Country name 2008 2009 2010 2011
Afghanistan 33.5 30.5 35.3 33.1
Albania 50.9 46.5 50.2 56.6
Algeria 69.5 61.2 60.2 63.5
American Samoa
Angola 106.6 97.4 85.3 82.9
Antigua and Barbuda 59.1 48.1 60.3 71.5
Argentina 39.0 30.8 33.8 35.5
Armenia 47.0 46.6 51.1 53.5
Australia 36.8 34.7 36.4 37.3
Austria 88.3 73.0 82.7 88.8
Azerbaijan 78.1 62.3 62.8 71.3
Bahamas, The 50.4 42.1 42.4 46.4
Bahrain 128.4 100.3 108.0
Bangladesh 49.3 41.3 46.8 54.2
Barbados 65.6 50.8 48.6 62.7
Belarus 118.4 101.3 109.0 156.3
Belgium 184.9 152.8 171.2 182.4
Belize 84.1 68.8 72.2 86.4
Benin 53.4 49.9 54.1 61.7
Bermuda 19.4 18.9 17.4
Bhutan 84.7 81.1 94.3 90.6
Bolivia 69.6 54.6 59.4 66.8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 92.8 74.5 84.3 93.4
Botswana 75.6 70.9 69.4 74.7
Brazil 23.0 17.7 18.4 19.9
Brunei Darussalam 89.6 89.9 91.9 94.7
Bulgaria 114.4 82.1 96.7 112.3
Burkina Faso 32.5 33.2 37.8 43.2
Burundi 28.4 25.9 30.1 36.1
Cambodia 108.4 96.4 106.2 126.7
Cameroon 46.0 36.0 40.2 44.0
Canada 58.3 48.3 50.1 52.7
Cape Verde 54.9 46.5 47.4 53.7
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic 22.7 19.7 22.2 24.6
Chad 73.8 67.8 65.6 71.7
Chile 71.4 56.0 60.1 62.3
China 56.7 44.2 50.1 49.8
Colombia 31.7 28.1 28.1 33.5
Comoros 34.9 34.6 36.2 32.8
Congo, Dem. Rep. 74.5 66.0 74.8 77.3
Congo, Rep. 95.9 93.8 110.8 110.2
Costa Rica 83.4 68.6 63.6 65.2
Cote d'Ivoire 78.0 79.4 79.3 74.0
Croatia 64.4 50.9 53.6 52.3
Cuba 31.8
Cyprus 48.5 38.6 43.1 42.1
Czech Republic 128.1 110.5 130.5 144.6
Denmark 65.8 57.0 58.2 63.3
Djibouti 65.4 50.3
Dominica 62.1 53.1 54.8 54.1
Dominican Republic 49.6 38.0 42.8 47.1
Ecuador 69.5 55.7 65.7 70.7
Egypt, Arab Rep. 45.8 36.0 36.3 39.0
El Salvador 67.5 54.2 60.7 66.9
Equatorial Guinea 107.5 117.0 107.6 98.5
Eritrea 44.3 32.4 33.2 49.8
Estonia 119.8 100.4 126.6 155.0
Ethiopia 38.2 32.6 41.1 38.1
Faeroe Islands 76.3 70.3
Fiji 88.7 71.8 84.1 82.8
Finland 69.2 51.7 58.8 61.8
France 47.1 39.9 44.5 47.3
French Polynesia
Gabon 83.4 71.8 88.4 95.6
Gambia, The 34.8 41.1 33.4 37.8
Georgia 60.9 52.3 58.6 64.4
Germany 72.6 62.0 70.4 75.8
Ghana 54.5 53.5 58.7 71.4
Greece 34.8 28.0 29.3 30.9
Greenland 79.5 86.5
Grenada 47.3 40.1 43.5 42.4
Guatemala 56.9 49.7 53.9 57.7
Guinea 71.7 50.7 60.7 73.7
Guinea-Bissau 38.6 42.1 40.7 54.4
Guyana 109.6 95.0 100.8 114.5
Haiti 43.6 41.7 56.1 49.8
Honduras 120.4 85.8 93.1 97.2
Hong Kong SAR, China 348.1 318.5 368.0 388.9
Hungary 141.0 127.0 142.8 152.9
Iceland 68.8 63.2 67.8 72.5
India 42.1 31.0 33.8 40.5
Indonesia 52.4 39.6 41.4 44.6
Iran, Islamic Rep. 50.6 39.2
Iraq 108.9 122.9 118.8 119.0
Ireland 79.5 80.1 86.1 88.9
Isle of Man
Israel 64.0 49.9 55.0 58.7
Italy 47.9 38.9 45.7 49.2
Jamaica 83.4 53.1 48.8 55.4
Japan 31.8 22.5 26.7 28.6
Jordan 113.5 86.5 85.5 91.1
Kazakhstan 81.7 62.1 60.8 67.1
Kenya 52.9 48.0 53.6 61.1
Kiribati 67.7 74.0 62.3 78.0
Korea, Dem. Rep.
Korea, Rep. 92.0 82.3 87.9 96.7
Kuwait 76.2 70.2 72.0 69.9
Kyrgyz Republic 115.3 100.5 103.9 105.1
Lao PDR 45.8 43.1 53.0 60.9
Latvia 78.1 67.7 88.4 103.0
Lebanon 70.5 59.9 63.2 65.9
Lesotho 165.1 151.0 145.8 152.5
Liberia 124.1 60.6 72.1 71.8
Libya 76.5 75.5
Lithuania 115.9 94.3 121.6 139.5
Luxembourg 105.7 93.2 85.4 85.6
Macao SAR, China 38.0 26.8 23.0 24.2
Macedonia, FYR 110.6 83.5 95.8 112.8
Madagascar 54.2 50.1 40.7 45.3
Malawi 72.1 63.8 60.0 62.8
Malaysia 154.3 139.1 147.2 144.0
Maldives 90.8 58.5 62.4 88.3
Mali 62.2 47.5 51.4 53.9
Malta 95.2 90.6 107.1 115.0
Marshall Islands 78.8 83.0 102.7 83.5
Mauritania 104.0 94.5 110.9 129.3
Mauritius 73.0 64.2 68.5 69.3
Mexico 55.7 53.6 58.8 61.6
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 69.8 70.9 66.3 62.8
Moldova 107.2 83.9 92.9 105.9
Mongolia 109.5 88.0 99.6 129.1
Montenegro 96.2 65.2 63.7 70.6
Morocco 70.6 51.6 58.5 65.1
Mozambique 67.3 58.1 80.4 77.4
Namibia 84.6 91.0 86.0 86.9
Nepal 36.0 40.4 37.4 35.5
Netherlands 140.0 118.2 140.8 150.4
New Caledonia
New Zealand 49.7 43.0 43.8 46.8
Nicaragua 70.4 60.6 71.5 80.4
Niger 48.5 60.9 61.7 60.7
Nigeria 65.8 53.8 56.1 71.3
Northern Mariana Islands
Norway 57.7 49.0 49.9 51.3
Oman 100.5 97.3 97.8 98.6
Pakistan 38.2 30.4 33.6 33.2
Palau 81.1 88.8 80.7 76.1
Panama 111.1 102.1 103.5 133.3
Papua New Guinea 115.1 96.1 102.1 92.4
Paraguay 79.9 70.7 79.5 74.8
Peru 48.5 38.4 42.8 47.6
Philippines 63.1 50.1 55.1 49.9
Poland 71.6 66.4 71.9 76.8
Portugal 60.2 49.5 54.7 58.6
Puerto Rico
Qatar 73.5 67.6 66.9 71.7
Romania 66.8 58.9 69.1 77.2
Russian Federation 46.0 40.5 43.6 45.5
Rwanda 30.6 28.6 30.0 33.1
Samoa 62.1 52.4 59.5 62.7
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe 68.0 56.7 61.3 57.6
Saudi Arabia 90.0 76.4 79.4 82.6
Senegal 65.0 52.7 54.0 59.1
Serbia 73.9 60.8 69.0 69.7
Seychelles 157.6 141.4 109.1 121.1
Sierra Leone 38.4 40.5 58.2 91.0
Singapore 394.5 293.1 310.9 323.4
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Slovak Republic 148.2 128.1 148.9 163.0
Slovenia 130.3 107.4 126.4 141.6
Solomon Islands 83.4 72.0 93.1 104.3
South Africa 66.6 48.0 48.2 53.5
South Sudan
Spain 44.1 35.8 42.1 44.7
Sri Lanka 55.0 41.3 44.6 51.0
St. Kitts and Nevis 50.8 48.7 48.0 47.3
St. Lucia 69.8 58.5 71.8 69.9
St. Martin (French part)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 60.9 56.9 62.4 62.2
Sudan 39.2 34.1 33.1 28.3
Suriname 86.3 71.7 78.7
Swaziland 109.3 118.7 102.8 100.6
Sweden 72.4 61.8 66.4 67.1
Switzerland 73.3 64.4 67.3 67.1
Syrian Arab Republic 63.7 48.5 51.1
Tajikistan 90.7 71.9 68.3 68.1
Tanzania 52.2 44.0 52.9 66.3
Thailand 131.0 108.5 118.6 132.3
Timor-Leste 42.3 38.5 36.0 30.4
Togo 76.2 73.0 72.0 77.3
Tonga 51.0 47.9 45.3 39.4
Trinidad and Tobago 100.8 81.5 83.4 103.2
Tunisia 97.9 77.1 87.3 91.2
Turkey 45.7 39.6 41.0 48.5
Turkmenistan 91.0 58.4 54.6 65.2
Turks and Caicos Islands
Tuvalu 88.1 53.0 51.2 70.7
Uganda 43.3 36.8 36.5 45.0
Ukraine 84.7 72.7 82.4 91.4
United Arab Emirates 132.2 123.9 127.7 136.0
United Kingdom 41.3 38.3 42.9 45.4
United States 24.3 19.1 22.5 25.0
Uruguay 49.4 40.4 38.9 40.1
Uzbekistan 70.1 60.2 51.8 51.2
Vanuatu 62.4 59.4 49.2 47.4
Venezuela, RB 45.8 29.8 26.8 44.3
Vietnam 157.4 130.7 147.6 164.8
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
West Bank and Gaza
Yemen, Rep. 67.4 61.5 56.7 58.9
Zambia 69.4 63.3 77.3 83.3
Zimbabwe 116.6 84.3 84.8 81.8

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