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 Home Advertisements

 Is your home near a US Military Base?

 Selling or renting your home can be a stressful time. Our goal is to reduce that stress by getting the word out to relocating military families about your home.
 Who can advertise?   If your home is near a US Military Base, you the homeowner or the person representing the homeowner, can advertise on MilitaryByOwner.  
Do I need to be active duty?  No. Our focus is help connect relocating families living in a military community. 

 How do I get started?    Getting started is easy....

 Simply create an account then choose from the home advertising packages available! 



Advertise your business to help relocating military families find the resources they need!   

       Reach out to a specific base with our Local Business Advertising package

Nationwide exposure is available through our National Advertising opportunities

Local Business Advertising

Priority Advertisement
     Includes Directory Page advertisement; contact information, two images/logo and detailed description of services
     Rotates to the Featured Business ad location on the  Base Home Listing page
Directory Advertisement 
     $105/six months
     Displayed on Directory Page linked from Home Base page
     Contact information, two image or logo locations and detailed description of services

 Click here to submit your Local Business advertisement


National Advertising

Banner Advertising
If your business services all or most of the US military base communities this will give you the exposure you need. Banner advertising is impression based.  

E-newsletter advertising
The newsletter is sent to our subscribers once a month.  It is full of helpful relocation information, MilitaryByOwner news and featured home of the month. We have advertising available that includes photo, contact information, description of services and a spotlight article.  The newsletter is posted on our Facebook and Twitter page.  This is a cost effective way to advertise to a large audience. 

Click here for an Advertising media kit


Welcome to MilitaryByOwner®  

 Military Homes for Sale and Houses for Rent near all U.S. Military Bases.  Your first stop online when searching for off base housing and real estate near base. 

"THANK YOU for your excellent service. We had wonderful results with both emails and replies by telep..." Lela Ann
Oceana NAS
Featured Property
Hope Mills, NC
For Sale or Rent

4 Bed, 2.5 Bath
Rent: $1,500.00

Price: $199,000.00