Quick Start for:

Criminal Investigations Division - Protecting Your Taxpayer Dollars

Report Fraud

For a fair and efficient tax system, it is important to ensure that there is a level playing field for all taxpayers. Everyone has a role to play — whether it is in complying with state tax laws or watching out to ensure everyone is following the same rules. Fraud robs you and it robs Texas.

You can report suspected fraud or criminal activity involving Texas state taxes to the Comptroller’s Criminal Investigations Division several ways:

By phone: Call (800) 531-5441, ext. 3-8707.

By e-mail: Send your concerns to cid@cpa.state.tx.us.

By mail: Write to Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Attn: CID, P.O. Box 13232, Austin, Texas 78774.

An online fraud reporting form will be available soon.

Reporting details: Please include as much detail as possible to include the name of the suspected business or individual, the address of the suspected business, the taxpayer number (if known), a short description of the alleged illegal activity, the type of state tax involved (if known), and the date when the suspected activity took place.

You can request to have your identity protected and retain your confidentiality to the extent possible under Texas law.

Note: Suspected cases of federal tax fraud/IRS fraud should be reported to federal authorities.