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78 Reviews
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Jennifer Michele Machen
· December 15, 2017
AIGA has opened so many opportunities for me as a student, and I hope to always stay in contact wherever my path may lead. Speaking at an AIGA conference is one of my dreams, and I highly recommend jo...ining to both students and professionals. See More
Rhonda Page
· December 23, 2017
I love AIGA. Been a fan since I began as a graphic designer over 30 years ago. There is always something that inspires me.
Josh Romaniak
· December 19, 2016
Not personal, but after years and years, I received an article from AIGA about a "new font" called Wyeth. I thought to myself, what do they mean new? Don't I already have this? The typeface looked vag...uely familiar after the premiere poster and it's samplings. Later, but eagerly, I went back into Dell's standard issue font library, I came across the Blue Highway font family, which I learned about after TellTale's based Walking Dead games used the Linocut version of that text in their title screens, but me switching that typeface out of it's modified Linocut state, low and behold what appears to me, the new guy as claimed by AIGA, so new, it was not even released as I posted this.

So maybe others, some companies especially could not afford Helvetica, thus Arial's "invention", but I am not going to fall into the crowd coin tossing just because of meager, subtle differences making Wyeth up that AIGA (or at least whoever within it) standardizes as a new typeface, because of something I don't consider new, but they say is. Unfortunately, because of this, I'm now starting to have my doubts of these leading four letters.
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Becky Tudor
· November 17, 2015
I love AIGA! I became a member and volunteer with the Connecticut chapter when I was a student, and now I'm a sustaining member. It's given me the opportunity to meet big designers, go to inspiring ev...ents, and stay excited about design. I recommend membership to anyone who is passionate about graphic arts! See More
Leo Demidov
· November 1, 2017
interesting for me
Amb Inalegwu Frank Uji
May 23, 2013
AfIAs are the largest philanthropic awards ceremony of, by and about Africa, celebrating the greatest charitable achievements by non-profit organizations, socially conscious businesses, and individual...s worldwide. Their collective efforts have impacted the lives of millions in Africa and many people in countries worldwide.
Join us and nominate the philanthropies and change makers of our time. Also check our benefits for partnership
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Romualdas Stanenas
· March 17, 2016
Visual communications is the Twitter of ideas communicated very effectively.
Ann Ford
· October 23, 2016
�this organization! AIGA Is doing great work to advance the profession.
Pat Taylor
· March 30, 2015
nothing comes close to this info. and designed site. keep it up gang. P@
George Moussa
· February 11, 2016
Way to go AIGA.

102 years in the making.

George Moussa.
Ilissa-Christina King
· November 11, 2014
Fantastic association doing amazing work, creating great events for design and the future of design!
Dominic Anaya
· August 28, 2016
Great for staying up to date & networking, highly recommended for students and pros alike.
Roderick Neal
· July 17, 2017
93% White
93% White
93% White
93% White
93% White!
Pablo Cánepa
· May 11, 2014
Thanks for the feature on AIGA portfolios. Best!
Sangeet Hemant Kumar
January 9, 2012
Absolutely amazing . highly resourceful and helpful group. A MUST for all associated with Branding , Communications & Design Industry !
Smrita Jain
October 3, 2012
Inviting you to Contemporary Art Fair NYC, Surmrit Gallery is showcasing unique art works by Smrita Jain S

RSVP @ at our Facebook event page!
Fri. Oct. 19, 2pm - 7pm
Sat. Oct. 20, 10am - 7pm
Sun. Oct. 21, 10am - 4pm
Javits Center, NYC

Thank you and we look forward to your RSVP!
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Doug Cheever
· May 16, 2014
Kind of a big deal...
Dalidi Cielita
March 21, 2013
God bless all the artists in the world! ♥
Lonnie Ashford III
October 28, 2011
Anyone serious about their work as a designer should think about joining.

Artist: Jennifer White-Johnson
"This photo narrative and projection experiment is dedicated and created in tribute to the beauty of neuro-diversity displayed in my son’s life. Having taken over 30,000 photos over the course of five years and in the spirit of autism acceptance month, these photos are unscripted moments that capture Knox’s amazing soul. My hope is to visually break the cycle of the unjust stigma of autism." #autismacceptance #neurodiversity #blackboyjoy #aigatogether

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and text

Want your design seen by millions? There’s just two days left to submit a Design for Democracy entry. Selected finalists will be displayed on the NASDAQ building in Times Square.

Image may contain: 1 person, skyscraper, sky and outdoor