Archive: 101st Airborne

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  • Vicenza Soldiers honored for bravery in Afghanistan

    Mar 25, 2009

    Six Soldiers from 2nd Platoon, Chosen Company received medals of valor for combat actions July 13, 2008, in Wanat, a village in northeast Afghanistan. Nine of their comrades lost their lives during the fight.

  • Fallen military intelligence heroes live on in memories of fellow Soldiers

    Mar 22, 2009

    During a gathering of Soldiers organized by the G-2 section at division headquarters on COB Speicher, the memories of two fallen intelligence Soldiers is revived for a new Soldiers serving OIF.

  • War heroes and descendants scatter soil from historic battlefields

    Mar 19, 2009

    Heroes are honored Thursday as they add soil from Revolutionary War to Iraqi battlefields during the Sacred Soil Ceremony at the new National Infantry Museum.

  • JMTC exports training capability to Fort Bragg

    Mar 18, 2009

    The 7th Army's Joint Multinational Training Command send its Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) to Fort Bragg for a month to test the Army's exportable training concepts.

  • U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team Kicks off 50th Anniversary Celebration

    Mar 16, 2009

    The Golden Knights, the U.S. Army's official parachute demonstration team, kicked off their 50th anniversary during a special ceremony that celebrated the team's half century of serving the country as Army ambassadors while also representing more than one million American Soldiers.

  • APG kicks off Year of the NCO celebration

    Mar 13, 2009

    Ceremonial kickoff at APG to celebrate the Year of the NCO

  • Read on a bridge, read in Lake Ridge

    Mar 13, 2009

    The Cat in the Hat made an appearance Saturday afternoon in a Lake Ridge community center to promote reading. The event is held yearly to generate interest in reading and celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. He would have turned 105 this year. The event featured sevA,AA,Aeral activities for children, including games, free books, and pictures with ' the Kat,' guest readers, puppet shows, book distriA,AA,Abutions; free reading reA,AA,Asources, and a book fair.

  • Belvoir welcomes new additions to NCO Corps

    Mar 13, 2009

    Fort Belvoir welcomed 15 Soldiers into the noncomA,Amissioned officer corps Friday, during an induction cereA,Amony at the DAU auditorium.

  • Engineer, medic named installation NCO, Soldier of Quarter

    Mar 13, 2009

    Two Soldiers emerged as winners in the NCO and Soldier of the Quarter comA,ApetitionA,A their individual efA,AA,Aforts standing out in a field of nine competitors.

  • NCOs keep government leaders moving around D.C.

    Mar 12, 2009

    It looks just like any other parking garage in northwest Washington, D.C., a sliding metal door, no markings on the building. What's inside, however, is very different from a typical parking garage.

  • USACR/Safety Center Reminds Soldiers to Drink Responsibly this St. Patrick's Day

    Mar 11, 2009

    News release

  • 8th Theater Sustainment Command Begins Command Post Exercise

    Mar 9, 2009

    The 8th Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) continued its path toward validation as a fully operational capable command, deploying its forward command post (FCP) here for a command post exercise (CPX), which began March 9.

  • Soldier's suicide leaves unanswered questions

    Mar 6, 2009

    The suicide of Spc. Jamie Dalton, an Infantryman in B Company, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, in 2006 shocked everyone who knew him. Many of the warning signs weren't evident in Dalton's behavior or the things he said to friends.

  • Combatives training school kicks off at Belvoir

    Mar 5, 2009

    As 31 Soldiers from the Military District of Washington converged on Wells Field House last week for the first in a series of combatives training sessions, Fort Belvoir took a major step in being recognized as a training center for the Modern Army Combatives Program.

  • Soldiers show their talent

    Mar 5, 2009

    There were 16 different Soldiers and 16 different styles as Soldiers stepped into the spotlight and on the stage showcasing an abundance of talent in song and dance Saturday at Wallace Theater as they vied for positions in the U.S. Army Soldier Show.

  • Historic characters take the stage at Women's History Month observance

    Mar 5, 2009

    While snow covered the ground, the Belvoir commuA,Anity gathered at the Officer's Club to observe Women's History Month Tuesday. This year's theme is 'Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet.' First Sgt. Cynthia Moody presented Sojourner Truth's speech, 'Ain't I a Woman'' with passion. Truth mesmerA,Aized her audience with her speech in 1851 at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio.

  • First female commanding general of Belvoir makes historic visit

    Mar 5, 2009

    Fort Belvoir's first female commander, retired Brig. Gen. Evelyn Foote, visited Belvoir on Tuesday to attend the post's Women's History Month observance and to see how things have changed in the past 20 years.

  • Strike Soldiers complete 'First Responder' Course

    Mar 4, 2009

    Soldiers with the 2nd "Strike" Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, completed the Emergency First Responder course here Feb. 26. The EFR course is the 101st Airborne Division's version of the Army combat lifesaver course designed to teach Soldiers the basic skills necessary to save lives on the

  • "Balls of the Eagle" conducts semi-annual Gunners Test

    Mar 4, 2009

    Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division conducted their semi-annual Field Artillery Gunners Test at Fort Campbell, Friday. The test evaluated "Bastogne" Artillerymen on their skills and effectiveness with the M-119A2 Howitzer and qualifies their section to fire on the battlefield.

  • Benning honors NCOs in ceremony

    Mar 3, 2009

    Fort Benning honored the "backbone of the Army" when more than 60 newly promoted sergeants and corporals were inducted into the NCO Corps during a ceremony that kicked off the designation of 2009 as the Year of the NCO Tuesday at Marshall Auditorium. "In every aspect of the Army, it's really NCOs making it happen," said CSM William Ulibarri. "We hold it together through training, and also operationally."

  • Fort Campbell kicks off Year of the NCO

    Mar 3, 2009

    Hundreds of Soldiers gathered at Fort Campbell's Wilson Theater for the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer kickoff ceremony Friday.

  • SMA Kenneth O. Preston Reconizes Tampa NCO of the Year

    Mar 3, 2009

    SMA Kenneth O. Preston was the feaured speaker at the AUSA Suncoast Chapter NCO of the Year luncheon.

  • CBS Radio Tampa Bay Interview with SMA Kenneth Preston

    Mar 3, 2009

    John Sipos of CBS Radio Tampa Bay conducted an 11-minute interview with SMA Kenneth Preston that covered many topics. The interview ran on Tampa, FL CBS Radio stations on Sunday, March 1, 2009.

  • Basic training Soldiers test limits in gas chamber

    Mar 2, 2009

    The gas chamber at Brittin Range goes by many names - house of horrors, confidence chamber, chamber of horrors - but no matter what Soldiers call it, they all pass through its walls during Basic Training.

  • Airborne legacy passed from grandfather to grandson

    Mar 2, 2009

    Pvt. 1st Class Christopher Mullen grew up with "about a million" Airborne stories. When he graduated from Airborne School Friday, he reminisced about some of the anecdotes his grandfather, Darrell Branstetter, a former Fort Benning paratrooper, told him when he was younger.

  • Army Belvoir leaders focused on recognizing suicide indicators

    Feb 26, 2009

    Despite the many successes printed and televised about the Army during its proud history, ofA,Aficials are all too aware of the dark cloud hovering above them.For the fourth consecutive year, suicides are on the rise. In 2008, the Army experienced 128 conA,Afirmed suicides - up from 117 the year before. At such an alarming rate, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, viceA,Achief of staff, issued an executive order calling for greater emphasis on recognizing suicidal behavior among Soldiers.

  • Command Sgt. Maj. of Army Reserve observes Black History Month at Mosby Reserve Center

    Feb 26, 2009

    Command Sgt. Maj. of the Army Reserve Leon Caffie joined members of Fort Belvoir's Military Intelligence Readiness Command and 55th Sustainment Brigade Tuesday for a celebration marking February as Black History Month.

  • 90-day program gives former military doctors chance to serve again

    Feb 24, 2009

    Col. Lionel M. Nelson is a man of many hats. A former Air Force Reservist, and a retired Army Reservist, Nelson came out of a five-year retirement and shut down his private practice in San Jose, Calif., to participate in the "90 Days Boots on the Ground" program, a program that gives former military doctors the opportunity to deploy to Iraq for 90 days.

  • Editorial: Army taking measures to improve property accountability

    Feb 23, 2009

    Since 9/11, our Army has been in a continuous cycle of deployment, redeployment and reset operations. The continued success of our Army, that will always have some amount of its force deployed on some type of mission, hinges on accurate and precise property accountability.

  • Fort Campbell breaks ground on new Soldier and Family Assistance Center

    Feb 20, 2009

    Accompanied by America's top military leader, Fort Campbell officials today marked two health care milestones: the groundbreaking for the first world-class Soldier and Family Assistance Center and the signing of the Army Warrior Health Care Covenant. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was an honored guest at the dual purpose ceremony that capped his first visit to the installation. The event was held near the corner of Indiana Avenue and 20th Street, the future site of the $5 million SFAC facility.

  • Groundbreaking for Fort Campbell SFAC

    Feb 20, 2009

    Admiral Mike Mullen, Commander Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States military (third from right) joined with Fort Campbell officials and construction contractors for the Feb. 20 groundbreaking ceremony of the Fort Campbell Solider and Family Assistance Center. The SFAC is a $5 million project with 15,000 square feet and is estimated to be complete in February, 2010. Also pictured are (left to right):Jerry Stakhiv, Project Director, Clarks Construction Company, Federal Division; Michael Britton, Fort Campbell SFAC Director; Maj. Shane Moyer, Commander, Warrior Transition Battalion; Col. Frederick Swope, Brig. Gen. Stephen Townsend, Deputy Commanding General (Rear), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); Mullen; Karen Halsey, Better Built Construction Services; and Ted Reece, Interim Director of Public Works, Fort Campbell.

  • Demo showcases fire-resistant products

    Feb 20, 2009

    Fire suppression technology was demonstrated on Kelley Hill Feb. 11. The demonstration showcased products designed to extinguish fire, be environmentally safe and return the burning material back to the ambient temperature in moments. The fire suppression agent and thermal protective system were designed to increase Soldier's effectiveness and lifesaving options in a combat situation, said Andrew M. Allen, with Global Safety Labs, Inc.

  • ICE gives Benning customers a voice

    Feb 20, 2009

    Fort Benning customer service representatives want your 2 cents. Interactive Customer Evaluation, an Armywide program that has been in place at Fort Benning since 2003, offers customer satisfaction surveys for 275 services on Fort Benning. More services will be added to ICE in the future, said Bernard Goss, Fort Benning customer service officer.

  • BOLC II platoon mentor named Reserve Officer of the Year

    Feb 20, 2009

    For CPT Curt Owens, serving in the Army Reserve is about just that: service. "It's been rewarding because it's a way to serve the country, specifically during these times when we're relying so heavily on our Army. I love doing it," said Owens, who was named the Army Reserve Outstanding Junior Officer of the Year Feb. 1.

  • Belvoir site for military movie premier

    Feb 19, 2009

    A made-for-television movie based on the real-life observations of a casualty escort was screened for more than 150 Soldiers, civilian and DoD support staff from Human Resource Command, Casualty and Mortuary Affairs, at Fort Belvoir's Wood Theater Feb. 19. The HBO film 'Taking Chance' chronicles the reflections and feelings of retired Marine Lt. Col. Mike Strobl as he escorts a fellow Marine to his hometown in Dubois, Wyo., from Dover Air Force Base, Del. Strobl documents the warmth, kindness and respect that he and the Marine's remains are shown on the journey to his final resting place. Strobl is portrayed by actor Kevin Bacon.

  • Generals discuss SATCOM capabilities of the past, present and future

    Feb 19, 2009

    Interviews by Josh Davidson, of the Program Executive Office, Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), on emerging and future satellite communications technology with Gen. Kevin Chilton, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Sorenson, Maj. Gen. Susan Lawrence and Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Foley.

  • RDECOM Delivers Technology Abroad, MRAP Gunner Restraint System

    Feb 19, 2009

    Seventy-two hours to save Soldiers' lives. Seventy-two hours to assess, design, fabricate, integrate, test, adapt and produce a universal restraint system to ensure gunners won't be thrown from Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles in the event of an accident or vehicle rollover.

  • Suicide Prevention Stand Down

    Feb 19, 2009

    Chaplain (Col.) Jerry Stone goes over course material with Sgt. Justin Buttars, DeWitt Health Care Network, during a break from the suicide prevention stand down seminar Wednesday at Wood Theater. The prevention theme is 'Shoulder to Shoulder, No Soldier Stands Alone,' and was implemented by the vice chief of staff of the Army in response to the rising suicide rates the Army experienced from 2007 to 2008.

  • Engineer officer training graduates observe 90th anniversary of school

    Feb 19, 2009

    Graduates of Fort Belvoir's Engineer Officer Training School returned to the installation Sunday to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Engineer OTS of World War I. The event, which included a formal dinner, was highlighted by speeches from several guests, including the keynote speaker, Maj. Gen. Don Riley, deputy commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

  • Pre-K program has students ready for the next step

    Feb 19, 2009

    A place full of new surroundings and all new faces may be intimidating to a young boy or girl just starting school for the first time. To help make a smooth transition, the Army has developed an initiative for kids to conquer those early anxieties. Called "Strong Beginnings," it's a pre-kindergarten program designed to prepare children for the next level of education.

  • All-Army Small Arms Championships set for March

    Feb 18, 2009

    The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit will host the 2009 Army Rifle and Pistol Championships in conjunction with the U.S. Army Infantry Center from February 21 to 28 2009. Training and competitions are open to all Soldiers of all Army components, of any rank, with of any military occupational specialty, including West Point and college ROTC cadets.

  • Battle of the boats

    Feb 12, 2009

    It was the boat with the least positive name of ODR Wreck that prevailed and sank the competition of Shark Attack and USS Never Sail during the first Cardboard Vessel Regatta, Saturday at Benyaurd Indoor Pool. Designed to inspire a little community competition and fun between Fort Belvoir organizations, the regatta was organized by Anthony Poore, FMWR fitness coordinator.

  • Service personally rewarding for Cayanong

    Feb 12, 2009

    It's not uncommon for someone to have second thoughts about joining a branch of the military. However, that wasn't the case for Monica Cayanong. Cayanong, a first sergeant with the Army's Veterinary Command at Fort Belvoir, has recorded more than 20 years in a career filled with praise and accommodations. She was recently inducted into the elite Sgt. Audie Murphy Club and has aspirations of one day becoming a sergeant major.

  • Belvoir marks Black History Month with special guest

    Feb 12, 2009

    For Black History Month, Stokes took center stage at Fort Belvoir's Community Center Tuesday, when he described his experiences growing up in the South and how a student-strike committee he planned would set in motion one of the most powerful movements in American history.

  • Students get hands-on experience during Job Shadow Day

    Feb 12, 2009

    Students from Mount Vernon High School arrived at battalion head quarters on Fort Belvoir last Thursday for Job Shadow Day. Fort Belvoir's Public Affairs Office's Community Relations section put the event together to show students how education can lead into rewarding futures.

  • Obama, Kaine make historic visit to Fort Belvoir

    Feb 12, 2009

    President Barack Obama joined Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine at a construction site near Fort Belvoir's north area, also known as the Engineer Proving Ground, Wednesday. The commander-in-chief visited the site in the hopes of spurring quick action on a proposed economic stimulus package.


    Feb 11, 2009

    Miss U.S.A. Crystle Stewart jumps with the U.S. Army Parachute Team during winter training in Yuma Arizona.

  • 45th Sustainment Brigade assumes Joint Logistics Command mission in Afghanistan

    Feb 10, 2009

    The 45th Sustainment Brigade assumed responsibility of the Joint Logistics Command from 101st Sustainment Brigade, during a transfer-of-authority ceremony at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, Feb. 7.

  • Hawaii Soldiers support Pro Bowl

    Feb 10, 2009

    Soldiers from the 8th Theater Sustainment Command were given a distinct honor this year to serve on the Joint Service Color Guard for the National Football League 2009 Pro Bowl at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. Three Soldiers comprised a part of the Joint Service Color Guard, which were responsible for rendering honors for the start of the Pro Bowl.

  • Year of the NCO: Retired NCOs remember

    Feb 6, 2009

    The Year of the Noncommissioned Officer is well underway and NCOs are being honored Army-wide, but Fort Myer Military Community Command Sgt. Maj. Jefferson Varner III wants to ensure that the year-long celebration of enlisted leaders isn't limited to those currently serving.

  • Blazing the trail: A Buffalo Soldier's Story

    Feb 5, 2009

    The Equal Opportunity Program at Fort Belvoir sponsored a Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Holiday Observance at DeWitt Hospital Friday. Maxwell was a guest speaker at the event.

  • Communication system loses weight, gains readiness

    Feb 4, 2009

    Time and communications are critical to operation security in a down-range environment, where the difference of minutes can save SoldiersAca,!a,,c lives. A Huntsville, Ala., company specializing in satellite communications has developed and deployed an ultra-portable communication system that hits the ground running with the warfighterAca,!"one that can be on satellite in less than an hour.

  • Panel highlights space contributions to the warfighter

    Feb 3, 2009

    The importance of space to the warfighter, in particular Special Forces, was the main topic of discussion during the warfighter panel at the 11th Annual SPACECOMM Defending America Symposium, conducted Jan. 28 at the Broadmoor Hotel. This yearAca,!a,,cs warfighter panel was chaired by Brig. Gen. Kurt S. Story, Deputy Commanding General for Operations, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command.

  • 'Ace of Cakes' treats U.S. Army, Hawaii To Special Military Cake

    Jan 30, 2009

  • 2nd BCT awarded $60K for project in Fort Campbell Facility Maintenance Incentive Program

    Jan 16, 2009

    Fort CampbellAca,!a,,cs 2nd Brigade Combat team has taken first place in the Directorate of Public WorksAca,!a,,c Facility Maintenance Incentive Program. In an awards ceremony Jan. 8, the unit was awarded $60,000 they can use for a project for their unit.

  • Young racer screams around track in honor of 101st

    Jan 16, 2009

    A little camouflage car with the 101st Airborne Division patch screams around the track, leaving competitors fighting to keep up. Behind the wheel of this Bandolero car is 12-year-old Travis Benson. Travis and his father Dale Benson decided to adorn his car in camouflage and with the Screaming Eagle to honor Ronald Benson, Travis' grandfather and Dale's dad, for his service. Ronald served as an infantry Soldier with the 101st from 1958 to 1959. He was drafted in 1957.


    Jan 15, 2009

    Members of the U.S.A.P.T. (Golden Knights) attend the commissioning ceremony of the USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77).

  • Aviation units transfer authority in northeastern Afghanistan

    Jan 9, 2009

    Task Force Outfront relinquished command to Task Force Palehorse during a transfer-of-authority ceremony, at Forward Operating Base Fenty, Afghanistan, Jan. 06.

  • Afghan Security Guards receive specialized training

    Jan 9, 2009

    Members of the Afghan Security Guard recently underwent specialized training from U.S. Army Soldiers at Forward Operating Base Fenty in northeastern Afghanistan.

  • FOB Salerno Talent Show rings in the New Year for TF Curraee

    Jan 9, 2009

    BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (January 2, 2008) Aca,!" Task Force Currahee servicemembers took to the stage for a talent show at Forward Operating Base Salerno to ring in the New Year.

  • 2008 'Hope and Freedom Tour' Thrills Balad

    Dec 26, 2008

    Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston opens the Aca,!A"2008 Sergeant Major of the Army Hope and Freedom TourAca,!A? with a word of thanks and appreciation to the guest entertainers for volunteering their time to perform for the troops and to military servicemembers for their service at Joint Base BaladAca,!a,,cs Sustainer Theater, near Balad, Iraq, Dec. 21. This yearAca,!a,,cs tour marked the 7th annual advent of the Aca,!A"Hope and Freedom TourAca,!A?, which brings many well-known entertainers to overseas to perform for deployed servicemembers.

  • Installations to receive new SWET training devices

    Dec 22, 2008

    Power-projection platforms across the Army will soon receive the new Shallow Water Egress Trainers, or SWETs, designed to keep deploying Soldiers from drowning when their vehicles overturn into water.

  • Battle of the Bulge 2008 Commemoration in Bastogne

    Dec 16, 2008

    BASTOGNE, BelgiumAca,!"Thousands of servicemembers and families from across Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany gathered in Bastogne on Dec. 13, 2008, to walk the snow-covered icy trails that veterans of the Battle of the Bulge walked 64 years earlier. Following the walk, the town celebrated the WWII victory with a parade led by a U.S. Army Garrison Benelux color guard. Unit formations from the Belgian ArmyAca,!a,,cs 1st Artillery and Headquarters Company USAG Benelux were also present, along with cadets from Bamberg American High School. Wreaths were laid at PattonAca,!a,,cs Monument and at McAuliffe Square by U.S. and Belgian dignitaries, including Lt. Col. Keith Forsyth, USAG Benelux Directorate of Emergency Services director.

  • is now

    Dec 16, 2008 is now

  • Army releases new training manual

    Dec 15, 2008

    The Army released the new field manual FM 7-0, Training for Full Spectrum Operations, at the Training General Officer Steering Committee conference at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 15.

  • Technology improves unit communication

    Dec 12, 2008

    The annual Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment concluded this week with an open house on McKenna MOUT Wednesday that showcased more than 30 kinds of technology. The open house presented an opportunity for industry and military leaders to learn about the uses and advantages of technology studied during the experiment, said Harry Lubin, chief of Fort BenningAca,!a,,cs Live Experimentation Division with the Maneuver Battle Lab. Now in its fifth year, the experiment focused on the impact of network technology on small units.

  • Many hands lift WTB Soldier back on her feet

    Nov 26, 2008

    Sergeant Latonia Brown came to the Family Readiness Support Assistant for help with her heating bill and ended up with an extreme home makeover. Aca,!A"God blessed me to a magnitude that even I didnAca,!a,,ct believe,Aca,!A? Brown said. The brand new roof, deck, carpet, paint and appliances were the gift of volunteers from the Nashville-based Cornerstone Church.

  • Bush lauds Wounded Warrior for serving other Troops, families

    Nov 25, 2008

    President George W. Bush presented a prestigious award to a severely wounded warrior at Fort Campbell, Ky., who mentors other wounded troops and their families and volunteers at the postAca,!a,,cs Fisher House.

  • 'Job Well Done': Bush makes final Presidential visit to thank 101st Airborne Division

    Nov 25, 2008

    President Bush visited Fort Campbell Nov. 25, to thank Soldiers who had recently returned from fighting in the War on Terror.

  • Family Engagement Kit

    Nov 25, 2008

    The USACRC has updated its Family Engagement Kit developed to encourage Family Members to take an active role in their SoldierAca,!a,,cs off-duty safety, particularly those returning from a deployment. Research has shown that some Soldiers take deployment and the return home in stride, without missing a beat, for others it not a seamless reintegration. Some individuals have a more difficult time trying to re-connect with their past life or to integrate and modify their deployment behavior into their present situation. Regardless of whether Soldiers are readying for a deployment, returning from a deployment or neither, Family Members are a front line of defense and can positively affect Soldiers behavior. This kit has simple, yet effective, Aca,!A"how toAca,!A? instructions combined with other useful aids to help Family Members take care of all our Soldiers.

  • From soldier to spaceman-A journey beyond the Army

    Nov 21, 2008

    This story is about an Army astronaut who is slated to launch on the space shuttle this summer. His mission will be several months long aboard the space station.

  • Bastogne walk a tribute to peace

    Nov 21, 2008

    SCHINNEN, NETHERLANDS -- In 1944, all seven main roads in the Ardennes mountain range converged on the small town of Bastogne, Belgium, making control of these crossroads imperative for the attacking forcesAca,!a,,c advance and the one place allied forces had to defend at all cost. It remains the largest land battle in U.S. Army history.

  • Folds Of Honor Foundation and Scholarships For Dependents

    Nov 20, 2008

    Description of the founding of Folds of Honor, a non-profit educational foundation to provide scholarships to the dependents of those killed or injured in the defense of the nation

  • Field Assistance Team Focuses on Soldier Feedback

    Nov 20, 2008

    This concept has been a focus for the Field Assistance in Science and Technology organization, which connects the Soldier to the vast network of labs and research centers of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Center. FAST maintains a presence at 23 locations, specifically at every combatant command, corps headquarters and each of the training centers.

  • First female four-star in U.S. history takes command of AMC

    Nov 14, 2008

    FORT BELVOIR, Va. -- In this world it is hard enough to make history once, but Gen. Ann E. Dunwoody has done it twice in one day.

  • Fort Rucker BOSS haunted house 'Supports the Strong'

    Nov 7, 2008

    Haunted House volunteers collected about 2,500 cans of food and baby items that will be donated to the Fort Rucker Food Locker to support the post community during the upcoming holiday season.

  • Across the miles, Families assemble packages for deployed Fort Rucker troops

    Nov 7, 2008

    Families assemble packages for deployed Fort Rucker troops

  • Fort Rucker salutes military Families

    Nov 7, 2008

    Fort Rucker kicks of Military Family Month

  • Caring and sharing, Credit union members, staff help keep post Food Locker shelves full

    Nov 7, 2008

    Caring and sharing, Credit union members, staff help keep post Food Locker shelves full

  • Wounded warrior finds a home in Lyster's WTU

    Nov 7, 2008

    Wounded warrior finds hope in Warrior Transition Unit

  • Primary School students cast their votes in civics process

    Nov 7, 2008

    Fort Rucker Primary School students cast votes

  • Army Parachute Team graduates first wounded warrior and largest female class

    Oct 31, 2008

    FORT BRAGG, N.C. - The U.S. Army Parachute Team graduated 12 Soldiers including five females and the team's first wounded warrior.

  • American Freedom Festival

    Oct 31, 2008

    On October 25, 2008 the American Freedom Foundation presented the 5th Annual American Freedom Festival at the Patriot Center at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. American Freedom Foundation co-founder, Sergeant Major of the Army (retired) Jack L. Tilley hosted the event, which pays tribute to the men and women of AmericaAca,!a,,cs Armed Forces. More than 8,000 enthusiastic music fans packed the Patriot Center to hear country music stars Alan Jackson, Trace Adkins and James Otto. The entire event was broadcast to over 350 military bases in over 170 countries around the world on The Pentagon Channel. Lieutenant General Robert Wilson, Brigadier General Gary Cheek and Rear Admiral Matt Nathan were asked to come on stage to accept a contribution from the American Freedom Foundation to in the amount of $100,000! It has been the mission of the foundation to help our wounded warriors and their families in as direct a way as possible. will direct this contribution to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Brooke Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital to help provide care to our wounded heroes. A hush came over the audience as Lieutenant General Wilson gave his moving remarks about our military and their families and what they meant to all of us.

  • Veteran's book tells of days as POW

    Oct 30, 2008

    William Abbott fought with 31st Infantry Regiment when he was taken as a prisoner of war in 1950 by the Chinese during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in North Korea.

  • Symposium updates readiness group leaders

    Oct 23, 2008

    More than 400 volunteer family readiness group (FRG) leaders from Army units nationwide participated in the first-ever leader training symposium in Washington, D.C., designed and conducted especially for them by U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Oct. 6 through 8. The symposium, entitled Aca,!A"Empowering FRGs Aca,!A|Tools for Leadership Success,Aca,!A? was held in conjunction with the first Aca,!A"Military Family Forum,Aca,!A? sponsored by the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA). AUSAAca,!a,,cs annual national meeting and exposition, tagged America's Army: Strength of the Nation, was held at the nearby Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

  • Interview with Fayetteville, N.C., Mayor Chavonne

    Oct 23, 2008

    Pictures accompany an interview with the Mayor of a city so patriotic it's nickname is the All-American City. Fayetteville, N.C., neighbor to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base, is also home to the new Army's Army and the first Soldier's Sanctuary in the World. Sgt. Mike O'Brien talks with Mayor Anthony Chavonne.

  • Foot Patrol

    Oct 22, 2008

    U.S. Army Spc. Travis Grimes, a native of Layfette, Idaho, and other U.S. and Iraqi Soldiers walk along Route Illinois to one of their mission objectives on Oct. 12, 2008. Grimes and the U.S. Soldiers are members of 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division and the Iraqi soldier is a member of Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Iraqi Army Division.

  • Army launching effort to hire more wounded warriors

    Oct 20, 2008

    Army personnel officials are launching an outreach program as part of a push to hire more wounded warriors and their spouses as civilian employees.

  • 101st Airborne aviation brigade Soldiers recognized for heroism, valor

    Oct 20, 2008

    BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan Aca,!" On the night of Sept. 23, Soldiers with the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade were presented with prestigious aviation medals for their outstanding performance in flight during combat missions.

  • MRAP Test Team wins top Army acquisition award

    Oct 17, 2008

  • Army Combatives Championship draws record field

    Oct 16, 2008

    More than 280 Soldiers from around the Army competed in the fourth annual U.S. Army Combatives Championship Oct. 4-5 at Fort Benning, Ga., with 28 making the finals in seven weight classes.

  • Belgian city honors Screaming Eagles' WWII heroism

    Oct 10, 2008

    BASTOGNE, Belgium - Officials from the city famous as the setting for WWIIAca,!a,,cs Battle of the Bulge unveiled a new monument in Bastogne, Belgium, Sept. 26 to commemorate the 101st Airborne DivisionAca,!a,,cs defense against advancing German soldiers in mid-December 1944.

  • Fort Rucker's Army 10-Mile team takes top spot second year in a row

    Oct 6, 2008

    Fort Rucker's 10-Miler team takes first place honors again this year in the Open Mixed Team category.

  • FM 3-07 - Stability Operations Manual (.pdf download)

    Oct 6, 2008

    FM 3-07 - Stability Operations Manual (.pdf download)

  • Army unveils new Stability Operations manual

    Oct 6, 2008

    The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command today unveiled a new stability operations field manual, FM 3-07 at the annual meeting of the Association of the U.S. Army in Washington.

  • RDECOM Engineer Awarded Two Patents for New Grenade Ammunition Designs

    Oct 2, 2008

    The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently issued an Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center employee two patent approvals for new designs to be incorporated into the ammunition belt for the MK 19 grenade machine gun. ARDEC is a subordinate element of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.

  • Lawmakers bid farewell on Fort Myer's Whipple Field

    Sep 29, 2008

    Sen. Warner, Congressman Hunter retire on Fort Myer's Whipple Field

  • Retirement Ceremony

    Sep 29, 2008

    Retirement ceremony took place 24 Sept. 08 for Sen. Warner, Congressman Hunter

  • Wright Flyer 'returns' to Fort Myer after 100 years

    Sep 29, 2008

    It took a century to achieve, but for the hundreds gathered in Fort Myer's Conmy Hall this month, it was well worth it.

  • RDECOM Demonstrates Samples of its Newest Technologies at the 2008 Infantry Warfighter Conference

    Sep 25, 2008

    The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command participated in the 2008 Infantry Warfighter Conference Sept. 16 to 17 in Columbus, Ga. Six of nine RDECOM laboratories and technology centers showcased technologies, demonstrating the innovations the Army is working towards for the Warfighter.