Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

111th Cong.  ↑  124 Stat.  ↑  Dec. 22, 2010  ↑  111–329 111–330 111–331
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 3569 14 50 nt
1(1) 3569 14 prec. 81
1(2) 3569 14 687
1(3) 3569 14 56 nt
1(4) 3569 14 562
1(4) 3569 14 563
1(4) 3569 14 564
1(4) 3569 14 565
1(4) 3569 14 566
1(4) 3569 14 568
1(5) 3569 14 50
1(6)(A) 3569 14 101
1(6)(B) 3569 14 prec. 81
1(7)(A)(i) 3569 14 200
1(7)(A)(ii) 3569 14 199
1(7)(B) 3569 14 prec. 181
1(8) 3569 46 3703 nt
1(9) 3570 46 2101
1(10) 3570 46 3703 nt
1(11) 3570 46 3703 nt
1(12) 3570 46 70110
1(13) 3570 46 70105
1(14) 3570 46 70125
1(16) 3570 46 prec. 70131
1(16) 3570 46 70131
1(16) 3570 46 70132
1(17) 3570 46 prec. 70101
1(19) 3570 33 3801
1(20) 3571 33 3853