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ACIP: Guidance for Health Economics Studies

Guidance for Health Economics Studies Presented to the ACIP

These procedures should be followed for economic analyses to be presented to the ACIP, effective as of the ACIP meeting of June 25-26, 2008.

In recent years, as the number and cost of vaccines have steadily increased, the importance of economic analyses in establishing policy for addition of new vaccines to routine immunization schedules has received increasing recognition. Cost-effectiveness and other types of economic analyses often are presented to ACIP members, who have requested that guidance be adopted to ensure that high quality economic data are presented in a standardized format. To ensure that economic data presented to the Committee and its Work Groups are uniform in presentation, understandable, and of the highest quality, lead economists and the Health Economics Research Group (HERG) at CDC have developed Guidance for Health Economics Studies Presented to the ACIP. The guidance specifically mandates technical review of any economic study that is presented to the ACIP. Materials to be included are a document or report that provides the methods and results of the study, a slide set and/or other presentation material.

Note that the written report, slides, and other presentation materials must be submitted to the relevant ACIP Work Group (WG) Chair no later than 8 weeks before the presentation is to be made at an ACIP meeting, or to the WG. Submitted studies will be reviewed in an anonymous peer-review fashion, and returned for revisions/response at least 4 weeks before the presentation.

Questions may be directed to:
Dr Jean Clare Smith, MD, MPH
Assistant to the Director for Immunization Policy, CDC/OID/NCIRD

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