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Bizarre. Comical. New York.

There’s an amusing, fascinating article here in the Times meant to capture Team Bloomberg’s collective musings about who should succeed Mike Bloomberg. It’s broadly believed that City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has supported Bloomberg avidly enough in recent years to earn his de facto blessing, though there’s been a persistent backbeat of stories suggesting he’s not really that into her and pines for someone else to come in the race.

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Josh Marshall

This Matters

Eli Lake, national security reporter at the Daily Beast, says AIPAC is sitting out the Hagel fight. And with Eli’s sourcing, he would know.

The gist seems to be that it’s not worth it. The White House is going to win this fight. Not easily necessarily. But they’re going to win. And there’s nothing to be gained by fraying the relationship with a Hagel Pentagon or with the White House for that matter.

Josh Marshall

A Rare Thing Indeed

Yesterday on Twitter I noted that the last time a top four cabinet appointee was rejected by the Senate was in 1989, with recently retired Sen. John Tower. President George H.W. Bush nominated Tower for Secretary of Defense and he was rejected by the Senate on a 53-47 vote. Notably, the Democrats controlled the Senate in 1989 and Tower and Bush both came from Texas.

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Josh Marshall


Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee does not seem down with the attacks on Chuck Hagel.

Josh Marshall
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State Lawmaker Attacks Gabby Giffords

State legislator Rep. DebreLee Hovey (R) attacks Gabby Giffords for visiting victim’s families in Newtown, Connecticut. “Gabby Giffords stay out of my towns!”

Late Update: Aaaaaaaaand the apology.

Josh Marshall
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Watch Live

Coming up at 1:05 p.m. ET, President Obama will make a White House appearance in which he is expected to announce the nominations of Chuck Hagel and John Brennan. Watch.

David Kurtz

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