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The Summer Sports Clinic offers adventure sports and recreational activities such as sailing, surfing, track and field events, kayaking and cycling (hand and tandem), to those who were recently injured. Complimenting the therapy provided in daily rehabilitation programs, the Clinic shares a glimpse of the many exciting recreational opportunities awaiting those Veterans who accept the challenge. With the variety of water and summer sports available at the Clinic, this week-long journey hosts Veterans from all over the country who have a variety of injuries, ranging from traumatic brain injury and polytrauma, to spinal cord injury or loss of limb. Its fundamental purpose is to provide early intervention for Veterans battling back from injury, not only strengthening their bodies but overcoming and improving their overall being and self-worth.

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Watch Videos from this years and previous years National Veterans Summer Sports Clinics.

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#NVSSC... What is it?

There's a new way to keep in touch with information about the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic and it's called a hashtag. It allows you to post your own photos, videos, stories and experiences about the Summer Sports Clinic on Twitter! All you have to do is create a Twitter account, and then write a post about the Clinic with #NVSSC at the end. After you post you can click on #NVSSC to see what everyone is saying about the Clinic. Keep following for great updates and fun photos. To sign up go to:

Benefits of Adaptive Sports

Recent studies indicate that disabled Veterans who participate in adaptive sports report benefits such as:

  • less stress
  • reduced dependency on pain and depression medication
  • fewer secondary medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)
  • higher achievement in education and employment
  • more independence


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