Libya warned that he was in danger: Hours before US Ambassador Christopher Stevens died in a terrorist attack in Libya, he sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a cable warning that local militias were threatening to take away security officers guarding the US diplomats.

Re-Live Hillary Clinton's Long, Dramatic Benghazi Day on Capitol Hill: Here you'll find our breakdown of the proceedings, featuring all the back-and-forth, important quotes now on the congressional record, video clips of the most heated moments, and some reactions from Twitter's chattering class

Google report reveals continued rise in US government requests for data: According to its latest transparency report, the number of requests for private data Google received from US officials had increased by 136% by the end of 2012 from the second half of 2009, when the search firm first started collecting data.

General John Allen cleared in Petraeus sex scandal: The Department of Defense has concluded their investigation of General John Allen and has determined that the top US commander in Afghanistan did not have an inappropriate relationship with a woman linked to former CIA chief Gen. David Petraeus.

Outrage grows as records reveal bishops covered-up California sex abuse: Victims of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic clerics voiced anger after newly-released records showed church leaders discussing how to cover up priests’ alleged crimes in California in the 1980s.

Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims: The use of Sharia, or Islamic religious law, is growing in Britain, with thousands of Muslims using it to settle disputes each year, but women's groups and some others are objecting. 

January 22, 2013

Powder Keg in the Pacific

By Michael T. Klare

Will China-Japan-U.S. Tensions in the Pacific Ignite a Conflict and Sink the Global Economy? Continue

Imperialist Powers Escalate War in Mali

By Ernst Wolff

“This is a global threat and it will require a global response... that is about years, even decades, rather than months,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said over the weekend. Continue

The Conflict in Mali Has Nothing to Do With Fighting Terrorists

By Assed Baig

France and the West, in my opinion, are much more brutal than any rebel group. Continue 

The New Law is Lawlessness
Is This Endless War on Terror The New Normal?

By TheYoungTurks

"That timeline suggests that the United States has reached only the midpoint of what was once known as the global war on terrorism." Continue

Obama's Overlooked War and Lethal Presidency

By Jason Kottke

As Obama said that "a decade of war is now ending" in his inauguration speech, a drone strike killed three suspected Al Qaeda members in Yemen. Continue

Cornel West Exposes Obama Hypocrisy

Must Watch Video

“All of the blood, sweat and tears that went into producing a Martin Luther King, Jr. generated a brother of such high decency and dignity that you don’t use his prophetic fire for a moment of presidential pageantry" Continue

Obama’s Second Inauguration: Big Money but No Big Lines

By Dave Lindorff

The president’s Inauguration Committee solicited and had, by this last weekend, accepted over $124.3 million in contributions from corporations and labor unions. Continue

Wrist Slap for 'Too Big to Fail or Jail' JPMorgan Chase

By Tom Burghardt

When it came to lax drug money laundering controls, the suspicion persists that somewhere fugitive billionaire drug lord Chapo Guzmán is smiling as he enlarges his stable of thoroughbreds. Continue

"We're Going to Kill the Dollar"
The Fed’s Plan B

By Mike Whitney

This is the Fed’s plan: Bail out the banks, transfer the banks bad bets onto its own balance sheet, hammer the greenback, slash wages (via inflation), boost exports, and pump as much money as possible into the unproductive, overbuilt black hole we call the US housing market. Continue

The Obsession with Falsehood and Tall Tales

By Harvey E. Whitney, Jr.

A modern society which apparently has constructed mechanisms of truth disclosure, such as cameras and GPS tracking, cannot seem to conquer its obsession with falsehoods. Continue

- Rise of the Machines -

Documentary Video

Most people see drones as a controversial weapon prowling over foreign battlegrounds. But as America's military campaigns wind down, these machines are coming home and set to change civilian lives forever. Continue 

56 killed as Syria rebels clash with Kurds – activists: At least 56 people have been killed in a week of fighting in northeast Syria between anti-government rebels and members of the long-oppressed Kurdish minority who have seized on the civil war to try to secure self-rule, activists said on Tuesday, January 22, according to Reuters.

Syria car bomb kills 30, separate blast rocks capital: A suicide car bombing in central Syria killed at least 30 people, a watchdog said, also reporting a powerful blast in Damascus, as the Arab League said UN efforts to end the conflict had failed to bring even a "glimmer" of hope.

At least 23 regime forces killed in Syria's Homs: activists: At least 23 soldiers and pro-regime militiamen have been killed, and dozens wounded, in three days of fierce clashes in the central city of Homs, a flashpoint in Syria's conflict, activists said Tuesday.

Syrian rebel politicians show scant progress: Syria's main rebel group said yesterday that it had postponed a decision on forming a government-in-exile at its meeting in Istanbul. The organisation, which has so far found it almost impossible to agree on anything significant, said that it needs guarantees of support from dissident forces on the ground inside Syria.

Russia pulls a hundred citizens from Syria.: Though the Kremlin said the move was 'absolutely not an evacuation,' some wonder if it preludes the withdrawal of the tens of thousands of Russians living in war-torn Syria.

Moscow not to evacuate nat''ls from Syria: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Denisov said here Tuesday his country has no plan to evacuate its nationals from Syria, which has been hit by unprecedented protests and unrest

Turkish Police Arrest Dozens of Anti-Patriot Protesters: Turkish police have arrested 25 protesters on Monday who condemned the arrival of NATO’s Patriot missiles to be deployed near the border with Syria after they tried to get through the barricades at Incirlik Air Force Anti-Patriot protestsBase in the city of Adana.

Turkish forces kill four Kurdish militants as clashes rage on: The four Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) guerrillas were killed in countryside in the Midyat district of Turkey's southeastern Mardin province, near the border with Syria, and fighting was ongoing, the officials said.

Spate of Iraq attacks kill 26: Tuesday's bloodiest blasts struck an army checkpoint south of Baghdad, a military base north of the capital, and a mostly Shiite neighbourhood in the city's north, security and medical officials said.

Iran, Russia sign security agreement: Iran and Russia have signed a joint security agreement today in Tehran, Mehr news agency reported. The agreement was signed by Iran's Intelligence Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Obama regime kills dozens in Afghanistan: Dozens of people have been killed in two successive US-led assassination drone strikes in eastern Afghanistan, Press TV reports. The deadly attacks took place in eastern Nuristan province late on Monday.

Obama regime kills another 8 people in Pakistan: “US drones fired missiles on two militant compounds. At least eight militants have been killed,”

Drone attacks violation of international law, counter productive, says Hina : Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar Tuesday said drone attacks on Pakistani territory are violation of international laws and virtually proving counter productive.Speaking in Senate, she said the drone attacks are against the independence and national security of the country

Pak should admit to its support for US drone attacks: This is a clear case of expediency taking precedence over principle, it further said.

Afghan police killed in Kabul suicide attack: At least two police officers were killed Monday when five gunmen armed with suicide vests and rocket-propelled grenades stormed the headquarters of the Kabul traffic police department, setting off a firefight that lasted more than eight hours, Afghan officials said.

Prince Harry's assertion that he killed Taliban in Afghan combat draws intense coverage in UK:. Asked if he had killed from the cockpit, the third-in-line to the British throne said: "Yeah, so, lots of people have."

'Arrogant and insensitive': Stop the War Coalition attacks Prince Harry for admitting he has killed Taliban insurgents: The Taliban have also condemened the third in line for the throne, calling him a 'coward'

Obama regime kills another 3 people in Yemen: Three "suspected" Al-Qaeda militants were killed in a US drone strike on Tuesday north of the Yemeni capital, tribal sources and witnesses said.

Yemen minister blasts drone use: A cabinet minister criticised on Tuesday the use of pilotless U.S. drones against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen, a tactic that has outraged communities in targeted areas, and urged a move to ground operations to avoid hurting civilians.

Britain says Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution almost dead; Britain said on Tuesday prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are almost dead because of expanding Jewish settlement in occupied territory, and warned Israel it was losing international support.

Suspected Islamist gunmen kill 18 in northeast Nigeria: Suspected Islamist gunmen fired on residents of a market town in northeast Nigeria, killing 18 in one of their deadliest attacks for several weeks, a local government official said on Tuesday.

French retake key town in Mali: “The operation in Diabaly is currently ongoing,” said a French military spokesman. The town appeared to be back under control of Malian and French forces.

Is Qatar fuelling the crisis in north Mali?: Oil-rich gulf state Qatar has a vested interest in the outcome of the north Mali crisis, according to various reports that have been picked up by French MPs, amid suspicion that Doha may be siding with the rebels to extend its regional influence.

Algerian PM: Canadian coordinated hostage-takers: "A Canadian was among the militants. He was coordinating the attack," Sellal told a news conference, adding that the raiders had threatened to blow up the gas installation. The Canadian's name was given only as Chedad.

Algeria hostage-takers aided by Libyan Islamists: Militants who seized an Algerian gas plant before they were killed in a bloodbath received logistical aid from Islamists in Libya, a well-informed source told AFP on Tuesday.

Terrorists 'may have carried' British arms: Terrorists "squarely" responsible for the deaths of Britons in Algeria could have been carrying British weapons from neighbouring Libya, William Hague admitted yesterday.

Terror in North Africa: are Westerners pulling the strings? English-speaking jihadis seen in Mali, as a Canadian is reported to have co-ordinated Algeria attack

Panetta: U.S. Assistance to French in Mali Could Serve as Model; Panetta’s comments came at the same time that the first American C-17 landed in Mali as part of a U.S. effort to assist France’s military intervention in that country against al Qaeda affiliated insurgents.

House calls on Italian govt to give Mali air support; The proposal calls for support over a two-month period and extendable to three. Italy's contribution would include aircraft to transport personnel and equipment.

Hollande has set alarming precedent for intervention: Op-Ed: Although France became involved in Mali under the banner of anti-terrorism, it is not entirely accurate to say that Malian rebels are terrorists. The nature of the Mali issue is more akin to that of a civil war among different political groups.

China's Buying A Fleet Of Russian Bombers Perfect For Taking On The US Navy: The deal struck with Russia includes 36 aircraft: a batch of 12 followed by a second batch of 24 additional bombers.

The U.S. prepares for military action in Bolivia: To carry out such operations without the formal permission of the host country, is an open challenge, demonstrating a disregard for the laws of Bolivia and its leadership. According to Vice-President Garcia, this is an «attack on the sovereignty of the country, and a preparation for a military attack on Bolivia.

Chavez Preparing Venezuela Return, Bolivia’s Morales Says; Bolivian President Evo Morales said cancer-stricken President Hugo Chavez is preparing to return home, a day after Venezuela’s foreign minister said the self- declared socialist joked and laughed during a meeting at his hospital bedside in Havana.

US commandos boost numbers to train Mexican forces; The Pentagon is stepping up aid for Mexico's bloody drug war with a new U.S.-based special operations headquarters to teach Mexican security forces how to hunt drug cartels the same way special operations teams hunt al-Qaida, according to documents and interviews with multiple U.S. officials.

Mexico: victims' movement calls for US gun control: On Jan. 14 Mexican poet and human rights activist Javier Sicilia and Mexican political scientist Sergio Aguayo Quezada brought the US embassy in Mexico City a letter signed by 54,558 people calling on US president Barack Obama and other officials to stop the flow of smuggled firearms from the US to Mexico.

Source: Multiple people shot at Texas college: Campus officials confirm that the campus has been locked down, and students and staff are being evacuated.

Harvard professor looks for 'adventurous woman' who agrees to give birth to cloned Neanderthal: Prehistoric men may soon be walking the earth again. One of the world’s leading geneticists is in search of a female volunteer to give birth to a Neanderthal – a species that went extinct more than 33,000 years ago.








Headlines Continued
























Key Articles

Key Articles

Iran: The Real Story Versus the Cover Story: By Mark H Gaffney

The American people need to know the truth. This is a phony crisis

America's War for Global Domination: by Michel Chossudovsky

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq are part of a broader military agenda, which was launched at the end of the Cold War. The ongoing war agenda is a continuation of the 1991 Gulf War and the NATO led wars on Yugoslavia (1991-2001).

The Plan is for the United States to rule the world: By David Armstrong

The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage.

Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President - By Neil Mackay

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The president's real goal in Iraq: By JAY BOOKMAN

29 September 2002. - The official story on Iraq has never made sense.

The Project for the New American Century: By William Rivers Pitt

02/25/03 - The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations.

Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy: By WARREN P. STROBEL and JOHN WALCOTT

A highly classified British memo, leaked in the midst of Britain's just-concluded election campaign, indicates that President Bush decided to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by summer 2002 and was determined to ensure that U.S. intelligence data supported his policy.

UK Ministers Knew WMD Was "Excuse": By Michael Smith

MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.

Iran: The Real Story Versus the Cover Story: By Mark H Gaffney

The American people need to know the truth. This is a phony crisis

Will Iran Be Next?: by Mark Gaffney

Those who have hoped that a U.S. military victory in Iraq would somehow bring about a more peaceful world are in for a rude awakening. The final resolution of this war and the U.S. occupation of Iraq will likely not be the end, rather, only the prelude to a succession of future crises: in Kashmir, Syria, North Korea, and Iran.

Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map? - Does He Deny The Holocaust?

An analysis of media rhetoric on its way to war against Iran - Commenting on the alleged statements of Iran's President Ahmadinejad .


  "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony

Some people have compared it to Hitler's publication of Mein Kampf, which was ignored until after the war was over.
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