
International Energy Statistics

Petroleum & Other Liquids
Production – Annual ›
Production – Monthly & Quarterly ›
Consumption – Annual ›
Consumption – Monthly & Quarterly ›
Imports – Annual ›
Imports – Monthly & Quarterly ›
Exports ›
Prices, Selected Countries
Stocks ›
Reserves ›
Carbon Dioxide Emissions ›
Refinery Capacity ›
Gross Heat Contents ›
Barrels of Crude Oil per Metric Ton ›
Natural Gas
Overview ›
Production ›
Consumption ›
Total Imports ›
Total Exports ›
LNG Imports
Prices, Selected Countries
Reserves ›
Carbon Dioxide Emisions ›
Gross Heat Contents ›
Generation ›
Consumption ›
Capacity ›
Imports ›
Exports ›
Net Imports ›
Prices and Fuel Costs, Selected Countries
Distribution Losses ›
Gross Heat Contents ›
Overview ›
Production ›
Consumption ›
Imports ›
Exports ›
Reserves ›
Carbon Dioxide Emissions ›
Gross Heat Content ›
Prices, Import Costs, and Import and Export Prices, Selected Countries
Electricity Generation ›
Electricity Consumption ›
Biofuels Production ›
Biofuels Consumption ›
Gross Heat Contents ›
Total Energy
Production ›
Consumption & Intensity ›
Carbon Dioxide
Emissions ›
Intensity ›
Population ›
Conversion Factors ›

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International Energy Statistics

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