‹ Consumption & Efficiency

Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS)

2005 RECS Survey Data 2009 | 2005 | 2001 | 1997 | 1993 |

Housing Characteristics Tables

Floorspace - Housing Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Total Floorspace  
All, Heated, and Cooled Floorspace (HC1.1.1) PDF XLS
Average Floorspace  
All Housing Units (HC1.1.2) PDF XLS
Single Family and Mobile Homes (HC1.1.3) PDF XLS
Apartments (HC1.1.4) PDF XLS
Usage Indicators  
Heated Floorspace (HC1.3) PDF XLS
Cooled Floorspace (HC1.4) PDF XLS
Floorspace - Living Space PDF (all tables)
Total Floorspace  
All, Heated, and Cooled Floorspace (HC1.2.1) PDF XLS
Average Floorspace  
All Housing Units (HC1.2.2) PDF XLS
Single Family and Mobile Homes (HC1.2.3) PDF XLS
Apartments (HC1.2.4) PDF XLS
Usage Indicators  
Heated Floorspace (HC1.3) PDF XLS
Cooled Floorspace (HC1.4) PDF XLS
Housing Unit - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.1) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.1) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.1) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.1) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.1) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.1) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.1) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.1) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.1) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.1) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.1) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.1) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.1) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.1) PDF XLS
Living Space - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.2) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.2) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.2) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.2) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.2) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.2) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.2) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.2) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.2) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.2) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.2) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.2) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.2) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.2) PDF XLS
Household Demographics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.3) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.3) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.3) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.3) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.3) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.3) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.3) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.3) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.3) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.3) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.3) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.3) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.3) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.3) PDF XLS
Space Heating - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.4) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.4) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.4) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.4) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.4) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.4) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.4) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.4) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.4) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.4) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.4) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.4) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.4) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.4) PDF XLS
Space Heating - Usage Indicators PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.5) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.5) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.5) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.5) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.5) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.5) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.5) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.5) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.5) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.5) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.5) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.5) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.5) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.5) PDF XLS
Air Conditioning - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.6) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.6) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.6) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.6) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.6) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.6) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.6) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.6) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.6) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.6) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.6) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.6) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.6) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.6) PDF XLS
Air Conditioning - Usage Indicators PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.7) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.7) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.7) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.7) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.7) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.7) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.7) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.7) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.7) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.7) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.7) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.7) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.7) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.7) PDF XLS
Water Heating - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.8) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.8) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.8) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.8) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.8) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.8) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.8) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.8) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.8) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.8) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.8) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.8) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.8) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.8) PDF XLS
Home Appliances - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.9) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.9) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.9) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.9) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.9) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.9) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.9) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.9) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.9) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.9) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.9) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.9) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.9) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.9) PDF XLS
Home Appliances - Usage Indicators PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.10) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.10) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.10) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.10) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.10) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.10) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.10) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.10) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.10) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.10) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.10) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.10) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.10) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.10) PDF XLS
Home Electronics - Characteristics PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.11) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.11) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.11) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.11) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.11) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.11) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.11) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.11) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.11) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.11) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.11) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.11) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.11) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.11) PDF XLS
Home Electronics - Usage Indicators PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.12) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.12) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.12) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.12) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.12) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.12) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.12) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.12) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.12) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.12) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.12) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.12) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.12) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.12) PDF XLS
Lighting - Usage Indicators PDF (all tables)
Physical Characteristics  
Type of Housing (HC2.13) PDF XLS
Year of Construction (HC5.13) PDF XLS
Owner-Occupied (HC3.13) PDF XLS
Renter-Occupied (HC4.13) PDF XLS
Number of Household Members (HC6.13) PDF XLS
Income (HC7.13) PDF XLS
Urban/Rural (HC8.13) PDF XLS
Climate Zone (HC9.13) PDF XLS
Census Regions (HC10.13) PDF XLS
Northeast Census Divisions (HC11.13) PDF XLS
Midwest Census Divisions (HC12.13) PDF XLS
South Census Divisions (HC13.13) PDF XLS
West Census Divisions (HC14.13) PDF XLS
Four Most Populous States (HC15.13) PDF XLS

Specific questions on this product may be directed to:

Chip Berry
RECS Survey Manager
Phone: (202) 586-5543
Fax: (202) 586-0018