
Organization Brings Balance to Economics, Politics

Society of Catholic Social Scientists Based at Franciscan University

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Thou Shall Not Think

I was told, when I first arrived in Canada, that Canadians are not particularly decisive, that they would be reluctant to bet on which way the...

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NCR Daily News

Pope Is a Huge Hit on Twitter

The Holy Father’s successful first month of tweeting, amassing 2.5 million followers in eight languages, is hailed as an evangelization breakthrough.

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Theology Professor Sheds Light on ‘Les Mis’ Bishop

Despite Victor Hugo’s longstanding anti-clericalism, the French novelist endowed his character of Bishop Bienvenue with a noble and spiritually transformative spirit.

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Peter Parsons of The Chronicle Herald

Out of Prison, But Not Alone: Women Get Help at Catholic Halfway House

San Francisco’s Catherine Center gives female parolees an opportunity to lay the foundation for a fulfilling future.

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Rendon Photography & Fine Art, courtesy of Archdiocese of San Antonio

Pope Names New Bishop for Las Cruces, New Mexico

Bishop Oscar Cantú will serve as the diocese’s second leader, succeeding Bishop Ricardo Ramírez who is retiring after more than thirty years of service.

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Catholic Bishops Warn of Islamic Law in Egypt's Constitution

Three Coptic Catholic bishops have said that Egypt's new constitution threatens human rights and imposes Islamic Sharia law in many areas of the...

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Businesswoman Keeps Faith Amid Threats to Religious Freedom

WASHINGTON D.C.—Facing challenges to religious freedom has helped one Catholic businesswoman grow in her convictions as she works to put her...

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