The Future of Design Is . . . . Oh, Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

by Helen Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Miami University Why do designers obsess about the future? Admit it. We do. In the after party of a recent conference—and why is this where all the best ideas bubble up?—this point was driven home by Bernard Canniffe of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. [...]

What We Don’t Teach—But Should

By Annabelle Gould, Associate Professor, VCD University of Washington This article was originally published in the Summer 2012 issue of ARCADE Magazine, a quarterly publication dedicated to architecture and design in the Northwest. Every spring a new group of undergraduates exits the Visual Communication Design program at the University of Washington. Three years of study [...]

Design Educators Host Grantwriting and Fundraising workshop at Gain Conference

The Design Educators Community hosted Successful Grantwriting and Fundraising, a pre-conference workshop October 9th at the AIGA Gain conference held this past week in San Francisco. The workshop was led by Shoshanah Goldberg-Miller, who has over twenty years of experience in nonprofit administration and corporate sponsorship, and teaches courses in cultural policy, media management, arts administration and grant writing at The New [...]

Physical AIGA

December 10, 2012 · 0 comments

in Dialog

By Scott Hutchinson, UCLA Extension Visual Arts I was in a student-organized AIGA workshop in Los Angeles on Saturday, and was struck by a few things. (In addition to the name for the physical computing workshop: “Websites Suck, Make Something Real“) First, the workshop looked different. Each workstation had a tray of carefully layed out [...]


{MoDe} Motion Design Education Summit

Of Interest

Exploring the concepts & strategies for motion design education April 26-27, 2013. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana

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The Future of Design Is . . . . Oh, Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

Thumbnail image for The Future of Design Is . . . .   Oh, Wouldn’t You Like to Know?

by Helen Armstrong, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at Miami University Why do designers obsess about the future? Admit it. We do. In the after party of a recent conference—and why is this where all the best ideas bubble up?—this point was driven home by Bernard Canniffe of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. [...]

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What We Don’t Teach—But Should


By Annabelle Gould, Associate Professor, VCD University of Washington This article was originally published in the Summer 2012 issue of ARCADE Magazine, a quarterly publication dedicated to architecture and design in the Northwest. Every spring a new group of undergraduates exits the Visual Communication Design program at the University of Washington. Three years of study [...]

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Design Recharge!


Design Recharge is devoted to inspiring, motivating, and educating both established and new designers. It’s a community where designers can interact weekly about topics relevant to design and the design business, without leaving our offices and taking hours out of our workday. Design Recharge is a weekly web show that is open to the public [...]

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Review: Doing Research in Design


This semester, I’m teaching a course titled Seminar in Media and Design Studies, which is a methodologies course for doctoral students in the practice-based Media Arts + Practice program in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. In designing the course, I had a lot of trouble identifying a good, foundational [...]

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