Jeff Flake

Jeff Flake


Senator from Arizona

Mesa, AZ

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

  1. Saddened by Sen. Inouye’s passing. He leaves behind huge respect for the body he served for all to share.

  2. Deeply saddened by the tragic and senseless school shooting in CT. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

  3. Glad House passed STEM Jobs Act. Keeping more highly-skilled grads in the US will help keep us hub for tech innovation

  4. Disappointed UN granted Palestinian Auth upgraded status. Only path to peace thru direct negotiation btw Israel + PA

  5. Step toward secure border: House passed bill mandating operational control as metric for evaluating border security

  6. New rule on AZ air quality regs from EPA: Stands to increase electricity costs + will do little to improve air quality

  7. Voted to prevent Obama Admin. from weakening welfare program work requirements. Move has taxpayers rightly concerned.

  8. We will remember Larry Dever as the rugged sheriff, the consummate lawman. Thoughts and prayers are w/his family during this difficult time.

  9. AZ BLM got the message after I intro’d bill to protect recreational shooting in AZ/West – Sonoran Desert to remain open to target shooting.

  10. My thoughts + prayers to families of the consulate attack victims in Libya. Such senseless, violent acts cannot be tolerated or justified.

  11. Today, we remember those taken from us 11 years ago and when we stood together, united. Today, we renew our pledge to never forget.

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