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U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity

Release Date:  May 30, 2012   |  Next Release Date: May 2013

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Notice: Changes to Petroleum Supply Survey Forms for 2013

This is the second release of U.S. Energy Information Administration data on fuel ethanol production capacity. EIA first reported fuel ethanol production capacities for January 2011 on November 29, 2011. This new report contains production capacity data for all operating U.S. fuel ethanol production plants as of January 1, 2012.

Nameplate and Maximum Sustainable Ethanol Production Capacity January 2012
PAD District Number of Plants Nameplate Capacity Maximum Sustainable Capacity Nameplate Capacity Maximum Sustainable Capacity
million gallons per year thousand barrels per day
PADD 1 4 316 323 21 21
PADD 2 172 12,488 13,050 815 851
PADD 3 6 449 453 29 30
PADD 4 5 190 216 12 14
PADD 5 7 285 279 19 18
U.S. Total 194 13,728 14,321 895 934

Nameplate Capacity:  volume of denatured fuel ethanol that can be produced during a period of 12 months under normal operating conditions
Maximum Sustainable Capacity:  annualized maximum denatured fuel ethanol production that can be achieved over a period of any 6 consecutive months

Source: Form EIA-819M Monthly Oxygenate Report