Country name 2008 2009 2010 2011
Afghanistan 256.8 283.7 438.3 510.2
Albania 481.3 417.1 403.9 494.6
Algeria 431.3 429.0 448.0 507.3
American Samoa 134.4 118.6 108.7 134.4
Andorra 189.5 155.1 148.5 156.7
Angola 690.2 745.4 548.3 715.0
Antigua and Barbuda 182.2 131.2 123.6 119.8
Argentina 228.2 155.5 224.4 265.3
Armenia 502.0 374.6 428.9 475.8
Aruba 162.6 74.0 52.0 78.0
Australia 280.0 231.3 281.9 340.7
Austria 254.2 197.3 220.0 264.2
Azerbaijan 611.7 522.4 563.0 830.4
Bahamas, The 155.8 130.1 138.0 164.5
Bahrain 307.5 207.5 241.5 261.3
Bangladesh 268.4 246.0 312.9 407.4
Barbados 162.5 127.2 135.1 156.1
Belarus 455.5 330.4 403.5 527.8
Belgium 262.3 198.8 221.9 260.2
Belize 159.7 127.5 135.3 171.7
Benin 373.5 336.7 352.5 440.5
Bermuda 161.2 148.0 137.4 126.6
Bhutan 308.2 302.5 487.9 542.2
Bolivia 277.7 242.4 294.2 415.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 312.1 224.8 236.9 283.8
Botswana 250.2 227.0 271.6 349.2
Brazil 311.0 227.9 326.6 400.9
Brunei Darussalam 229.7 221.2 222.2 251.8
Bulgaria 565.1 360.4 391.9 498.9
Burkina Faso 361.8 306.1 335.2 425.5
Burundi 272.0 271.9 344.3 508.6
Cambodia 336.2 301.2 350.8 480.4
Cameroon 364.0 299.4 346.0 438.1
Canada 170.5 134.8 160.2 184.8
Cape Verde 359.0 308.5 322.9 418.1
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic 256.7 231.5 260.8 324.8
Chad 637.3 631.5 662.3 662.5
Chile 334.5 223.5 318.6 400.9
China 502.9 446.3 620.5 774.2
Colombia 340.8 285.1 352.6 473.8
Comoros 407.1 392.5 417.6 439.8
Congo, Dem. Rep. 616.8 545.1 645.5 761.1
Congo, Rep. 637.4 604.6 845.8 1,064.8
Costa Rica 240.5 179.4 212.2 253.9
Cote d'Ivoire 317.6 280.4 316.2 270.7
Croatia 389.6 268.8 254.2 258.9
Cuba 317.4 198.6 237.4 295.3
Curacao 97.8
Cyprus 275.6 202.9 222.6 223.5
Czech Republic 417.9 309.1 373.8 446.9
Denmark 239.7 182.2 186.6 214.9
Djibouti 277.4 217.7 175.7 200.7
Dominica 166.3 157.2 150.7 155.8
Dominican Republic 168.7 129.7 161.4 183.8
Ecuador 506.6 405.5 553.4 652.7
Egypt, Arab Rep. 349.3 321.9 379.0 421.9
El Salvador 198.4 147.7 171.5 204.5
Equatorial Guinea 743.7 1,033.4 1,127.7 1,191.3
Eritrea 127.6 124.6 146.4 191.1
Estonia 315.9 199.9 242.6 347.6
Ethiopia 687.9 631.9 681.7 705.0
Faeroe Islands 185.4 147.0 145.7 183.6
Fiji 263.9 167.5 212.7 268.7
Finland 266.0 176.5 200.1 243.8
France 211.1 165.2 180.1 210.8
French Polynesia 202.3 160.2 161.0 151.9
Gabon 272.2 262.8 261.8 399.3
Gambia, The 172.3 162.5 152.4 184.1
Georgia 855.1 618.3 718.5 979.5
Germany 238.0 186.0 212.5 252.5
Ghana 345.1 270.4 367.0 514.1
Greece 276.1 207.1 191.1 180.1
Greenland 245.6 198.7 220.8 232.9
Grenada 152.1 118.0 132.6 133.1
Guam 154.0 150.8 165.8 162.2
Guatemala 281.3 223.0 267.6 321.2
Guinea 223.2 173.2 229.6 317.0
Guinea-Bissau 380.5 395.1 383.7 550.1
Guyana 225.6 199.5 240.2 302.5
Haiti 223.5 205.0 303.6 306.7
Honduras 262.1 183.0 214.4 259.2
Hong Kong SAR, China 182.6 163.2 203.5 227.3
Hungary 339.5 242.4 275.7 320.6
Iceland 238.0 139.1 151.3 186.5
India 622.6 499.2 679.5 886.4
Indonesia 296.1 217.7 314.2 409.4
Iran, Islamic Rep. 377.5 331.9 412.1 447.2
Iraq 268.7 291.0 334.6 408.0
Ireland 164.2 122.7 118.3 130.5
Isle of Man
Israel 179.5 130.8 162.4 200.3
Italy 235.0 173.6 204.3 233.8
Jamaica 256.4 153.4 158.3 196.6
Japan 201.0 145.1 182.5 225.1
Jordan 364.7 316.1 328.1 401.6
Kazakhstan 762.9 563.7 476.7 754.7
Kenya 356.6 328.7 389.3 477.0
Kiribati 186.3 172.1 184.6 278.1
Korea, Dem. Rep. 212.3 183.6 209.4 284.7
Korea, Rep. 271.2 201.2 265.0 326.7
Kuwait 347.5 284.2 313.3 353.0
Kyrgyz Republic 729.7 544.7 577.5 763.5
Lao PDR 262.4 264.1 384.9 495.1
Latvia 505.0 306.9 366.9 505.3
Lebanon 268.9 266.0 296.3 333.1
Lesotho 251.1 244.4 272.3 312.1
Liberia 127.1 84.3 107.6 121.9
Libya 246.2 271.0 283.7 278.1
Lithuania 593.4 349.3 448.0 602.9
Luxembourg 284.7 224.2 222.8 255.0
Macao SAR, China 238.0 205.0 244.5 344.6
Macedonia, FYR 326.8 240.3 260.3 333.3
Madagascar 386.2 316.9 255.3 290.9
Malawi 414.0 379.8 408.2 430.2
Malaysia 200.6 150.9 201.0 228.9
Maldives 357.1 248.9 280.7 377.1
Mali 414.1 301.5 344.9 403.0
Malta 155.3 131.2 151.4 179.9
Marshall Islands 182.7 155.3 219.3 201.0
Mauritania 432.9 313.2 424.5 544.4
Mauritius 210.7 169.1 198.7 233.7
Mexico 178.0 134.7 173.3 201.6
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 145.4 161.1 159.2 159.2
Moldova 631.0 422.2 496.6 668.7
Mongolia 588.4 346.8 533.4 1,062.1
Morocco 367.3 285.1 308.0 382.7
Mozambique 344.8 323.9 387.2 542.0
Myanmar 179.0 182.9 200.2 379.3
Namibia 280.0 321.3 345.9 416.4
Nepal 228.2 278.7 326.0 366.8
Netherlands 265.7 202.7 237.0 274.7
New Caledonia 350.5 279.1 359.1 401.0
New Zealand 239.1 177.5 215.3 260.7
Nicaragua 240.3 190.4 234.2 286.9
Niger 398.4 598.2 579.4 607.2
Nigeria 485.9 388.8 507.2 630.6
Northern Mariana Islands 26.4 11.5 14.8 16.5
Norway 262.5 201.5 224.6 263.8
Oman 454.9 354.5 392.4 461.7
Pakistan 389.6 291.3 347.8 401.1
Palau 102.5 81.4 88.9 94.4
Panama 465.8 410.7 495.4 645.3
Papua New Guinea 309.3 278.0 343.2 476.1
Paraguay 399.7 307.0 444.2 544.9
Peru 403.9 294.9 405.0 506.5
Philippines 163.4 123.5 157.3 172.0
Poland 424.9 304.2 363.5 423.8
Portugal 235.9 179.1 189.6 201.1
Puerto Rico
Qatar 859.0 767.3 677.3 800.5
Romania 641.2 414.5 475.5 583.7
Russian Federation 650.8 427.5 554.5 718.5
Rwanda 550.6 613.7 671.2 811.4
Samoa 319.4 255.8 343.8 383.8
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe 383.1 347.0 376.8 436.7
Saudi Arabia 381.3 316.5 353.9 370.1
Senegal 420.4 303.5 308.0 380.5
Seychelles 307.5 235.6 214.2 255.9
Sierra Leone 357.0 348.8 515.4 774.4
Singapore 237.7 182.7 231.0 271.9
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Slovak Republic 548.9 413.3 484.4 575.6
Slovenia 364.6 261.0 297.2 350.4
Solomon Islands 357.9 291.3 440.6 510.8
Somalia 329.7 271.4 278.4 342.5
South Africa 320.1 250.4 318.6 405.2
South Sudan
Spain 269.1 187.5 209.8 240.0
Sri Lanka 222.1 160.0 215.1 313.6
St. Kitts and Nevis 165.7 145.5 136.8 138.1
St. Lucia 185.2 151.7 184.0 185.8
St. Martin (French part)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 231.0 206.4 234.9 215.5
Sudan 602.3 624.1 646.9 594.5
Suriname 247.8 264.1 265.5 305.9
Swaziland 163.9 171.2 190.2 190.2
Sweden 230.8 164.2 204.7 241.7
Switzerland 222.5 188.4 213.7 252.2
Syrian Arab Republic 474.5 404.7 460.3 429.8
Tajikistan 484.4 380.5 393.7 472.1
Tanzania 464.8 413.3 525.9 734.1
Thailand 289.3 217.6 299.0 369.6
Togo 268.5 268.3 266.0 302.4
Tonga 239.0 208.3 228.7 264.8
Trinidad and Tobago 289.9 210.3 195.9 263.0
Tunisia 287.4 224.6 259.3 279.7
Turkey 370.6 258.6 340.4 441.9
Turkmenistan 316.3 377.9 313.5 408.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 397.7 252.5 203.1 203.1
Uganda 294.2 276.1 305.4 298.6
Ukraine 612.9 325.9 435.2 591.9
United Arab Emirates 572.1 487.0 485.6 585.6
United Kingdom 181.7 138.5 161.6 183.3
United States 172.3 127.5 156.3 179.9
Uruguay 258.0 199.3 248.7 306.5
Uzbekistan 344.0 334.6 310.9 369.0
Vanuatu 359.8 335.3 326.9 339.1
Venezuela, RB 294.1 240.7 250.2 300.8
Vietnam 516.1 447.3 535.7 665.3
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
West Bank and Gaza
Yemen, Rep. 449.8 395.3 419.4 352.9
Zambia 569.9 427.1 599.2 809.8
Zimbabwe 158.5 155.8 198.8 236.4

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