Franks Condemns Administration's Waivers Allowing Business with Iran

Dec 11, 2012 Issues: National Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ), responding to the Obama Administration's decision late last week to extend exemptions allowing a growing number of countries to continue business with Iran without penalties, today released the following statement:

"If this Administration's most recent actions don't demonstrate just how lightly Mr. Obama takes the threat of a nuclear Iran, I fear nothing short of Iran succeeding in their goal will do the trick.

"All along, this Administration has refused to legitimately confront Iran over its blatant pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability, instead promoting the fiction that round after round of watered down sanctions would eventually serve as a deterrent (despite decades of evidence to the contrary). Now, the Administration has taken its inexcusable apathy a step further, declaring that even abiding by the few token sanctions in place isn't truly necessary, as evidenced by the now twenty countries to which the Obama Administration has granted waivers to continue doing business with Iran.

"After four years under Mr. Obama's failed policies, I don't anticipate a sudden shift toward filling the vacuum of leadership in the White House. But lest the shadow of nuclear terrorism be permitted to descend upon humankind, I pray I'm proven wrong."